Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 03/28/04  Sunday 1:55 A.M.:  When dealing with truckers whom provide information, one has to realize they frequently know more because they travel around, and a lot of them are veterans because they are a tough group of people, however it is the nature of trucking since they also carry valuable cargo, they also carry security devices.  However, when truckers are also Carnival type people which some of them are, they can try to scare an individual or secure family away from their established community, and then they can steal the removed individual or family's personal belongings for profit, and if they are part of a network of theatrical like carnival people, they can even try to impersonate that family or individual within the community for additional profit.  However, with more modern criminal investigation techniques, these problems frequently only happen to the more gullible and sections of the population and the elderly community whom may not be as aware.  In other words the information on our televisions comes out of a Cablevision System from Norwalk, Connecticut which is connected to Westbury or Woodbury, Long Island, so if the information at those key points were suspect, one could always try using other sources of communications.  Some of the old timers here still use Ham Radios, and I still personally keep a Zenith Shortwave Radio.  If I am not mistaken the United States Air Force might use Zenith equipment too, so more than likely with all sorts of satellites today, if the U.S. Government did issue a warning, and this area were under siege, it is possible that one could pick up information on a Shortwave Radio from Chicago, or some other location.  We do know that "911" happened since the World Trade Center, I can assure you from my observations at Tod's Point is no longer there.  However, when dealing with complex strategists, it is hard to believe anything else than what the local television broadcasts.  Having lived and worked around communications for a good deal of my life, it would seem that we are only as informed here as the general public at large.  However, there are so many people walking around that never say anything, it sometimes seems like a larger group is working this area that knows more.  Whether, they are providing accurate information or pursuing some type of a criminal scheme is opened to question.  I do know that just because people wear blue jeans does not mean they are in the United States Navy.  Having lived around the United States Navy, I can assure their personnel are more formidable than what one might see on Greenwich Avenue.  However, as one gets older and lives around senior citizens generally the medical community looks like everyone else in the general public, and they tend to be just as out of shape.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/28/04  Sunday 1:20 A.M.:  Basically in a free country we do have a free press, but we also have United States government censorship.  Thus what I hear on the grapevine when I network around town locally may or may not be accurate.  However, I would assume if there is a realistic threat to the public welfare in general, the United States government would inform the general public at the right time.  Since I have dealt with so many scenarios of Carnival type people of trying to scare members of the general public for profit, I sometimes tend to be spectacle of information, and its relevance to our daily lives.  We all do know that there are potentially hazardous facilities in this country that are heavily guarded against terrorists, but whether we are in the way of security personnel in this area or not is the question.  As I have mentioned on my web site before, one of the original purposes of my web site was similar to that of an electricity maintenance man in the area running the web site to let some engineer know whom could be anywhere in the world that the electricity here in Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 U.S.A. is still working.  However, a reader of my notes might interpret that is up to their own insight.  Of course the content of my web site comes from Greenwich, Connecticut, but I upload it to the Yahoo server in California, so if the Yahoo server did not work, it does not mean that there is anything wrong here.  I suppose the Greenwich Time information www.greenwichtime.com might actually come from this area, and I have been told that IBM www.ibm.com actually comes from Armonk, New York, so if those sites continue to function, there is still electricity in this area.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/28/04  Sunday 1:00 A.M.:  In terms of the recent content of my notes, as I reported over a week ago, there was some local military information given to me a week ago last Thursday, which I can not report on the internet, since during times of War and Terrorism, one does not report military activity. However, I have told a number of friends and associates.  The content of the information has relevance to various terrorist threats that have relevance in this area.  However, I suppose if some friend or associate were curious they could call me up.  However, I have a feeling compared to what is known and observed in other areas around the country, it is not considered important other than the fact I have more education on that potential threat than the average layman.  Since I hardly travel outside of this area, I suppose the people traveling around would know more anyway.  That is all that I can write.  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/28/04  Sunday 12:25 A.M.:  However, I figured out one thing today, since Groningen in the Netherlands where both sides of my mother's family were from is in Westphalia on the German border with the Netherlands, and since it once was part of Germany, and since my paternal Grandfather was half German, since my paternal Grandmother could possibly have been half German, since her Gard family name comes from France, Sweden, or Germany then that would mean I am 5/8 to 3/4 German, which means possibly with all the Billionaires in Germany and with all of the new found prosperity in Germany, I might be able to find some sort of niche in Germany if I was forced out of this country.  However, since I only know a few words of German, I would not be as capable as I am here.  