Letters from a new hampshire prison from the wrongfully convicted chad evans

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you believe in my innocence, you have set up a website that you would like them to check out perhaps give you feedback and you will be working on a book you plan to write. Then sit back for a few more weeks to see if they will respond. I know it seems odd to think that telling someone that YOU believe in my innocence would have an impact but I believe it may. If an outsider has taken the time to review everything and has formed an opinion it carries weight with people. It makes it ok for others to be outspoken and believe. We can never lose sight of how horrible this case is. A 21 month old baby is dead. Not a lot of people want to be the first person to attach themselves to something like this. The state got this wrong. It is ok to remind people of this. Especially with the friends I haven’t spoken to in a long time, I think they could use a reminder of the Chad that they knew. If you leave a message on their answering machine, indicating that you are “pretty sure the Chad they have read about in newspapers over the years is far different than the loving, giving, Chad they may remember.” It may get them to think back to the Chad they knew and be willing to share some of our memories, etc. I feel it is 70-80% likely that if you leave this type of message for them and _______ will at least check out the website and this is the start we want right?

Yes, the only time I recall speaking with any of the media in my case was when I told Jennifer Saunders, “Should I speak with my head or my heart?” I remember that call clearly. She called me at my parents' house in Keene. I answered the phone and didn’t know at first that she was a reporter when she was looking for Chad. Alan and Mark advised me against ever talking to them. My heart was screaming out, “Tell this lady that you loved Kassidy and didn’t kill her.” I said the above and told her, "No thank you," when she asked if I wanted to make a statement. It was hard for me to be nice to her with all of the bullshit she had printed about me. It’s funny that you found this. Once during my trial or a hearing of some sort, Stephanie Bolduc was talking to Jennifer Saunders. Stephanie told me about their brief conversation at some point. Stephanie was saying to her that I wasn’t a monster or anything that the police have made me out to be. Saunders replied, “Yeah, I spoke to him once and he wasn’t at all what I expected. He was soft spoken and very polite.” What is interesting to me is this observation by Saunders didn’t seem to affect what she was writing at all.

I hope this helps some.

May 20, 2010 (135)

Responding to 162

You asked about Melissa Chick and whether or not I have recollection of her babysitting for Kassidy before or after Sept. 10th. This was a huge source of contention. I have written about this a couple of times and in fact did again when we identified photos of Kassidy in a 2 piece bathing suit at Water Country in August. During Melissa’s first statement to police she never mentioned watching Kassidy overnight. (as I recall) During her second interview in 2001 she not only says she watched Kassidy overnight, she also now claims that she saw bruises on her stomach. This was a huge source of angst for Amanda because when she found out about this statements during my trial she was livid. Melissa NEVER watched Kassidy for an overnight in the summer. (You really should reread Melissa’s two police interviews as I am likely messing it up a little. It has been a long time since I have seen them. I never really picked up on it but I remember Alan being pretty upset about her claims during the trial and how she was switching things up.) If Melissa testified that she saw Kassidy in August but she started her job at the Y in September you may have stumbled onto something huge. Amanda had not seen Melissa at all in the beginning of our relationship and in fact had no contact with her until AFTER she started her job at the Y in Sanford.

I only met Melissa one time at my house that I can recall. It was sometime in October. She was at the house with Amanda and I ran in to get some stuff to go golfing with Jeremy and Bruce I believe (either that or my bowling balls. I can’t recall which right now) We would occasionally go to this little course around Rochester, Nippo Lake Golf Course, I believe. It was a few-minute conversation. “Hello, nice to meet you, hope you guys have fun. Come back anytime.” I was at the house for a matter of minutes and left. Later Melissa would claim that Kassidy was sitting on the couch acting scared of me or something and I claimed to her that Kassidy was afraid of me. This was ridiculous. I never said such a thing. It doesn’t even make sense. Yeah, I am going to tell one of Amanda’s friends that I just met that Amanda’s daughter is afraid of me. That is sure to make a good impression. I don’t know if Melissa was pressured as Amanda claims she was (in a conversation she had with Chick years later) or if it was that Chick was so distraught that she felt that she had to do something.

