Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Each party starts with 6 Heroes.

Roll on the Hero table to determine each Heroes Identity:


1D12 Hero Type: Fight Holy Magic Scout Notes:

1 Paladin 2 1 - - Darklords get +2 vs you

2 Priest - 3 - -

3 Cleric 1 1 - - +1 vs Undead

4 Monk 1 1 - 1

5 Knight 3 - - -

6 Wizard - - 3 -

7 Illusionist - - 1 1 +1 vs Men

8 Bard - 1 1 1

9 Ranger 1 - - 1 +1 vs Locations

10 Elf 1 - 1 1

11 Thief 1 - - 2

12 Druid - 1 - 1 +1 vs Locations

13 Avenger 3 - - -

14 Gypsy - - - 3

15 Arcanist - 1 2 -

16 Elementalist 1 - 2 -

17 Anchorite 1 2 - -

18+ Reroll


Players take turns.

Each turn has 4 phases:

Aid Phase

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase

Resolution Phase


Draw 1 card from the power deck.

Max hand size is 7 cards.

Discard excess cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.


Roll 1D6 and move that many spaces forward.


Every Domain has an encounter Table.

Roll once on the Encounter Table of the Domain your party is in.

This is the Encounter roll.


Resolve the randomly determined encounter.

Every encounter requires a challenge roll.

There are 4 types of Challenge rolls:

Fight, Holy, Magic, and Scout.

Each Encounter has a Difficulty level from 1 to 3.

(Note each hero also has a level in each type or trait)

Roll 1D6 for the Encounter & add the Difficulty Level.

This is the Challenge Total.

Roll 1D6 and add the levels of your Heroes in the indicated trait.

This is the Hero Total.

Players may play Power cards to modify the Totals.

If the Hero Total is equal or greater than the Challenge Total, the Heroes win.

Winning Heroes draw 1 card, and may move next turn.

If the party loses, one of two things will happen depending on the

Challenge description: 1 random party member is killed, or

The party may not move next turn.

In the case of Quest challenges, if the party wins, they move forward

1d6 spaces, if they loose they must move back to the first space of the Domain.


D = Darklord Encounter

E = Event Encounter

C = Creature Encounter

M = Magic Test

F = Fight Test

H = Holy Test

S = Scout Test

L = Lose 1 Hero

X = Miss next move


Lamordia – Renaissance

1D10 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Fight Adam the Flesh Golem D M2 L Undead

2 Blizzard E M2 X Location

3 Isle of Agony E S1 X Location

4 Investigate Dr. Victor Mordenheim E H1 X Men

5 Deformed Beasts C F1 L

6 Chased by Angry Mob C H2 X Men

7 Flesh Golems C F1 L Undead

8 Chase Adam D S3 X Undead

9 Experimental Surgery E M1 L Men

10 Hope for Redemption Q H3 Q Men

Dementlieu – Renaissance

1D10 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Dominic d’Honaire the Mesmerist D H3 X Men

2 Pistol Duel C F1 L Men

3 Locked up in Sanatorium E S1 X Men

4 Coastal Sea Spawn C F1 L

5 Gentry Intrigue E M1 X Men

6 Romantic Entanglement E H2 X

7 Low Class Rogues C S1 L Men

8 Decadence E H1 X Men

9 Plots within Plots D M1 X Men

10 Thwart Insidious Plot Q S3 Q Men

The Boglands – Necropolis – Chivalric

1D6 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Glennis the Green Hag D F2 L

2 Expose Plot for Revenge Q M2 Q

3 Poisonous Creatures C F1 L

4 The Great Salt Swamp E S2 X Location

5 Stagnus Lake E S2 X Location

6 Help Refugees Q H1 Q

The Forest of Shadows – Necropolis – Chivalric

1D10 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Death (The Grim Reaper) D H3 L Undead

2 Armies of the Dead C F2 L Undead

3 Ruins of Castle Avernus Q F3 Q Location

4 Werewolves C F2 L

5 Stone Circle E H2 X Location

6 Giant Spiders C F1 L

7 Doomsday Device E M3 L

8 Unholy Order of the Grave C H2 L Undead

9 Zombies C H1 L Undead

10 Halfling Wererat Thieves C F2 L

The Jagged Coast – Necropolis – Dark Ages

1D6 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Damon Skragg the Ghoul Lord C H1 L Undead