Also another friend's grandmother's family were part of the Kaiser's consular staff in Manhattan, and the apartment I use to use in Manhattan is now the site of the German consulate in Manhattan, so I might potentially have some German friends and connections.  I have only been to Germany twice, once in 1980 when I went to Frankfurt, Germany for four days before Christmas, and the other time was when I traveled through Germany to go to Innsbruck, Austria and then I returned through Germany.  However, since the Germans have fought two major wars in this century and since they were occupied for a half of a century, they probably would not be friendly to myself, since I have the United States of America experience for 54 years.  However, there are other German families in areas of America, whom have lived here since before the American Revolution, since the British Colonial government used Hessian guards from Germany to maintain peace and stability through out the Colonies in the old days.  Thus in any event, I was told when I first came back here off Nantucket 20 years ago by a German professor who had taught Physics at Columbia University for 50 years, the reason people are not friendly towards me is that I look German.  I guess he should have known.  Still when I visited Germany and the Netherlands, it was enjoyable to noticed that people were not unfriendly towards me based on appearance.  I also lived around Germans working for NASA in Huntsville, Alabama and Cambridge, Massachusetts.  I also used the Mercedes Benz dealership in Lake Forest, Illinois most every day for parts during my 3.5 years of college there.  I also gave a copy of a Borland spread sheet in German to the Mercedes Benz dealership in Greenwich, when I first started working on home computers 11 years ago. One of my friends moved to Germany for a while.  I also have chatted with Germans over the years, so possibly there is some connection there.  I also was told by a German professor at the White Plains, New York Civic center, when I bought my first computer telephone modem about 11 years ago that I was probably being foolish for looking at the internet.  Whatever, the case I have done my best as I know it based on the information in the United States of America and 54 years experience here.  I also keep some German beer in the refrigerator in case I every give up and try to relax.  CIO  

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 11:50 P.M.:  Also the same so called friend who was friends of Ted Kennedy's doctor, and whose grandfather was Richard Nixon's neighbor in Key Biscayne, Florida was involved with the occult in California.  The person one enticed me to climb the water tower in Nantucket, and then he tried to convince me that if I jumped off I would live.  I declined.  Thus having dealt with other people around various political groups over the years with equal mischievous, I am somewhat distrustful of strangers, and I well know that people will conspire to cause problems.  Greenwich, Connecticut is a very wealthy established town, so lots of people come here and take low paying jobs or manage to live on the fringes of the economic prosperity, just so they can cause some sort of mischief.  It is like the scenario of the janitor in the hospital doing away with the patients.  Whatever, the case since various Greenwich residents have been involved in various political activities worldwide including the Rockefeller economy and the Bush activity in the CIA, more than likely residents of this area have enemies, or just by being a resident in this area, one is perceived as being an enemy.  Since I am a long term resident, and since I have had contacts with established people in the community in living here during my residency, I tend to support the status quo in the town, because I know once one lives here for an extended period of time, there are very few other places that one will find with the ambience of this community.  Thus I do not suffer from the syndrome that the Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side, since I have explored other areas, and people were not as well informed as to what our skills here and capabilities are.  Since a good education and local experience are useful towards living in this area, I suppose the town manages to keep me around, since I do not upset the status quo.  Quite frankly anymore, it is my viewpoint that the town is more of an international business community, and since I have some expertise and experience in that field, I find it a congenial community to live in.  I have not found any other countries offering me residency based on my experience.  I recently contacted the Dutch consulate in Manhattan to see I would be eligible for Dutch citizenship since my mother is 100% Dutch, and they emailed me back that to be a Dutch Citizen in the time frame that I was born, I would have to have a Dutch father and not a Dutch mother.  However, my father did live and work at the Hague in the Netherlands as well as Antwerp in Belgium, so I suppose there is some connection there on both sides of the family and both sides of the Atlantic.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 11:25 P.M.:  I just finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 11:10 P.M.:  Actually, I do own a few French style cooking knives and about four Swiss Army knives, but by the time one were able to use them in a defensive situation, one would be a goner.  Basically from what I know the modern security forces are so high tech, the rest of us are basically decoys.  In my normal routine here in Greenwich, I lived down on Steamboat Road for five years, and I have spent over 20 years regularly walking Greenwich Avenue, and I have also driven down by the waterfront for the last 17 years that I have owned a car and the last 15 years that I have not lived there.  Since I lived down there for 5 years, and since for about the first 2.5 years I did not have a car, I am familiar with the area and the local neighbors and visitors.  I actually enjoy not living in the downtown area anymore, since I tend to have more privacy.  When one lives downtown, and when one walks out of one's door, one never knows what one will walk into.  Basically from experience, I have dealt with such a large cross section of people down by the waterfront that are different from the people whom one sees regularly downtown, I am beginning to think that the regular waterfront people are taking advantage of the situation to the detriment of the neighbors in that area, since I see very few of the neighbors in that area ever venture down to the pier.  