Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 03/24/04  Wednesday 10:10 P.M.:  The Optimum Online mail server does not seem to be working at the moment, so I can not check my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/24/04  Wednesday 9:45 P.M.:  On the four backup computers in the bedroom, I installed the updates, and I installed the copy of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/nasa002.htm .  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/24/04  Wednesday 8:40 P.M.:  Keyboard story TCPalm: Tapping the keys .  CIO

Note: <888> 03/24/04  Wednesday 7:45 P.M.:  I boiled eight cups of water, and I opened a 14 ounce box of Kraft www.kraft.com Deluxe macaroni and cheese dinner, I put the macaroni in to boil 11 minutes.  I will thin drain the noodles in a colander, and I will put them in a large metal mixing bowl.  I will then add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of Italian spices and mix it into the noodles.  I will than add the cheese from the cheese packet, and I will mix it all together.  I will eat about one third of the mixture with some iced tea, and I will refrigerate the remaining mixture in a Rubbermaid container.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/24/04  Wednesday 7:15 P.M.:  When I drive over to Old Greenwich from the Steamboat Road area, I usually drive through Bruce Park. I then go over I-95 at exit 4 on Indian Field Road, and I turn right after I-95 at the Red Cross headquarters.  I then drive over by the Cos Cob train station, and I proceed along north on River Road to East Putnam Avenue.  After heading east on East Putnam Avenue and crossing the Mianus River bridge, I turn right at St. Catherine's church, and I drive south on that road until after I cross the train tracks, and I turn left, and I proceed east along that road, and until I come out at the rotary in Old Greenwich near the shore near the Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church.  I head east from the rotary.  I then turn right at the Old Greenwich fire station, and I head south down to Tod's Point.  I usually come back a similar way, but after the rotary by the Old Greenwich Presbyterian church going west, I turn right and cross the train tracks at the next crossing east from the way I came, and I drive by the two schools, and proceed back usually driving back on East Putnam Avenue to the top of Greenwich Avenue.  Thus one is able to see a bit more of the waterfront on the way over.  I noticed the Old Greenwich Fire House is celebrating their 100th Anniversary http://sbvfd.com/ , and I also noticed the Greenwich Red Cross http://greenwich.ctredcross.org/ which needs to update their web site since it is now located by the exit 4 ramp of I-95 at Indian Field Road is raffling off a red Mustang GX convertible at $50 a ticket with the drawing around March 30, 2004.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/24/04  Wednesday 6:55 P.M.:  I made up my homemade onion soup www.geocities.com/mikelscott/onionsoup.htm .  I had the soup with a glass of iced tea.  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/24/04  Wednesday 5:50 P.M.:  I was up at 11 A.M. this morning.  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, and supplements.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I drove down by the waterfront in central Greenwich.  I then drove over to Tod's Point, and I took the 2.5 mile walk around Tod's Point.  I sat out at various locations.  I then stopped by the Rummage Room thrift shop in Old Greenwich.  I next drove down by the waterfront in central Greenwich.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop, and I bought 10 Imation floppy disks for $1 all.  I next went downtown in central Greenwich, and I walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I used the bathroom at the senior center.  I just now returned home, and I drank a glass of iced tea.  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 10:55 P.M.:  Well, I am tired, so I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 10:30 P.M.: http://www.georgewbushstore.com/ for Bush political souvenir items.   Back during the previous election race, they had six inch square plastic signs with rubber suction cups, so one could stick them in one's car window to advertise one's political preference.  They were like those "Baby on Board" signs.  Thus if one had a newer car, one did not have to use a bumper sticker, and if one was driving through hostile political territory, one could quickly remove it.  I suppose there is still a market for them, so I guess one can keep an eye out for them.  I suppose at the Republican convention, one might make money selling them, if no one else beats one to it.  Since Greenwich, Connecticut is a somewhat diplomatic town, a lot of people do not advertise their political convictions.  I updated my homepage with a Bush - Cheney campaign advertisement script.  Since most people know I am ardently Republican, most people do not bother talking to me about politics, since although I am Republican, I do not actually know much about politics, since I focus on computer technology.  However, since most Republicans seem to be well read, they generally have a consensus of opinion on certain viewpoints from their experience.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 9:05 P.M.:  I am heating in the Farberware convection oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 minutes each of two sides six Stop and Shop fish cakes, 16 America's Choice onion rings, and 16 America's Choice tater tots.  I mixed a half of a cup of Heinz ketchup with three tablespoons of horseradish, and I will using it for flavoring the meal.  I will have the meal with a glass of iced tea.  I went through my email earlier.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 7:55 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue.  I stopped by CVS during the walk.  I used the bathroom at the senior center.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Times.  I just now returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 3:30 P.M.:  I ran Ad-aware 6.0.  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I used a tin of sardines that I chopped.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I listened through my stereo system to 88.5 FM National Public Radio.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out for some fresh air.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 2:15 P.M.:  If one uses this page http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/lang.htm my various directory pages are translated, and the subsequent links are also translated.  Thus my volcano directory with its thousand links and the pages from those links are translated into five different languages from English.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 2:10 P.M.:  I installed three Microsoft Office 2003 Professional updates.  I also ran Norton Win Doctor.  CIO 