The only other time I recall seeing Melissa Chick was again at my house after Kassidy died, where she again claimed I said some ridiculous shit to her.

There was the time when you thought that either she or Tracy Foley was babysitting, but that Amanda and one or both of them went out to a party. Other than that what occasions for Melissa babysitting?

This event took place on my birthday weekend. Amanda told me that she ran into her friend Tracy and Tracy asked her to babysit her children. Until Ron Rice interviewed Amanda I didn’t know this was a lie. It turns out that Amanda went to some club with Tracy and I believe that is when Melissa watched Kassidy overnight. It was a stupid lie, Amanda could have just told me she was going out clubbing with her friend. Instead she came up with some elaborate story to me about how Tracy went out and didn’t come home until morning. Tracy had picked up these two guys and went to a motel, etc. If Melissa did in fact watch Kassidy on this night, she did see the finger tip marks on the side of Kassidy’s jaw. That is the weekend that most of her friends saw her. During the beginning of the trial there were specific time elements to each face palming charge. Later the judge dropped those. It’s too bad because after my own work of piecing things together, I realized that almost everyone that testified to seeing bruises on Kassidy had seen them around that time period. If Kassidy did ever in fact stay at Melissa’s house this was the only time that she did. I believe this is what Amanda also verified at time of trial to Jon Morgan or someone on our side.

You want a break down, hour by hour of my day on Nov 8th. This is very tough to do as it was so long ago. I am fairly certain that I started my day at the Rochester McDonald’s around 8:30. I spent approx. an hour there. I wanted to touch base with Melissa Allard and make sure she was still ready to meet me at Hampton Rte. 1 later. I did a store walk-through, met with the maintenance man and made some calls.

I believe between 10:00 and 10:30 I arrived in Portsmouth. This was one of my best run stores as Jeremy was now the manager. I spent a few hours there. I had my End-of-month meeting the next day at Bob McDougall’s office in Hudson. I likely was finalizing paperwork and monthly manager bonus sheets. I did a store walk through, helped on the “floor” for a few minutes during lunch. I left for Greenland around 2 P.M. I spent about 30 minutes in Greenland meeting with the manager and then headed to Hampton Rte. 1, where I met Melissa. She was already at the restaurant working. She had already reviewed most of the documents several days before that. We finished up and found that we had no labor violations. I was very happy about this because we had just bought this store, less than a year before from an owner operator who had very weak record keeping. We had a grand opening at this new location approximately in March of 2000. I left as Melissa and I finished up. I am guessing, 4:45-P.M. I stopped by Shop and Save in Hampton, saw Mandy for a minute, purchased a Met Rx protein bar and headed toward Kittery to pick up Kassidy from Jeff.

I don’t know anymore about the incident with Jeff running his truck at Tristan and her sister, Tiffany and their children. I have forwarded a copy of letter to Tristan so she can see our work and hope she will get involved and help. As I understand it Tristan was with Brent and Kyle and Tiffany had the two sons she had at the time. Tyler and Garret. It would be so great if we could get Tristan involved. It was good info that she shared with me about her anemia. FYI, Tristan’s tooth wasn’t actually chipped. She broke a part of her tooth off as a child and the dentist put this composite filler thing on. That piece wasn’t nearly as strong as a tooth and broke off numerous times in her life. This is not to excuse what I did, or make it ok, I just wanted you to understand it wasn’t as serious as it initially appeared.

