Introduction to Warpspawn Games


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2+ player card game based on the fantasy creations of HR Giger.

Players raise armies of Biomechanoids to destroy each other with.


The works of HR Giger are licensed, trademarked & copyrighted.

This is merely a fan site.


Reduce your opponent to zero hits.


Each player starts with 20 hits.


Players share a common deck.


Each player is dealt a hand of 7 cards.

The strangest player goes first.


Players take turns.

Each turn is divided into 6 phases:

Regenerate Phase

Destiny Phase

Attack Phase

Birth Phase

Metamorphosis Phase

Decay Phase


Draw 2 cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Remove 1 Weakness token from every card that has 1 or more weakness tokens.


Destiny cards are played in this phase by you and your opponent.

Destiny cards are discarded at the end of this phase.


Each of your Biomechanoids may attack once on your turn in this phase.

Biomechanoids have an Attack & Defense value.

The attacking Biomechanoid does damage to your opponent equal to its attack value.

Your opponent may block a Biomechanoid with one of his own to prevent this damage.

A Biomechanoid cannot attack or block if it has a Weakness token.

Compare the attack & defense values of the 2 Biomechanoids.

If the attack value of the attacker exceeds the defense value

of the blocker, the blocker is destroyed.

If the attack value of the blocker exceeds the defense value

of the attacker, the attacker is destroyed.

Players may play Action cards to alter the attack/defense values of target Biomechanoids.

The effects of Action cards only last till the end of the turn.

A Biomechanoid that attacks gets a Weakness token at the end of the phase.


You may put one Biomechanoid card into play.

A Biomechanoid is a creature.

Place the card face up in front of you.

The Biomechanoid stays in play until it is destroyed.

Some cards allow you to play additional Biomechanoids during this phase.

Any time a Biomechanoid’s Defense value is reduced to zero or less, it is destroyed.

You may also put one Location card or one Artifact card into play.


To a Biomechanoid you just put into play this turn, you may attach Feature cards.

Feature cards give a bonus to the attack & defense values of the Biomechanoid.

Some Feature cards give penalties.

Your opponent may attach penalty Feature cards to your newly played Biomechanoid this phase.


Max hand size is 7 cards.

Discard excess cards.


# = Number of that card in the deck

Atk = Attack Value

Def = Defense Value

L = Location

B = Biomechanoid

BMs = Biomechanoids

F = Feature

A = Artifact

Z = Action

X = Play in reaction to another card played

D = Destiny

WT = Weakness Token

Cost 1 = The BM gets 1 WT if it uses this Feature or ability


Card Name: # Type Atk Def Notes:

The Shafts 1 L - - All your BMs get Defense +1

Fem Fatale 6 B 3 2 Cost 1: Add 1 WT to target BM

Battle Fetus 3 B 1 1 Gets +1 Def per attached Feature

Extra Limbs 2 F +1 +1

Respirator 1 A - - All your BMs get Defense +1

Carapace 2 F - +2

Baby Machine 1 A - - Play 1 extra BM per turn

Hydraulic Musculature 1 F +2 +1

Metal Skeleton 1 F - +2

Bone Plates 1 F - +1

Razor Claws 1 F +2 -

Retractable Spikes 1 F +2 -

Long Horn 1 F +1 -

Bite 1 Z +1 -

Biomechanoid Wall 2 B 2 4 Cannot Attack

Stone Flesh 1 F - +1

Great Phallus 2 F +1 - All your BMs get Attack +1

Deep Orifice 2 F - - Cost 1: Play 1 extra BM per turn

Thickened Skull 1 F - +1

Unseeing Eyes 2 F -2 -2

Limbless 2 F -2 -

Restrained 2 F -1 -1 This BM cannot attack

Arm & Leg Monster 3 B 1 1

Flesh Scythe 1 F +3 -

Life Support Tubing 2 F - +1

Udders 1 F - - Cost 1: Remove 1 WT from target

Perfect Breasts 1 F +1 -

Exposed Brain 1 F -1 -1

Automaton 2 B 2 2

Third Eye 1 F +1 +1 Cost 1: Look at next 3 cards in deck

Mechanical Vasculature 1 F +1 +1

Battery Farming 1 L - - Discard 1 ofyour BMs to draw 2 cards

Impaled 2 Z +4 -

Fangs 1 F +1 -

Spike Attack 1 D - - Do 2 damage to 2 target BMs

Human-Insectoid 1 B 2 1

Worm Humanoid 1 B 1 2

Sacrificial Attack 1 Z +5 - BM dies at end of Attack phase

Serpintine Humanoid 1 B 3 3 May choose to get +1/-1

Claspers 1 F +1 - Attack +3 vs BM

Intercourse 1 D - - Draw 3 cards

Amputation 1 Z +3 -

Skewered 1 Z +2 -

Atrocities 1 Z - - All your BMs get Attack +1

Hideous 1 F +1 +1

Convulsions 1 D - - Target BM gets 3 weakness tokens

Orgasmic Frenzy 1 Z - - All your BMs get +2/-1

Broken Neck 1 Z - - Attack +5 vs BM

Two-Headed 1 F -1 -

Attached Wheels 1 F - - BM gets +1 Atk or +1 Def each turn

Queen of the Shafts 1 B 4 4

Levitation 1 Z - +4

Flaying Tendrils 1 F +3 -

Poison Sacs 1 F +2 -

Psychic Scream 1 F +4 -1

Penetrating Gaze 1 F - - Cost 1: Look at opponents hand

Mutation 1 D - - Target BM may add Features this turn

Transference 1 D - - Move Features between 2 of your BMs

Orgy 1 D - - Play any number of BMs this turn

Dagger Hands 1 D +2 -

Drain Essence 1 Z +3 +1

Flesh Coat 1 F - +1

Erotic Attack 1 D - - Target BM gets 3 WT

Lust 1 F - - BM must attack every turn

Self Destruction 1 Z - - Destroy your attacker & target BM

Disfigured 1 F -1 -1

Radiation Sickness 1 F -2 -1

Sub-machinegun 1 F +4 - Gun

Rifle 1 F +3 - Gun

Pistol 1 F +2 - Gun

Reptilian Humanoid 1 B 2 2

Mirror Image 1 Z - - Destroy attacking BM

Blade 1 F +1 +1

Guillotine 1 A - - All your BMs get Attack +1

Macabre Conveyor 1 A - - Draw 1 extra card per turn

Protoplasmic Explosion 1 D - - Destroy target BM

Firearm Implants 1 F +2 - Gun

Arachnoid 1 B 3 1

Acid Pump 1 F +2 -

Brainless 1 F -1 -1

Strangulation 1 Z - - Attack +5 vs BM

Grotesque Clown 2 B 1 1 Cost 1:Target BM mustattackthis turn

Harnessed 1 F -1 -1

Bondage Drone 2 B 0 2

Echoes 1 D - - Remove 3 WT from your BMs

Abominations 2 B 2 3

Biomechanoid Mage 2 B 4 3 Cost 1: All your BMs get Attack +1

Hand Grenade 1 D - - Do 1 damage to 3 target BMs

Sling Shot 1 F +1 - Gun

Sex Slave 1 B 1 1 Cost 1: Target BM gets +1/+1

Inhuman Servant 2 B 1 2 Cost 1: Draw 1 card & Discard 1 card

Nuclear Children 2 B 1 1 Attached Gun gets Attack +1

Sadistic 1 F +1 - BM must attack every turn

Axe 1 F +2 -

Infestation 1 F -1 -1

Segmentation 1 F - +1

Tangle of Limbs 1 D - - Opponent cannot attack this turn

Torso 1 B 0 1

Mollusc Shell 1 F - +2

Serpent Tongue 1 F +1 -

Press of Bodies 1 Z - - All opposing BMs get attack -1

Carnal Embrace 1 Z +1 - Draw 1 card

Seduction 1 D - - Gain control of Target BM

Metempsychosis 1 D - - All enemy BMs must attack this turn

Cataract 1 L - - All opposing BMs get attack -1

Interpenetration 1 D - - 2 Target BMs get 2 WT

Midget Stilt Walker 1 B 1 1

Corrosion 1 D - - Destroy all Artifacts & Guns in play

Membranous Eruption 1 X - - Negate an Action card

Larval Cocoon 1 D - - Target BM may add Features this turn

Evolution 1 D - - Allyour BMs mayadd Features thisturn

Biological Memories 1 D - - Get+keep any 1 card from the discard

Clone Embryos 2 B 0 1 Draw 1 card when first played

Flesh Architecture 1 L - - Allyour BMs get Atk +1 when Blocking

Intrauterine Landscape 1 L - - Play any number of BMs on your turn

Protective Slime Coat 1 F +1 -

Mesmerize 1 D - - 3 Target BMs get 1 WT

Transcendence 1 D - - Get & keep any 1 card from the deck

Glowing Mist 1 D - - Destroy all BMs in Play

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