Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 10:45 A.M.:  My Microsoft Money Portfolio has an error today, and it says that Berkshire Hathaway class A stock is down -$80,040.00, which obviously must be a mistake.  It sort of makes one wander about the other quotes.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 10:40 A.M.:  I put the two 2 foot by 2 foot purple and burgundy pillows back at the head of the day bed, and I put the two smaller orange pillows on either end of the blue sofa.  I moved the floral pattern 2 foot by 2 foot pillow from the day bed, and I reversed it, so it is olive drab, and I put it at the end of the blue sofa adjacent to the maple table, so one will not knock their head on the maple table when sitting on the blue sofa.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 10:15 A.M.:  I used the Epson printer to print out the envelope to Hyundai.  For using the Epson printer, one has to change the serial port box on the upper right wall wicker rack above the primary computer CPU to A:Epson.  For printing out envelopes one removes the regular inkjet paper, and one moves the lever inside the printer cover UP for the wider thickness envelope, and one selects the Epson printer in the word processor and the tools Labels and Envelope tool.  One also can select which way to feed it, and I always add the delivery point bar code.  I also ran the cleaning cycle on the Epson printer, and I returned the port box back to D:HP LaserJet 6P printer which also has an envelope sheet feeder.  Since I have four laser printers including the new high speed Minolta QMS PagePro 1250W laser printer, I generally use the laser printers for my printing needs.  I do not use the Epson Stylus Color 880 printer which I bought the Sunday before 911 at Staples, since the ink for it is more costly.  However, I can order cheaper ink cartridges for it from www.3dayinkjet.com .  I do not print out that much color material.  I suppose if one were printing out travel tickets, though one could use the Epson printer, since some travel companies might want them in color.  I have a new Epson color and black ink cartridge in it, so I should not need replacement ones soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 9:45 A.M.:  I called Hyundai http://www.hyundaiusa.com/ at 1-800-633-5151 Hyundai Consumer Affairs FAQ , and under the horse power lawsuit, I do not have an extended warranty.  Thus I will apply for the $120 dealer credit.  I was told as a second owner that my five year warranty expires June 17, 2004.  As the second owner, I do not get the extended 10 year /100,000 mile Powertrain Limited Warranty.  At the moment, I only have slightly over 40,000 miles on my 1999 Hyundai Accent L 2 door hatch back.  I will now fill out the form for the Hyundai settlement on the horse power lawsuit indicating I want the $120 dealer credit instead of the $75 debit card.  I also moved my Columbia bedroom telephone around, so it faces out from the left night stand, so if is not as easy to knock the telephone handset off the base unit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 8:25 A.M.:  This activity today Yale University Commencement will probably draw additional visitors in the area, so keep an eye out for any Bull Dogs.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 8:05 A.M.:  Byram story Greenwich Time - Residents ponder what to call a slice of town  .  In the old days Byram, Connecticut part of Greenwich, Connecticut use to be the first town in Connecticut when coming out of New York City, so couple wanting to get married would frequently wake up the Justice of the Peace that lived here at any time of the day, so they could get married without the usual waiting period in New York City.  They would just pay their $5 fee to the Justice of the Peace, and then they would be hitched.  There was an article a number years ago in the Greenwich Time www.greenwichtime.com that is how Lucille Ball and Dezi Arnez originally got married, so that is probably the most important event that ever happened in Byram, Connecticut.  The Justice of the Peace use to live in my building, but I think he has since moved elsewhere.  However, the name Byram is originally the shortened from the expression "Buy Rum" which might have been one of the original businesses in Byram, Connecticut.  Well anyway the cross border trade between New York and Connecticut can be seen in this area.  A great many people in Greenwich, Connecticut shop in Port Chester, New York, since they some times have less expensive items.  However as Connecticut residents, they should remember their sales tax is then going to New York instead of Connecticut, so for big ticket items, they should probably shop up at the stores in Norwalk, Connecticut, so Connecticut gets the sales tax.  Since I live in housing administered by the Greenwich Housing Authority that is the state of Connecticut public housing, I would rather see Connecticut get the taxes instead of New York which already has too much money.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 7:45 A.M.:  I get a big kick about of the hypocrisy of John Kerry and all of the liberals pretending to be environmentalists, when they show up on television riding a bicycle, when everyone knows the environmentalists use more fuel than average people traveling around by jet to promote their environmental causes.  Perhaps some of these environmentalists should present their travel logs to see how much energy they actually do use.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 7:40 A.M.:  I watched some television.  I am not going out until about 10 A.M. this morning, since there is suppose to be rain until then.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 6:55 A.M.:  Also another resident on Steamboat Road has a younger brother who is the head of Goldman Sachs in Japan, which did the original IPO for Microsoft.  Yahoo was started by two Japanese.  I own a 12 inch Panasonic color television, which I keep in my kitchen.  I have for my primary computer monitor a IIyama Vision Master Pro 450 XGA 19 inch monitor.  