Master bibliography for sports in society, 1994–2009 Note

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Enjolras, Bernard, and Ragnhild Holmen Waldahl. 2007. Policy-Making in Sport: The Norwegian Case. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 42, 2:

Enloe, C., 1995. The globetrotting sneaker. Ms. 5, 5: 10–15.

Entine, Jon. 2000. Taboo: Why black athletes dominate sports, and why we are afraid to talk about it. New York: Public Affairs.

Entine, Jon. 2002. The coming of the über-athlete.

Eskes. Tina. B., Margaret Carlisle Duncan, and Eleanor M. Miller. 1998. The discourse of empowerment: Foucault, Marcuse, and women’s fitness texts. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 22, 3: 317–344.

ESPN The Magazine. 2005. Special report: Turning a blind eye to steroids – the inside story of baseball’s open secret. ESPN The Magazine 8.23 (November 21): 69–84.

ESPN. 1999. High school athletes: Do jocks rule the school? Outside the Lines, June 20–June 24 (edited by T. Farrey). Accessed 2/15/2009.

Espy, R. 1979. The politics of the Olympic Games, University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif.

Euchner, G. C. 1993. Playing the field: Why sports teams move and cities fight to keep them. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Evans, A. S. 1979. Differences in the recruitment of black and white football players at a Big Eight university. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 3, 2: 1–9.

Evans, J. R. 1988. Team selection in children’s games. The Social Sciences Journal 25, 1: 93–104.

Ewald, Keith, and Robert M. Jiobu. 1985. Explaining positive deviance: Becker’s model and the case of runners and bodybuilders. Sociology of Sport Journal 2, 2: 144–56.

Ewing, Martha E. et al. 2002. The role of sports in youth development. In Paradoxes of youth and sport (pp. 31–48) edited by Margaret Gatz, Michael A. Messner, and Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Ewing, Martha E., and Vern Seefelt. 1996. Patterns of participation and attrition in American agency-sponsored youth sports. Pp. 31–45 in Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith, eds. Children in sports: A biopsychosocial perspective, Indianapolis: Brown & Benchmark.

Faber, Michael. 1998a. Beware! Sports Illustrated 89(15), 12 October, 98–106.

Faber, Michael. 1998b. Stitches in time: Culture of pain. Sports Illustrated 89(15), 12 October, 88–96.

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Fagin, R., and P. Brynteson. 1975. The cohesive function of religion and sport at a sectarian university. Sport Sociology Bulletin 4:33–47.

Falcous, Mark, and Joseph Maguire. 2005. Globetrotters and local heroes? Labor migration, basketball and local identities. Sociology of Sport Journal 22, 2: 137–157.

Falcous, Mark, and Joseph Maguire. 2006. Imagining ‘America’: The NBA and local-global mediascapes. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 41, 1: 59–78.

Falcous, Mark, and Michael Silk. 2006. Global regimes, local agendas: sport, resistance and the mediation of dissent. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 41, 3–4: 317–338.

Falk, William B. 1995. Bringing home the violence. Newsday (January 8): 12–13.

Fallows, J. 1996. “Throwing like a girl.” The Atlantic Monthly (August): 84–87.

Faludi, Susan. 1991. Backlash: The undeclared war against American women. New York: Crown.

Faludi, Susan. 2000. Sold out. Utne Reader, No. 97, 51–54.

Famaey-Lamon, A., and F. Van Loon. 1978. Mass media and sports practice. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 13, 4: 37–43.

Farber, Michael. 2002. Clubhouse confidential. Sports Illustrated 96, 2 (January 14): 52–57.

Farber, Michael. 2004. Code red. Sports Illustrated 100, 12 (March 22): 56–60.

Farhi, P. 1992. I’d like to sell the world a coke. The Washington Post National Weekly Edition, June 22–28.

Farhood, S. 2000. Typical girls. Boxing Monthly 12 (1):

Farnell, Brenda. 2004a. The Fancy Dance of Racializing Discourse. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 28, 1: 30–55.