2 Look for Treasure Caches Q S3 Q Location

3 Smugglers C F1 L Men

4 Strange Whirlpool E M2 X Location

5 Underwater Dwellers C F2 L

6 Ghast Pirates C F2 L Undead

The Mistlands – Necropolis – Dark Ages

1D8 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Elf Ghost Mistwalker D M2 L Undead

2 The Church of Ezra E H1 X Men

3 Sinkholes of Silence E M1 X Location

4 Pockets of Mist E S2 X Location

5 Goblins C F1 L

6 Dark Elves C F2 L

7 Find Mysterious Tower Q S3 Q Location

8 Obsession E H2 X

The Mountains of Misery – Necropolis – Dark Ages

1D10 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Silvertress the Dwarf Vampire D H2 L Undead

2 Dark Elves C F2 L

3 Broken Ones C F2 L

4 Darklings C F1 L

5 Tremors E S1 X Location

6 Volcanic Activity E S2 X Location

7 Jagged Foothills E S1 X Location

8 Goblins C F1 L

9 Aid Gnome Miners Q M X

10 Karganate Secret Society C H2 L Men

The Vale of Tears – Necropolis – Dark Ages

1D6 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Yako the Vassalich D H2 L Undead

2 Lycanthropes C F2 L Undead

3 Flooding E M1 X Location

4 Maggot Golem C F2 L

5 Giant Flesh Golems C F2 L

6 Protect the Halfling Village Q S2 Q

Falkovnia – Medieval

1D12 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Vlad Drakov the Impaler D H3 L Men

2 Dead Forest E S1 X Location

3 Executions E M2 L Men

4 Beggars C F1 X Men

5 Torture E S2 X Men

6 Ruthless Soldiers C F2 X Men

7 Militia Brutality C F1 X Men

8 Military Tribunal E H2 X Men

9 Impalements E M2 L Men

10 Border Patrols C F2 L Men

11 Help Rebels Q S3 Q Men

12 Defend the Innocent Q F3 Q Men

Keening – Ruins

1D6 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Tristessa the Banshee D H3 L Undead

2 Zombies C F2 L Undead

3 Mount Lament E S2 X Location

4 Wall of Wind E M2 X

5 Faerie Fire E M1 X

6 Darkness E M1 X

Tepest – Early Medieval

1D12 Encounter: Type Test Fail Notes

1 Laveeda the Annis D M2 L

2 Leticia the Sea Hag D H3 L

3 Lorinda the Greenhag D S1 L

4 Goblins (Little Beasties) C F1 L Men

5 The Shadow Rift E S2 X

6 Superstitious Witch Hunt E H2 L

7 Blackroot the Evil Treant C F2 L

8 Violent Storm E F3 X Location

9 Terrible Curse E M1 X

10 Force Cage & Mindblank E M2 X

11 Rescue Children Q S3 Q

12 Prove Innocence Q H3 Q


A = Aid: Use to increase your chances of winning an Encounter.

F = Foe: Use against opposing player to make their Encounter tougher

X = Special


Card Name Type Notes:

Matchlock pistol A Fight +2

Rapier A Fight +2

Fear F Creature gets +1

Revulsion F Creature or Darklord gets +1

Horror F Creature gets +2

Madness F Creature or Darklord gets +2

Closed Border F Darklord gets +3

Holy Water A +2 vs undead

Turn Undead A +2 vs undead

Find Weakness A +2 vs Darklord

Know Vulnerabilities A +1 vs Creature or Darklord

Holy Symbol A +2 vs undead

Holy Word A +2 vs Holy Encounter (Needs Holy Hero)

Good Secret Society A +1 vs any Encounter

Vistani Gypsies X Opponent must discard 3 random cards

Carnival X Opponent misses his next turn

The Fraternity of Shadows X Draw 3 cards

Dark Secrets X Cause Encounter Roll to be rerolled

Split up F Event Encounter gets +2

Something Sinister F Any Encounter gets +1

Macabre & Supernatural F Magic Encounter gets +2

Sinkhole of Evil F Undead gets +2

Corruption F Holy Test gets +2

Terror F Fight Test gets +2

Faith Magic A +2 vs Holy Encounter (Needs Holy Hero)

Healing Herbs X Put killed Hero back in play (Needs Scout Hero)

Resurrection X Put killed Hero back in play (Needs Holy Hero)

Reincarnation X Put killed Hero back in play (Needs Magic Hero)

Summoning A Magic +2 (Need Magic Hero)

Enchantment F Magic Test gets +2

Divination X Look at next 7 cards in deck

Necromancy A Holy +2 (Need Magic Hero)

Smite A Fight +2 (Need Fight Hero)

Stealth A Scout +2 (Need Scout Hero)

Backstab A Fight +2 (Need Scout Hero)

Courage A Holy +2 (Need Fight Hero)

Find Companion X Gain 1 Random Hero

Henchman X Gain 1 Random Hero

Magic Potion A +1 to any Encounter

Magic Ring A +1 to any Encounter


Secrets of the Kargatane

Mordent Cartographic Society

The Lonesome Road

Campaign Summary

Ravenloft II

3rd Edition

The Darksite


I have a copy of the 2nd Edition Ravenloft Book.