Although I may go down there everyday, I generally do not spend that much time down there, I frequently just drive down there and turn around.  I suppose in another 20 years we will have robots armed with modern security devices patrolling the town, but since I am not a security official, I am just going by normal routine based on my experience of living here for about 43 years.  The most frequent group of people down by the waterfront are our local veterans, and they frequently only tell one as much one needs to know.  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 10:35 P.M.:  Part of the reason I am disabled is that in living around the waterfront all of these years and elsewhere I have been threatened so many times that I tend to take it for granite, and I let the local security deal with such affairs, since I have no way of defending myself personally.  For example all of the time in Nantucket, people were always pulling out Buck knives and threatening people.  This past evening when I was on the waterfront chatting a local fisherman whom I had not seen before whom was driving a red pickup truck in the process of talking he pulled a buck knife out at me and flashed it twice.  Since it is the nature of fisherman along the waterfront that they carry knives, one becomes use to such behavior.  It is like all of the knives that one encounters when working in a French restaurant.  Whatever, the case I have advised people around here with all the Texans in this area, the Texans do not bother with buck knives, but they prefer something called the Texas two step, which generally means the Texans when they travel within or outside of Texas tend to armed with some sort of self defense mechanisms.  However, locally with all of the rich high technology people around here, for all I know they have more modern high technology devices such as laser guns which are being used.  Thus I generally only talk with people whom I have seen before and chatted with.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 10:15 P.M.:  Of course in my days in Nantucket, when somebody was no long seen around the island in Nantucket, they were assumed to have just left the island.  I guess no one ever thought they might have been eaten by a killer whale.  However, with modern satellite photos from around the world, frequently those people whom track activity with satellites frequently see more about what happens with unexplained activity than what historically might have been conventional wisdom.  Thus I suppose over the years, the Natural accident phenomena might have explained why occasionally it seems people disappear around the shore line.  I have seen the pictures on the Discovery channel of Killer Whales beaching themselves on the rocks in Alaska to eat walruses, so I guess much the same could happen in any other part of the world to any animal including human beings whom might be near the shore.  Of course it could also happen on a boat too.  Whatever, the case when around the water it is frequently important to use one's own instincts based on experience.  Now that in so many resort areas around the waterfront, the Chamber of Commerce is so important, they probably do not report incidents which would cause a drop in business.  Of course there is one large group of people, whom it is the nature of their business called the United States Navy or any other world navies that in pursuing their careers, they tend to spend a great deal of time around the various waterfronts around the world, and I would assume that would also include the various Coast Guards.  Of course the fishermen and nautical transportation people also spend time on the various oceans as do small groups of individuals such as oceanographers and recreational boaters.   Thus in their network of information and knowledge, they would frequently know more than the average land lubber.  Basically, I am more of a shore person along the shore, I do not actually spend any time on the water to speak of.  When I am on the waterfront, I am frequently cloud watching or star gazing since the open waterfront is frequently the best viewpoint.  Of course once one gets into the open shore areas of the oceans, it also means a lot of walking, since a great deal of ocean front is not accessible by Four Wheel Drive vehicle compared to what one might find in the tourist areas.  Thus frequently some areas are only accessible from shore if there is a way to get ashore.  When I lived in Nantucket, a lot of people use to use different names, and although I always used my own name, a few friends since I only managed to read about one fourth of it, and since I always wore a red flannel shirt, Lee Jeans, and Adidas Country sneakers use to call me Billy Budd from Herman Melville's novel, because I sort of had the look as the character in the movie, and because I would occasionally drink a Budweiser around the waterfront.  Since when I was not working and when I was not around the shoreline, I also spent a great deal of time around the Harbor Marina, more than likely I saw a few people whom owned boats, but since I was never inclined to go out on the ocean, the only time I recall going on a boat besides the Nantucket Ferry, was a few trips on a scallop boat in the spring of 1977, when I was helping to open Sea Scallops.  Thus if one is not experienced around the ocean, but if one has lived around the ocean long enough to respect it, more than likely one will learn what one is suppose to do around the ocean when venturing out on a boat.  One local fisherman told me recently that he had taken the Coast Guard training course, and he was prepared to go down with his ship.  Since owning a boat is a very expensive affair, I am not qualified in terms of nautical activity.  However, living around the ocean front over the years, I have heard a lot of different stories.  One person in Fort Lauderdale in the fall of 1976 told me one sailor would take a different girl out on his boat every night and come back alone, and certain people thought that might be suspicious, so it tends to make one think about what happens around the waterfront.  One also hears stories that piracy and slavery still exists around the various waterfronts around the world, so one should be careful when venturing near the waterfront.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 9:15 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative.  