Farnell, Brenda. 2004b. Zero-sum game: An update on the Native American mascot controversy at the University of Illinois. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 28, 2: 212–215.

Farred, Grant. 2002. Long distance love: Growing up a Liverpool Football Club fan. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 26, 1: 6–24.

Farred, Grant. 2006. Phantom calls: race and globalization of the NBA. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press.

Farrey, Tom. 1998. New stadiums, new fans. (Part 1 of a five-part series).

Farrey, Tom. 2005. Baby you’re the greatest: Genetic testing for athletic traits. ESPN The Magazine 8.03 (February 14): 80–87 (

Fasting, Kari. 1977. A description of sports programs on television as seen in relation to personal engagement in sports and social and geographic conditions. Norwegian Confederation of Sports, Oslo, Norway.

Fasting, Kari. 1996. 40,000 female runners: The Grete Waitz Run—Sport, culture, and counterculture. Paper presented at International Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress, Dallas (July).

Fasting, Kari, Celia Brackenridge, and Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen. 2004. Prevalence of sexual harassment among Norwegian female elite athletes in relation to sport type. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 39, 4: 373–386.

Fatsis, Stefan. 2002. On sports: The good fight. The Wall Street Journal (May 24): W6.

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Faulkner, R.R. 1979a. Coming of age in organizations: a comparative study of career contingencies and adult socialization. Sociology of Work and Occupations 2, 2: 131–173.

Faulkner, R.R. 1979b. Making violence by doing work: selves, situations and the world of professional hockey. Sociology of Work and Occupations 2, 3: 288–312.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. 1992. Myths of gender: Biological theories about women and men. New York: Basic Books.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. 2000. Sexing the body: Gender politics and the construction of sexuality. New York: Basic Books.

Feeney, Robert. 1995. A Catholic perspective: Physical exercise and sports. Allentown, PA: Aquinas Press.

Fejgin, Naomi. 1994. Participation in high school competitive sports: A subversion of school mission or contribution to academic goals? Sociology of Sport Journal 11, 3: 211–230.

Fejgin, Naomi, and R. Hanegby. 2001. Gender and cultural bias in perceptions of sexual harassment in sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 36 (4): 459–478.

Felshin, Jan. 1974. The social view. In E. Gerber, et al., eds. The American woman in sport. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass.

Feltz, Debra. 1979. Athletics in the status system of female adolescents. Review of Sport and Leisure 4, 1: 110–118.

Fenstermaker, Sarah, and Candace West, eds. 2002. Doing gender, doing difference: Inequality, power, and institutional change. New York: Routledge.

Ference, Ruth, and K. Denise Muth. 2004. Helping middle school females form a sense of self through team sports and exercise. Women in Sport and Physical Activity 13, 1: 28–35.

Ferguson, Andrew. 1999. Inside the crazy culture of kids sports. Time 154, 2 (July 12): 52–61.

Ferrand, Alain, Luiggino Torrigiani, and Andreu Camps. 2006. Routledge handbook of sports sponsorship: successful strategies (trans. by Pierre Francois Lalonde and Elizabeth Christopherson). Abingdon/NY: Routledge.

Ferrante, J. 1992. Sociology: A global perspective. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, Calif.

Festle, M. J. 1996. Playing nice: Politics and apologies in women’s sports. New York: Columbia University Press.

Fielding-Lloyd, Beth, and Lindsey J. Meân. 2008. Standards and separatism: The discursive construction of gender in English soccer coach education. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 58, 1–2: 24–39.

Fields, Sarah K. 2004. Female gladiators: gender, law, and contact sport in America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

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Fine, Gary Alan. 1987. With the boys: Little league baseball and preadolescent culture. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Finger, Dave. 2004. Before they were next. ESPN The Magazine 7.12 (June 7):83–86.

Finley, Laura L., and Peter S. Finley. 2006. The sports industry’s war on athletes. Westport, Conn: Praeger.