These are only the Northern Core.

I would like to do all the other Domains as well.




Rebel troops are attacking Ming’s Palace.

Who will carry the day?


Type: Number of such units in the basic scenario and

Whether they are (T)roops or (L)eaders.

Move: Number of movement points the unit gets per turn.

Range: Distance in hexes the unit can attack into.

Damage: Change to kill target on a roll of 1D6.

Save: Chance to avoid destruction on a roll of 1D6.

IMPERIAL UNITS LIST Type Move Range Dam Save

War Rockets 4T 7F 5 4 4

Elite Imperial Guards 6T 4 2 3 3

DRACs 4T 6 3 3 3

Beastmen soldiers 4T 5 1 4 3

Mud Men 4T 3 1 1 2

Palace Guards 10T 2 2 1 1

Savages 5T 4 1 2 1

Ray Cannons 6T - 8 4 1

Evil Emperor Ming L 4F 1 5 5

Princess Aura L 5F 1 2 4

Commodore Morgo L 2 1 3 3

Swordmaster Koros L 3 1 3 2

Notes: War Rockets can carry 2 Troops and any Leaders.

Flying Leaders are using personal vehicles.

DRACs = Death Ray armored cars.

DRACs can carry 2 Troops and any Leaders.

DRACs, War Rockets, and Ray cannons cannot be carried.

Troops and Leaders may ‘carry’ other Leaders.

Ray Cannons cannot target Leaders.

REBEL UNITS LIST Type Move Range Dam Save

Human Hero Flash L 8F 1 5 5

Human Heroine Dale L 3 1 1 4

Human Scientist Zarkov L 5F 1 2 2

Rebel Troops 16T 3 2 1 1

Rebel Rocket Scooters 2T 5F 2 1 2

Forest Archers on Gliders 2T 4F 2 3 1

Forest Archers 4T 4 3 3 2

Missile Ballistas 4T 2 6 4 1

Forest Chieftan Baron L 6 3 4 3

Hawkmen 10T 6F 2 2 2

Hawkman Chieftan Voltan L 6F 1 3 3

Hawkmen with Bombs 2T 5F 1 4 1

Ferries 4T 2 - - 3

Notes: Ferries can carry 2 Troops and any Leaders.

Ferries move only in water hexes.

Missile Ballistas cannot target Leaders.

Missile Ballistas cannot move and attack in the same turn.

Flying Leaders are using personal vehicles.

Troops and Leaders may ‘carry’ other Leaders.


Type MPCost Save

Clear 1 -

Forest 2 +1

Swamp 3 +1

Desert 2 -

Ravine 3 -

Mountain 3 +1

Structure 2 +1

Water X -

MPCost: Move points expended by unit to enter the space.

Notes: Flying units pay 1 MP to enter any space.

D.R.A.C.s cannot enter MP cost = 3 Terrains.

Save: Increase in units Save Stat.

Flying units do not get Terrain Save bonuses.


Use a hex map.

Use the terrain types listed in the above chart.

The center of the map contains a set of structure

hexes that represent Ming’s Palace.


All Imperial troops are positioned within 2 hexes of the palace.

Rebel troops are setup all along the edges of the map.


Up to 6 units may be in one hex.

Enemy units cannot occupy the same hex.


The Rebels win if Ming is Killed.

The Imperials win if all Rebel Leaders are killed.


Players take turns.

The Rebels go first.

Each turn has 2 Phases:

1. Move

2. Attack

Each unit gets one move and attack per turn.


Units in the same hex as a leader get +1 to their Damage Stat.




Full Scale War for Mongo.


Type: Number of such units in the basic scenario and

Whether they are (T)roops or (L)eaders.

Move: Number of movement points the unit gets per turn.

Initiative: Higher level units attack first during Battle Phase.

Damage: Change to kill target on a roll of 1D6.

Save: Chance to avoid destruction on a roll of 1D6.