It is fine to call Corey Merrill. You will have to remind him that he has already admitted to several people including Chad that he didn’t want to testify and the police pressured him. He won’t want to be accountable to anything. You may also want to find some way to remind him that I had many opportunities to exact revenge here for his lies and never did. During a conversation we had once in the chow hall, I told him, “You did what you did and you know what the truth is, just remember that I have never taken it personally or done anything to you here when many have pressured me to do so. You will have the opportunity to do the right thing some day. When that day comes, please tell the truth.” Morrison, YOU are that day. Hopefully this kid will take this chance to clear his conscience. You can also remind him of conversations he had with Eddie Silva regarding my innocence.

Things move very slowly at the prison. We have an inmate committee that has spoken to the commissioner on several occasions about the convenience of email. He is aware and his standard answer is, “It’s coming.” Just to show you how slow things around here are. Our only form of music here is cassette players. To my knowledge they stopped making cassettes several years ago. I am with you. It would be great.

The photo with Kassidy in front of the fence is definitely NOT the one that Jackie took on Oct. 1st 2000 the photo in front of the fence that you sent me is of Kassidy at 1 year old likely it was taken around Christmas 1999 or her birthday Feb. 2000 at one of those studios. She is a baby in it. In the photo that Jackie took, Kassidy is MUCH larger, has longer hair and is sitting in a chair. Amanda has a large copy of that photo. I have not seen this photo yet in all the stuff you have sent me.
May 27, 2010 (137)

Responding to 164

I am glad to hear that you talked with Marie Altobelli. I wasn’t sure if she would be alive. It was neat that she was willing to write a letter on my behalf. We didn’t have a relationship of any sort.

Amanda wrote "My Life Story” during her FIRST trip to Texas. This was shortly after my arrest on November 16, 2000. As I understand it, she was seeing a therapist down there and confided that she said many things to the police that were not true about me. Amanda told the therapist that she planned to fix it when she testified at trial. The therapist then told her that may indeed be too late and that Amanda should do what she could now, by contacting Chad’s attorney’s and/or the police. Amanda felt pressured by the police and wanted to talk to them as little as possible. I believe the therapist suggested to Amanda to put down everything she was thinking in writing. This would make it hard for anyone to manipulate her.

Amanda may have added to this piece once while staying at Vanessa’s or worked on another piece. I am not sure. I know I showed up there once to visit and she was typing something and she was adamant that I not be in the room. She was doing something, and she didn’t want me to see it so that no one could say later that I put her up to it. It’s kind of ironic, the exact thing I was accused of doing while out on bail, exerting control over Amanda so she would say what I wanted her to say, we were careful not to do. We didn’t really discuss the case. We would discuss Kassidy, Kyle, memories, etc at times, but I was ALWAYS encouraging her to just tell the truth and not to let me or anyone else put words in her mouth. I haven’t spoken to Amanda in several years yet I am confident if you asked her tomorrow, she would convey this same message. If the police were ever really interested in truth I think they would pay attention to the things Amanda has said since giving her original statements. I can see with the age difference and all why they may fear that Amanda was under my control shortly after Kassidy died, but since that time a lot has happened. I have been locked up for nearly 10 years and haven't spoken to Amanda in several. Amanda has gone on to get married in that time, became a stepmom, etc., yet she has always maintained that she said many things that were untrue, She said it shortly after my trial. She said it to John Walsh in 2004. She said it to Ron Rice in 2007 and I am confident she will say it to you now. If there was one officer with a conscience I would think they would seriously look into this.

Amanda and I gathered on June 2, 2000 for our first date at the Applebee’s on Woodbury Ave. in Portsmouth. I believe Amanda had a salad for dinner, (Chicken Caesar if I am not mistaken.) I had chicken breast. After dinner Amanda and I drove in my car to Hampton Beach to see the rock group Staind. I purchased 4 tickets so Jeff and Jen could join us. Jen wanted to but Jeff was a bit of a homebody and after dinner they headed home. I felt bad for Jen, you could tell she wanted to go with us to the concert and for a night out. Amanda and I parked behind the McDonald’s while we were at Hampton Beach and walked next door to the Casino Ballroom. When the concert ended, I drove Amanda back to her car at the Portsmouth Applebee’s and she drove to her mom’s house in Auburn Maine. It was supposed to be a one-time date. It turned out to be much more. We both thought about each other nonstop after that initial date and that following Saturday/Sunday evening she roller bladed to my house with her friend Cathy Nuernberg and spent the night. We were pretty much inseparable after that.