I also have a Technics stereo amplifier, a Technics turntable, a JVS videotape machine, a Crown tape deck, and I am sure some of the other components in my apartment are made in Japan.  I also have a book on Emperor Hirohito of Japan who besides being Emperor of Japan was also an oceanographer.  When in Key West, Florida, we use to stay in the old Peace Corps Casa Marina hotel which the Peace Corps used for training, and one of the signs on one of the door said Palau which was one of Emperor Hirohito's favorite reefs.  Also the state of Maine exports over $40 million a year in Sea Urchins to Japan as of 10 years ago.  When I talked to Prince Edward Island yesterday, they told me the Graham Lobster Company still exists in New Brunswick, Canada, but I can not see any reference to them on the internet.  They use to be the largest lobster wholesaler on the east coast of America, so they are probably still in business.  I took the two 2 foot by 2 foot burgundy and purple Navaho pattern style pillows from the day bed, and I put them on either end of the blue sofa, so one does not knock one's head when lying down on the maple table which overhangs the blue sofa.  I put the two orange pillows from the blue sofa on the day bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 6:25 A.M.:  With all of the Japanese residents and visitors in this area, I would like to make note of my family's involvement with the Japanese.  When we lived in Decatur, Alabama from 1956 to 1961 our house was constantly filled with Japanese business associates.  The company my father worked for Chemstrand did business with the Japanese company Mitsubishi setting up textile factories in Japan.  Many times I traveled on the company plane full of Japanese between Decatur, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida where Chemstrand had factories in both locations.  The Japanese would frequently come over to our house and cook meals, and they were very efficient in the kitchen.  I remember once one Japanese business man made me a origami paper frog that I left on the plane.  I also remember Woolworths department store use to have a lot of inexpensive items made in Japan.  When we moved here to Greenwich, Connecticut in 1961, we sort of lost track of the Japanese, but I remember like in Decatur, Alabama, my parents continued to make trips to Japan.  Once around 1962, they returned with a nine inch Sony black and white television with battery power package, so I knew the Japanese were somewhat high tech.  When my father was at Polaroid from 1968 to 1973, Polaroid would not let dad travel to Japan, so when Polaroid came out with instant movie film, about that same time Sony came out with betamax video.  While in college in Illinois at Lake Forest College www.lfc.edu and from talking with my paternal grandparents, I learned that Illinois sold a lot of soy beans for soy sauce to the Japanese.  At the same time back in Boston where my family were living, Bill Takakaki was regularly visiting our house in Weston, Massachusetts while he was attending Harvard Business School.  Bill's father was the president of Mitsubishi.  I returned to New York City in 1973, and there was not much evidence of the Japanese around, but around February 1975, I threw a party for about two thousand people in a loft above the Oldsmobile General Motors show room on West 57th street.  They had set up lots of temporary aquariums with tropical fish, and there were a lot of younger people there as well as the adult crowd.  I remember drinking a few Jack Daniels drinks, and as I begin to socialize, I was chatting with one Japanese fellow about my age whom told me he was a concert pianist.  We chatted about music, and he told me his name was Lance.  We were all having a good time, and there were about 200 security guards there.  I was later told that Lance was the grandson of the emperor of Japan, but I do recall he spoke English very well.  I did not meet many Japanese after that, but around 1981 in New York City, I was told the Bank of Tokyo had become a major player in the New York City business community.  Since by then I had traveled out to California about five times including a trip to Hawaii, I had seen the Japanese on the west coast of America.  I do not recall running into any Japanese in Florida or Nantucket.  When I returned to Greenwich in December 1983, I started spending time around the waterfront in Greenwich, and one Japanese family moved down by the waterfront shortly there after.  The Japanese American school moved to Greenwich shortly after that.  I recalled reading some time about 15 years ago, that the Japanese owned half of the Hyatt Hotel in Greenwich.  There is also a Japanese grocery store by exit 5 on Interstate 95 in Greenwich.  I have been told that Mitsubishi has a country club up in Armonk, New York.  When I went to former President Bush's inaugural in Washington D.C. in 1989, I chatted with General Macarthur's wife Gene Macarthur whom was surrounded by a dozen Marine Honor Guards whom worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Current President Bush speaks fluent Japanese.  Thus since the Japanese do not spend much time outside in cold weather, when it begins to warm up, one tends to see more of them.  I chatted with two Japanese bankers down on the waterfront yesterday whom are interested in buying property in this area.  I have chatted with them before.  Since I can not afford all of the high technology items that the Japanese make, but I keep track and constantly read about the high technology items that the Japanese make, I know they are very capable in technology, and many of us use their products or their components in other products assembled elsewhere.  However, currently I am using more Korean items such as my Hyundai automobile and General Electric air conditioner, since they seem to be less expensive.  I do have a set of Japanese tea cups in the apartment that have never been used in their original packing box.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/04  Monday 5:45 A.M.:  I had a telephone call from a friend after the last message.  I ate a Nature's Valley granola bar.  I went to bed.   