Cost: Support points to purchase. The second number in parentheses

indicates the maximum number of such units that can be recruited per turn.

Recruit: Part of the map where these troop types can be recruited.

IMPERIAL UNITS LIST Type Move Init Dam Save Cost Recruit

War Rockets T 3F 5 4 4 6(1) Central

Elite Imperial Guards T 1 3 3 3 4(3) Central

DRACs T 2 4 3 4 5(2) Central

Beastmen soldiers T 1 3 4 3 4(3) South

Mud Men T 1 2 1 2 2(4) South

Imperial Conscripts T 1 1 1 1 1(10) Central

Savages T 1 2 2 1 2(4) South

Ray Cannons T 1 8 4 1 5(2) Central

Guard Commander L 2 +3 +1 2 3(2) Central

Evil Emperor Ming L 3F +7 +3 5 -

Princess Aura L 4F +6 +2 4 -

Commodore Morgo L 2 +4 +2 3 -

Swordmaster Koros L 3 +5 +1 2 -

Ming’s Weather Machine T - 10 1 1 -

Notes: War Rockets can carry 1 Troop.

Flying Leaders are using personal vehicles.

Troops and Leaders may ‘carry’ other Leaders.

DRACs = Death Ray Armored Cars.

The weather machine has unlimited range.

The weather machine effects all armies in a single territory

REBEL UNITS LIST Type Move Init Dam Save Cost Recruit

Human Hero Flash L 4F +8 +5 5 -

Human Heroine Dale L 1 +5 +1 4 -

Human Scientist Zarkov L 3F +4 +2 2 -

Rebel Troops T 1 1 1 1 1(12) West

Rebel Rocket Scooters T 3F 2 1 2 3(4) West

Rebel Leaders L 2 +3 +1 2 3(3) West

Forest Gliders T 2F 2 3 1 3(1) North

Forest Archers T 1 3 3 2 3(4) North

Missile Ballistas T 1 6 4 1 4(2) North

Forest Chieftain Baron L 2 +7 +4 3 -

Hawkmen T 3F 2 2 1 3(7) East

Hawkman Chieftain Voltan L 4F +6 +3 3 -

Ferries T 2 - - 3 1(4) Any

Notes: Ferries can carry 1 Troop.

Ferries move only in water hexes.

Flying Leaders are using personal vehicles.

Troops and Leaders may ‘carry’ other Leaders.


The map is of the one major continent on Mongo.

There are about 5 Regions on the continent.

The Emperor controls the Central and Southern Regions.

The Rebels control the North, East, and West Regions.

Each Region is divided into 10 Territories.

1-3 of these territories of each region are Major Cities

One city in the Central region is Ming’s Palace.

Include several Impassable Mountain Territories.

Each Region produces 10 Support Points divided amongst its

Territories. (Each territory produces 0-2+ Support Points)

The Central Region produces 20 Support Points.

Indicate certain Territories as being Defensible.

The continent is surrounded by water territories.


Each side should start in control of an equal number of territories.

Each side starts with all of their Personality type Leaders.

Ming starts with 50 support points worth of units.

The Rebels start with 25 support points worth of units.

Units start on cities.


Up to 5 troops and any number of Leaders may be in one

territory at the end of Move Phase.

Flying units may fly over stacks of other units


The Rebels win if Ming is killed.

The Imperials win if all Rebel Leaders are killed.


Players take turns.

The Rebels go first.

Each turn has 4 Phases:

1. Move

2. Attack

3. Support

4. Recruitment


Each unit gets one move on their players turn.


Opposing units fight when they occupy the same territory.

Each unit gets one attack per Battle phase.

Units from both sides get to attack.

Units with higher initiative attack first.

Leaders can be targeted only if they are stacked with no troops.

Units in Cities or Defensible Territories get +1 to their Save Stat.

This save bonus goes to the side that most recently

controlled the territory.


Leaders give their Damage bonus to the Damage Stat of one

Troop units they are stacked with.

Leaders give their Initiative bonus to the Initiative Stat

of one Troop units they are stacked with.

A Troop can receive bonuses from only one Leader at a time.


Every Territory you control generates a certain number of support points.

To control a territory you must have one unit in it.

Hexes that contain units from both sides produce no

support points.


Purchase units with support points.

Units start in Cities.



Board & card game for 2 players.

Abstract simulation of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877.

(Russia’s fifth war against Turkey (The Ottoman Empire) in the 19th Century)

One player is the Turks, the other is the Russians.


Destroy all opposing units.


Use an 8x8 chessboard.