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 1:25 P.M.:  I went through my email.  I applied for a few more free computer magazines.   CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 12:20 P.M.:  Last Thursday afternoon, I was told about a nearby military situation, but for security reasons, I can not mention it on the internet.  I have told a few friends and contacts about it.  Still, it more than likely has been going on for a long time, so it is not really news anyway.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 11:30 A.M.:  I was awake at 10 A.M., and I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I guess since we still have cold weather here, people are still in their winter doldrums.  Well sooner or later it should warm up, and then we will see all of the people migrating up north from down south whom frequently travel through this area on their way to points further up north.  With the influx of travelers, it might make it busier in this area, but I am not sure if it will be any economic stimulus for the area or not.  Generally the retired people down south live on fixed incomes, so they do not always have the type of money that our Big City neighbors might have when they visit here in the summer.  Locally here, the retired people are upset because the local real estate taxes have gone up quite a bit recently.  Whatever, the case it seems the economic boom in this area is only limited to those whom profiteer off Wall Street.  Apparently the local real estate market here in Greenwich, Connecticut has reached its maximum, and the prices are so expensive nothing is moving.  Thus until prices start to come down, there might not be any further activity in the real estate market.  The donations are way down at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, so people are probably not buying new items.  Still people seem to get by using Yankee ingenuity.  One fire fighter in Stamford, Connecticut was making extra money hunting and butchering deer.  Since Greenwich is suppose to be a wealthy town, people tend to maintain appearances, until they finally can not afford to anymore.  I was told the longest member of the Greenwich Country Club sold her house in back country and moved into a condominium downtown.  There are what seem to be a lot of new families with money, and since they live here, they probably are contributing to the local economy.  Of course the younger generation invest in different activities compared to the older generation.  Since the Greenwich Times and the other two local newspapers the Greenwich Post and the Greenwich Citizen never print many stories about the town government and what it is doing, most people are left out in the dark about the town government and what its budget appropriations are.  Thus one has to be on the inside track to know what is going on.  I would dare say the same movers and shakers might be controlling the town, but it might be from their winter hideaways.  Still the town seems to be running properly, and essential services seem to be maintained.  Thus I would suppose it one could afford to live here, one would find out that not much has changed, but it is still as cold as ever.  There are busier and slower days, so it is all a matter of timing as to what one's perception of the community is.  Well, over here on this side of town, it tends to be a lot colder, since with electric heat, one has to be able to afford to pay for it, and electric heat tends to be damp anyway.  Thus one eventually gets use to the colder indoor temperatures.  I have noticed the senior and arts center downtown is warm and the Merry Go Round Mews thrift shop and the Greenwich Library are warm, so thus I would daresay, some people whom can afford it are living in warmer homes.  However, they say maintaining a cooler environment is healthier for one, so possibly the Hot House people are not feeling as well.  Well, since people in Greenwich tend to be private, no one really knows what is going on until some emergency situation meets the public eye.  Personally I am getting by here just fine the way I have always gotten by, and if I get colder I just wear my heavy terry cloth bathrobe.  Since I generally spend some time outside every day, I tend to get my share of fresh air, but I generally go out later in the day.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/23/04  Tuesday 1:50 A.M.:  I rested a while.  While resting I ran Norton Antivirus 2004.  It found 7 problems, and it deleted two problems automatically, and I deleted the other five.  I ate the last of the Snyder low fat corn chips along with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  It is a bit cold out at 18 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind-chill of 12 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO   

