74 | P age b - CAT, Concluding Observations on Cambodia, UN doc. CAT/C/CR/31/7, 2005. CAT, Concluding Observations on Bahrain, UN Doc. CAT/CO/34/BHR, 2005. CAT, Concluding Observations on the US, UN doc. CAT/C/USA/CO/2, 2006. CAT, Concluding Observation on the first periodic reports of Ethiopia, CAT/C/ETH/CP/1, 20 Jan 2011. CAT, concluding observation on the fourth periodic reports of Turkey, CAT/c/Tur/co/4, 2 June 2016. CAT, Concluding Observations on Rwanda, UN Doc. CAT/C/RWA/CO/2, 2017. CAT, concluding observation on Vietnam, UN Doc. CAT/C/VNM/CO/1, 2018. - HRC, Conclusions and Recommendations El Salvador, ICCPR/CO/78/SLV, 2003. - HRC, Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee Israel‟, CCPR/CO/78/ISR, 2003 - HRC, Concluding Observations on the 5 th Periodic Report of Canada, UN Doc. CCPR/C/CAN/CO/5, 2 November 2005. - HRC Concluding Observation on Yemen, UN Doc. CCPR/CO/84/YEM, 2005. - HRC, Concluding Observation on the Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America, CCPR/C/USA/CO/4, 2014. Domestic Legislations and Cases - Ethiopian Constitution of 1931, Established in the reign of His Majesty Haile Sellassie I, 16th July 1931 - Revised Constitution of Ethiopia, proclamation No, Negarit Gazetta, Year 15, Nob - The Constitution of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, proclamation No. 1, 1987, Nagarit Gazetta, Year 47, Nob - Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Federal Negarit Gazeta, st year No, st August, 1995 - The Penal Code of 1930, Enacted in the reign of His Majesty Haile Sellassie I, September 1930. - The Penal Code of the Empire of Ethiopia, Proclamation No. 158/1957, Federal Negarit Gazeta, 16 th year No. 1, 23 rd July 1957. - Criminal Procedure Code of Ethiopia, Proclamation Nob