Information from publications containing original data is included in this survey. However, citations in faunal lists based solely on literature searches have been excluded. For each species the original reference and all subsequent combinations of names are cited. In cases where insufficient information was provided in the original reference it is provided [in square brackets]. For example, the country of the type locality was not always cited. The names of the collectors of the type specimens are given in curved brackets after the citation of the type locality.
Collection abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used for the collections which hold type material.
AMNH - American Museum of Natural History, New York
ANSP - Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
BBSL - Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan
CAS - California Academy of Science, Los Angeles
GCH - Gundlach Collection, Havana
IOC - Instituto Osvaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro
IZUT - Turin
Kiel -
MCZ - Museum of Comparative Zoology, University of Harvard
MNHN - Musée National de Histoire Naturelle, Paris
MNHU - Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin
MPEG - Museu Paraense de Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil
MZSP - Museu de Zoologia, São Paulo
NMD - National Museum, Dublin
NHML - Natural History Museum, London
NHMW - Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria
OUM - Oxford University Museum
RAW - Collection of Anthony Raw
SMM - State Museum of München
UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
KANS - University of Kansas
USNM - United States National Museum, Washington, DC.
ZMC - Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen.
Where additional information has been gleaned from specimen labels the acronym of the collection followed by the symbol © is cited under ADDITIONAL REFERENCES.
Raw © - author’s collection
Roubik © D. W. Roubik, STRI, Panama.
Biological and taxonomic information
The information on each species is summarized under nine headings. In addition, the references from which these data were derived are given with indications of the type each contains by the following symbols:-
D = Geographical distribution.
F = Flowers visited (including pollination studies).
K = Keys to identification.
L = Life history (including courtship and mating, development in the nest, sex ratios, dormancy and emergence, life-tables).
M = Morphology and anatomy (including descriptions of intersexes and mimicry).
N = Nesting (nest sites, nest architecture, building and provisioning cells, building materials).
P = Predators (including inquiline bees, beetles and flies, predators on the developmental stages, predators on adult bees, fungal diseases and other pathogens).
R = Redescription of the type sex or description of allotype. Adult female = (R-F); male (R-M) and both sexes = (R-FM).
T = Taxonomic information (locations of types).
Geographical distribution
All geographical distributions are cited by country. For the four largest countries subdivisions are cited where the collecting sites are known.
ARGENTINA. The provinces and territories are: BA = Buenos Aires; CA = Catamarca; CB = Chubut; CD = Cordoba; ER = Entre Rios; LP = La Pampa; LR = La Rioja; ME = Mendoza; MI = Misiones; NE = Neuquen; TU = Tucuman.
BRAZIL. The standard abbreviations for states and territories are: AC = Acre; AM = Amazonas; BA = Bahia; DF = Distrito Federal; ES = Espirito Santo; GO = Goias; MG = Minas Gerais; MS = Mato Grosso do Sul; MT = Mato Grosso; PA = Pará; PB = Paraiba; PR = Paraná; RJ = Rio de Janeiro; RN = Rio Grande do Norte; RO = Rondônia; RS = Rio Grande do Sul; SC = Santa Catarina; SP = São Paulo.
CANADA. The provinces are: AL = Alberta; BC = British Columbia; MA = Manitoba; NF = Newfoundland; NS = Nova Scotia; NW = Northwest Territories; ON = Ontario; QU = Quebec; SA = Saskatchewan; YU = Yukon.
JAMAICA. The parishes are: AN = St.Ann; AW = St. Andrew; CA = St.Catherine; CL = Clarendon; EL = St.Elizabeth; MA = Manchester; PO = Portland; ST = St.Thomas; TR = Trelawney.
MEXICO. The states are: BC = Baja California; CA = Campeche; CH = Chihuahua; CO = Coahuila; CP = Chiapas; DU = Durango; GU = Guadalajara; HI = Hidalgo; JA = Jalisco; ME = Mexico City; MI = Michoacan; MO = Morelos; NA = Nayarit; NL = Nueva Leon; OA = Oaxaca; PU = Puebla; QR = Quintana Roo; SI = Sinaloa; SL = San Luis Potosi; SO = Sonora; TB = Tabasco; TM = Tamaulipas; VC = Vera Cruz; YU = Yucatan; ZA = Zacatecas.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The states are: AK = Alaska; AL = Alabama; AR = Arkansas; AZ = Arizona; CA = California; CO = Colorado; DC = District of Columbia; FL = Florida; GA = Georgia; HI = Hawaii; ID = Idaho; IL = Illinois; IN = Indiana; IO = Iowa; KS = Kansas; LA = Louisiana; MA = Massachusetts; MD = Maryland; ME = Maine; MI = Michigan; MN = Minnesota; MO = Missouri; MT = Montana; NB = Nebraska; NC = North Carolina; ND = North Dakota; NH = New Hampshire; NJ = New Jersey; NM = New Mexico; NV = Nevada; NY = New York; OH = Ohio; OK = Oklahoma; OR = Oregon; PA = Pennsylvania, SD = South Dakota; TN = Tennessee; TX = Texas; UT = Utah; VA = Virginia; WA = Washington; WI = Wisconsin; WY = Wyoming.
Genus Megachile Latreille
Megachile Latreille 1802: 413. Type species: Apis centuncularis Linnaeus 1758: 575. Designation of Curtis 1828: 218.
Anthophora Fabricius 1802: 434 (not Latreille). Type species: Apis centuncularis Linnaeus. Designation of Curtis 1828: 218.
Chalicodoma Lepeletier 1841. Type species: Apis muraria Fabricius 1798. Designation of Girard 1879. (See Michener 1962: 20.). Synonymy of Michener et al 1994: 174, Michener 2000: 534.
Chalicodoma Michener 1962: 17-29. Pasteels 1965: 342. Michener 1965: 187. Hurd 1979: 2072. Mitchell 1980: 30-35.
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