Fish, Mike, and David. A. Milliron. 1999. The gender gap (8 day series). Atlanta Journal-Constitution (December 13–21):

Fish, Mike, and David. A. Milliron. 1999. The gender gap. Atlanta Journal-Constitution (December 13–21) (eight-day series). Online:

Fish, Mike. 1993. Steroids riskier than ever. Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 26): A1, A12–A13. (Part I of four parts)

Fish, Mike. 1998. Pay dirt! Bought & paid for: How booster clubs help turn out the state’s best football teams. Atlanta Journal-Constitution (archives:

Fisher, A. C. 1976. Psychology of sport. Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield.

Fishwick, Leslie, and Susan Greendorfer. 1987. Socialization revisited: A critique of the sport-related research. Quest 39: 1 9.

Fizel, John, and Rodney Fort, eds. 2004. Economics of College Sports: An Overview. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.

Flake, Carol. 1992. The spirit of winning: Sports and the total man. In S. Hoffman, ed. Sport and religion (p. 161–76). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Fleming, David. Stunt Men. ESPN The Magazine 8.24 (December 5): 64–70.

Fleming, Scott. 2007. Sport and South Asian youth: The perils of ‘false universalism” and stereotyping. In Alan Tomlinson, ed. The sport studies reader (pp. 289–297). London/New York: Routledge.

Florey, Brennen. 1998. Snow job. Independent – (Colorado Springs) (January 28–February 4): 9–14.

Foer, Franklin. 2004. How soccer explains the world: An unlikely theory of globalization. New York: HarperCollins.

Foley, Douglas E. 1990. Learning capitalist culture. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Foley, Douglas E. 1990. The great American football ritual: Reproducing race, class, and gender inequality. Sociology of Sport Journal 7, 2: 111–35.

Foley, Douglas E. 1999. “Jay White Hawk: Mesquaki athlete, AIM hellraiser, and anthropological informant. Pp. 156–161 in Jay Coakley and Peter Donnelly, eds., Inside Sports. London: Routledge.

Foley, Douglas E. 1999. High school football: Deep in the heart of south Tejas. In Jay Coakley and Peter Donnelly, eds., Inside Sports (pp. 133–138). London: Routledge.

Foner, Eric. 2005. Fish out of water. ESPN The Magazine 8.08 (Apr 25): 106–110.

Foote, Stephanie. 2003. Making sport of Tonya: Class performance and social punishment. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 27, 1: 3–17.

Forbes, David. 2004. Boyz 2 buddhas: counseling urban high school male athletes in the zone. New York: Peter Lang.

Ford, G.R. (with J. Underwood). 1974. In defense of the competitive urge. Sports Illustrated 41, 2: 16–23.

Forney, Craig A. 2007. The holy trinity of American sports: civil religion in football, baseball, and basketball. Macon, FA: Mercer University Press.

Forsyth, Craig J. 2005. Discerning the symbionic relationship between sport, leisure, and recreation: A note on the sportization of pastimes. Sociological Spectrum 25, 2: 127–131.

Fort, Rodney, and John Fizel, eds. 2004. International Sports Economics Comparisons. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.

Foucault, Michel. 1961/1967. Madness and civilization. London: Travistock.

Fowler, Jeaneane, Merv Fowler, David Norcliffe, Nora Hill, and Diane Wadkins, eds. 1997. World religions. Brighton, England: Sussex Academic Press.

Fox, Kate, and Leicha Rickards. 2004. Sport and Leisure: Results from the Sport and Leisure Module of the 2002 General Household Survey. London: Office for National Statistics—Great Britain.

Frank, Robert H. 2004. Challenging the myth: a review of the links among college athletic success, student quality, and donations. Miami, FL: Knight Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics;

Franklin, S. 1996. Postmodern body techniques: Some anthropological considerations on natural and postnatural bodies. Quest 18 (Supplement), S95-S106.

Franseen, L., and S. McCann. 1996. Causes of eating disorders in elite female athletes. Olympic Coach 6, 3 (Summer): 15–17.

Fraser, D. (2005). Cricket and the Law: The man in white is always right. London: Routledge.

