Introduction to Warpspawn Games

MOUK Weapon - Missile Launcher. Ammo: Plasma Armor Systems- Advanced Exoskeleton x2, Targeting Computer, Gyrostabalizers, High Density Armor GUS

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Weapon - Missile Launcher. Ammo: Plasma

Armor Systems- Advanced Exoskeleton x2, Targeting Computer, Gyrostabalizers,

High Density Armor


Weapon - Bolter Assault Rifle. Ammo: Caseless

Armor Systems- Engineering Module, High Density Armor, Battle Computer,

Stealth Package, Jet Pack


For Space Ranger, Power Ranger, Action figure type action:

Each hero has 10 rolls on the basic suit system table and

10 rolls on the skill table.


For Heavy Power Armor Action:

Each suit can have:

1 Heavy Weapon or 2 light weapons (Right Arm)

1 Heavy Weapon or 2 light weapons (Left Arm)

1 Heavy Weapon or 2 light weapons (Back/Shoulder Mount)

Heavies have HTH damage +2 & Base Armor value = 8.


Rare, expensive ammunition for Bolters.

Keep tract of Individual shells.

A soldier will only have 1D6 shells.

1D10 Ammo

1 Burster AOA = 3, Damage Roll +1

2 Micro Missile Accuracy +3, Penetration Roll +1

3 Hot Flash Damage Roll +4

4 Grape Shot Damage Roll +1, Accuracy +4, Range x ½

5 Hunter Seeker Accuracy +2, Range x 2

6 Safe Cracker Penetration Roll +3, Damage Roll +1

7 Plasma Shell AOA = 2, Damage Roll +2

8 Screamer Same as Fear Projection

9 Numb Numb Gauss effects, Accuracy +1

10 Brain Bullet Same as Psionic Blast


Thanks Zak!

Click here for Trooper card.

Click here for Cyborg card.

Click here for Alien card.



Players take the role of Renegade Time Lords working for the

Celestial Intervention Agency.

Players must work cooperatively to foil the plots of Temporal Marauders.

The goals of Temporal Marauders are the destruction or conquest of

Gallifrey, Nexus point Earth, or the Universe.


Each player is a Gallifreyan Time Lord (Like Dr Who).

Time Lords are also referred to as Field Agents.

Each Time Lord has 9 lives, a particularity of Gallifreyan biology.

If a Time Lord loses all 9 of his lives, he is out of the game.


There are two decks in the game:

The Time Lord Deck, and the Temporal Marauder Deck.

All players share both decks.


There are two types of cards in the Temporal Marauder Deck:

Marauders, and Plot Twists.

Plot Twists add to the Power of a Marauder card placed on top of them.


Ten sided dice are required.

Counters are used as ‘plot tokens’ and to keep track of lives.


If the players go completely through the Temporal Marauder Deck and defeat

all the Marauders, they share a combined win.

The player with the most lives + cards in his Victory pile is the first place winner.

The next is the second place winner, and so on.


If any Marauder Card ever gets 4 plot tokens on it, the time line is

irreversibly disrupted, resulting in universal disaster. Time and Space unravel.

All players lose. Game over.


Each turn has 4 phases:

1. Aid Phase

2. Marauder Phase

3. Mission Phase

4. Plot Phase


Each player draws 3 cards from the Time Lord Deck.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile and draw from it.

A player may discard 2 cards to draw 1 card.

Players may trade cards.

Max hand size = 9. Discard excess cards.


Draw one card from the Temporal Marauder Deck for each Time Lord.

Place these cards face up in the center of the Table.

If any of the cards are Plot Twist Cards, draw another Temporal Marauder

card and place it on top.

Continue until all Plot Twists are covered by a Marauder card.

All of these cards are considered to be in play.


Each player gets one Action Segment in Mission Phase.

Players roll high on 1D10 to determine Segment order.

A player may use his action segment to draw 3 cards.

A player may use his action segment to attempt to defeat any one

Marauder in play (A Mission).

Resolve the attempt as follows:

The Time Lord and the Marauder must determine and compare their respective Power Totals.

To get a Power Total, each side rolls 1D10. These are the Power Rolls.

The Time Lord may discard cards from his hand to add their Power to his Power Total.

If the Time Lord rolled a 10, he may add another 1D10 to his Total.

The Marauder adds its inherent power to the roll.

The Marauder adds the power of all its Plot Twists to its Total.

Compare the Power Totals. Higher Total wins.

If the Marauder won, the Time Lord loses one life, and the Marauder remains in play.

If the Time Lord wins, he lives, and puts the Marauder card and its Plot

Twists into his Victory Pile.

If it is a tie, the Time Lord is not killed, and the Marauder remains in play.

If the Time Lord won, he gets an extra action segment that can be used this

phase only to attempt to defeat another Marauder in play.

A Time lord can only get one extra action segment per turn this way.


Players may cooperate and go on a mission jointly.

Each Time Lord that goes uses up an action segment.

Additional Time Lords may use cards and add 1D10 each to the Power Total of the First.

If they succeed no one gets any extra action segments.

Roll high on 1D10 to see which Time Lord gets to put the cards into his Victory pile.

If they fail, they all lose a life.

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