May 27, 2010 (138)

Post Visit

Another productive visit. Great to see you as always.

As always after the visit ends, I reflect on everything we talk about. Sometimes during the visit you tell me something that I don’t spend enough time on or really appreciate how important it may be. Also, I often think of a million things I wish I had said. Another big fear of me doing an interview with the media, all of the things that I will forget to say or should have said.

For example- That conversation you had with Gerri Harvey. It was great to hear how supportive she was and the insight she provided. I probably cut you off before you had a chance to tell me, but where was Gerri going with her comment about Kassidy being born prematurely? Could this have caused developmental delays or added to her bruising problem? If so, how can we make this known on the website? These are all little facts that I don’t want to lose.

Great job starting communication with Jeff. I’m really shocked that he returned your call. As we discussed you may want to remind him that we used to be friends. The cops did a good job working everyone against each other. Not only did the cops “pit” Jeff and I against each other, they also did a great job of feeding everyone information to rile them up. In the beginning of his interviews, before the cops started their bullshit, Jeff was not acting like that towards me. As time went on his animosity grew, from first interview to next, until finally it was almost hatred on his part by the time of my trial a year later. Jeff got even angrier once my lawyers started accusing him. You may also remind him that it was my LAWYERS who went after him and not me personally. After some of the things he said to you yesterday, rather, some of the things he DID NOT say, (didn’t deny saying something about spanking, didn’t deny Kassidy falling from his truck, said he would “speak” to you in person about some of the dumb things he did, etc.) I am hopeful that you have more more dialogue with him. That's one way the truth in this case will emerge.

You mentioned that Joey Cresta’s editor wanted him to get comments from the “other side” so that it didn’t seem like such a puff piece for me. (I find this interesting because they had no problem making a puff piece for the state) Anyway, you suggest he contact Hamel, White, or Delker. I understand why you would be helpful to him.

I am not sure exactly when Amanda wrote her letter but from your description, it reminded me of a depth of her character that I had not thought about for sometime. As we discussed, much of Amanda and my couples issues resolved more around Tristan than they ever did about the discipline of Kassidy. Those decisions I made early on, (Asking Amanda to hide her car, etc.) had a profound effect on her. Amanda always questioned my commitment toward her and I think believed I ultimately wanted to be with Tristan. I didn’t, by then, but it caused much tension. It only increased when Tristan started showing up at our house more and more. I was just trying to get through the divorce and get the custody agreement etched in stone. Amanda had some serious self-esteem issues as it was. I just had no idea how big they were at the time. (One thing that I was unaware of early on in our relationship was Amanda's allegations of molestation by her stepfather, and that her biological dad wasn’t ever in the picture. I had some experience as a McDonald’s supervisor with young people from broken homes and had read a lot about the self esteem issues created by children who are sexually abused.) Anyway, I am sure that this letter was written to me during the time period that we were going through the rough patch and Amanda may have been tossing around the idea with Crystal about getting a place. This was typical of Amanda. She did a lot of talking, but I believe that the thought of her moving out was never really a serious one.

What is interesting about Amanda moving out is that I knew she was younger than me. If she wanted to move out I would have supported it even though I didn’t want her to go, just so that she could “find” herself. As you and I exchanged in earlier letters, I felt like I put a lot of effort into my relationship with Tristan and was burned when she left. I didn’t want to go through that again. Something I just thought of, as I recall, the move with Crystal was talked about weeks prior to Kassidy’s death. It’s another thing that just rationally goes against the state’s theory that I wanted Kassidy out of the way so I could have Amanda to myself. If Amanda was going to move out anyway, Kassidy would no longer be my problem so why would I be trying to get rid of her?

