Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Card Name: # Type Range Notes:

Awkward Movements 4 M 1

Lurch Forward 4 M 2

Run & Jump 3 M 3

Gallop 2 M 4

Hidden Ways 2 M K

Filthy Claws 1 A 1

Jagged Bite 1 A 1

Fangs 1 A 1

Mule Kick 1 A 1

Crushing Blow 1 A 1

Rip to Pieces 1 A 1

Rend Flesh 1 A 1

Thrown Rock 3 A 2

Barrel Attack 2 M 2 Also Attack Range = 1

Rubbery Hide 2 D -

Brutes 2 D -

Animal Reflexes 2 D -

Sense of Smell 1 X - Draw 3 Cards

Savagery 1 X - Draw 3 Cards

Massive Bulk 2 D - Ghasts & Gug

Bestial Magic 4 X - Discard to Draw a Spell card


Unit Name: # Hits Notes:

Elder Things 8 3 All can use Spells


Card Name: # Type Range Notes:

Hover 4 M 1

Float 4 M 2

Glide 3 M 3

Soar 3 M 4

Dive 2 M 5

Roll 2 M K

Tentacles 3 A 1

Constriction 3 A 1

Crushing Attack 4 M 1 Also Attack Range = 1

Swoop Attack 3 M 2 Also Attack Range = 1

Rigid Skin 2 D -

Huge Size 2 D -

Flying Dodge 2 D -

Ascend 1 D -

Sense Without Light 1 X - Draw 3 cards

Piping Speech 1 X - Draw 3 cards

Ancient Knowledge 4 X - Discard to Draw a Spell card


Unit Name: # Hits Notes:

Yithians 8 3 All can use Spells


Card Name: # Type Range Notes:

Contraction 8 M 1

Expansion 5 M 2

Nippers 3 A 1

Lightning Gun Burst 2 A 2

Lightning Gun Gout 2 A 3

Lightning Gun Strike 2 A 4

Lightning Gun Arc 2 A K

Lightning Gun Bolt 2 A 5

Enormous Size 2 D -

Elastic Flesh 2 D -

Rigid Scales 2 D -

Time Travel 1 X - Draw 3 cards

Mentalists 1 X - Draw 3 cards

Trade Minds 1 X 3 Gain Control of Target

Arcane Secret 2 X - Discard to Draw a Spell card


Unit Name: # Hits Notes:

Degenerates 8 1

Serpent Folk 6 2

Sorcerer of Yig 2 3 Leader


Card Name: # Type Range Notes:

Coil 4 M 1

Twist 4 M 2

Slither 3 M 3

Shoot 2 M 4

Slip & Slide 3 M K

Venomous Fangs 2 A 1

Poisonous Bite 2 A 1

Taloned Hands 2 A 1

Constriction 1 A 1

Spit Poison 2 A 2

Poisoned Darts 2 A 2

Firearms 2 A 3

Sinuous Weaving 2 D -

Sneak & Skulk 2 D -

Reptilian Scales 2 D -

Cold-Blooded 2 X - Draw 3 cards

Illusions 2 D - Not Degenerates

Sorcery 6 X - Discard to Draw a Spell Card


Unit Name: # Hits Notes:

Worshippers 8 1

Fanatics 6 2

Evil High Priest 2 3 Leader


Card Name: # Type Range Notes:

Encroach 4 M 1

March 4 M 2

Run 3 M 3

Charge 2 M 4

Rush In 2 M K

Spear 2 A 1

Dagger 2 A 1

Machete 2 A 1

Thrown Knives 2 A 2

Pistol 2 A 2

Bolas 2 A 3

Antique Gun 1 A 3

Frenzy 2 D -

Drugged 2 D -

Fanaticism 2 X - Draw 3 cards

Ritual Sacrifice 5 X - Draw a Spell Card


Unit Name: # Hits Notes:

Mi-Go 10 2

Mi-Go Surgeon 2 2 Leader


Card Name: # Type Range Notes:

Articulate Limbs 4 M 1

Circle 4 M 2

Membranous Wings 3 M 3

Soar 3 M 4

Dive 2 M 5

Pitch 2 M K

Nippers 2 A 1

Grapple 2 A 1

Vivisection 2 A 1

Dissection 2 A 1

Drop Attack 4 M 1 Also Attack Range = 1

Chitinous 2 D -

Fly Away 2 D -

Trickery 2 D -

Brain Surgery 1 X 1 Take control of target unit

Antennae 2 X - Draw 3 cards

Interstellar Race 4 X - Draw 1 Spell Card


Some spells can summon units, which appear in an empty space next to the caster.

The controller may use Attack & Move cards with the unit.

Instead of using the Range on the cards, the cards will be assigned a range according to

The spell description of the Unit.

Summoned Units cannot use defense cards.

A Summoned unit automatically loses 1 Hit per turn.


The controller may use Attack & Move cards with the unit.

These cards will always be considered to have a range = 1.

Controlled units cannot cast spells.