Use chits or miniatures to represent units.

Each figure (unit) represents an army of 20,000 men.

Each player starts with 12 units.

Each unit has 3 Hits.


Each player places one unit on each square of his back two rows.

Units may not stack.


Players share a common deck.

The deck contains one of each listed card.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 4 phases:

Orders Phase

Move Phase

Attack Phase

Recruit Phase


Draw 3 cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Max hand size = 5 cards.

Discard excess cards.


Get one free move (one unit one space). For additional moves:

Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your units one space.

Moves can be diagonal or orthogonal.

Instead of moving just one unit in any direction, you have the

option of moving up to three units forward the indicated number of

spaces using a single move card.

A unit can move only once per turn.


Play (discard) an Attack card to have a unit attack an adjacent unit.

Attacks can be diagonal or orthogonal.

The enemy unit that is the target of the attack takes one point of damage.

A unit reduced to zero hits is destroyed and removed from the map.

Your opponent may play Defense cards to negate your attack.


Players may play a Recruit card to gain back one lost unit.

The unit starts in an empty space in that players back row.


Use = Which player can use the card

T = Turkish Player only

R = Russian Player only

# = Number of this card in the deck

M = Move

A = Attack

D = Defense: Negate Attack card played by opponent

Q = Negate Attack (of Range = 1) card played by opponent and destroy attacker

V = Destroy Attacker (of Range = 1) card. (does not negate attack)

