Master bibliography for sports in society, 1994–2009 Note

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Glasser, J. 2002. King of the hill. U.S. News and World Report 132 (8), 18 March, 52–60

Glassner, Barry. 1990. Fit for postmodern selfhood. Pp. 215–43 in H. Becker and M. M. McCall, eds. Symbolic interaction and cultural studies. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Glatz, Carol. 2004. New Vatican office to promote culture of sport. The BC Catholic (Vancouver diocesan paper); (retrieved July 10, 2005).

Glier, Ray. 2004. Reserve finds $425 a high price to sit. USA Today (July 30): 14C.

Glock, Allison, 2006. A match made in heaven. ESPN—The Magazine 9.09 (May 8): 108–117.

Glock, Allison. 2005. The look of love. ESPN The Magazine 8.12 (June 20): 66–74.

Gmelch, G. 1979. Baseball magic. In D.S. Eitzen, ed. Sport in contemporary society. St. Martin’s Press, New York.

Gmelch, George. 2006. Baseball without borders: the international pastime. Lincoln: University of Nebraska.

Godley, Amanda. 1999. The creation of the student/athlete dichotomy in urban high school culture. Paper presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Cleveland (November).

Godley, Amanda. 1999. Transforming softball: Using a competitive model of sport to foster non-competitive adolescent peer culture. Paper presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Cleveland (November).

Goffman, Erving. 1959. The presentation of self in everyday life. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books.

Goffman, Erving. 1961. Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books.

Goffman, Erving. 1963. Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identities. Englewodd Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Goldlust, John. 1987. Playing for keeps: sport, the media and society. Longman Cheshire Pty., Ltd., Melbourne, Australia.

Goldman, Bob. (with P. Bush and R. Klatz). 1992. Death in the locker room II. Chicago, IL: Elite Sports Medicine Publications.

Goldman, B. 1984. Death in the locker room. South Bend, IN: Icarus.

Goldsmith, Pat António. 2003. Race Relations and Racial Patterns in School Sports Participation. Sociology of Sport Journal 20, 2: 147–171.

Goldstein, Jeffrey. 1983. Sports violence. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Goldstein, Jeffrey, ed. 1988–1989. Violence in sports. Current Psychology: Research and Reviews 7, 4. Special issue.

Goldstein, Jeffrey., and B. Bredemeier. 1977. Socialization: some basic issues. Journal of Communication 27(3):154–159.

Gonzalez, G. L. 1996. The stacking of Latinos in major league baseball: A forgotten minority? Journal of Sport & Social Issues 20, 2: 134–60.

Good, Regan. 2002. Women’s Share at Olympic Competitions Drops. (retrieved July 5, 2005).

Goode, Erich. 1992. Drugs in American society. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Goodman, Cary. 1979. Choosing sides: Playground and street life on the lower east side. New York: Schocken Books.

Gore, Charles. 2000. The least developed countries report, 2000 -- Aid, private capital flows and external debt: The Challenge of Financing Development in the LDCs. New York: United Nations Publications

Gore, Charles. 2002. The least developed countries report, 2002: Escaping the poverty trap. New York: United Nations Publications.

Gore, Charles. 2004. The least developed countries report, 2004: Linking international trade with poverty reduction. New York: United Nations Publications; online at: (retrieved December 1, 2005).

Gorman, Christine. 2005. Why more kids are getting hurt. Time 165, 23 (June 6): 58.

Gorman, Elizabeth H., and Julie A. Kmec. 2007. We (have to) try harder gender and required work effort in Britain and the United States. Gender & Society 21, 6: 828–856.

Gorman, Jerry, and Kirk Calhoun (with Skip Rozin). 1994. The name of the game: The business of sports. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Gossett, Thomas F. 1997. Race: The History of an Idea in America. New York: Oxford University Press.

Gouguet, J. J., and J. F. Nys. 1993. Sport et developpement economique regional. Paris: Dalloz. (Summarized in Lavoie, 2000).

Gould, Dan. 1982. Sport psychology in the 1980s: status, direction, and challenge in youth sports research. J. Sport Psychol. 4(3):203–218.