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 8:30 P.M.:  The worst thing about any deep water shore like the south shore of Nantucket or any other ocean front shore is potentially a Killer Whale can swoop ashore, and pull one right off the shore and eat one like a seal, walrus or a sea lion.  It happens frequently around the ocean.  I use to know someone that looked like the fellow that trained Killer Whales at Sea World in Miami, and I suppose a cleaver enough Killer Whale trainer could also train the whale if released into the wild back in the ocean to intercept and pull pedestrians or bathers off the shore.  The same individual was a close friend in Nantucket of Teddy Kennedy's doctor, so if such an incident happened by premeditated arrangement, the same individual would be subject to the direct political repercussions of such a planned accident of nature.  Since Killer Whales are heavily in the wild in Argentina, and since the same individual use to speak Spanish and have lots of Argentinean friends, and since the Russian government along with the Dutch government and the old Nazis are heavily involved with Argentina, it would seem to be they would be considered involved in such a planned accident.  Of course since the Killer Whales as we know from the movie Free Willie are in abundance on the west coast of the United States and since a lot of these high technology individuals were around the same friend on the west coast of the Unites States, and since there is also a Sea World on the west coast, it would seem to me that they should learn the old tricks do not work anymore.  It is sort of peculiar that the same friend with all of the thousands of people whom I knew was also the only person to show in Key West, Florida when I lived there.  However, since the same friend had C.I.A. connections, it is possible that it could be some misguided plot on the part of the United States' government behalf.   That is why I would recommend to individuals to stay near the shallow water, but even the shallow water can have gators and crocs.  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Swiss cheese.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/27/04  Saturday 7:00 P.M.:  I had two calls from a relative this morning, and then I slept until about 2 P.M..  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I went by Smoke for Less in Byram, and I bought a four packages of Seneca Ultra Lights 100s for $3.25 a package for $13 total.  I then went by the Greenwich Exxon station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $3.75 of regular unleaded gasoline at $1.999 a gallon for about 24 miles per gallon.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue.  I sat out at various locations.  Along my walk, I stopped by CVS, and I picked up a prescription at $1.50 cost to me.  I completed my walk.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I reminded one local waterfront observer that back around 1985 during Hurricane Gloria, the waves on Steamboat Road were breaking up to the Indian Harbor Yacht Club entrance, and the flooding reached to where the current Delamar Hotel was, and flooding reached into the Island Beach parking lot.  That was in hurricane winds of about 70 miles per hour.  I also mentioned that three years ago, when the hurricane hit North Carolina, the United States Navy in Monterey, California had an IBM super computer with weather information, and they knew the hurricane was going to hit North Carolina, and they did not alert anyone in the media on the east coast of the United States, even though they knew three days before hand.  I also mentioned that I had covered the south shore of Nantucket and Nantucket in general until 20 years ago, and I mentioned the south shore of Nantucket is very dangerous with rip tides.  Since a current democratic candidate for President John Kerry has a summer home on Nantucket more than likely on the south shore of Nantucket, it will attract additional inexperienced people into that area, which if they do not know the nature of the water particularly on the south shore of Nantucket, it can be very dangerous.  My only advise if one is caught in a rip tide is to try to swim with the direction of the rip tide and hope one is brought back into shore.  The few beach areas around Kennebunkport tend to be in coves, which do not have the same sort of rip tides, but either set of beaches in Nantucket or Kennebunkport would have your usual cross section of dangerous sharks.  Generally only experience swimmers should venture into deeper ocean waters, and one frequently has to remember that what one was able to do when one was younger, one frequently is not able to do the same thing when one is older.  I remember, about twenty five years ago, a Prime Minister of Australia was eaten by a shark, so thus security provided by a government is not necessary enough in certain natural situations.  I guess it could be equally said about tropical weather www.geocities.com/mikelscott/weather.htm .  I believe coming up in the first week of April, this tropical weather forecast comes out http://typhoon.atmos.colostate.edu/forecasts/ for the 2004 season.  Since the Washington D.C. area was hit by a hurricane this past season, it is my theory that the hurricanes are pushing further north each year recently with the warmer summers and warmer Atlantic oceans, so possibly this coming season the same Virginia and Washington D.C. area  could be hit again or even further north into Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey, and possibly in a year of two into this area or even further north.  I wrote in my notes about two to three years ago that Washington D.C. was going to be hit by a hurricane.  Thus in hurricane season tropical storm preparedness, it does not hurt to keep a weather eye early in the season, and it does not mean that the traditional hurricane areas still will not be effected.  I was also recently reminded by a neighbor with Florida experience that Alligators and Crocodiles tend to still be a problem in southern tropical areas.  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/26/04  Friday 11:55 P.M.:  I went through some of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/scotwork.htm .  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  Maybe I will watch a bit of television too.  I will also reheat some macaroni and cheese and some of the chicken broth rice, which I will have with iced tea.  CIO 

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