N = Negate Move card played by opponent

K = Recruit a replacement unit

P = Unit recovers one lost hit

E = Play after doing damage to do 1 extra point of damage

X = Opponent must discard 2 cards

Z = Draw 2 cards


Card Name: Use Type

Tsar Alexander II T N

Slavic Nationalism R K

Russian Plan R Z

Sultan Abdul Hamid II T Z

Battle Hardened Army T D

Heavily Fortified Province T D

Turkish Fortress T D

Cossacks & Uhlans R A

Hussars & Dragoons R A

Diversionary Offensive R X

Precarious Finances T X

Asia Minor Reinforcements T K

Protect the Flanks - D

Travel by Rail R M

Turkish Irregulars T K

Factional High Command R X

Well Managed Deployment - M

Reconnaissance - X

Seize the Passes - A

Balkan Mountains T D

Imperial Guard & Grenadiers R K

Romanians & Bulgarians R K

Cross the Danube R M

Gourko’s Raid R A

Headlong Advance - M

Threaten LOC - N

Active Turkish Defense T D

Heavy Fire - E

Field, Horse & Mountain Guns - A

Entrenched Infantry - D

Forced March - M

Dug In - D

Bad Roads - N

Assemble the Forces - M

Large Redoubts T D

Catastrophic Losses - E

Strengthen Position - P

Light Opposition - A

Long Range Bombardment - A

Deep Narrow Trenches T D

Attack in Close Order - A

Shoulder to Shoulder - Q

Headlong Assault - A

Cut to Pieces - Q

Fire Superiority - A

Skirmish Screen - A

Bayonet Charge - A

Overrun - A

Counter Attack - A

Replacement Draft R K

Mobilization R K

Summon Reinforcements R K

Great Power Intervention T D

First Reserve T K

Second Reserve T K

Conscription T K

Epic Defensive Battle - Q

Pasha Intrigue R X

Arrive by Sea - M

Uncoordinated Attacks - Q

Waves of Infantry - A

Fanatical Bravery - A

Fight to the Last Man R D

Determined Defense - D

Legendary Stubbornness R D

Desperate Attacks - A

Great Assault - A

Siege Guns R A

Krupp Guns - A

Earthworks - D

Damaged Prestige - X

Strategic Position - D

Reserves Exploit Success - E

Attack in Open Formation - A

Pursue Routing Troops - E

Slaughter Attackers - Q

Disastrous Assault - Q

Set-Piece Attack - A

Harassing Fire - N

Hail of Fire - E

Ammunition Stockpile - E

Repeating Rifles - E

Attackers Disorganized - D

Attack Strongest Point - Q

Formal Siege R A

Siege Mortars T A

Surprise Attack - A

Press Home the Attack - E

Beaten Back - D

Second Line Entrenchments R Q

Exact a Heavy Toll - E

Ferocious Assault - A

Atrocities - E

Take no Prisoners - E

Minor Clash - D

Break Through - M

Occupation - M

Drive - M

Columns - M

Epic March R M

Appalling Weather - N

Winter Campaign - N

Rapid March - M

Snow Drifts - N

Hitch Ride with Cavalry R M

Natural Defenses T N

Parallel Routes R M

Menaced by Reserves - N

Little Progress - N

Encirclement - A

Terrific Fight - V

Heavy Opposition - V

Storm the Redoubts - A

Thirst for Glory - A

Take Captives - E

Rearguard Action - D

Ensuing Clash - A

March on Constantinople R M

Advancing Army - M

Bold Offensive - A

Inconclusive Battle - V

Telegraph R Z

Divide their Forces - M

Classic Pincer Movement R A

Night Assault R A

Well Planned Assault R A

Rifle Battalions - A

Feint Attacks R X

Draw off Reserves R X

Cholera - X

Typhoid - X

Officer Casualties T X

Military Reorganization T X

Collect Stragglers - P

Reinforce Garrisons - P

Siege of Plevna R A

Prepared for War T Z



Wargame of the American West circa 1840-1900.

Players are rival Land Barons trying to gain complete control of the same territory.


Control all Settlements on the Board.

Players are eliminated if their Baron is killed.


Six siders are needed.

Use Monopoly money.


First each player declares which Ranch they want to control.

The are 4 Ranches:

The OK Corral, The Lazy B, The Graham Ranch, and The Johnson Ranch.

There is a location counter for each ranch.

Each ranch has a location counter of a unique color.

Each player has a set of Control Markers of the same color as their Ranch.

Players will have to make a map.

Use a Hex map.

Designate 30 random spots on the map to be “Settlement Spaces”.

Each player places their Ranch on a different Settlement space.

Ranches should be placed far apart.

For each remaining Settlement space draw one random Settlement counter.

Settlement counters are of a different color than the control markers.

Each player starts with a Baron Unit Counter and 2 Regulator Unit Counters.

These are located, stacked, on your Ranch


Type: Number Base Revenue

Farms 10 10

Coal Mine 6 20

Gold Mine 4 30

Town 6 10

Trading Post 4 10


Each Turn has 6 Phases:

1. Revenue Phase

2. Pay Phase

3. Recruit Phase

4. Build Phase

5. Raid Phase

6. Control Phase


Collect Revenue from each settlement you control.

Revenue is in ‘Dollars’.

Ranches have a revenue of 20 Dollars per turn.


Pay each of your units 2 Dollars.

Discard unpaid units on a roll of 4+ on 1D6.

Baron units do not have to be paid.


Draw N + 1 random Recruit counters from the Recruit Pile.

N = Number of Players.

Players bid on each these Counters separately with their Dollars.

Players bid secretly and then simultaneously reveal all their bids.

If you loose a bid you keep your money.

If you win, you pay your bid to the bank, and gain control of the Counter.

In case of a tie, no one wins, and the counter remains to be bid on again.

Only one player at a time can control a Governor Counter.

If a Governor Counter is drawn, discard all other Governor Counters.

Only one player at a time can control a Government Contracts (GC) Counter.

If a GC is drawn, discard all other GC’s.


In this phase you deploy Counters you just won in Recruit Phase.

Place Units on Trading Posts or Towns you Control.

At a cost of 10 Dollars you may automatically recruit a Regulator Unit.

A player can recruit a max of one Regulator per turn.

A player places a Cowboy unit on his Ranch.

Town Improvement Counters are placed on a Town you control.

A Town can only have one of each type of Improvement.

Trading Post Improvement Counters are placed on Posts you control.

A Post can only have one of each type of Improvement.

Farm Improvement Counters are placed on a Farm you control.

A Farm can only have one Improvement.

Mine Improvement Counters are placed on a Mine you control.

If you cannot deploy a unit you must discard it.

Place your control Markers under your units to show ownership.


G = Governor

C = Government Contract

T = Town Improvement

P = Trading Post Improvement

F = Farm Improvement

M = Mine Improvement

U = Units


Counter Name # Type Rev Shoot Notes

Governor 8 G 1D6x10 -

Govt Contracts 6 C 40 -

Railway Station 4 T 10 -

Saloon 4 T 10 -

Bank 4 T 10 -

Gambling Hall 4 T 10 -

Trappers 2 P 10 -

Horse Traders 2 P 10 -

Cotton Mill 2 F 10 -

Gin Mill 2 F 10 -

Mother lode 2 M 10 -

Cowboys 4 U - 15

Indian Braves 4 U - 15 Red

Mexican Bandidos 4 U - 15 Outlaws

Outlaw Gang 4 U - 20 Outlaws

Lawmen Posse 4 U - 15 Law

Lynch Mob 2 U - 10 Law

Gunslinger 4 U - 30 Outlaws

Local Sheriff 2 U - 20 Law

Federal Marshall 2 U - 30 Law

Confederate Rebels 2 U - 25 South

Union Veterans 2 U - 25 North

Texas Rangers 2 U - 25 Law

Mountain Men 2 U - 15 White

# = Number of that Counter in pile.


Players bid to determine turn order for moving and attacking.

