2020, 12, 10660 12 of perceived to be within close range with that regarding the tourism services quality-price ratio (In this situation, the hypothesis His partially validated.
Further, we will analyze the impact of associating accommodation services which include breakfast or with two meals (half-board). The majority of respondents (62.1%)
perceive this association type,
that of accommodation and breakfast, like a single entity, because the tourism services consumers do
not separate the two anymore, assimilating the breakfast with the accommodation product. The current global pandemic crisis has not changed this situation, because the tourism operators have adapted and incorporated the practice of room served breakfast. Therefore,
in this period, associating breakfast with accommodation services is generally seen not as a deal-breaker but rather as an opportunity to have breakfast in a more relaxed and safer environment In the next correlation, the one between questions no. 8 and no. 15 (Table, we can highlight the fact that, for accommodation with included
breakfast type services, similar percentages for both tour-operating and retailer agencies (approximatively 60%), consider that included breakfast in the accommodation service is a widespread practice.
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