Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 7:30 A.M.:  I ate a Quaker low fat corn cake.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 05/22/04:

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 6:30 A.M.:  It is probably why no one ever bothered the U.S. Air Force NORAD headquarters out at Cheyenne Mountain, since it was so heavily surrounded by Mountain Lions people did not dare venture into the area surrounding the facility.  I just  chatted with a friend who knows a lot about conservation, and he told me there has never been a Mountain Lion spotted in Westchester of Fairfield counties, but there are Bob cats.  He did say a few years ago, that they released Mountain Lions into the wild in the Catskills and Adirondack region of upstate New York.  Whatever, the case I suppose my friend is never on a night schedule however when Mountain Lions would be around.  My friend had a problem with mice getting into his 1992 Buick Roadmaster station wagon heating and cooling system, so he has to figure out a way to vacuum out the mice nests.  I will not put the mirror in front of the Plexiglas to the left of the air conditioner.  We are suppose to have scattered thunderstorms and showers today, so bring one's umbrella when going out.  Whatever, the case I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 5:35 A.M.:  Well, it is trade off making the apartment more easily accessible for a fireman versus it less accessible for a Mountain Lions.  I guess I could think about making some sort of executive decision, but for now I will leave it as is.  I also had a telephone call yesterday afternoon inviting me to a Ziff Davis conference in Manhattan, and I explained to them that I do not go to Manhattan anymore, since I got mugged by someone from Bermuda 11 years ago.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 5:25 A.M.:  The last time I worried about Mountain Lions, I also worried about a Mountain Lion hopping on the flat roof outside of my apartment and getting in through the Plexiglas which would kick in inwards since it is mounted against the window frame on the inside with duct tape.  The Plexiglas fills up the space to the left of the air conditioner.  Last year, I remedied the situation by putting the mirror that I have hung to the left of the bathroom door behind the Plexiglas, so if a Mountain Lion jumped on the flat roof, it would see its reflection and possibly be scared.  However, the mirror looks good presently where it is.  I guess I could put other items in its place.  We should think about it.  However, in an emergency it would be easy for someone like a fireman to kick in the Plexiglas on the side of my air conditioner to gain access to the apartment, and if I put the mirror there, and there was an emergency and they pushed in the Plexiglas and broke the mirror, there would be seven years of bad luck.  My mother's house in Kennebunkport, Maine is out in the woods, and when ever I am smoking a cigarette out on the deck, I worry about a Mountain Lion hopping off the roof.  However, the local residents living up in the woods of Maine for so long do not seem to worry about such things.  Of course if one were really worried about Mountain Lions and other such critters on land, one could run away and join the U.S. Navy, but they occasionally have to come into port around the world, so one would occasionally be exposed to habitat on dry land.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/04  Saturday 4:25 A.M.:  I went to bed after the last message, but first I ate a Nature's Valley granola bar and two Quaker low fat corn cakes.  I was up at 3:30 A.M..  On Mountain Lions, the way I figure it, Ronald Reagan and Nelson Rockefeller probably had problems with Mountain Lions, so they ran for President to have extra security.  The Skakels, Hemsleys, and Martha Stewart also had problems with Mountain Lions too, so they wanted to go to jail for extra security.  Martha Stewart besides the house in Westport, Connecticut where she threw lots lucrative fund raisers for Bill and Hilary Clinton, also has a couple hundred acre estate in Bedford, New York where she would also have Mountain Lion problems.  More than likely other people over the years have had Mountain Lion problems.  I believe Andrew Jackson's wife smoked a pipe supposedly for tuberculosis, but possibly she was smoking tobacco with tiger urine scent from India, so as not to be bothered by Mountain Lions.  I guess since John Jay's family lived in Bedford, New York, they probably had Mountain Lion problems, so more than likely Mountain Lion problems have caused problems through out the histories of the Americas.  