In case of ties roll high on 1D6.

Units can move up to 3 spaces.

There is no stacking Limit.

Red units cannot stack with White units.

Outlaws cannot stack with Law units.

North units will not stack with South units

When opposing units occupy the same space they will fight.

Each side adds up their Shoot Value.

The side with the highest Value gets the Fight Advantage.

In case of a tie roll high on 1D6.

Roll 1D6:

1-2 The side with the fight advantage loses one unit

3-5 The side without the fight advantage loses one unit

6 The side without the fight advantage retreats to an empty adjacent space

Keep rolling until one side is eliminated or retreats.

Baron Units are the last to be killed.

Baron units have a Shoot value of 30.

Regulator units have a Shoot value of 20.


Place a control marker counter on any settlement occupied by your units.

Remove any enemy markers first.

A settlement can only have one control marker on it.



Sci-Fi Card Game. Two Players.


The Rebel and Imperial players have their own unique decks of 65 cards.


Reduce your opponents deck to 0 cards.


Each player draws 5 cards from their own deck.


Players take turns.

The Rebel player goes first.

Each turn has 5 phases:

Draw Phase

Activation Phase

Attack Phase

Deploy Phase

End Phase


Draw 1 or 2 cards from your deck.

If you have no cards left in your deck, you lose.


Move all your units in your Inactive Zone into your Active Zone.


Declare whether or not you are attacking.

If you are not attacking skip this phase.

You may attack with some or all of your units.

Units include Heroes, ground units, and space units.

Units may be combined into battle groups.

Battle groups contain one or more units.

Battle groups are of 2 kinds: Ground groups, and Space groups.

A ground battle group may consist of ground units and heroes.

A space battle group consists of space units and (pilot/captain) heroes.

Some space units are fighters, others are ships.

For each Fighter one Pilot hero may also attack in the same space battle group.

For each Ship one Captain hero may also attack in the same space battle group.

Items and companions are attached to heroes.

Active defender units may block attacking units. Inactive units cannot block.

The above rules also apply to how the defender can form defending battle groups.

The defending player may let attackers through, or block attacking battle groups.

Only ground units can block ground units. Only space units can block space units.

The exception: The rebel ion cannon and shields are ground units that

affect attacking ships.

Attacking unblocked units do damage equal to the damage ratings of the attacking cards.

For each point of damage that gets through, one card from the top of the

defenders deck is discarded.

If blocked, compare the battle value of the attacking group and the defending

group that blocked it.

The battle values are the ground ratings in a ground attack, or space ratings in

a space attack.

The side with the lowest battle value is destroyed and discarded.

The winning side always keeps at least one surviving unit but loses extra

units with a combined value = or > than the battle value of the losing side.

The loser picks which of the winners units are destroyed. Heroes must be picked last.

For example: An attacking ground rebel group has the Princess (3), two

soldiers (1,1), a cycle (2), and a speeder (3).

The defending imperial group is a Battle-Walker (4).

The Walker is destroyed.

The Imperial player chooses whether the rebel loses a speeder and

a soldier, or the cycle and both soldiers.

Attacking cards are inactivated.

If unblocked, attacking units, instead of doing damage to the deck, may target

an opposing unit in play, which must block.

Space units can only target space units.

Ground units may target ground units, or heroes.


You may deploy 3 points worth of cards.

Notice that all units have a cost of 1 to 3 points.

Points cannot be saved from turn to turn.

Deployed units are placed face up on the table in front of the controlling player.

Units are placed into the player's Inactive Zone.

Items and companions when deployed must be attached to a hero.

Units stay in play until destroyed in battle or by some card action.


If you have more than 12 cards in your hand, discard the excess cards.

Convert and Treason cards are played in end phase.

Shuttle and Cybernetic cards are played in end phase.

Recruit and Medi-bot cards are played in end phase.

Saboteur and Spy cards are played in end phase.

Surprise attack, Multiple targets, and Trap cards are played in attack phase.


Psion cards are played during battles to increase battle or damage ratings.

They are attached to heroes with the Psionic attribute.

