I’ve got it let’s invade Iraq!


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November 6th, 2010


TO: President Bush

FROM: Mr. Wolfowitz

RE: Saddam’s WMDs

Mr. President, this memo is intended to provide a factual context in which to view the “loyal” opposition’s cynical reaction to our so-called “failure” to find definite evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Allow me to make the following points.

In fact, we did find definite evidence of several Iraqi WMD programs.

First, we discovered absolutely enormous quantities of sand — so much sand, indeed, that Saddam’s lackeys abandoned all attempts to conceal it and instead scattered it around the desert, hoping we wouldn’t notice it. As we all know, the most devastating low-tech WMD is the so-called “dirty bomb.” It is clear to any thinking person, other than those petit-point doilies at the New York Times, that the one indispensable component of a dirty bomb is dirt. And to the Iraqi mentality, “dirt” means “sand.” I’m telling you, there was sand all over the place. It must have taken years of slave labor to get all that sand into Iraq. I can see you shaking your head now, Mr. President, but I assure you: nothing short of tens of thousands of slaves, some of them no doubt scantily-clad young females perspiring beneath the lash, could have put all that sand there. An effort demonic in intent, Mr. President, and enormous in scale.

Second, while exploring the cavernous basements of Presidential Palace Number 4, many of the rooms of which were clumsily disguised as bowling alleys, several of our soldiers came down with the sniffles. The conclusion is inescapable: these “bowling alleys” had actually been home to the Iraqi Biological Warfare effort, which was on the verge of producing a really nasty head cold. Given sufficient time and resources, they would have moved on to a terrible sort throat — you know, the kind where those little lumps near your jaws get all tender and swollen? Glands or something. And from there, the pathway to the lungs yawns open, just inviting pneumonia and whooping cough and other debilitating illnesses. Uninterrupted, Saddam would have pursued this course until no one in American could have drawn an easy breath. Tell that to Jim Lehrer.

Third, buried well out of sight and behind locked steel doors in the deepest basements of all the Presidential Palaces we discovered massive quantities of a thick, sticky black substance labeled Hair Dye that was obviously actually pitchblend, an unavoidable by-product of the uranium refinement process. Can any of these pantywaist libs say atomic bomb?

And finally, you will notice in the aftermath of Saddam’s execution how easy it is to find hangmen in Iraq. This is obviously the result of a national hangman’s offensive conceived to train thousands of men, and, undoubtedly, some scantily-clad young women wearing short white latex gloves to protect against calluses, to develop expert hangman’s skills so they could be infiltrated en masse into the unexpecting heartland of this great nation. Gives new meaning to the old phrase, “Give ‘em enough rope.” And you, Mr. President, can take pride in having denied them that rope.

Sir, when the final list is made of freedom’s greatest triumphs, for permanent engraving on the wall of human memory, these accomplishments will be at the very top, so high that slightly-built young women in filmy summer clothing will have to go up on tippy-toe to read them. Mr. President, America sleeps more soundly because you are in the White House.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 6th, 2010 at 8:02 am and is filed under All Blogs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


  1. Beth Says:
    November 6th, 2010 at 9:19 am

I am afraid that the memo to the president is nothing more than another attempt to disguise the real reason a war was declared. There was provocation. GHW Bush had two wars. One, while he was president, was successful in that Iraq changed its mind about invading Saudi Arabia and best friends stuck up for each other.

The other was noble. As soon as he turned 18 GHW Bush enlisted and, although it was near the end of the war, he was shot down. Daddy really was a war-time pilot. His flight suit wasn’t a costume.

W needed his own war. If Mr. Wolfowitz found it necessary to give him some paper that could be floated as reasons for declaring a war without provocation, he was only doing his job. If the president says “make me up some lies I can use to convince Congress that there is a need for war” what else could he do?

I do wish someone with a conscience had presented a document with the names of all the Americans who died for nothing. But that would have required dealing in truth and it would have left no room for “Mission Accomplished”.

That was masterful fantasy. A president who didn’t win the election but got appointed to the job by judges who got their jobs from his father, climbs out of a billion dollar plane in a pretend flight suit, to stand under a sign declaring success had been achieved is worthy of the Magic Kingdom. Of course, kids at the Magic Kingdom would have been too smart to fall for it.

In a post this week there was discussion about hell. There are a few people who should be candidates. At the top of my list is the CEO of the company who sent adulterated baby formula to Africa and then provided education for the mothers, teaching them that the formula was better for their babies than their own milk.

I won’t condemn W to hell, but it would be nice if he had to spend some period of time gazing at the impossibly young faces of the American soldiers who died for a lie.

  1. Bonnie Says:
    November 6th, 2010 at 9:47 am

(Sigh.) Sometimes I miss Molly Ivins so much!

  1. Lil Gluckstern Says:
    November 6th, 2010 at 10:41 am

The scary thing about satire is that it is often close to the truth. And I agree with Beth. Only more so. When was the last time a man of so little intelligence-never mind the pun-had so much power. And if we aren’t careful, we could get more of the same. Everybody knows the name of Rush Limbaugh, how many know the name of, say, Thomas Friedman? Anyone with a sense of the whole world would have more sense.

  1. fairyhedgehog Says:
    November 6th, 2010 at 11:03 am

Now I totally understand.

If the US President had to be mad to believe that WOMD existed, what are we to make of a UK Prime Minister who would blindly follow an insane foreign dignitary into war?

  1. Phil Hanson Says:
    November 6th, 2010 at 11:11 am

Tim, if our minds weren’t so much alike, yours would scare me.

  1. Timothy Hallinan Says:
    November 6th, 2010 at 1:51 pm

Beth, agreed on W — although, I actually like Poppy less than you do. If I had my way there’d be a law barring former CIA heads from the Oval Office. And then we could extend it to people with double-digit IQs, and we’d have removed the name Bush from presidential history. Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

Bonnie, I’m with you on Molly Ivins.

Hi, Lil — I was going to write a preface to this and claim I got it from WikiLeaks, but I was afraid people would think it was real. That administration was so far into nutcase territory that people will believe almost anything about them, and with good reason. More of the same seems to be on the menu, since the Democrats are too clueless to prevent it.

FHH, good point! I guess even madmen have lapdogs.

Phil, it DOES scare me that your mind and mine are so much alike.

  1. Gary Says:
    November 6th, 2010 at 3:42 pm

What was this post about again?

For some reason I couldn’t get past all the scantily-clad young women.

  1. Bonnie Says:
    November 7th, 2010 at 6:52 am

Gary, having started Star Island last night, I wanted to edit your entry to read skantily klad. Am happy to report that Skink has already made an appearance, shower cap and all.

  1. Timothy Hallinan Says:
    November 7th, 2010 at 8:43 am

I’m shocked you were both diverted from the important content by the images of scantily clad (skantily klad?) young women. Shocked. Hiaasen really is funny.

  1. Bonnie Says:
    November 7th, 2010 at 12:20 pm

Yes, Skantily Klad is the name of the hot new CD being promoted by the talentless, constantly high “heroine” of the story. Of course, she lip-syncs all her material.

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