I am so glad Travis contacted you right off. I never realized until you came along and pointed it out, how much the police didn’t believe him. He saw Kassidy naked in that bathtub and held her for a minute as I went to grab her diaper and things. I think it is huge if he is willing to get scanned. What a great start. He saw Kassidy’s body, he pitched a few balls to Kyle, he knew how well Kyle could hit, he heard Kyle’s “excited utterance” about accidentally hitting "Akassidy" in the head, Travis had seen me interact with and how I treated Kassidy, etc. I think it is ridiculous how the cops treated Travis. I think it was ridiculous how the prosecutors questioned him at trial, a year after the event, and thought he made everything up because he recalled Kyle hitting balls with a wiffle ball bat, a yellow wiffle ball bat, vs. the brown Fisher Price bat. They thought they had an “Ah haa, we’ve got you," moment. THIS WAS A YEAR AFTER THE EVENT! I bet millions of yellow wiffle ball bats are sold each year. The yellow bat is what most people universally think of when describing wiffle ball. This was a simple error. Mixing up the bat color doesn’t mean that Travis was lying about playing ball.

You asked at the visit about Amanda Mills, in fact, in a recent letter you sent me an address for several Amanda Mills. Amanda was a friend of mine who I worked with at Keene McDonald’s. She was my boss until I got promoted to restaurant manager. She was very good at her job. I would guess that Amanda is now in her mid to later 40’s. You may recall, she helped me get my job at C & S while I was on bail. Amanda was married to Marty Mills and they had 3 children, Tiffany, Mandy, and Kurtis. When I was a teenager I babysat for the children a few times. They were great kids. Amanda and Marty, were friends with my parents in the early 90’s and came to the house with the kids. Some of the addresses you provided may be for the kids. I know one of the girls, Tiffany or Mandy, worked at video store in Keene and my dad saw them. They were upset that I was still in jail and didn’t believe a word of it. I believe she described memories of me interacting with her and was willing to help in anyway possible. If we can get a definite address, I will gladly write them. Perhaps a call to one of those girls age 25-29. As you did with Laura P. of Manchester. The more I think about it, I think it was Tiffany who saw my dad. Amanda and Marty lived at various places in Marlborough NH. (Just outside Keene)

Speaking of L. P. of Rochester. She would be a good one to contact and get involved if we can. Not only did she talk to some guards who believed strongly in my innocence, she told me she knew A LOT of people in Strafford County and was part of the domestic violence task force. Of course, this was a few years ago, but could still be a huge advocate to have on our side if we can get her re involved. She was just starting to review my stuff when all the negative stuff happened for her. I lost contact after that.

You asked about Jason and Elaine Shunk. They are now divorced. Jason worked mainly for Larry Lane. He was an assistant manager for me one summer at Hampton Beach. My brother Jason was the manager of Hampton that summer and Jeremy and Jason Shunk were his assistants. I believe you have a photo of all of us together. Jason is a good guy. We hung out a bunch of times. I don’t know what insight he could add.

Elaine Shunk- Really surprised me. I took her in as an assistant in Rochester. (Part of my personality. I always think I can help someone get better.) I worked with her personally on her people skills, confidence, etc. I gave her a shot to run the Rochester Walmart and she did a great job for me. She and Jason Shunk got married and she left McDonald’s. Elaine had a son, Matthew, from a previous relationship. I’d say he was 2-3 years old back then. Elaine saw me interact with him on numerous occasions as well as my two sons, Brent and Kyle. I was shocked when Jeff’s lawyer, Steven Brown, was trying to use her as a star witness. Supposedly she heard from several people that I was telling everyone Jeff killed Kassidy. It would have been hearsay anyway. I couldn’t see how she could even remotely believe that I had killed Kassidy. Shortly after I was in prison, she showed up at a party and sat in my brother, Jason’s lap, telling him how she couldn’t believe this was happening to me, I would have never killed Kassidy, etc. I think Atty Brown told us she thought I was guilty. Who knows? Get her to check the website. Remind her of the guy that she worked for at Rochester-WM that she claimed did so much for her. She did thank me numerous times for taking the time to teach her things that no one else would. And she thanked me for giving her opportunities and not giving up on her. Prior to marriage her last name was Courtemarche (spelling?)

