Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Both players roll 1D10. This is the Pursuit Roll Contest.

Players may play (discard) Event cards to add to their Pursuit Roll Total.

Character cards not in the Matrix may also modify Pursuit Roll Totals.

If the Human players roll was higher, Reality Phase ends.


Both players roll 1D10. This is the Battle Roll Contest.

Players may play (discard) Event cards to add to their Battle Roll Total.

Character cards not in the Matrix may also modify Battle Roll Totals.

If the Machine players roll was higher, the Nebuchadnezzer and all aboard are

Destroyed and the Machine Player wins the game.


E = Event

M = Mission (Number adjacent = MP earned if mission successful)

H = Human (Born in the Matrix – Freed of the Matrix)

HB = Human (Born Free – No plug – Cannot enter the matrix)

RP = Rogue Program

A = Agent Program

B = Robot (Machine, Android)


Card Name: Type Notes:

Neo H Operative. Combat +2.

Morpheus H Captain. Mission +1. Combat +1

Trinity H Operative. Combat +2. Escape +1

Tank HB Operator. Escape +1

Apoc & Switch H Bodyguards. Combat +1

Cypher H Operator. Interception +1

Mouse H Programmer. Mission +1

Dozer HB Pilot. Pursuit +1

Cable H Bodyguard. Combat +1

Choi H Operative. Combat +1

Visit Oracle RP Mission +2

The Red Pill E Mission +2

Insider E Mission+2

Plasma Generator E Battle +2

We Need an Exit E Escape +2

Marksmanship E Combat +2

Firepower E Combat +2

Bullet Time E Combat +2

Cellular Phone E Escape +2

Prophesy E Mission +2

The One E Neo gets Combat +6

EMP E Battle +6 (plus discard all robots in play)

Return to Zion E Draw 3 cards & skip Matrix Phase

Trace Program E Mission +3

The Other Side E Escape +2

Do Exactly What I Say E Escape +2

Black Leather E Interception +2

Roundhouse Kick E Combat +2

Telephone Booth E Escape +2

Follow the White Rabbit E Mission +2

Chop Shop Gizmo E Mission +2

Surgical Debugging M3 Opponent must discard 2 cards

Training E Combat +2

Kung Fu E Combat +2

Sparring Program E Combat +2

Jumping Program E Escape +2

Somersaults E Escape or Combat +1

Temple of Zion E Interception +2

Spoon Boy M3 Potential

Structural Drawing E Escape or Mission +1

Déjà vu E Escape or Interception +1

Escape in Sewers E Pursuit +2

Jump Rooftops E Escape +2

Sacrifice E Escape +7 (Discard 1 of your Characters)

Spinning Back Fist E Combat +1

Throwing Stars E Combat +2

Plastique Bomb E Combat +2

There is no Spoon E Neo gets Combat +1 for the rest of the game

Rescue Mission M4 Put character in discard into your hand

Narrow Escape E Escape +2

Download Pilot Program E Escape +2

Hovercraft Turrets E Battle +2 (plus discard 1 robot in play)

