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14.4The System.Enum type

The type System.Enum is the abstract base class of all enum types (this is distinct and different from the underlying type of the enum type), and the members inherited from System.Enum are available in any enum type. A boxing conversion (§4.3.1) exists from any enum type to System.Enum, and an unboxing conversion (§4.3.2) exists from System.Enum to any enum type.

Note that System.Enum is not itself an enum-type. Rather, it is a class-type from which all enum-types are derived. The type System.Enum inherits from the type System.ValueType (§4.1.1), which, in turn, inherits from type object. At run-time, a value of type System.Enum can be null or a reference to a boxed value of any enum type.

14.5Enum values and operations

Each enum type defines a distinct type; an explicit enumeration conversion (§6.2.2) is required to convert between an enum type and an integral type, or between two enum types. The set of values that an enum type can take on is not limited by its enum members. In particular, any value of the underlying type of an enum can be cast to the enum type, and is a distinct valid value of that enum type.

Enum members have the type of their containing enum type (except within other enum member initializers: see §14.3). The value of an enum member declared in enum type E with associated value v is (E)v.

The following operators can be used on values of enum types: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= (§7.9.5), binary + (§7.7.4), binary   (§7.7.5), ^, &, | (§7.10.2), ~ (§7.6.4), ++, -- (§7.5.9 and §7.6.5), and sizeof (§18.5.4).

Every enum type automatically derives from the class System.Enum (which, in turn, derives from System.ValueType and object). Thus, inherited methods and properties of this class can be used on values of an enum type.


Delegates enable scenarios that other languages—such as C++, Pascal, and Modula—have addressed with function pointers. Unlike C++ function pointers, however, delegates are fully object oriented, and unlike C++ pointers to member functions, delegates encapsulate both an object instance and a method.

A delegate declaration defines a class that is derived from the class System.Delegate. A delegate instance encapsulates an invocation list, which is a list of one or more methods, each of which is referred to as a callable entity. For instance methods, a callable entity consists of an instance and a method on that instance. For static methods, a callable entity consists of just a method. Invoking a delegate instance with an appropriate set of arguments causes each of the delegate’s callable entities to be invoked with the given set of arguments.

An interesting and useful property of a delegate instance is that it does not know or care about the classes of the methods it encapsulates; all that matters is that those methods be compatible (§15.1) with the delegate’s type. This makes delegates perfectly suited for “anonymous” invocation.

15.1Delegate declarations

A delegate-declaration is a type-declaration (§9.6) that declares a new delegate type.

attributesopt delegate-modifiersopt delegate return-type identifier type-parameter-listopt
( formal-parameter-listopt ) type-parameter-constraints-clausesopt ;

delegate-modifiers delegate-modifier


It is a compile-time error for the same modifier to appear multiple times in a delegate declaration.

The new modifier is only permitted on delegates declared within another type, in which case it specifies that such a delegate hides an inherited member by the same name, as described in §10.3.4.

The public, protected, internal, and private modifiers control the accessibility of the delegate type. Depending on the context in which the delegate declaration occurs, some of these modifiers may not be permitted (§3.5.1).

The delegate’s type name is identifier.

The optional formal-parameter-list specifies the parameters of the delegate, and return-type indicates the return type of the delegate.

The optional type-parameter-list specifies the type parameters to the delegate itself.

Delegate types in C# are name equivalent, not structurally equivalent. Specifically, two different delegate types that have the same parameter lists and return type are considered different delegate types. However, instances of two distinct but structurally equivalent delegate types may compare as equal (§7.9.8).

For example:

delegate int D1(int i, double d);

class A
public static int M1(int a, double b) {...}

class B

delegate int D2(int c, double d);

public static int M1(int f, double g) {...}

public static void M2(int k, double l) {...}

public static int M3(int g) {...}

public static void M4(int g) {...}

The delegate types D1 and D2 are both compatible with the methods A.M1 and B.M1, since they have the same return type and parameter list; however, these delegate types are two different types, so they are not interchangeable. The delegate types D1 and D2 are incompatible with the methods B.M2, B.M3, and B.M4, since they have different return types or parameter lists.

Like other generic type declarations, type arguments must be given to create a constructed delegate type. The parameter types and return type of a constructed delegate type are created by substituting, for each type parameter in the delegate declaration, the corresponding type argument of the constructed delegate type. The resulting return type and parameter types are used in determining what methods are compatible with a constructed delegate type. For example:

delegate bool Predicate(T value);

class X
static bool F(int i) {...}

static bool G(string s) {...}


The delegate type Predicate is compatible with the method X.F and the delegate type Predicate is compatible with the method X.G.

The only way to declare a delegate type is via a delegate-declaration. A delegate type is a class type that is derived from System.Delegate. Delegate types are implicitly sealed, so it is not permissible to derive any type from a delegate type. It is also not permissible to derive a non-delegate class type from System.Delegate. Note that System.Delegate is not itself a delegate type; it is a class type from which all delegate types are derived.

C# provides special syntax for delegate instantiation and invocation. Except for instantiation, any operation that can be applied to a class or class instance can also be applied to a delegate class or instance, respectively. In particular, it is possible to access members of the System.Delegate type via the usual member access syntax.

The set of methods encapsulated by a delegate instance is called an invocation list. When a delegate instance is created (§15.2) from a single method, it encapsulates that method, and its invocation list contains only one entry. However, when two non-null delegate instances are combined, their invocation lists are concatenated—in the order left operand then right operand—to form a new invocation list, which contains two or more entries.

Delegates are combined using the binary + (§7.7.4) and += operators (§7.16.2). A delegate can be removed from a combination of delegates, using the binary - (§7.7.5) and -= operators (§7.16.2). Delegates can be compared for equality (§7.9.8).

The following example shows the instantiation of a number of delegates, and their corresponding invocation lists:

delegate void D(int x);

class C
public static void M1(int i) {...}

public static void M2(int i) {...}


class Test

static void Main() {
D cd1 = new D(C.M1); // M1
D cd2 = new D(C.M2); // M2
D cd3 = cd1 + cd2; // M1 + M2
D cd4 = cd3 + cd1; // M1 + M2 + M1
D cd5 = cd4 + cd3; // M1 + M2 + M1 + M1 + M2


When cd1 and cd2 are instantiated, they each encapsulate one method. When cd3 is instantiated, it has an invocation list of two methods, M1 and M2, in that order. cd4’s invocation list contains M1, M2, and M1, in that order. Finally, cd5’s invocation list contains M1, M2, M1, M1, and M2, in that order. For more examples of combining (as well as removing) delegates, see §15.4.

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