You asked me to summarize Amanda’s interview in Concord with AG’s Delker and Carter as well as Jim White in December 2000. Again, best person to hear this from would be her. I’ll give you what I recall hearing about. They brought Amanda into some interview room and again bombarded her with questions. Amanda described different events repeatedly and she said they were getting very frustrated with her because she wasn’t telling them what they wanted to hear. They went over the events of the morning of Kassidy’s death over and over. And at one point, one of the AG’s, I believe, Delker, told her something to effect of, “Amanda that doesn’t make any sense, we talked to the medical examiner, there is no way that Kassidy could have sat on the couch as you described, she would not have been able to sit up on the counter, eat her cereal, ask for a cookie or anything like that. She would not have been able to function. Damn it, just say she was laying there.” (I think in Amanda’s statement she said that Kassidy asked for a cookie that morning prior to leaving for Jeff’s house. This is pretty significant and should be checked.) Surprisingly, Amanda told me that Delker was the nicer of the two AG’s. Simon Brown is the only person from the other side that I actually felt cared about Kassidy.

I wrote to Tristan last night and asked her the name of the attorney we used in Steven Brown’s office in our custody case for Brent. I think his first name was Jonathan but I am not positive. I am hopeful she will respond.

You asked about Brent’s schedule with me after Tristan and I split up. Initially I saw him all the time. As I mentioned, I was getting divorced from his mom but it didn’t mean that I stopped loving him. By June and July when Amanda and Kassidy came into the picture I was seeing Brent much less frequently (not my choice) It was sort of the natural progression with two parents splitting up I believe plus Brent’s dad became more involved in his life. I probably saw Brent once or twice a week for several hours in June and July. We would get together, play ball, go to the park, go for ice cream, etc. Brent slept over probably 2-3 times in those early months of my relationship with Amanda. In August and beyond I only saw Brent sporadically. An hour or two here or there, Occasionally if Tristan was going out somewhere, going to some function at his school, dropping off or picking Kyle up, etc.

Brent ended up in the room that he had at my house because prior to Tristan moving in with Brent, I had two roommates. Steven Skidds in the upstair bedroom (which became Kyle’s) and Tom Mikoski in the cellar room. Both Steve and Tom lived with us for a while after Kyle was born and when they moved out, we just made the empty bedroom into Kyle’s. During the first year of Kyle’s life he stayed right in our bedroom with Tristan and me. We had his crib in the corner so he would be close by for feedings, etc.

You asked me about my and Amanda’s relationship. I had a very physical relationship with both Amanda and Tristan. I love a girl who can dress up, look beautiful and command the attention of a room when they walk in. But I also like a girl that is a bit of a tomboy. Who likes to wrestle, who enjoys throwing a pair of sweats on and playing some one on one basketball with me. I love a girl who likes to take chances, be adventurous and try new things. Both Amanda and Tristan were awesome. I couldn’t have asked for better partners to share my life with. They were both tough and could hold their own which I loved. Amanda and I were VERY playful. She did a lot of things that would result in me chasing her around the house, catching her and start a wrestling match. For example, Amanda may be washing dishes, and I would go to get a glass of water, and she flicks water at my face with her fingers, I say, “You do that again and you are going to get it.” She giggles and of course does it again and then breaks off in a run. Kato starts barking, I start chasing Amanda, she scampers around the house and up the stairs where she has no place to go. I jump on her on the bed. She laughs. I pin her hands down. She attempts to buck me off her with her hips. Sometimes she does, other times, not so successfully. Either way we struggle back and forth, start kissing and typically this leads to making love. Amanda would often initiate these matches doing other things. Typically, she would throw something at me, I’d playfully threaten her, she would do it again, I would chase her, etc. We had an incredible relationship in so many ways. I never felt such passion for someone. When I wasn’t with her I wanted to be. I couldn’t wait to get home at night to be near her. I couldn’t wait to go to bed at night to hold her. I often would drop in during the workday to give her and Kassidy a little surprise snack, Muffins, donuts, a Happy Meal or McDonald’s Salad. That five minutes with them, a couple of kisses from each was like a “fix” for me and helped me make it through the day until I got back home. I honestly had never been happier overall.

