Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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1D6 Migs will make a single pass.

1D6 of the Phantoms will get to make Intercept Rolls. To Intercept roll 1D6:

On each roll of 5-6 on 1D6 one Mig is shot down.

Next the surviving Migs get to attack. For each roll 1D6:

On a roll of 4-6 on 1D6 one American plane is destroyed.

Roll 1D6 to see which type:

1-3 Thud

4-5 Phantom

6 Weasel (or EB-66 EW if no Weasels remain)

An attacked plane may try to evade.

Phantoms evade on a roll of 1-4 on 1D6.

Wild Weasels evade on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.

Thuds evade on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6.

Finally 1D6 of the Phantoms will get to make Pursuit Rolls. To Pursue roll 1D6:

On each roll of 5-6 on 1D6 one Mig is shot down.

You can’t intercept or pursue with more phantoms than you have.


Keep a running tally of points while you play.

Start with 10 Objective points.

Each Target bombed adds its listed Objective points.

Each SAM site destroyed is worth 2 Objective points.

Each Mig shot down is worth 1 Objective point.

Every American plane lost is –2 points.


Graphic at the top of the page done by:

Mike Marinos (


The new Thoth module for Rolling Thunder is now available (while

not yet in the CardSets page) at

The desktop has been completely redesigned by Mike Marinos and

is really worth a look.

Please note that you need the latest Thoth release (1.5.0) to

use the "buttons" on the desktop - key "1" rolls a D6 while

key "2" determine the target type. The rules are also available

in PDF format with the usual "F2" key.




(Referenced from Teklords site)

In the year 2199, Earth is under attack from an alien race called the Gamilons.

Gamilon planet bombs covered the earth with a deadly radioactive pollution and

the surface of the earth is now unlivable. All life on Earth has moved underground.

But even there, far below the earth's surface, the deadly radiation poisoning

is beginning to reach them. Now all life on Earth has just one year left to live.

But there is hope. On the planet Iscandar, there is a machine called the Cosmo DNA

which can remove the radioactivity and restore Earth to it's natural state.

The Star Force must travel 148,000 light years and back in just one earth year or

all life on Earth will become extinct. But the Gamilons are determined to stop the

Star Force at all costs.


Star Blazers Card game for two players.

One player uses the Star Force Deck.

The other player uses the Gamilon Deck.


Star Blazers is a Trademarked, Liscenced property.

This is merely a Fan site.


If the Star Force player has traveled 148 Parsecs they automatically win.

The Gamilon player automatically wins on the start of turn 21.


Each turn has 4 phases:

1. Countdown Phase

2. Strategy Phase

3. Warp Phase

4. Encounter Phase


Record the turn number.


Both players draw 3 cards from their respective decks.

If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Players may discard recon cards to look at each others hands.

Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards at end of phase.


The Argo travels X number of Parsecs this turn.

X depends on the level of damage sustained by the ship:

Level Ship Condition: Parsecs traveled this turn:

0 Undamaged 4D6

1 Minor Damage 3D6

2 Moderate Damage 2D6

3 Major Damaged 1D6

4 Crippled 0

5+ Destroyed Game over: Star Force loses automatically

If the ship is undamaged or has only minor damage, the Star Force player may use cards that

Allow him to travel extra Parsecs.

Instead of moving the Argo may conduct repairs:

Either discard a card that produces an automatic repair or roll 1D6:

On a roll of 1-3 reduce the ship damage level by one to a minimum of zero.


The Gamilon Player may attack the Argo by playing cards from his hand.

The attack may be either a Space attack or a Planet attack.

You cannot use Space cards in a Planet attack.

You cannot use Planet cards in a Space attack.

Cards of the “Any” type may be used in either type of attack.

An attack may only use one Unique card.

An attack can use a maximum of 2 Leader cards.

Add up the Force value of all the attacking cards.

The Space Force player may play cards from his hand in response.

The Space force player cannot use Space cards in a Planet attack and visa versa.

The Space Force player may play any number of Hero Cards.

If the Space Force Total is higher nothing happens.

If the Gamilon Total is higher roll 1D6:

Roll: Argo Damage: Space Force must discard X random cards:

1 0 1

2 +1 1

3 +1 2

4 +1 3

5 +1 4

6 +2 Levels 4 Cards

All cards played are discarded.


A = Any

S = Space

P = Planet

U =Unique

L = Leader

H = Hero


Card Name: Force Type Notes:

Captain Avatar, Argo Commander 10 H Argo cards get +5

Derek Wildstar, Deputy Captain 10 H Fighters get +5; Ships Guns get +5

Mark Venture, Chief Navigator 10 H Maneuver cards get +3

Sandor, Chief Mechanic 10 H Discard to repair one Damage Level

Nova: Radar, Analysis, Nurse 10 H Other Hero cards get +1

Eager, Assistant Navigator 5 H Discard to move 1D6 Parsecs

Homer, Comm. Officer 5 H Party cards get +1

Dash, Gunnery Officer 5 H Ships Guns get +5

Orion, Chief Engineer 10 H Discard to repair one Damage Level

Conroy, Black Tiger Pilot 10 H Fighters get +5

Sparks, Engineer crewman 5 H Discard to repair one Damage Level

Dr. Sain, Medical Officer 9 H

IQ-9, Resident Droid 8 H +5 if encounter is Planetary

Alex Wildstar 5 H

Wave Motion Engine 5 S Discard to move 1D6 Parsecs

Battleship Yamato (Argo) 10 SU 6 in deck

Earth Defense HQ --- A Discard to Draw 2 cards

Wave Motion gun 10 A +5 if played with Argo card (3 in deck)

Machine creator 5 A Discard to repair one Damage Level

Holography room 0 A Discard to draw 2 cards

Auxillary engines 5 A Maneuver

Space Warp 5 A Discard to move 1D6 Parsecs

Make Repairs --- A Discard to repair one Damage Level

Fresh supply of Titanite --- A Discard to repair one Damage Level

Black Tiger Squadron 10 S 6 in deck

Anti-Missile Fire 4 A Negate enemy Missile Cards

Rocket Anchor 5 A +3 if Played with Argo; Ships Guns

Blaster 5 P

Astro Automatic Pistol 5 P

Shock Cannons 8 A Ships Guns

Attack Party 8 P

Infiltrate Base 8 P Negate one enemy Base

Bow Missiles 6 S

Survey Party 6 P

Search Party 7 P

Sleep Gas 6 P Negate one enemy Planet Card

Explosives 6 A Negate one enemy Base or Satellite

Hide in Asteroid Field 7 S

Asteroid Polarity Device 10 S +5 if played with Asteroid Field

Dummy Argo 7 S Discard to Look at opponents hand

Emergency Takeoff 6 P Maneuver

Evasive Maneuvers 5 S Maneuver

Capture Gamilon Pilot 5 A Discard to Look at opponents hand

Navigation 3 S Maneuver; Discard to move 1D6 Parsecs

Star Channel 7 S Negate an opponents SU card

Message from Queen Starsha 7 S Discard to move 1D6 Parsecs

Astro Compass 2 S Discard to move 1D6 Parsecs

Delayed Action Rockets 5 S

Rescue Mission 9 P

Reconnaissance Flight 4 S Discard to Look at opponents hand

Cause Volcanic Eruption 10 P Must play with Wave Motion gun

Reflector Shield 7 A +3 if Played with Argo

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