Scans E Detection +2

Great Leap E Escape +2

The Keymaker RP Access Program. Mission +2

Convert Machine E Battle +2

Link HB Operator. Escape +1

Captain Thaddius E Pursuit +1 or Mission +1

Captain Niobe E Pursuit +3

Stand By to Broadcast E Interception or Escape +1

Last Transmission M4 Look at next 7 cards in Opponents Deck

The Logos E Detection +1 or Pursuit +1

Perimeter Defense E Remove 1 counter from the Time Pile

3 Captains 3 Ships E Mission +2

Captain Ballard E Mission +1 or Interception +1

Corrupt & Wurm H Bodyguards. Combat +1

Superman Thing E Neo gets Combat +4

Zion Virtual Control Operator E Draw 3 cards

Commander Lock E Battle +2

Seraph RP Security Program. Mission +1 and Combat +1

Keys to Back Doors E Escape +2

Programmer Access M3 Look at opponents hand & draw a card

Programs hacking Programs E Opponent must discard 3 cards

Enter the Source M3 Requires the Keymaker to be in play

Dream Visions E Look at next 7 cards in opponents deck

Confront the Merovingian M3 Put any card in the deck into your hand

Persephone E Mission +2

Skill E Combat +2

Counterattack Position E Battle +2

Room with Many Doors E Put any Mission card into your hand

Destroy Power station E Mission +2

Inside the Portal E Interception +2

Confront the Architect M4 Must complete Enter the Source First

Ugly Hack E Interception +2

Anomaly E Neo gets Mission +4

Psychic EMP E Neo gets Battle +4

Travel to Zero-One M2 See Notes

Showdown with Agent Smith M5 See Notes


Travel to Zero-One Mission: Characters must not be in the Matrix. Treat as a

Battle roll. Must complete Confront the Architect Mission first.

Showdown Mission: Neo only. Treat as a Combat roll with the Machine player getting

Combat +4. Must complete Travel to Zero-One Mission first.


Card Name Type Notes

Agent Smith A Combat +2. Interception +1. Escape +1

Agent Jones A Combat +2

Agent Brown A Combat +2

Agent Thompson A Combat +2

Nameless Agent A Combat +1 (4 in deck)

Traitor (Cypher) E Opponent must discard 2 Humans in the Matrix

Dodge Bullets E Combat +2

Enter any Person E Escape +2

Insanely Fast E Combat +2

Go Viral E Agent Smith gets Combat +1 for rest of game

Assemble Army E Add 1 counter to Time Pile

Artificial Intelligence E Look at Opponents Hand & Draw a card

Secret Service Earphones E Escape +2

Trace Link E Interception +2

Unnatural Grace E Combat +2

Information Search E Interception +2

Gestapo Crap E Mission +2

Wire Tap Implant E Mission +2

The Architect A Design Program. Mission +1

The Merovingian RP Information Collection Program. Mission +1

Cops E Combat +2

Sentinels B Pursuit +1 (4 in deck)

Scouts B Detection +1 (4 in deck)

Access Codes to Zion E Add 1 counter to Time Pile

Sentient Programs E Put Agent in discard into your hand

Change the Program E Escape +2

Trap E Escape +2

Cut the Hard Line E Escape +2

Helicopter E Escape +2

Swat Team E Combat +2

Brick Up Windows E Escape +2

Track Phone Call E Interception +2

Nerve Gas E Combat +2

Capture E Escape +2

Locate Position E Interception +2

Extermination Unit E Battle +2

Virus Serums E Look at next 7 cards in opponents deck

Mind Crack E Look at next 7 cards in opponents deck

Marines E Combat +2

Security Guards E Combat +2

Police Units E Combat +2

Heavily Armed Men E Combat +2

Freeway Chase E Combat +2

Coma E Target Character neutralized for 2 turns

Surface Seeker E Detection +2

Upgrades E All Agents get Combat +1

Encryption E Escape or Interception +1

Patrol the Mainlines E Pursuit or Detection +1

Occupy Broadcast Sites E Detection +2

Mind Control Operative E Every Roll this turn +1 (Bane)

Choice is an Illusion E Opponent must discard 3 cards

Cain & Abel E Combat +3 (Werewolves)

Merovingian’s Minions E Combat +3 (Supernatural Beings)

The Twins E Combat +4 (Ghosts)

Wrong Door E Escape +2

No Way Out E Escape +2

Inside the Core Network E Escape +2

Cryptic Dialogue E Mission +2

Delete Exile E Mission +2

System of Controls E Mission +2

Robot Bomb E Battle +2

Break Through E Battle or Pursuit +1

Inscrutable Purpose E Any Roll +1

Trapped by the Train Man E Target Character in Matrix neutralized for 2 turns

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