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 11:10 P.M.:  I went through my email.  I chatted with two friends and a relative.  I put the ice tea in the refrigerator.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 9:30 P.M.:  Windows XP Service Pack 2 Technical Preview is now available to anyone for download http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/sp2preview.mspx .  I have it installed on my Dell backup computer, and it works just fine.  However, I believe if one installs it, one will have to uninstall it to install the final version due the beginning of the second half of this year.  On my Dell backup computer uninstalling the earlier beta did not seem to effect the programs configured after its installation.  However, if I am not mistaken, the beta is only good for six months, then one would have to install the final version.  Since it is still a beta, I will not be installing it on my primary computer.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 9:20 P.M.:  Computer case for hot locations http://www.uptime4u.com/lgh1.htm .  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 9:15 P.M.:  For republican gift buying try http://www.reaganlibrary.com/store/ at http://www.reaganlibrary.com/ .  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 8:40 P.M.:  I am microwaving a 16 ounce Boston Market Swedish meatballs dinner, which I will have with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 8:25 P.M.:  I chatted with a friend.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 7:25 P.M.:  I went out after the last message, and I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue.  I stopped by CVS.  I sat out at various locations.  While I was sitting out at the top of Greenwich Avenue in front of Pickwick Plaza, there was a sure sign of spring.  With all the birds eating the berries in the berry tree, I had one bird accurately relieved itself on the front of my coat.  Thus this time of year, one should be careful about sitting underneath that particular tree.  I finished my walk, and I then used the bathroom at the senior center to clean off my jacket.  There was a local contractor on a construction project just south of CVS using a nail gun that bothered some local people.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I saw one of the regular waterfront residents at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop today.  In spending many years around various waterfronts and in this location since 1961, I have reminded people many times, that individuals at the Russian Consulate in Glen Cove, Long Island have been eavesdropping across Long Island sound since before World War II.  Thus more than likely other parties whom are interested in their neighbor's activities have been doing much the same over the years.  Thus although people spend a great deal of money for privacy on the waterfront, there is not very much privacy, since it is not too complicated to intercept sound over water.  I guess much the same could be said for cellular telephone frequencies.  Since wealthy people frequently have important private business, it is more than likely the eavesdroppers have profited over the years.  Whatever, the case one still would have to sort out fact from fiction, and there is so much information today, I am not sure how valuable random conversation would be anymore.  Today, one tends to have to be well enough educated to understand the more complicated information.  Thus with the internet, more than likely there is an equally adept group whom monitor people's internet activity too.  Since it is the nature of government that it is controlled by various political groups, more than likely the so called government monitoring of communications is frequently used for political purposes.  Whatever, the case people in this area tend to say so little, it would seem to me that there is not much original thought just public relations.  I next went by the Greenwich Library, and I read a back issue of P.C. Magazine.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  I just remembered, it is Earle Grey tea and Major Grey's chutney.  I am in the process of making up a new batch of iced tea www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icedtea.htm .  I am using 10 Salada orange pekoe tea bags, 5 Salada green tea bags, and one each of the five different types of Twinings five variety pack of tea.  I am not using sugar, but I am using a couple of teaspoons of Angostura bitters for the 12 quart mixture.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 2:40 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I used a 4.25 ounce can of pink crab meat that I flaked.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I guess since I am of northern European extraction, I should not mind the cooler weather here.  I also guess, since I have the grey L. L. Bean winter coat, I could pretend to be Major Grey of the British Army the tea expert.  Whatever, the case I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  I guess, instead of spending a lot of money parking downtown, I could hang out down at the pier on Steamboat Road where it does not cost to park and the Greenwich Library.  Of course it also does not cost to park at the Greenwich Hospital thrift shop.  If one has tried it, one has to be careful when eating www.geocities.com/mikelscott/onionsoup.htm because the way I make it, it gives one enough natural gas if everyone ate it to be one of the world's largest sources of energy.  Thus I usually do not eat it, if I am going out in public.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 1:15 P.M.:  Don't tell Exxon http://www.shellcreditcard.com/ , of course one could try this Exxon Mobil Credit Cards .  Of course I always pay cash, so I do not have any debt, which is the way I prefer to manage my accounts.  Thus unlike the millions of other people in this country, I am not living on Credit, if you get my drift.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 1:05 P.M.:  I am going through the Microsoft XP beta RS2 newsgroups.  I threw out my garbage.  I picked up my mail.  Since it is towards the end of the month, I am low on money, since I had to pay $65 for my new Connecticut driver's license this month, and I also paid $20 for my Connecticut emissions test.  I also spent $20 for the glass framed map of the Lesser Antilles, and I paid $15 for the glass framed picture of Stowe, Vermont, and I also bought the grey L.L. Bean overcoat for $16.25.  Thus because my spending was up a bit, I have less money to explore around town at the end of the month.  I have enough money, food, and cigarettes to make it until the end of the month, but I will have to watch my budget.  Also, this past winter seems to have been the coldest winter, since I came off Nantucket 20 years ago, and it still seems a bit cold out for this time of year.  