Исследовательская работа Can computer games help to learn English?

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Puzzle video games are a genre of video games that emphasize puzzle solving. The types of puzzles can test many problem solving skills including logic, pattern recognition, sequence solving, and word completion.

Some facts about the author's experience

Before the main research we suggest looking at the interview representing the author's experience of playing computer games.

C - correspondent

A - author

C: When did you start playing computer games?

A: I started playing computer games when I was seven.

C: How long do you usually play computer games during a day?

A: I usually play computer games during an hour every day.

C: Do your parents always let you play computer games?

A: No, they don’t. They don’t always let me play games.

C: Why do you like playing computer games?

A: I think, that computer games can help to improve intellect.

C: What games do you like most of all?

A: I like playing puzzles, strategic and shooters.

C: What language interface do you use?

A: I usually use English interface.

C: What games let you communicate with other players?

A: I communicate with other players in Counter Strike and Batman.

C: What do you talk about?

A: We talk to know the country of the players, ask help or exchange weapon.

C: What words do you use to talk?

A: I use such words as exchange, go, play, let’s, where do you live.

Practical part

In the practical part we made the research among students of the sixth classes. Looking at the criteria of the first part we decided to take the following questions for the questionnaire. There are 4 main questions and 3 additional questions.

1) Do you play computer games?

Yes – 35 students

No – 13 students

2) What games do you play? (1criterion)

(With help of this question we would like to know if students can write names of games correctly.)

105 names of games - (100%)

73 correct names of games - (69%)

3) Translate their names if you can. (4 criterion)

(With help of this question I would like to know if students can translate names of games correctly.)

105 names of games - (100%)

43 Correct translations - (40%)

4) What English words have you known from games?

(With help of this question I would like to know what new words students have known playing games.)

66 words - (100%)

16 correct new words - (24%)

5) Write one sentence using one of the words? (2 criterion)

(With help of this question I would like to know if students can write sentences with new words.)

35 answers - (100%)

3 correct sentence - (9%)

6) Do you communicate in English playing games? (3 criterion)

(With help of this question I would like to know if students communicate in English playing games.)

35 answers - (100%)

8 students said “Yes“ - (22%)

7) Do you improve your English when you play computer games?

22 students have said that they improve their English skills playing games.

Analysis of results

Let's compare the results with the criteria.

  • A student can write in English correctly;

  • A student can build sentences in English correctly;

  • A student can communicate in the Internet in English;

  • A student can understand phrases and words in English.

1) According to the first criterion and my hypothesis students must write correctly. I found that 69 per cent of answers meets the criterion. It is more than 50 per cent. That’s why we can say that students can improve their skills of English writing playing computer games.

2) According to the second criterion and my hypothesis students must make sentence correctly. I found that only 9 per cent of answers meets the criterion. It is less than 50 per cent. That’s why I can say that students can't improve their skills of making sentences in English.

3) According to the third criterion and my hypothesis students must communicate in English in the Internet. I found that only 22 per cent of students meets the criterion and can improve communication skills.

4) According to the fourth criterion and my hypothesis students must understand phrases and words. I found that only 40 per cent of answers meets the criterion. That’s why I can say that students can't improve their skills of translation and understanding.


In conclusion, we can say that we have reached the aim and found that computer games don’t help to learn English. That’s why my hypothesis was not proved, because the results of our research show that only some students improved their skills in English.

We found that according to the first criterion students can improve their English skills because results meet more than fifty per cent. The skills of making sentences, understanding and communication aren't improved because results meet the criteria less than fifty per cent.

If we imagine average student playing computer games we will see that he:

      • can write only 2 names of games correctly;

      • can translate 1.3 names of games correctly;

      • have known less than one new word from computer games;

      • can’t make a sentence using words from games.

Perspective: we have found that playing computer games isn't the best way to learn English. We have researched only the most popular genres of games but also there are special educational games. It will be really useful to know if they can improve student's English skills without any efforts.

The list of the literature

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_genre

2. http://www.break.com/c/pop-culture-videos/video-games/

3. http://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/release-date/new-releases/all/date

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