Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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When you arrive on Mount Doom make a Corruption Roll:

Roll 3D6. Subtract the number of corruption markers you have from the roll.

If the modified Roll total is 12 or more you throw the one ring into the crack of

doom and win the game. If you fail try again next turn.


# = Number of that card in the deck

Str = Strength

F = Foe

H = Hardship

A = Aid

M = Modifier card

X = Special card


Card Name: # Type Str Notes:

Black Riders 1 F 6 Nazgul

Barrow Wights 1 F 5

Old Man Willow 1 F 5 Not in Evil Lands

Trolls 1 F 5

Band of Orcs 5 F 3

Watcher in the Water 1 F 5 Moria only

Mithril Coat 1 A +1

Elven Cloaks 1 A +1

Sting 1 A +1 Sword of Frodo

Protection of Elrond 1 A +3 Not in Evil Lands

Shadowfax 1 A +1 Steed of Gandalf

Escape over Bridge 1 A +1

Glamdring 1 A +1 Sword of Gandalf

Anduril 1 A +1 Sword of Aragorn

Poisoned Arrow 1 M +2 Attach to Orc card

Boromir 1 A +2

Legolas 1 A +2

Aragorn 1 A +2

Gandalf the Grey 1 A +3 Before Lorien

Gandalf the White 1 A +4 After Lorien

Balrog 1 F 7 Moria only

The Doors of Durin 1 X - Opponent in Moria must miss one turn

Lost 1 X - Opponent in Evil lands must miss one turn

Gimli 1 A +2

Bow of Galadhrim 1 A +1 Bow of Legolas

Woses 1 A +1 Not in Evil Lands

Wormtongue 1 X - Opponent in Rohan must miss one turn

Helms Deep 1 X - Opponent in Rohan must miss one turn

Saruman 1 F 7 Not in Evil Lands

Smaug 1 F 7 Not in Evil Lands

Eowyn 1 A +1 +2 vs Nazgul; After Lorien

Eomer 1 A +2 After Lorien

Aid of King Theoden 1 A +1 After Lorien

Tom Bombadil 1 A +2 Not in Evil Lands

Lord of the Eagles 1 A +2 Not in Moria

Treebeard 1 A +2 Not in Evil Lands

Waybread 1 X - Move again this turn

Faramir 1 A +1

Protection of Gladriel 1 A +3 Not in Evil Lands

Riders of the Mark 1 A +1

Treachery of Gollum 1 F 4

Smeagol Gollum 1 X - Get +2 to Corruption or Hardship Roll

Pipe Weed 1 X - Opponent cannot move this turn

Palantir 1 X - Look at opponents hand

Phial of Galadrial 1 A +1 After Lorien

Shelob 1 F 6 Mordor only

Madness of Denethor 1 X - Opponent in Minas Tirith must miss one turn

Siege of Gondor 1 X - Opponent in Minas Tirith must miss one turn

Ring Wraiths 1 F 6 Nazgul

Uruk Hai 1 F 4 Black Orcs

Olog-Hai 1 F 5 Black Trolls

Wargs 1 F 4 Not in Moria

Wastes 6 H 3

Icy Wastes 4 H 4 Not in Moria

Volcanic Wastes 2 H 5 Mordor only

Fair Travels 2 X - Move again this turn (not in evil lands)

Courage 4 A +1 Foes & Hardships

Hide 1 A +1

Disgiuse 1 A +1

Frodo 1 A +2

Samwise 1 A +2

Merry 1 A +1

Pippin 1 A +1

Power of the Ring 1 X - Opponent gains one Corruption Marker

Strife 1 X - Opponent with 2+ Corruption misses one turn

The Lidless Eye 1 M +1 Attach to any Foe

Witch King of Morgul 1 F 7 Nazgul


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2 player card game.

One player controls the Superfriends (Justice League)

The other player controls the Legion of Doom.

Based on the 1978 Season #3 Cartoon Show.


“Super Friends” is a copyrighted, licensed, trademarked property.

This is merely a fan site.


The first player to accumulate 7 Victory Tokens wins.


Each player controls a unique deck.


Each turn has 6 phases:

Draw Phase

Help Phase

Powers Phase

Plot Phase

Fight Phase

Escape Phase


Each player fills their hand to 10 cards by drawing from their own deck.

If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.


Players may discard up to 5 cards & draw replacements.


Players put Characters from their hand into play.

Characters in Play are face up in front of their owner.

You may play only one version of a single Character.

For Example: You can only play 1 Superman card, not 2.


Players put plot cards from their hands into play.

You may have up to 3 plot cards in play.


Each player adds up the power value of all his cards in play.

The player with the highest value wins the Fight.

The Winner gets a Victory Token.


All cards in play must be discarded.

Maximum hand size is 2 cards.

Excess cards must be discarded.


C = Character (Hero or Villain)

P = Plot


Card Name: Type Power Notes:

Robin C 5 Batman

Utility Belt C 6 Batman

Bat Rocket C 4 Batman

Super Intelligence C 7 Batman

Magic Lasso C 6 Wonder Woman

Telepathic Control C 7 Wonder Woman

Invisible Jet C 5 Wonder Woman

Bracers C 4 Wonder Woman

Vortex C 5 Flash

Super Speed C 7 Flash

Vibrate Molecules C 6 Flash

Ring of Power C 7 Green Lantern

Energy Blast C 6 Green Lantern

Force Field C 5 Green Lantern

Super Strength C 7 Superman

Invulnerable C 6 Superman

X-Ray Vision C 4 Superman

Heat Vision C 5 Superman

Sea Creatures C 5 Aquaman

Giant Size C 5 Chief Apache

Lightning Bolt C 6 Black Vulcan

Lightning Cage C 5 Black Vulcan

Invisibility C 6 Samurai

Whirlwind C 5 Samurai

Flying P 3

Hall of Justice P 4

Sidekicks P 5

Justice League Computer P 6 Draw an extra card

Time Travel P 7

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