Even the White House has a fence around it probably to keep out Mountain Lions.  Probably lots of people live out on Nantucket and Bermuda hoping not to be bothered by Mountain Lions, so what ever the case it is hard to tell whether the newspapers actually ever tell the real stories.  More than likely Bill and Hilary Clinton have Mountain Lion problems in Chappaqua, New York, and IBM in Armonk, New York probably has Mountain Lion problems, thus it is this area's little secret, which people do not want to talk about, since it would effect the price of real estate, but since deer are every where in the Americas, more than likely Mountain Lions are everywhere in the Americas.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 2:05 P.M.:  I watched some television.  I guess with the Rockefellers selling their property in Manhattan at premier locations means that they are moving elsewhere to points unknown.  I suppose with terrorism in the world today, the want better security.  Whatever the case Manhattan without the support of their vast fortune will probably become a shanty town.  Basically, when the primary stockholders pull up stakes, it begins to look like the inevitable might happen, and the great hoards of people in the eastern hemisphere might invade us.  I suppose one could take refuge in New Zealand, and I have thought about it before, however since New Zealand has only been above water for about 10,000 years, I always worry that it might resubmerge itself in the ocean some time in the future.  Whatever the case there are other established families in the country, but I suppose when the primary movers and shakers pull up stakes, they have ample intelligence and inside information as to what the coming scenario might be for our area in the near future.  I suppose, as a I told a couple of friends in June before 911 that another great war would be happening or World War III, and this time they would be coming here, because we can not afford to fight on their shores anymore.  I am not talking about the conflict or war in Iraq at the present, but I am talking about conflict with the greater powers in the eastern hemisphere.  I suppose with their new economic freedom and their exploration of this country, they feel that we would be easily taken over, however, the United States of America is part of the Western Hemisphere, which includes about 2.5 million freedom loving people, so they also might object to interlopers from the Eastern Hemisphere trying to exercise undue influence in this hemisphere.  Since I am of European origin from a family that has worked in this hemisphere for 400 years, I would rather not take sides in such an exercise of futility, and I know that the great oceans that divide us can provide a margin of security that some people tend to over look on a quick flight across them.  Whether the new immigrants on our shores are seeking political freedom or whether they are fifth columnists, it will be up to them to prove or disprove themselves.  Since in virtually every language there are people whom are long term residents here, it is more than likely the long term residents here have their viewpoints from experience versus what the public relations media tend to say to try to encourage sales of goods and services.  Since we are talking about vast numbers of people, it is all still opened to speculation.  However, it tends to be the trend in the northern countries that the populations are not as dense, since with the colder climates, there are lots of people whom prefer the warmer climates to the colder climates.  Thus with the warmer weather we get our visitors and migratory residents into this area whom pay taxes on a year round basis, but actually only use the area for a relatively short period of time.  Thus since a great many of them are long term residents, they have their viewpoints and as opposed to some of the more recently arrived residents.  I went though my email, and I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 12:35 P.M.:  Rockefeller property for sale Forbes.com: Rockefeller Seller .  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 12:15 P.M.:  The MSNBC report on the Mountain Lion attack in California last night said that, "Anywhere one has deer, one will also have Mountain Lions."  I suppose that would also apply to cougars and panthers.  I remember, when I rented the farm outside of the town of Lake Forest, Illinois, while I was attending college at www.lfc.edu , we had problems with wolves and mixed breed dogs and wolves.  