I woke up during the night, and I ate a 7.5 ounce box of CVS wheat crackers.  I was up at 4 A.M. this morning.  My bedroom telephone had fallen off the receiver, so my telephone was not working until just recently.  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/23/04  Sunday 6:10 P.M.:  CompUSA.com - Four Days Only! Save up to 75% with Huge Clearance Savings!CNN.com Specials West Nile Virus .  I went though my email.  I went outside again.  It has cleared for now, but it still looks ominous.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/23/04  Sunday 5:45 P.M.:  Scattered thunderstorms are suppose to continue through out this evening.  Try http://www.tropicdesigns.net/ for a weather program.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/04  Sunday 5:20 P.M.:  The severe thunderstorm warning has been extended to 6 P.M..  It looks like it might be coming in here soon.  Depending on the severity, I might shut down the computer soon, and depending on how long it lasts, I might not restart but go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/04  Sunday 5:00 P.M.:  Weather Hazards for Northern Westchester County, NY Severe Thunderstorm Warning for this area at the moment .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/04  Sunday 4:40 P.M.:  I received in the mail this week information from http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/ and one can call them at 1-888-PEI-PLAY .  However as the weather warms up here, I suppose we will have Canadians traveling north through this area to return to their home land.  Since my college roommate was from East Aurora, New York and his family were involved with both the British Royal family and the United States of America and Canadian government, more than likely his group of friends would know more about the north country.  However, I was told that the Canadian Prime Minister http://pm.gc.ca/ Paul Martin and his government are up for reelection on June 28, 2004 Toronto Star TheStar.com - News/News Canadian Prime Minister Election set for June 28, 2004 .  Thus any Canadians wanting to vote should get back home or send in an absentee ballot.  I chatted with the 800 number.  I just chatted with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/04  Sunday 3:20 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  I did not use broccoli, since I ran out of broccoli.  For the cheddar cheese portion with the other two cheeses, I used Stop and Shop Swiss Cheese.  I also had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I put the three Tree of Life place mats on the maple table.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/04  Sunday 2:15 P.M.:  I was up at 6:30 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I then cleaned up, and I went out.  I went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $7.75 of regular unleaded gasoline at $2.339 a gallon for about 25 miles per gallon usage.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I chatted with another one of the regular fishermen.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  I stopped by the Greenwich Hardware store, and I bought two three inch wall molly bolt assemblies for .43 each plus .05 tax for .91 total.  I then completed my walk.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I then drove back down by the waterfront.  I cleaned up a bit of the weekend refuge, since the Park and Recreation department does not do it on weekends.  I chatted with two other regular waterfront observers that I had not seen since last summer.  I tested the NOAA weather radio that I keep in my car.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I sat out for a while.  I chatted with the local ornithologist, and I asked him about the large African egg at the tag sale yesterday.  He said it sounded too big to be a ostrich egg.  I mentioned that it might be an Elephant ostrich egg.  I also asked if it might now be a giant condor egg.  I suppose it could also be a python egg or giant alligator or crocodile egg or dinosaur egg or anaconda or iguana egg or something else big and nasty, but maybe it is just a plastic egg covered in leather with a monkey on it.  Well, the same tag sale is still on down by the waterfront just north of Indian Harbor as well as the Craft festival which has $5 admittance.  I next returned home, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I drank some iced tea.  I then took the two brass hooks from off the wall on the right side of the bedroom entrance in between the shelves of the wire rack.  I used the two molly bolt assemblies to hang on underneath the Audubon Louisiana Heron picture just to the left of the wire rack, and I hung my belts on it.  I hung the other brass hook with wood screws on the outside upper right door trim of the bedroom door.  I hung my blue jeans and daily shirt there.  I left the black handle regular and the black handle Phillips screw driver on top of my yellow tool box on the floor of the sweater closet, so one can get at them without pulling out the tool box.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 9:45 P.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 9:30 P.M.:  I microwaved a Stouffer's 10.5 ounce vegetable lasagna, which I put a tablespoon of grated parmesan cheese on.  I will eat it shortly after it cools with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 9:05 P.M.:  CNN.com - Bush falls on bike ride - May 22, 2004 .  I took three 15 foot extension cords that I have, and I plugged them into the new power strip underneath the living room desk to have them available for laptop use.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 8:35 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went over to Port Chester, New York, and I went by Home Depot.  I bought a six outlet power strip with three foot cord for $2.97 and two Stanley http://www.stanleyhardware.com/ packs of 4 three inch corner braces for $3.49 each pack plus .75 tax for $10.70 total.  I returned home.  I found my black handle Phillips screw driver that I had been looking for in the tool box I keep in the rear of my Hyundai.  