Gould, Dan. 1987. Understanding attrition in children’s sport. In D. Gould and M.R. Weiss (eds.), Advances in pediatric sport sciences (Volume two, Behavioral issues) (pp. 61–86). Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., Champaign, Ill.

Gould, Dan. 1996. Personal motivation gone awry: Burnout in competitive athletics. Quest 48(3), 275–289.

Gould, Dan, and Rainer Martens. 1979. Attitudes of volunteer coaches toward significant youth sport issues. Research Quarterly 50(3):369–380.

Gould, D., et al. 1982. Reasons for attrition in competitive youth swimming. Journal of Sport Behavior 5(3):155–165.

Gould, Dan., Susie. Tuffey, E. Udry, & James Loehr. 1997. Burnout in competitive junior tennis players: III. Individual differences in the burnout experience. The Sport Psychologist 11(3), 257–276.

Gould, Daniel, L. Lauer, C. Rolo, C. Jannes, N. Pennisi, and K. Collins. 2006. Understanding the role parents play in tennis success: a national survey of junior tennis coaches. British Journal of Sports Medicine 40, 7 (July): 632–636.

Gould, Dan, et al. 2007. Coaching life skills through football : a study of award winning high school coaches. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 19, 1: 16–37

Gouldner, A. 1970. The coming crisis of western sociology. Basic Books, New York.

Gouldshom, J. 1977. Sociology in the balance. Oxford, England: Blackwell.

Gramann, J.H., and Rabel.J. Burdge. 1981. The effects of recreation goals on conflict perception: the case of water skiers and fishermen. Journal of Leisure Research 13, 1: 15–27.

Gramsci, Antonio. 1971. Selections from the prison notebook (Q. Hoare and G. N. Smith, Trans). New York: International Publishers (Original work published in 1947).

Gramsci, Antonio. 1988. Selected writings: 1918–1935 (D. Forgacs, ed.). New York: Shocken.

Granjean, A. C., and K. J. Reimers. 1996. Creatine. Olympic Coach 6, 3 (Summer): 18–19.

Grant, Alan. 2002a. Body shop. ESPN The Magazine 5.03 (February 4): 50–54.

Grant, Alan. 2002b. A painful reality. ESPN (January 30): (retrieved June 2005).

Grant, Christine H. 1984. The gender gap in sport: from Olympic to intercollegiate level. ARENA Review 8(2): 31–48.

Grant, Christine H. B., and Charles E. Darley. 1993. Equity: What price equality? In G. L. Cohen, ed. Women in sport: Issues and controversies (pp. 251–63). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Grasmuck, Sherri. 2003. Something about baseball: Gentrification, “race sponsorship,” and neighborhood boys’ baseball. Sociology of Sport Journal 20, 4: 307–330.

Grasmuck, Sherri. 2005. Protecting home: Class, race, and masculinity in boys’ baseball. Rutgers University Press.

Gratton, Chris, Simon Shibli, and Richard Coleman. 2006. The economic impact of major sports events: a review of ten events in the UK. Sociological Review 54, 2: 41–58.

Green, Mick, and Barrie Houlihan. 2004. Advocacy coalitions and elite sport policy change in Canada and the United Kingdom. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 39, 4: 387–403.

Green, Mick. 2004. Power, policy, and political priorities: Elite sport development in Canada and the United Kingdom. Sociology of Sport Journal 21, 4: 376–396.

Green, Tina Sloan. 1993. The future of African-American female athletes. Pp. 205–24 in D. D. Brooks and R. C. Althouse, eds. Racism in college athletics: The African-American athlete’s experience. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, Inc.

Green, Tina Sloan. 2000. The future of African American female athletes. Pp. 227–243 in D. Brooks & R. Althouse, eds. Racism in college athletics: The African American athlete’s experience. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, Inc.

Greenberg, Brad A. 2006. Street fight: LA says it’s illegal for kids to play ball on residential streets. Free Republic (July 29): online,

Greenberg, M. J., and J. T. Gray. 1996. Citizenship based quota systems in athletics. Marquette Sports Law Journal 6, 2: 337–56.

Greendorfer, Susan L. 1983. Sport and the mass media: General overview. ARENA Review 7, 2: 1–6.