I read a good quote by Benjamin Franklin yesterday, “one today is worth two tomorrows.”

I caught the last half of a Tyler Perry movie last evening titled, “I can do bad all by myself” about ¾ of the way through the movie there is a scene where this 40-ish year old man grabs his girlfriend’s 16 year old niece by the cheeks in an non-friendly manner. It was clear he did it to gain dominance and control over the girl and was trying to get her to submit to sex with him. It was a very unflattering grab of the cheeks but the reason I mention it, is because once he was caught by the girl’s aunt, his girlfriend, he talks about how those kids are spending all his money and how he just wants her to get rid of them, etc. The scene seemed a lot like how the state viewed my situation, like I just wanted to get “rid” of Kassidy so I could have her mom all to myself. The guy was a real sleaze. Every time I see something about eye contact and face palming I write to you about it regardless if we can use it or not.

Hope this helps some.

June 2, 2010 (139)

Responding to last half of 164

Wow, 10 years ago today my relationship with Amanda began. This was the start of some of my happiest memories in life as well as some of my worst. I remember that first date like it was yesterday. As much as happened, I still find myself missing her and loving her. How can something that starts so passionately, powerfully, and perfectly end so badly? I wonder if she even remembers this date???? These are the times that I wish I was a robot unable to feel, or at the very least, a non-sensitive guy.

I realized that when I answered #164 the other day I missed several questions on the back page. You wrote about the original timeline I created and asked specifically about a quote I made. "the original plan was for Kassidy to spend the night at Jen and Jeff's but I was not happy with Jeff's care and decided to pick her up on the 8th. You asked if this why perhaps the car seat wasn't left and I ultimately didn't have it in the car? Perhaps, but as I stated before, I believe that Amanda just forgot to leave it. She likely arrived at Jeff's late and forgot to leave it on the porch. It wasn't like I picked Kassidy up there often. In fact, this was the first time to pick up Kassidy at Jeff's and only the second time I had been to his apt. Amanda should have been used to leaving the car seat with Jeff because as I recall, there was only the one car seat. Amanda would leave it for Jeff to use when he was watching Kassidy. Originally, (Earlier in the week) I think Amanda had arranged for Kassidy to stay at Jen and Jeff's overnight because she was working until 11 P.M. or so Wednesday and then had to be to work early the next day so Amanda would have just been bringing Kassidy back to Jeff's early the next morning. At some point, possibly the day before, I offered to Amanda that I would pick Kassidy up because I knew I was feeling uneasy about Jeff watching Kassidy. My thinking was, if Jeff watched Kassidy for a few hours, that was one thing, but she shouldn't be there for any more overnights and certainly, she should be with Amanda or I as often as possible until we could get Kassidy into some proper day care. I didn't outright know what the problem was, but I had a very uneasy feeling about him watching Kassidy. That is why I approached Mrs. Edgar about her taking Kassidy early at the Cross Road day care program. Things were sitting in the back of my mind, ex. Kassidy fell out his truck window, he spanked her ass so hard it black-and-blued, and he claimed his hand stung. He admitted putting a pillow over her face, and he stepped on her foot, and there were unexplained bruises on her cheeks. Then there were the pinpricks that I found on Kassidy's feet after she came back from spending the day with him, etc. My intuition wasn't working, and connecting the dots, the way it should have been; but it wasn't completely asleep. All of these things were seeming to happen too often. I was outright telling Amanda that we needed to get her into regular day care, but I was trying to be careful at the same time. This was her daughter and the last thing I wanted was for Amanda to think I was trying to control her in any fashion. Also, this was about her sister and her sister's boyfriend (also a friend and business associate of mine), and not just any babysitter. Amanda was the only one that truly knew our age difference and I think, now in retrospect, it intimidated her sometimes. I felt Amanda would occasionally make a stand on something just to make her point and show she was in charge of her life. The thing was, Amanda was very intelligent, and I had a lot of respect for her. Any uneasiness she may have felt was in her head. Regarding the above paragraph you said, "This new understanding, to me at least, can cut both ways, but as you noted, Jeff was like an uncle to Kassidy and Jen was her aunt." I apologize for my ignorance, but I am not sure what you mean here. Could you please elaborate? Hopefully the above paragraph helps some.