I put it in my apartment linen closet yellow tool box.  I then installed the corner braces on the maple table between the legs and the table with one on each of the two direction sides 90 degrees opposite each other on the legs and table.  Each brace had two Phillips screws on each angle side.  I drilled the holes and fastened the screws.  I also added two more screws to each of the four 2 inch braces that came with the table.  I then vacuumed up the drill dust.  Thus the table is now perfectly stable.  I could have gotten four inch braces for twice the price, but I did not think they were necessary, and they did not come with screws.  I received a telephone call from some relatives that were traveling, and they are now back in this country.  During their trip they visited the town on the north shore of Germany where the V2 rocket program started, and they also visited London, St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, and Berlin.  I would imagine they have a bit of Jet Lag.  I plugged in the new power strip into the existing power strip underneath the living room desk, so if one wanted to use laptop computers with the new Ethernet hub, there is an available power source.  I went outside briefly.  CIO 

  Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 4:50 P.M.:  The maple cutting board table that I bought for $10 is slightly unstable, since it only has four 2 inch corner braces for the lateral length, but it would be more staple if I put eight four inch corner braces on it, so I think I will go over to Home Depot and get them.  The table surface is slightly bowed in, since it had the covering on it which caused it to dry out unevenly, but it is still very usable.  I will now put the computer on standby and go out.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 4:15 P.M.:  At the tag sale, I went to this morning, they had an ostrich egg from Africa covered with a design wrapping on it with a monkey for $10, but since I do not have room for an ostrich in my apartment if it hatched, I decided not to get it.  However, it seemed to me to be bigger than an ostrich egg, so maybe it was from some animal or bird bigger than an ostrich.  I recall seeing one like it before, but I can not recall where.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 3:50 P.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 3:35 P.M.:  Gates touts the merits of blogs in speech to CEOs .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 3:30 P.M.:  The New York Times Opinion Affordable Housing in Crisis  .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 3:05 P.M.:  I threw out the garbage.  Earlier today before I went out, I did a System Restore, and then I ran Disk Clean Up on the C: drive, and I ran Norton Speed Disk on the C: drive, while I was out.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 2:25 P.M.:  I made and ate www.geocities.com/mikelscott/onionsoup.htm .  For the garlic, I used a clove of elephant garlic.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I ate the onion soup with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 1:20 P.M.:  The maple butcher block table came with a clear plastic coating on the top of it to protect it, so one should not try to cut on it, or it would scratch the coating.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 1:05 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I sat out downtown briefly.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  I bought a Yale University www.yale.edu about 20 ounce commemorative mug for $2 from the Yale University Coop.  I then went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then drove down by the waterfront, and I gave a former neighbor a May to October 2004 tide chart for the Greenwich Harbor.  I viewed the waterfront.  I then left the area, and by the Bruce Museum, I noticed they were having a craft fair and tag sale for $5 admittance.  I drove over by the neighborhood north of Indian Harbor, because I saw a sign for a tag sale near that location.  I went to the small tag sale, and for $20 I bought a maple butcher block table.  It is a one inch thick solid maple top by 19 3/8" wide by 49 1/4" length with four 28.5 inch round colonial type legs of the same maple color made from what looks to be pine.  I had to unscrew four of the steel angle braces to unscrew the legs to get it into the car.  It also came with a sheet of glass which is quarter inch by 18.5 inches by 33.25 inches.  I put it all carefully into the back seat of my Hyundai covering the glass with towels.  I then returned home.  I carried up the items in three different trips.  I drank some iced tea.  I put the Yale University mug with other Harvard University items on the right bookcase shelf.  Neither of the schools I attended, but I have visited both many times.  I then reassembled the table.  I pushed in the blue sofa, so it is against the day bed.  I put the CD rack at the bedroom door entrance.  I put the butcher block table at the near side end of the blue couch.  I moved over the French sitting chair towards the closets about five inches, so the table fits in more evenly.  It gives me a nice working or serving area.  I put the two round hurricane type shades with two square brass candle holders with candles on the table.  I then removed the items from the long mahogany bureau, and I dusted it and cleaned and polished the top.  I then cleaned the piece of glass that came with the table, and I put it on the long mahogany bureau.  It is about four inches short on each side and about an inch too wide on the front and back sides, but it fits well, and it preserves the surface of the long mahogany bureau, particularly since I have the large pathos plant on it in two Chinese ceramic bowls.  I remembered to water the plants.  I put the other items back on the long mahogany bureau.  I also put the Williamsburg mug with red wax in it on the left hallway bookcase, and I moved the Faberge type goose egg to the top of the center book case sitting on top of the sand dollar box which contains a large sand dollar.  I went outside briefly.  CIO 

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