Greendorfer, Susan L. 1993. Gender role stereotypes and early childhood socialization. Pp. 3–14 in G. L. Cohen, ed. Women in sport. Newbury Park: CA: Sage.

Greendorfer, Susan L., and E. M. Blinde. 1985. “Retirement” from intercollegiate sport: Theoretical and empirical considerations. Sociology of Sport Journal 2, 2: 101–10.

Greendorfer, Susan, E. Blinde, and A.M. Pelligrini. 1986. Gender differences in Brazilian children’s socialization into sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 21, 1: 51–62.

Greenfeld, Karl Taro. 1999. Adjustment in mid-flight. Outside (February):

Greenfield, Karl Taro. 2005. The good life. Sports Illustrated 102, 1 (Jan 10): 50–56.

Greenfield, P. M. et al. 2002. Understanding intercultural relations on multiethnic high school sport teams. In Paradoxes of youth and sport (pp. 13–30) edited by M. Gatz, M. A. Messner, and S. J. Ball-Rokeach. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Greenfield, Steve, and Guy Osborn (2001). Regulating football: Commodification consumption and the law. Sterling: Pluto Press.

Greenfield, Steve, and Guy Osborn. 1996. When the whites go marching in? Racism and resistance in English football. Marquette Sports Law Journal 6, 2: 315–36.

Greer, D.L., and M.J. Stewart. 1989. Children’s attitudes toward play: an investigation of their context specificity and relationship to organized sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11(3): 336–342.

Gregory, J.C., and B. Petrie. 1975. Superstitions of Canadian intercollegiate athletes: an inter-sport comparison. International Review of Sport Sociology 10, 2: 59–68.

Grenfield, Christopher C., and Robert E. Rinehart. 2003. Skating on thin ice: Human rights in youth figure skating. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 38, 1: 79–97.

Grey, Mark. 1992. Sports and immigrant, minority and Anglo relations in Garden City (Kansas) High School. Sociology of Sport Journal 9, 3: 255–270.

Grey, Mark. 1999. Playing sports and social acceptance: The experiences of immigrant and refugee students in Garden City, Kansas. In Jay Coakley and Peter Donnelly, eds., Inside Sports (pp. 28–36). London: Routledge.

Griffin, Pat S. 1984. “But she’s so feminine”: changing mixed messages we all give to girls and women in sports. Journal of the National Association of Women Deans Admin. Counselors 47(2):9–12.

Griffin, Pat. 1993. Homophobia in women’s sports: The fear that divides us. Pp. 193–203 in G. L. Cohen, ed. Women in sport: Issues and controversies. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Griffin, Pat. 1998. Strong women, deep closets: Lesbians and homophobia in sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Gross, J.B., and Diane L. Gill. 1982. Competition and instructional set effects on the speed and accuracy of a throwing task. Research Quarterly for Exercise Sport 53, 2: 125–132.

Grossfeld, Stan. 2005. New spin on rugby: Quadriplegic athletes take sport to the extreme with wheelchair version. The Boston Globe (May 31): D1

Grundy, Pamela and Susan Shackelford (2005). Shattering the glass: The remarkable history of women’s basketball. New York: The New Press.

Gruneau, Richard. 1976. Class or mass: Notes on the democratization of Canadian amateur sport. Pp. 108–40 in R. Gruneau and J. G. Albinson, eds. Canadian sport: Sociological perspectives. Don Mills, Ontario: Addison-Wesley.

Gruneau, Richard. 1983. Class, sports, and social development. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, Mass.

Gruneau, Richard. 1988. Modernization or hegemony: Two views of sports and social development. In J. Harvey and H. Cantelon, eds. Not just a game (pp. 9–32). Ottawa, Ontario: University of Ottawa Press.

Gruneau, Richard. 1999. Class, sports, and social development. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Gruneau, Richard. 1989a. Television, the Olympics, and the question of ideology. Pp. 723–734 in R. Jackson, ed. The Olympic movement and the mass media. Calgary, Alberta: Hurford Enterprises.

Gruneau, Richard. 1989b. Making spectacle: A case study in television sports production. Pp. 134–54 in L. A. Wenner, ed. Media, sports, and society. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Gruneau, Richard, and David Whitson. 1993: Hockey Night in Canada: Sport, identities, and cultural politics. Toronto: Garamond Press.

