A part-time TTO works in contact with research groups to identify work with industrial or economic potential and to facilitate industrial relations.
This person maintains close relationships with both structures responsible for Technology Transfer at the “Université de Savoie”1 and the regional service of CNRS2in Grenoble.
LAPP is also part of the IN2P3 Technology Transfer Network which enhances the collaboration between TTOs and provides a comprehensive approach of Technology Transfer in particle and nuclear physics.
Partnerships :
Service contracts to public and private are regularly concluded for the provision of various studies. A scientific computing facility, so-called “mésocentre MUST”, is located at LAPP providing expertise, high performance computing resources to all research laboratories of “Université de Savoie”.
Mechanical computations have already been performed using MUST and medium-terms plans have been defined to bring this infrastructure closer to the industrial needs.
LAPP has well-established relations with technical centres such as MIND (centre de Microtechnologies pour l’Industrie), CETIM (Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques), with the Arve Industries cluster and the Thésame association, all involved in complex multi-technology assemblies and mechatronics.
Industrial partners of the Equipex HoMe project have access to the foreseen equipment. The business plan foresees up to 25% occupation by the partners.
A strong collaboration is also established with the Thésame association which carries out innovation strategies in the Haute-Savoie region and works towards the elaboration of innovative and collaborative projects between research centres and the local industrial cluster.
Technological transfer (Licences...) : In the IT domain, LAPP has achieved the transfer of CRISTAL technology with CERN,University West of England and Thésame. This transfer has result in the creation of French start-up company and in an active licence. CRISTAL is a Java description-driven system to manage data and process information for business process life cycle management which has been licensed to Agilium and now commercialized by M1i company.
Communication :
General public: Outreach actions are organised frequently all over the year: student and high school teachers visits, public conferences in town, public poster displays, TV and radio interviews, science en fete and lab open doors, 30 years anniversary etc. The deputy lab director acts as communication officer in connexion with the university and IN2P3 outreach cells. The lab had benefit of a professional scientific communication person who opened a new area in this domain. At the end of this position, a close collaboration with a specialized company to organise the lab’s outreach is considered and under study.
Scientific public : LAPP personnel are giving regularly seminars to similar laboratories around the world showing their results
Between 10 and 15 students prepare their PhD thesis at LAPP spread over three years of preparation. Four to five defend their thesis each year. The last years 3 thesis have been awarded for their originality and quality with the “Prix de neiges” attributed by, the “L’association des Pays de Savoie (APS)”. The students’ thesis are financed by the minister of research, the APS, BDI and the Savoie University. Given the number of HDR physicists, LAPP could increase the capacity to supervise 30% more students, however we are currently limited by the available funds.
Actually LAPP is involved in three different education programs:
Higher education
Name of the education where the laboratory is implied
The high quality of the trainers, all of them researchers deeply involved in frontier experiments, guarantees the excellence of the education at Master 1 and 2 level
The special attention that the trainers pay to the concrete problems will profit from to the students who follow the Master 1 courses
The choice for the students to do their Thesis for the Master 2 in the most advanced fields of High Energy Physics. This will greatly enhance their chance to accomplish a successful carrier since they will evolve in an International environment and will be confronted to the actual problems of the field.