They are discarded at the end of the battle.


Card Name Type # Grnd Space Dam Cost Notes

Young Protagonist Hero 1 7 7 2 3 Pilot, Psionic

Princess Hero 1 3 3 2 3 Captain

Smuggler Hero 1 4 6 2 3 Pilot, Captain

Robot Sidekick Comp 1 1 1 1 1 Companion

Alien Companion Comp 1 2 2 0 2 Companion

Laser Sword Item 1 3 0 0 1 Attach to Hero

Wise Mentor Hero 1 5 0 2 3 Psionic

Rebel Commander Hero 1 4 4 2 3 Captain

Superior Pilot Hero 1 0 5 1 3 Pilot

Rebel Soldier Ground 10 1 0 1 1

Grav Cycles Ground 8 2 0 1 1

Air Speeders Ground 6 3 0 1 2

Rebel Base Ground 1 1 0 0 2 Draw +1 card/turn

Ion Cannon Ground 1 1 0 0 3 Facility;Defense*

Defense Shields Ground 4 1 0 0 2 Facility;Defense**

Stunt Fighters Space 15 0 3 1 1 Fighter

Fighter Bombers Space 4 0 1 2 1

Converted Freighter Space 1 0 5 1 2 Ship

Rebel Warship Space 5 0 7 1 3 Ship

Danger Sense Psi 1 2 1 0 -

True Aim Psi 1 0 3 0 -

Medi-Bot Act 1 Take Hero from your discard and put it in your hand

Recruit Act 1 Take any Hero from your deck and put it in your hand

Convert State 1 Take control of opposing Hero for rest of game

Surprise Attack Act 4 All attacking units get Ground or Space +2

Multiple Targets Act 1 Rebels get an extra Attack Phase

Rebel Spies Act 2 Look at opponents hand

* = Destroy 1 attacking Ship

** = Attacking Ships do no Damage


Card Name Type # Ground Space Damage Cost Notes

Mysterious Emperor Hero 1 7 7 2 3 Captain, Psionic*

Emperors Henchman Hero 1 8 6 2 3 Pilot, Captain, Psi

Imperial Commodore Hero 1 1 5 2 3 Captain

Imperial Captain Hero 1 0 4 1 2 Captain

Bounty Hunter Hero 1 6 4 1 3 Pilot

Alien Crime Boss Hero 1 5 2 2 3 Captain

Squad Leader Ground 1 3 0 1 2

Elite Bodyguards Compan 2 3 0 0 2 Companion

Assault Troopers Ground 3 2 0 1 1

Troopers Ground 10 1 0 1 1

Fixed Defenses G/S 4 4 2 0 2 Facility; Defense

Battle Walkers Ground 4 5 0 1 2

Plasma Sword Item 1 3 0 0 1

Robotic Probe G/S 3 2 2 1 2

Elite Interceptors Space 4 0 4 1 2 Fighter

Interceptors Space 10 0 2 1 1

Bombers Space 3 0 1 2 1

Space Cruiser Space 5 0 10 1 3 Ship

Giant Space Station Space 1 0 12 3 3 Facility; May Attack

Telekinetics Psi 1 3 0 0 -

ESP Psi 1 0 0 3 -

Imperial Spy Act 2 Look at opponents hand

Traitor State 1 Take control of opposing Hero for rest of game

Shuttle Act 1 Take Hero from your deck and put it in your hand

Cybernetics Act 1 Take Hero from your discard and put it in your hand

Saboteur Act 1 Destroy one opposing facility

Trap Act 2 All defending units get Ground or Space +2

* = Draw 1 extra card per turn


Star Wars is a licensed, trademarked property.

This is merely a fan site.


1- Do the attacking units tap (turned sideways) to show they attacked?

A: Use the Inactive Zone/Active Zone concept.

This is important because it brings up another question:

2- Can units that attacked be used to defend on the oppents turn?

A: Attacking units are inactivated. Inactivated units cannot block.

Inactivated units are reactivated in the Activation Phase.

3- When attacking, do all your units attack or can you decide which units to

use? (Linked to question 1 for tactical play.)

A: Attack with some, none, or all.

4- Can you attack with both ground and space units or with ground OR space?

A: In a single attack phase you may attack with: zero, one, or more ground

battle groups AND zero, one, or more space battle groups. Remember, a

battle group consists of one or more units.


Thank you Jörg Hansen ( j ) for this incredible Cardset!

Download the complete Card Set here.

Below is an example of some of the cards:

Download 8.66 Mb.

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