Introduction to Warpspawn Games

FRIENDLY WATERS The convoy will not be attacked for the first 1D6 turns. COVERING FORCE RETURNS

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The convoy will not be attacked for the first 1D6 turns.


When you are halfway through the trip roll 1D6 for

each of your remaining Aircraft Carriers.

On a roll of 4-6 they return to their bases with 3 +1D6 warships each.


Every turn make one contact roll.

1D6 Contact: Notes:

1 Dumb Luck -1 to this roll next turn

2-3 No Contact Turn Ends

4 Reconnaissance Plane +2 to this roll next turn

5 Surprise Contact Force Size -1

6 Contact

7 Sortie Force Size +1

8 Attack Force Force Size +2


If contact is made roll to see what type:

1D6 Type: Notes:

1 U-boats Force Size -1

2-3 Italian Air force Attack Rolls -1

4-5 German Air Force Attack Rolls +1

6 Combined Air Force Force Size +1


Roll 1D6. The result of this roll is the Force Size of the enemy force.

The Force size is a minimum of 1 with Modifications.


Make 3 Interception Rolls.

Make one additional roll for every Aircraft Carrier you have.

Make one less roll if all of your cruisers are destroyed.

Make one less roll if all of your destroyers are destroyed.

For every roll of 1 on 1D6 the size of the attacking enemy force is reduced by one.


Roll a number of times equal to the enemy force size:

1D6 Damage:

1-2 Miss

3-4 Ship Damaged

5-6 Ship Destroyed


If a ship is damaged or destroyed make a Target roll to see which type:

1D6 Type:

1 Tanker

2 Cargo Ship

3-4 Aircraft Carrier

5 Cruiser

6 Destroyer

If there are no Aircraft carriers left treat the result as a Cargo Ship.

If you already have a damaged ship of a certain type and you get

another ‘Ship damaged or destroyed’ result for that type there is a

1-3 in 1D6 chance that the damaged ship is hit again and sunk.


You may take an option at the very beginning of your turn.

You cannot take another option if you are currently using one.


Once during the trip you may send out a dummy convoy.

Target rolls +2 for 1D6 turns.

Get 1 less intercept roll.


Once during the trip you may split up the fleet (Every ship for himself).

Force Size –1 for 1D6 turns.

Contact rolls are at +1.


Once during the trip you may take an evasive route.

Contact rolls at –2 for 1D6 turns.

Game length increases by 1D3 turns.


Once during the trip you may set up a screen of warships to face the enemy

routes of advance.

Get two additional Intercept rolls for 1D6 turns.

Attack rolls are at +1.


Start with 100 points.

Lose 2 points for every cargo ship lost.

Lose 1 point for every cruiser lost.

Lose 3 points for every tanker lost.

Lose 5 points for every aircraft carrier lost.

Gain 1 point for every Interception.

Lose 10 points if all of your Tankers are destroyed.

Lose 10 points if all of your Cargo ships are destroyed.



Players represent ideologies in conflict in the 20th century.


Each player picks one Ideology:






If there are more than 5 players also use the following:







Control the most countries by the end of the century.

Ties are resolved by bidding.

Each round represents 5 years.

The game starts in 1900 and ends in 2000.

There are 20 game rounds.


The map is divided into 20 Regions:

# Region Influence

1 North America 3

2 Russia 3

3 Germany 2

4 South America 1

5 Central America 1

6 Balkans 1

7 West Europe 1

8 United Kingdom 2

9 East Europe 1

10 North Africa 1

11 South Africa 1

12 Australia 1

13 China 2

14 Japan 2

15 Mediterranean 1

16 India 1

17 South East Asia 1

18 Scandinavia 1

19 Middle East 1

20 Pacific Islands 1

Influence is the number of Influence Tokens (ITS) the

Region generates per turn.

Minor regions have an influence = 1.

Major regions have an influence = 2+.


Use cardboard counters (chits).

Each player has a set of control counters of a unique color.

All players share a set of Influence Tokens (ITS).

ITS can be represented by coins.

Dice are also needed.


Players draw from a common deck.

The deck includes 42 conflict cards and 23 influence cards.


Each player starts with a hand of 2 cards.

Each player begins in control of adjacent Regions with a combined

Influence of 3. For example:

North America (3) by itself; or Japan (2) and SE Asia (1)

Alternatively, a player could start with an Influence of 2 and 2 extra cards.

Each player starts with a reserve of 1D6 Influence tokens.

A player places one of his chits on a region he controls.

All regions not controlled by a player are considered to be neutral.

Neutral regions are denoted by the absence of a control marker.


Bidding is the mechanism for resolving all conflicts.

All bids are secret.

Players are bidding Influence tokens (ITS).

A player may bid none, some, or all of his ITS.

A player cannot bid more ITS then he has.

Bids are written on pieces of paper and are then revealed simultaneously.

Include on the note any influence cards you are using.

The value of the cards is added to the ITS you bid.

All bids must be paid, even if you lose.

Break ties by rolling high on 1D6.

Players must write on their bid what they are bidding for.

Used Influence cards are discarded.

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