Thus instead of wasting my time sitting on a bench downtown and paying for parking or reading the computer press in the Greenwich Library, I am quite comfortable at home.  I have plenty of back issues of the computer press to read, not to mention my regular work on the internet.  I suppose one of these days, it will warm up, and I will be paying money for the air conditioner to stay cool thus one is a victim of one's own routines.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 12:20 P.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/22/04  Monday 11:55 A.M.:  I went to bed after the last message.  I chatted with a couple of friends about 10:30 P.M..  I woke up at 8 A.M..  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to sleep until now.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/21/04  Sunday 9:30 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/21/04  Sunday 8:55 P.M.:  I ate a piece of apple pie with some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/21/04  Sunday 8:35 P.M.:  From this page In Memoriam Princess Juliana at In Memoriam Prinses Juliana der Nederlanden , I printed out the color photo in 8" X 10", and I framed it in a clear plastic frame, and I hung it on the wall to the right of the day bed above another picture.  I also send my condolences.  I also printed out two of the pictures with the laser printer, and I put one in my photo album, and I put one on the dining room table.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/21/04  Sunday 7:45 P.M.:  The Dutch are not that Rich, read the bottom of this page BBC NEWS Business Dutch royalty denies billionaire status .  I suppose, they could always go back to making wooden shoes.  I guess since the British took over the Dutch East Indies company during the latter half of the 19th century, the Dutch have not had their income from "VOC".  However, since the Dutch were some of the earliest settlers in this part of the world, I would imagine some of the Dutch of New Amsterdam are modestly established, but the Dutch are like the Scottish, and they are known for their frugality.  U.S.A. news on Queen Juliana passing away HollandSentinel.com Former Dutch queen visited here twice 03/21/04 .  Life goes on BBC NEWS World Europe Dutch celebrate royal baby birth 12/08/03 . In Memoriam, Queen Juliana  and BBC NEWS World Europe Country profiles Timeline: The Netherlands. CIO     

Note: <888> 03/21/04  Sunday 7:15 P.M.:  However, in chatting about the Scott family might not have much relevance, since I am only 1/8th Scott although I bear the name, thus I am not as formidable as some of my other cousins.  I am also half Dutch which tends to be larger than Scotts, 1/8th English, 1/8th French, and 1/8th German.  The largest person, I have seen physically in this area was about 12 years ago, when they were having a G8 conference in Mattrich in the Netherlands.  At the same time, a person showed up here selling Gouda cheese from Mattrich in the Netherlands, and he was well over seven feet tall probably weighing over 500 pounds or more but not fat with large wooden shoes and wearing Dutch pantaloons while he was trying to sell 500 pound wheels of Gouda cheese at the Food Emporium here locally.  What I noticed was that he had the same look as Prince Charles of England, but he was a much larger person.  I suppose he would have equally large relatives back home.  I heated and ate the other half of the fettuccini Florentine with the half of jar of Aunt Millie's traditional tomato sauce which I put a few tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese on.  I had it all with a glass of iced tea.  I called four friends and a relative, but none were there.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/21/04  Sunday 6:10 P.M.:  Although recently the Scott family are known for having a member of their family in the weather business, the Scott family has been around since the earliest settlement of northern Europeans in the United States of America.  From my reading one of the largest land owners in Colonial Virginia was a Scott.  Also in the New York area, one of the first settlers in New Amsterdam was a Scott.  There were two Scott families in the beginning of New Amsterdam, and they each had farms in Manhattan.  One of them was sexton of the first Dutch Reform Church.  Also, John Jay's mother was a Scott.  Also another Scott discovered Long Island, and established the first settlement in South Hampton, Long Island.  That Scott owned all of Long Island until 1700, when he moved to Jamaica.  Also the Scott family name is mentioned in the earlier days in Nantucket and around Beaufort, South Carolina.  I know the Marquis of Queensbury family name is Scott, so possibly the younger children of that family not being heirs because of primogeniture were given colonial land grants in the new world.  Whatever the case, I have only read the literature here, I have not researched the information in other European archives such as the Lloyd's ship registry which might have more information.  Also Windfield Scott was from the Virginia branch of the family, although he lived in New York when he moved the United States Military Academy to West Point, New York.  CIO

Note: <888> 03/21/04  Sunday 5:25 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue.  I sat out at various locations.  During my walk, I stopped by the ATM machine at Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then stopped by CVS, and I bought a 24 roll bundle of Charmin toilet paper for $4.99 plus .30 tax for $5.29 total.  I then completed my walk.  I next went by the Greenwich Library, and I read P.C. World magazine.  I then went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $5 of regular unleaded gasoline at $1.999 a gallon for about 24 miles per gallon.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 10 ounce bag of fresh spinach for $1.50, broccoli crowns at $1.99 a pound for $2.55, a 10 ounce box of fresh mushrooms for $1.99, 2 pounds of baby carrots for $3.29, plum tomatoes at $1.99 a pound for $2.35 for $11.68 total.  I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.  I drank a glass of iced tea.  CIO

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