Leadership Development Programs and ecq-based Readings

ECQ 5: Building Coalitions

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ECQ 5: Building Coalitions

This core qualification involves the ability to build coalitions internally and with other Federal agencies, State and local governments, nonprofit and private sector organizations, foreign governments, or international organizations to achieve common goals.

BRODY Professional Development (BRODY)

Political Savvy 1:1 Coaching

You understand your organization’s formal organizational structure, but the informal culture and internal politics leaves you frustrated. This coaching session is designed to benefit those whose lack of understanding leaves them undervalued, stymied, and unable to gain traction for their ideas. Participants will learn about the informal organization and how to gain respect, which leads to better productivity. Department areas can be seen more as partners who meet organizational goals. Participants also gain an understanding of networking power to create collaboration, and how to manage organizational politics as a fact of life -- reducing employee frustration and stress. For more information, click here.
Dates: All Dates TBD by participant

Location: TBD

Deadline: December 31, 2013

Program Tuition: $4,950 plus reasonable trainer travel for Senior Training Consultant OR $5,500 for Marjorie Brody, Certified Coach and Owner

Contact Number: Tina at 215-908-4601 or 215-886-1688 tina@brodypro.com
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Influencing Without Authority 1:1 Coaching

Getting results, accomplishing objectives, completing projects … all are critical in the workplace. Being able to influence others to accomplish these things when you don’t have immediate authority is an essential skillset. Participants will develop greater awareness and mastery of how to influence others using a strategic planning approach. They’ll practice influencing techniques and enhance their learning with videos, exercises, tools and group discussions. For more information, click here.

Dates: All Dates TBD by participant

Location: TBD

Deadline: December 31, 2013

Cost: $4,950 plus reasonable trainer travel

Registration: Online Registration not available for this course, please see contact # below

Contact Number: Tina at 215-908-4601 or 215-886-1688 tina@brodypro.com

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Winning Negotiations 1:1 Coaching

Overview: Everyone can think of a colleague who consistently lands both the best deals and the new clients with ease. That can be you. Negotiation skills can be learned and immediately applied to all aspects of your work and personal dealings. “Winning Negotiations” coaching will help you to develop critical negotiation behaviors by applying fundamental negotiation principles, and uncovering your tendencies, habits, and comfort zones. The tips, strategies, and techniques shared in this session will help you become a confident negotiator with internal and external customers – to create a win-win. For more information, click here.

Dates: All Dates TBD by participant

Location: TBD

Deadline: December 31, 2013

Cost: $4,950 plus reasonable trainer travel for Senior Training Consultant

Registration: Online Registration not available for this course, please see contact # below

Contact Number: Tina at 215-908-4601 or 215-886-1688 tina@brodypro.com

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Brookings Institution

The Art and Science of Negotiation

To achieve organizational goals, today’s executives must develop an ability to employ a full range of negotiation techniques—from win-win to no deal. They need to be able to identify whom programs and policies impact, identify who loses and gains from a particular action, and know the strategic value of understanding one’s "best alternative to a negotiated agreement." This strategy goes beyond simple influence and persuasion techniques to a finely honed ability to understand how and when to apply sophisticated negotiation methods. For more information, click here.

Dates: June 24-26, 2014

Location: The Brookings Institution (Washington, DC)

Cost: $2,695

Contact: (800) 925-5730

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Building Networks and Partnerships

In this course, you will learn about the barriers to initiating interorganizational relationships and how to overcome them. You also will develop strategies to address conflicts that often arise in these relationships as well as how to create integrated solutions that achieve greater value for the public. For more information, click here.
Dates: October 1-2, 2013

Location: The Brookings Institution (Washington, DC)

Cost: $1,895

Contact: (800) 925-5730

Leading Through Influence

In this new, interactive, two-day course, you will learn how to influence people both within and outside your chain of command. You will develop key skills of informal leadership: navigating politics, understanding power, and exercising influence. In addition, the course instructs you on ways to read and think through politically charged situations to resolve them. For more information, click here.
Dates: September 10-11, 2013

Location: The Brookings Institution (Washington, DC)

Cost: $1,895

Contact: (800) 925-5730
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Center for Creative Leadership

Leading for Organizational Impact: The Looking Glass Experiment

Leading for Organizational Impact enhances your ability to lead while balancing short-term and long-term strategic perspectives. With the advantage of a comprehensive, global, day-in-the-life business simulation, you'll gain a clear view of how your leadership impacts organizational outcomes

Leading for Organizational Impact is for senior managers and executives who lead a function or division. Their scope may be local, regional or global. For more information, click here.

Locations: Greensboro, NC; San Diego, CA

Dates: For dates, please click the link: here.

Cost: $7,900

Contact Information: 1-336-545-2810
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