Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Every time a Lord defeats an enemy Lord in Battle, he gets a +1 Force Blood Token.


L = Lords

R = Realms

A = Armies

S = Spells

E = Events

B = Blood Ability

Cost = Cost in Gold to play


Card Name: # Type Force Notes:

Rangers 2 A 4

Paladins 1 A 5

Men 5 A 1

Elves 3 A 3

Dwarves 4 A 2

Roesone 1 R - Regent: Marlae Roesone

Marlae Roesone 1 L 3 Fighter

Aerenwe 1 R - Regent: Liliene Swordwraith

Liliene Swordwraith 1 L 5 Ranger

Diemed 1 R - Regent: Heirl Diem

Heirl Diem 1 L 4 Fighter

Ilien 1 R - Regent: Rogr Aglondier

Rogr Aglondier 1 L 2 Wizard

Medoere 1 R - Regent: Suris Enlien

Suris Enlien 1 L 2 Priest

Boeruine 1 R - Regent: Aeric Boeruine

Aeric Boeruine 1 L 6 Fighter

Talinie 1 R - Regent: Thuriene Donalls

Thuriene Donalls 1 L 3 Priest

Taeghas 1 R - Regent: Harald Khorien

Harald Khorien 1 L 2 Wizard

Dhoesone 1 R - Regent: Fhiele Dhoesone

Fhiele Dhoesone 1 L 3 Thief

Tuarhievel 1 R - Regent: Fhileraene

Fhileraene 1 L 7 Elf Fighter/Wizard

Baruk-Azhik 1 R - Regent: Grimm Graybeard

Grimm Graybeard 1 L 8 Dwarf Fighter

The Sielwode 1 R - Regent: Emerald Queen

Emerald Queen 1 L 7 Wizard

Avanil 1 R - Regent: Darien Avan

Darien Avan 1 L 5 Fighter

Mhoried 1 R - Regent: Daeric Mhoried

Daeric Mhoried 1 L 4 Ranger

Elinie 1 R - Regent: Assan Ibn Daouta

Assan Ibn Daouta 1 L 5 Paladin


Card Name: # Type Force Notes:

Dragons 1 A 5

Giants 2 A 4

Gnolls 3 A 3

Goblins 5 A 1

Orogs 4 A 2

The Spiderfell 1 R - Regent: The Spider

The Spider 1 L 4 Awnsheghlein

The Gorgons Crown 1 R - Regent: The Gorgon

The Gorgon 1 L 9 Awnsheghlein

Mieres 1 R - Regent: Arron Vaumel

Arron Vaumel 1 L 3 Thief

Brosengae 1 R - Regent: Eriene Mierelen

Eriene Mierelen 1 L 4 Thief

Rhuobhe 1 R - Regent: Rhuobhe Manslayer

Rhuobhe Manslayer 1 L 5 Awnsheghlein

Cariele 1 R - Regent: Entier Gladanil

Entier Gladanil 1 L 3 Fighter

The Five Peaks 1 R - Regent: The Eyeless One

The Eyeless One 1 L 5 Wizard

Markazor 1 R - Regent: Godar Thurinson

Godar Thurinson 1 L 3 Fighter

Mur-Kilad 1 R - Regent: Razzik Fanggrabber

Razzik Fanggrabber 1 L 2 Wizard

Thurazor 1 R - Regent: Tieskar Graecher

Tieskar Graecher 1 L 4 Goblin King

The Chimaeron 1 R - Regent: Chimaera

Chimaera 1 L 5 Awnsheghlein

Osoerde 1 R - Regent: Jaison Raenech

Jaison Raenech 1 L 4 Fighter

Ghore 1 R - Regent: Gavin Tael

Gavin Tael 1 L 5 Fighter

Alamie 1 R - Regent: Carilon Alamie

Carilon Alamie 1 L 1 Fighter

Endier 1 R - Regent: Guilder Kalien

Guilder Kalien 1 L 3 Half Elf Thief


Card Name: Type Cost Notes:

Battlewise B - Force Total +3

Blood History B - Draw 3 Action Cards

Courage B - Allies get Force +1 each

Character Reading B - All enemy Lords get Force –1 this turn

Divine Aura B - Draw 2 Realm cards

Divine Wrath B - Destroy 1 opposing Ally

Elemental Control B - Gain one Force = 3 Ally this turn

Fear B - All opposing Allies get –1 Force this turn

Healing B - Prevent Ally from being Destroyed

Iron Will B - Put destroyed Lord back into your Realm hand

Persuasion B - Put Lord from your Realm hand into play

Detection B - Look at opponents hand

Regeneration B - Put destroyed Lord back into your Realm hand

Resistance B - Force total +3

Protection B - Allies get Force +1 each

Bloodmark B - Put Lord from your Realm hand into play

Enhanced Senses B - Look at opponents hand

Travel B - Allows Lord that attacked last turn to Block

Touch of Decay B - Discard target Lord

Shadow Form B - Lord cannot be Blocked this turn

Bloodsilver Blade E 1 Force +3

Elaborate Court E 3 Draw 3 Realm Cards

Vassalage E 2 Put an extra Realm into play this turn

Regency E 2 Put an extra Realm into play this turn

Diplomacy E 2 Put an extra Realm into play this turn

Assassination E 1 Discard target Lord

Blood Challenge E - Target Lord must Block

Rebellion E - Put Target Realm back in owner’s hand

Natural Disaster E - Put Target Realm back in owner’s hand

Heresy E - Put Target Realm back in owner’s hand

Occupation E - Control Target Realm after winning a Battle

Pillage E - Gain 4 Gold after winning a Battle

Intrigue E 1 Look at opponents Action Hand

Festival E 1 Opponent may not attack this Turn

Brigandage E - Opponent loses 3 Gold

Corruption E - Opponent loses 3 Gold

Law Holdings E - Negate Event card

Ransom E - Take 3 Gold from Opponent

Fortifications E - Force +4 while Defending

Militia E - Force +4 while Defending

Temple Holdings E - Put 2 Spell cards in Discard into your hand

Trade Routes E - Gain 3 Gold

Collect Taxes E - Gain 3 Gold

Guild Holdings E - Gain 3 Gold

Adventure E - Target Lord cannot Attack or Block

Roads E - Allows Lord that attacked last turn to Block

Avatar E - Force +10

The Cold Rider E - Discard target Mage Lord

Battle Magic S - Force +3

Alchemy S - Gain 3 Gold

Death Plague S - Put Target Realm back in owner’s hand

Demagogue S - Put an extra Realm into play this turn

Dispell Realm Magic S - Negate Spell Card

Legion of Dead S - Gain three Force = 1 Allies this turn

Mass Destruction S - Force +3

Raze S - Put Target Realm back in owner’s hand

Scry S - Look at next 7 cards in any Deck

Stronghold S - Force +4 while Defending

Subversion S - Take control of target Non-Lord card

Summoning S - Gain two Force = 2 Allies this turn

Warding S - Opponent may not attack this Turn

Transport S - Allows Lord that attacked last turn to Block

Bless Land S - Gain 3 Gold

Bless Army S - Allies get Force +1 each

Blight S - Put Target Realm back in owner’s hand

Honest Dealings S - Gain 3 Gold

Investiture S 2 Put an extra Realm into play this turn

Ley Lines S - Draw 2 cards from Realm or Common Deck

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