Introduction to Warpspawn Games

PLOT PHASE Place one Plot Token on each Marauder card in play. TEMPORAL MARAUDER DECK CARD LIST

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Place one Plot Token on each Marauder card in play.


Card Name: Type Power Notes:

The Master M +10 Insane Renegade Time Lord

Darvos M +7 Creator of the Daleks

Daleks M +10 Exterminate! Exterminate!

Cybermen M +10 Ruthless descendants of Earths Sister Planet

Sontarans M +10 Can Create 1 million Clones per Minute

Ice Warriors M +4 Martian Underground Cities

Movellans M +7 Robotic Servitor Race

Silurians M +6 The first Intelligent Life on Earth

Sea Devils M +5 Aquatic Species of Silurians

Rutans M +8 Amoeboid Race at war with the Sontarans

Entropy M +10 Heat Death of the Universe

Great Vampires M +7 Huge Humanoids: Enslave Worlds

Draconians M +3 Hostile Aliens

Cessair of Diplos M +2 Druidic Goddess Imposter

Daemons M +8 Powerful Alien Race

The Hand of Eldrad M +2 Silicon Based Life Form

The Last Fendhal M +1 Ghoulish creature

The Great Intelligence M +4 Purely Mental Cosmic Being

Krynoid Germination M +3 Giant Sapient Plant Pods

Mandragora Helix M +2 Time Vortex Energy Life Form

Nestene Consciousness M +3 Spacefaring Sapient Radiation

Omega M +5 Time Lord trapped in Antimatter Universe

Scaroth M +4 Last of his race. Stranded on Earth

Terileptils M +1 Reptilian race: unleashed the Black Plague

Vardans M +1 Energy beings. Pawns of the Sontarans

Warlords M +1 Alien Kidnapers. Building an Army of Humans

Zygons M +1 Homeless Alien Shapeshifters

Robotic Yeti M +1 Servants of the Great Intelligence

Failed Experiment P +6

Earth Invasion P +2

Black Guardian of Time P +6 Goal of Universal Chaos

The Time Destructor P +6

Doomsday Weapon P +6

Nova Bomb P +4 Space Combat: Ignite Nebulas

Cybermat P +2 Robot Insects

Preserved in Ice P +2 Suspended Animation

Misjump P +2

Autons P +2 Servants of the Nestene Consciousness

Drain theEye of Harmony P +6 Power Source of all TARDIS

Ogrons P +2 Stone creatures that feed on blood

Interstellar Plague P +4

Nexus Point P +2 Shallow areas in the Timestream

Mind Control P +4

Non-Intervention P +2 Gallifreyan Doctrine

Psionic Powers P +2


Card Name: Power Notes:

The Key to Time +10 Complete Control of time

White Guardian of Time +10

Elixir of Karn -- Gain 1 Life

U.N.I.T. +3 United Nations Intelligence Taskforce

Violate the 1st law of Time +1D10 Lose an extra life if the Mission Fails

Rassilon +10 First & Greatest of Time Lords

Pacification Gun +4 The target becomes friendly

Fast Regeneration -- Gain 1 Action segment (after failing a mission)

Mathematicians of Logopolis +3

Block Transfer Computation +5 Used to shape or recreate reality

Charged Vacuum Emboitements +2 +10 vs Entropy

Chronic Hysteresis +7 Forced Time Loop

The Doctor +10

Earth Empire +3 Future Conglomeration of Corporate Megaliths

The Federation +4 Future: Loose Planetary Alliance including Aliens

Gravitron +4 Future Device: Controls Earths weather

The Sisterhood +3 Keepers of the Sacred Flame

Hyperspace Travel -- Gain one Action Segment

Megara +9 Alien Machines that dispense perfect justice

Perceptual Induction +3 Illusions of Wish Fulfillment

Temporal Stasis +3 Isolate an area from time travel

Terminus +5 Giant Spacecraft at the center of the Universe

Fluidity of Time -- Discard to remove 1 Plot Token from all Marauders

Alternate Time Line -- Discard to shuffle target Marauder into Marauder Deck

Timestream -- Discard to remove all Plot Tokens from 1 Marauder

Pharos Project Computer +2

Pocket Universe +3

Gallifreyan Absolute Time +4 Maintained by the Transduction Barrier

Microjumps +3 Used for commando style raids

Spatial Overlap +2 TARDIS tactic. Materialize over physical objects

The Human Factor +3

Amplified Panatropic Compiler +2 APC NET: All Gallifreyan knowledge

Solar Heat Gun +2

Chameleon Circuit +3 TARDIS technology. Camouflage

Temporal Invulnerability +3 TARDIS technology. Physically indestructible

Temporal Vortex -- Gain 1 Action Segment. Center of all Time & Space

Gallifreyan Monitors +3 Detect events that endanger time & space

Cell Regeneration Vault -- Gain 1 Life

Demat Gun +4 Dematerialization Weapon

Transmat System -- Gain one Action Segment. Instantaneous Travel

Field Agent Equipment +2 Universal Detector,Neutron Ram,Sonic Screwdriver,etc.

TARDIS Systems +3 Homing Beacon, Safety devices, Computer, etc.

Energy Weapons +3 Stunners, Lasers, Disruptors, Particle Beams, etc.

K-9 Unit +5 Versatile Field Robot Companion

Leela +4 Amazonian Human Female Companion

Gallifreyan Companion +3 Lady Romanadvoratrelundar, Susan Campbell, etc.

Human Companion +3 Jo Grant, Ian Chesterton, Peri Brown, etc.

Alien Companion +3 Nyssa, Vislor Turlough, etc.

Companions can be reused by a Time Lord in the same Mission phase.


'Dr Who' is a copyrighted/trademarked property.

This is just a Fan site.



Common deck card game for two players.

Players are a pair of dueling Japanese fighters.


Each Player must pick one of the following personas:

Samurai warrior with Katana & Wakizashi (Long & Short Swords)

-Can use Speed cards as Armor cards

Bushi with Nodachi (Large Sword)

-Can use Speed cards as Chop cards

Ronnin with Tachi & Tanto (Long & Short Swords)

-Can use Armor cards as Speed cards

Kensai (sword master) with Daisho (Long & Short Swords)

-Can use Armor cards as Combo cards (Two-Sword Style)

Japanese Woman with Naginata (Curved Spear)

-Can use Armor cards as Slash cards

Domin (Farmer) with Tonfa

-Can use Armor cards as Parry cards

Otokodate (Secret Society Fighter) with Gunsen (Iron Fan)

-Can use Chop cards as Block cards

Ashigaru (Foot Soldier) with Yari (Straight Spear)

-Can use Chop cards as Thrust cards

Traveling Monk with Jojutsu (Staff)

-Can use Dodge cards as Parry cards

Ninja with kusari-gama (Chained Sickle)

-Can use Block cards as Speed Cards

Doshin (Policeman) with Jitte (Pair of Forked Dirks)

-Can use Chop cards as Parry cards

Kyokaku (City Rebel) with Nunchaku

-Can use Parry cards as Chop cards

Yamabushi (Warrior Monk) with ono (Pole-Axe)

-Can use Speed cards as Slash cards

Brigand with tetsu-bo (Iron Club)

-Can use Combo cards as Chop cards

Wako (Pirate) with aikuchi (Dagger)

-Can use Armor cards as Dodge cards

Yojimbo (Bodyguard) with katana

-Can use Kai cards as Speed cards

Merchant with Kiseru (Metal smoking pipe)

-Can use Armor cards as Block cards

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