One should thus stay vigilant when going outside at night.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 11:55 A.M.:  I picked up my mail downstairs.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 11:15 A.M.:  One can buy a large can of Sir Walter Raleigh pipe tobacco from this site for $13.66 plus shipping Sir Walter Raleigh: Welcome to Your Tobacco Shop 1 at  http://www.smokemcheapcigarettes.com/ .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 11:10 A.M.:  I finished doing my vacuuming.  I checked with the Verizon telephone operator, and they are still working on this side of town.  The news this morning said that the Southern Bell Telephone company and Southern New England Telephone companies were on strike, and I had thought during a war, they were not suppose to go on strike.  When I was listening to 106.7 this morning while doing my house cleaning, they said the weather was suppose to be hot today, and it was suppose to go up above 85 degrees Fahrenheit, but at the moment the internet forecast http://www.weather.com/weather/local/06830?lswe=06830&lwsa=WeatherLocalUndeclared says it is 68 degrees Fahrenheit with a high expected today of 77 degrees Fahrenheit, so the weather forecasts at the moment are not the same.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 10:25 A.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  I forgot to use the can of flaked white solid albacore tuna fish.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Kraft Cracker Barrel white Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I got to think the last few times I have got to thinking about Mountain Lions, I remembered that in the earlier colonial days in America when there were problems with Mountain Lions that the Colonial farmers imported tobacco from India that had Tiger scent in it, since the Tigers would urinate in the India tobacco fields.  Thus when a farmer or hill person was smoking tiger scent tobacco, the Mountain Lions would tend to stay away from the scent of Tigers.  I figured that was the reason one of the older tobaccos in the Americas that has been distributed was called Sir Walter Raleigh pipe tobacco which came in India tiger colors of Orange and Black.  It is distributed by the Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation from Louisville, Kentucky 40232 U.S.A., and they have a telephone number for inquiries which is 1-800-341-5211.  I called their number and the customer service representative did not know whether they still use Tiger urine in their tobacco or not.  I was told that their lose leaf tobacco is distributed by another tobacco company call Lane Tobacco, but there is no mention of them on the internet except for Stimson Lane, which UST http://www.ustinc.com/ owns.  However, if I am not mistaken Brown and Williamson's http://www.brownandwilliamson.com/ parent company is the British American Tobacco http://www.bat.com/ , which might know more about tobacco here and in India, and whether the facts as I relayed them are accurate or not.  However, whatever the case if one had seen the program on MSNBC this morning with the young gal whom was attacked by a Mountain Lion in California while riding her Mountain Bike, one would think twice about so called nature expeditions.  Well anyway, I still have two packages of Sir Walter Raleigh pipe tobacco, which I bought a couple of years ago at Zyn stationary.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 8:20 A.M.:  I went outside, and I put my Greenwich Country Day alumni sticker in the right lower rear of my Hyundai window.  I chatted with some neighbors.  I installed Microsoft Messenger 6.2 http://messenger.msn.com/ .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 7:00 A.M.:  I finished my house cleaning and watering the plants except for vacuuming.  I will do the vacuuming after 8 A.M., when I will not disturb my neighbors.  I threw out the garbage.  It is suppose to be mostly cloudy and mild today http://www.weather.com/weather/local/06830?lswe=06830&lwsa=WeatherLocalUndeclared .  From past experience this is type of weather we have when mountain lions are migrating north from the south this time of year.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 4:35 A.M.:  I will now do my weekly house cleaning and watering the plants.  I will listen to my stereo system 106.7 FM with my Emerson Wireless headphones.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/21/04  Friday 4:00 A.M.:  I was up at 1:30 A.M., and I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I just sent out this note:

from Mike Scott, Friday, 3:55 A.M., 05/21/04 notes about Mountain Lions and other cats:

One thing about living in back country just reminded me about something

this morning I saw about Mountain Lions just now on MSNBC.


About four years ago, I was doing one of my usual walks about 3 A.M. to

4 A.M. in the morning downtown, and I was sitting on my usual bench

by the veterans monument downtown.  I thought I felt a seismic vibration,

and I got to worrying about the dam in back country off Lake Avenue

where the town water works is and where Lowell Weicker use to live.


Since I once lived in back country, I know my way around.  I drove up

Lake Avenue when I felt the seismic vibration, and I noticed it was a lot

darker at night than I use to remember.  I drove around the west side of the

reservoir, and I looked at the dam, and it all seemed in order.  Just as

I was coming out the access road from the dam driving about 5 to 10

miles per hour, since I was shitting gears with my old Volvo, I felt

my car suddenly put on additional weight of what seemed to be easily

over a 100 pounds.  I had my car window down, and since the cranking

mechanism was broken, and the only way I could raise it was by holding

both sides outside of the car, I was not able to raise the car window.


I have very bad cat allergies, and when the weight came on to the

car, I noticed my cat allergies were activated.  I felt it might be some sort

of wild animal or kid had jumped on the roof of the car or was hanging on to

the bumper with a skate board.  I did not see anything, and I continued on

to Lake Avenue west on to Clapboard Ridge Road to north on Round Hill Road

and west on Porkchuck Road road across Riversville Road, and across the road

from Riversville Road to Cliffdale Road where the Skakles use to live.  I was driving to

drive over to the Westchester Airport, where I knew they had security and surveillance

cameras.  However in the dark at 4:30 A.M. in the morning no one was around.


I remember at the entrance to Sachem Farm where the Skakles use to live, I saw a

car coming from the other direction just east of where they rebuilt the small ravine

bridge, and the car turned into the Sachem Farm driveway.  I do not know whether

they saw anything on the roof of my car or not.  I continued to the airport, and

I got out at the Hertz rent a car both, where some I know named Garth was working,

and I told him what had happened.  There were no claw marks that I could tell on the 

Volvo, but I do know the Volvo had put on 100 to 200 pounds of weight.  My cat

allergies were definitely activated.


There were reported bear sighting in the Greenwich Time the following day.


When I slept in my earlier Volvo by Ronald Reagan's ranch near Hidden Valley 

east in the mountains of Santa Barbara, California, there were reports of Mountain

Lions in that area.  I also saw a Grey Panther which is similar near the Polo Fields

in Boca Raton, Florida when I was sleeping in my car during the winter of 1978.


Thus this is still wild America, and it is my theory with all the deer in back country it

attacks Mountain Lions into this area.  I know out west, Mountain Lions jump on the backs

of trucks and hitch rides.


The fellow Chris I knew from a few years ago that was homeless from Jay Peak,

Vermont use to have problems with Mountain Lions in Vermont, which was why he felt secure working

at Christ Church and living there.  I think he is still living around the Navy in New London.


Also, it is my theory when I lived at the abandoned Casa Marina Hotel in Key West, Florida,

there were 200 stray cats in the building, and one of them might have been a panther kitten.

I think a Florida panther picked up all the stray cats and left them in the building.


Whatever the case if one were to live in back country Greenwich, one would probably need

a big guard dog or a relative that went to the college of Smith and Wesson if you get my drift.


At our house on Cornelia Drive, our St. Bernard dog was always barking at other animals in the woods.


When walking downtown at night I always worry about Mountain Lions in the big trees at the Greenwich Common.


I do know a former resident in my building George Frost use to be an Idaho sheriff, and he moved here because

he got tired of dealing with Mountain Lions.


It is my theory that the Mountain Lions which might be in this area follow a migratory track along the ridge areas

going along the mountain ranges, and they could easily be in this area this time of year.


I also have a theory that if one has a domestic cat at home, they will not bother one, but that is just a theory.


I know they travel around at night, and they have a 100 square mile range.


I think similar problems were experienced around the Rockefeller property in North Tarrytown, New York also.


If you want to know anything more about back country, let me know.