Frazier, Deborah. 1999. Rogers calls for massacre reparations: Payment sought for Sand Creek “butchery.” Rocky Mountain News (November 30): 7A, 10A.

Fredrickson, Barbara L., and Kristen Harrison. 2005. Throwing like a girl: Self-objectification predicts adolescent girls’ motor performance. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 29, 1: 79–101.

Free, Marcus, John Hughson, and David Inglis. 2004 The Uses of sport: A critical study. London/NY: Routledge.

Freedman, Jonah. 2005. The fortunate 50. Sports Illustrated 103, 1 (July 4): 65–70.

Freedman, Vicki A., Linda G. Martin, and Robert F. Schoeni. 2004. An overview of disability in America. Population Bulletin 59, 3 (Special issue, “Disability in America”).

Freeman, Mike. 1998. A Cycle of Violence, on the Field and Off. The New York Times, Section 8 (September 6): 1.

Freeman, Mike. 2000. Daunting issue of off-field violence. San Francisco Examiner (January 9): D9.

Freeman, Mike. 2002. Painkillers a quiet fact of life in the NFL. New York Times (January 31): C17, C19.

Frey, Darcy. 1994. The last shot: City streets, basketball dreams. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Frey, James. 1985. The winning team myth. Currents: Journal of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education 11, 1: 32–35.

Frey, James H. 1984. The U. S. vs. Great Britain responses to the 1980 boycott of the Olympic Games. Comparative Physical Education and Sport 6, 3: 4–13.

Frey, James. H. 1992. Gambling on sport: Policy issues. Journal of Gambling Studies 8, 4: 351–60.

Frey, James. H. 1994. Deviance of organizational subunits: The case of college athletic departments. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 18, 2: 110–22.

Frey, James H., and D. Stanley Eitzen. 1991. Sport and society. Annual Review of Sociology 17: 503–22.

Frezza. Fortunato. 2006. Professional sport chaplains (pp. 131–133). In Pontifical Council for the Laity. 2006. The world of sport today: A field of Christian mission. Città del Vaticana: Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

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Friedman, Michael T., David L. Andrews, and Michael L. Silk. 2004. sport and the façade of redevelopment in the postindustrial city. Sociology of Sport Journal 21, 2: 119–139.

Friedman, Vicki A., Linda G. Martin, and Robert F. Schoeni. 2004. An overview of disability in America. Population Bulletin 59, 3 (special issue, “Disability in America”).

Friend, T. 2001. Higher power. ESPN The Magazine 4 (10), 14 May, 46–52.

Fudzie, Vince, and Andre Hayes. 1995. The sport of learning: A comprehensive survival guide for African-American student-athletes. North Hollywood, CA: Doubleplay Publishing Group.

Fulks, Daniel L. 2002. Revenues and expenses of Division I and II intercollegiate athletics programs: Financial trends and relationships. Indianapolis: National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Fuller, J. R., and E. A. Manning. 1987. Violence and sexism in college mascots and symbols: A typology. Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 15, 1: 61–64.

Fuller, Linda K., ed. 2006. Sport, rhetoric, and gender: historical perspectives and media representations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Furst, Terry. 1971. Social change and the commercialization of professional sports. International Review of Sport Sociology 6: 153–170.

Fusco, Caroline. 2007. ‘Healthification’ and the Promises of Urban Space: A Textual Analysis of Place, Activity, Youth (PLAY-ing) in the City. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 42, 1: 43–64.

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Gantz, Walter, and Lawrence A. Wenner. 1995. Fanship and the television sports viewing experience. Sociology of Sport Journal 12, 1: 56–74.

Gantz, Walter, et al. 1995a. Televised sports and marital relationships. Sociology of Sport Journal 12, 3: 306–23.

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Giardina, Michael D., 2003. “Bending It Like Beckham” in the global popular: Stylish hybridity, performativity, and the politics of representation. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 27, 1: 65–82.

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Giulianotti, Richard and Gary Armstrong. 2002. Avenues of Contestation: Football Hooligans, Running and Ruling Urban Spaces. Social Anthropology 10, 2: 211–238.

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