Card Name: (Range) Effect

Spell of Binding: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

Black Binding: (2) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

Dismiss: (2) Move enemy unit up to 3 spaces away from caster

Summon Fire Vampire: (1) Gain a 7 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.

Summon Baykhee: (1) Gain a 4 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.

Summon Dark Young: (1) Gain a 7 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 1.

Summon Dimensional Shambler: (1) Gain a 4 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 2.

Summon Flying Polyp: (1) Gain a 9 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 5.

Summon Formless Spawn: (1) Gain a 6 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = K.

Summon Hunting Horror: (1) Gain an 8 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 3.

Summon Hound of Tindalos: (1) Gain a 6 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 3.

Summon Night Gaunt: (1) Gain a 3 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.

Summon Shantak: (1) Gain a 5 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 4.

Summon Shoggoth: (1) Gain a 10 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 2.

Summon Xiclotl: (1) Gain a 5 Hit Unit. Attack range = 1. Move range = 1.

Contact Chthonian: Draw 2 Spell cards

Contact Star Spawn: Draw 2 Spell cards

Dread Curse of Azathoth: Attack of Range = 2

Create Gate: Move Self or Adjacent friendly unit to any open space

Elder Sign: Negate a Move card just Played

Voorish Sign: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.

Powder of Ibn-Ghazi: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.

Resurrection: Bring friendly dead unit back to life adjacent to caster. Unit has 1 Hit.

Shrivelling: Attack of Range = 2

Glass from Leng: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.

Lamp of Alhazred: Draw 2 Spell cards

Plutonian Drug: Search Spell Deck for card & put it in your hand

Shining Trapezohedron: (3) Gain Control of Target

Bait: Move enemy unit up to 3 spaces towards caster

Spectral Hunter: Defense

Bless Blade: Attack of Range = 1

Body Warping of Gorgoroth: Self or Target gains 1 Hit

Cast out Devil: Negate target Control Spell or effect

Call Power of Nyambe: Draw 2 Spell cards

Ceremonial Dagger: Kill adjacent friendly unit to draw 3 spell cards

Chant of Thoth: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.

Chime of Tezchaptl: Negate Spell just cast

Cloud Memory: Opponent must discard Spell Hand

Clutch of Nyogtha: Attack of Range = K

Command Spell: (3) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns

Conjure Glass of Mortlan: Take card from your discard & put it in your hand

Consume Likeness: Defense

Bad-Corpse Dust: Negate a Move card just Played

Barrier of Naach-Tith: Defense or Negate Spell just cast

Curse Whistle: Draw 2 Spell cards

Fetch Stick: Attack of Range = 1

Limbo Gate: Move Self or Adjacent friendly unit to any open space

Mist of Releh: No Attacks may be made this turn

Scrying Window: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.

Time Warp: (4) Target is destroyed

Insanity: Any target unit loses 1 hit

Curse of Darkness: Destroy Target summoned Unit

Curse of the Stone: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

Death Spell: (3) Target is destroyed

Devolution: (2) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns then target runs away

Dominate: (3) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns

Dust of Suleiman: Attack of Range = 1

Eibon’s Wheel of Mist: Defense

Enthrall Victim: (2) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

Explode Heart: (2) Target is destroyed

Eye of Light & Darkness: All adjacent enemies take 1 Hit of Damage

Fist of Yog Sothoth: Attack of Range = 4

Flesh Ward: Caster Immune to Range = 1 Attacks for 5 turns

Grasp of Cthulhu: (4) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

Hands of Colubra: Attack of Range = 1

Heal: Self or adjacent unit regains 1 lost Hit

Implant Fear: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

Keeness of Two Alike: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.

Levitate: Defense

Living Clothes: Attack of Range = 3

Look to the Future: Look at opponents hand. Draw a card from your deck.

Mental Suggestion: (3) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns

Mesmerize: (2) Gain Control of Target for 4 turns

Mind Blast: Attack of Range = 4

Mind Exchange: (1) Gain Control of Target for 3 turns

Nightmare: (4) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

Pipes of Madness: Both players discard all their cards

Power Drain: Steal 2 random spell cards from opponent

Raise Corpse: Bring friendly dead unit back to life adjacent to caster. Unit has 1 Hit.

Red Sign of Shudde M’ell: All adjacent units take 1 Hit of Damage

Remortification: Defense

Seal of Isis: Negate a Spell card just played

Send Dreaming: Draw 2 cards from your deck

Song of Hastur: Attack of Range = 4

Song of Glissande: Caster & 3 Targets within 2 spaces cannot move or attack for 2 turns

Soul Singing: Move enemy unit up to 3 spaces in any direction

Steal Life: Attack of Range = 2. Caster regains 1 lost Hit

Unspeakable Promise: Draw 2 Spell cards

Voice of Ra: Draw 2 cards from your deck

Wither Limb: Attack of Range = 3

Wrack: (3) Target cannot move or attack for 4 turns

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