Cross Road Kindergarten was NOT in Somersworth. I was incorrect on my timeline. French Cross Road, Dover, I believe. You are not missing letter number 45. That is what I labeled my letter to Jeremy, you labeled it #44a.

June 17, 2010 (141)

Responding to #167 & copy

Of letter to Dan F. Misc. articles

You asked how Tristan assisted me with the RX-7 crash. We were just getting ready for bed when we heard the crash. It was so loud and a fire started immediately that it woke Brent up. We went running out of the house. Initially, my concern was for Tristan to keep Brent away from the road and the crash. Brent was very young then. I had a roommate, Steven Skidds, at the time of the crash. I believe his girlfriend, Christine Jennings, stayed overnight and took Brent inside. When I was dragged PJ across the road and away from the fire it was apparent his pants were on fire. I started patting them out with my hands and throwing the road side sand on his legs. Tristan helped with that for a minute as I went to the car to pull another person out of the wreck. I believe Tristan then went and got a blanket from the house. There was another car that the RX-7 driver smashed into that had an older woman and a small child in it Tristan was also attending to them, as I recall. As you can imagine, things seemed to be moving at whirlwind speed. At one point the garden hose at my house got unrolled and we were trying to spray the wreck until the fire trucks arrived.

With regards to my suggestion to have a “Morrison’s Thoughts” section on the web. I believe I have seen a few reruns of dragnet. I totally get the “Just the facts ma’am” However, if we learn anything from the Foster’s interview, it seems at least one person is curious of your opinion and why you believe in my innocence. As a matter of fact, it seems that several of the email exchanges have gone that way. I think you are underestimating the impact of your opinions. You are a professional, who has spent 100’s of hours evaluating the facts and information in this case. People want to hear how you came to the conclusion, the facts that make you believe there is another side, etc. We are in a rush-rush society. Basically, I view your opinion as a nice way for someone to get a quick recap of why you are a believer. Once you state something it can be up to others to believe or research the facts that we have provided on the website. I know if I was approaching this case about someone else, I would want to know why this person doing all this work, is such a believer. What facts bring you to this conclusion? Let’s not forget that many of the police officers provided more than facts. They also gave opinions. I’m not saying it is something that we have to do. I am saying it may be the starting point to ultimately bringing someone else to be a believer. There is SO MUCH misinformation about this case! Just look at your email exchange with Jackie. Amanda’s own mother was mistaken about my parents never seeing Kassidy. The reality is you are becoming an expert on the fact of this case. Outside of Amanda and I, you know as much as anyone else including the police that investigated things. Besides, let’s not assume that people are going to see what should be obvious. How are we going to get the public to see that my relationship with Kassidy was about

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