Mike Scott


Copies To Others:

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 6:25 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 5:20 P.M.:  ABCNEWS.com : New Underwater Volcano Discovered .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 5:15 P.M.:  Net heads if you missed it while you were doing your gardening http://www.www2004.org .  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 5:10 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I made my 3 P.M. appointment.  However, since I have been up since 3 A.M. this morning, I decided to come back home after my appointment.  I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 2:10 P.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go out for my 3 P.M. appointment.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 2:00 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative.  The relative needed a spread sheet program, and I told the relative about the free Office Suite at http://download.openoffice.org/1.1.1/index.html .  I then made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Kraft Cracker Barrel Vermont extra sharp white cheddar cheese.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I will now print out two more sets of May to October 2004 sets of Greenwich Harbor tide sheets http://www.maineharbors.com/ct/tidectw.htm .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 12:10 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I then stopped by another former neighbor's residence, and I gave the former neighbor a Greenwich Harbor Tide chart.  The former neighbor told me that the former neighbor whom I left a tide chart at their mail box yesterday fell while walking down Steamboat Road, and he broke some ribs.  He is not doing well, and he is in the hospital.  Let us all pray that he soon recovers.   I saw the former neighbor that hurt himself six weeks ago in the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, and he looked just great after spending the winter in Peru.  I guess one has to adjust to the cooler weather here, when one comes north.  I next drove down by the waterfront.  I chatted for a while with one of the regular returning fishermen.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  I next went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a quart of fresh plum tomatoes for $3.49, a 16 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Swiss cheese for $2.99, and a five pound bag of yellow onions for $3.49 for $9.97 total.  I then returned home, and I put away my purchases, and I drank some iced tea.  I did not walk Greenwich Avenue today, because when on a daytime schedule, it is expensive to park downtown at a quarter a half hour.      

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 8:10 A.M.:  I just ate a 13.25 ounce Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Chicken Florentine dinner with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go out, and I will enjoy the day on a modest budget.  I have a 3 P.M. appointment this afternoon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 7:20 A.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 7:10 A.M.:  It is my theory that Canary Island volcanic activity could possibly generate large tidal waves that sweep westerly across the Atlantic ocean, possibly causing disruption on the eastern shores of the Western Hemisphere.  However, it is just a theory.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 7:10 A.M.: 

TENERIFE Canary Islands 28.271°N, 16.641°W; summit elev. 3715 m

Local volcanologists reported that there was increased seismicity at Tenerife in mid-May, according to a news article. The article stated that during several days before 18 May there were "five successive low-intensity earthquakes in the island's most volcanically active zone in the area between Mont Teide and Santiago del Teide." The director of the Estación Vulcanológica de Canarias stated that the earthquakes, which were less than M 2, could be an early sign that something unusual was happening at the volcano.

Background. The large triangular island of Tenerife is composed of a complex of overlapping Miocene-to-Quaternary stratovolcanoes that have remained active into historical time. The NE-trending Cordillera Dorsal volcanic massif joins the Las Cañadas volcano on the SW side of Tenerife with older volcanoes, creating the largest volcanic complex of the Canary Islands. The most recent stage of activity beginning in the late Pleistocene consists of the construction of the Pico Viejo and Teide edifices. Tenerife was observed in eruption by Christopher Columbus, and several other flank vents on the Canary's most active volcano have been active during historical time.

Note: <888> 05/20/04  Thursday 6:55 A.M.:  Somebody should check with Rhone Dietrin on Lanzarote to see if he knows anything about a possible volcanic eruption in Tenerife Yorkshire Post Possible Volcanic Eruption in Tenerife and Global Volcanism Program - Volcanoes of the World - Tenerife - Volcano Information .  Since I started my web activity over 10 years ago, it was to help out Rhone Dietrin on Lanzarote in the Canary Islands in case he was still living there.  I never managed to track him down.  He would be about 45 years old, and his father would still probably be a pilot with S.A.S..  Rhone speaks Norwegian his native language, Spanish, and English, and his family use to have the little two bedroom bungalow at the end of the runway in Lanzarote.  They were the only family that ever offered me free hospitality in Europe during all the times that I traveled there.  More than likely there are a number of people visiting Spain and possibly the Canary Islands, because the King of Spain Juan Carlos' son Prince Felipe is getting married this Saturday in Madrid, Spain.  CIO 

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