Guest, Andrew, and Barbara Schneider. 2003. Adolescents’ extracurricular participation in context: The mediating effects of schools, communities, and identity. Sociology of Education 76, 2 (April): 89–109.

Guilbert , Sebastien. Sport and violence: A typological Analysis. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 39, 1: 45–55.

Gulick, Luther. 1906. Athletics do not test womanliness. American Physical Education Review 11, 3: 158–159.

Gunther, M. 1996. Get ready for the Oprah Olympics. Fortune 134, 2 (July 22): 62–63.

Gunzelman, K. 1996. The court gets tough with LSU over Title IX issues. The Women’s Sports Experience (WSF Newsletter) 5, 3: 9–10.

Guterson, D. 1994. Moneyball! On the relentless promotion of pro sports. Harper’s Magazine (September): 37–46.

Gutman, Bill & Frederick, Shawn. 2004. Catching air: the excitement and daring of individual action sports – snowboarding, skateboarding, BMX biking, in-line skating. NY: Citadel Press.

Guttmann, Allen. 1978. From ritual to record: The nature of modern sports. New York: Columbia University Press.

Guttmann, Allen. 1986. Sport spectators. New York: Columbia University Press.

Guttmann, Allen. 1988. A whole new ball game: An interpretation of American sports. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Guttmann, Allen. 1991. Women’s sports: A history. New York: Columbia University Press.

Guttmann, Allen. 1994. Games and empires: Modern sports and cultural imperialism. New York: Columbia University Press.

Guttmann, Allen. 1998.The appeal of violent sports. In J. Goldstein, ed. Why we watch: The attractions of violent entertainment (pp. 7–26). New York: Oxford University Press.

Guttmann, Allen. 2000. The development of modern sports. Pp. 248–259 in Jay Coakley and Eric Dunning, eds. Handbook of sports studies. London: Sage Publications.

Guttmann, Allen. 2004. Sports: the first five millennia. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Hadden, Jeffrey. K. 2000. Religious movements. In Encyclopedia of sociology (pp. 2364–2376) edited by E. F. Borgotta and R. J. V. Montgomery. New York: Macmillan Reference USA.

Halbert, C., and M. Latimer. 1994. “Battling” gendered language: An analysis of the language used by sports commentators in a televised co-ed tennis competition. Sociology of Sport Journal 11, 3: 298–308.

Hall, Ann, Trevor Slack, Garry Smith, and David Whitson. 1991. Sport in Canadian society. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart.

Hall, Arlene E., Donna J. Kuga, and Dennis Floyd Jones. 2002. A Multivariate Study of Determinants of Vigorous Physical Activity in a Multicultural Sample of College Students. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 26, 1: 66–84.

Hall, M. Ann. 1988. The discourse of gender and sport: from feminity to feminism. Sociology of Sport Journal 5(4):330–340.

Hall, M. Ann. 1990. How should we theorize gender in the context of sport? In M.A. Messner and D.F Sabo (eds.), Sport, men, and the gender order: Critical feminist perspectives. Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. Champaign, Ill.

Hall, M. Ann. 1996. Feminism and sporting bodies: Essays on theory and practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Hall, M. Ann. 2002. The girl and the game: A history of women’s sport in Canada. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press.

Hall, Stuart. 1985. Signification, representation, ideology: Althusser and the post-structuralist debates. Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2(2), 91–114.

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Hallinan, Christopher J. 1991. Aborigines and positional segregation in Australian rugby league. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 26, 2: 69–78.

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Harrison, C. Keith, and Suzanne Malia Lawrence. 2004. College students’ perceptions, myths, and stereotypes about African American athletes: A qualitative investigation. Sport, Education and Society 9, 1: 33–52.

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Harrison, Louis, Jr., C. Keith Harrison, and Leonard N. Moore. 2002. African American racial identity and sport. Sport, Education and Society 2 (October): 121–133.

Harrison, Louis, Jr., Amelia M Lee, and Don Belcher. 1999. Race and gender differences in sport participation as a function of self-schema. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 23, 3: 287–307.

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