Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 05/16/04  Sunday 5:50 A.M.:  The power just blinked for a fraction of a second.  I took the two AA alkaline batteries out of the Sony Walkman AM/FM radio, and maybe once the power on the LCD screen runs down, it will reset itself.  I will wait a few days to see if that happens.  When I used to practice with a bull whip in Decatur, Alabama when we lived there from 1956 to 1961, I did it for a certain reason.  As I recall I use to carry it with me, when I went bird watching.  We lived in a four bedroom brick house at 1920 Stratford Road in Decatur, Alabama, and frequently, I would walk north on Stratford Road to then end of the road past all of our neighbors.  I would then cross through some barbed wire fencing, and then after a bit of a hike on a dirt road, I would walk through a cattle grazing area, I think owned by the Wolverine company which was also in Decatur to the south shore of the Tennessee River.  I would do a lot of bird watching and reptile watching along the shore of the Tennessee River, since I had done it down in Florida earlier in my youth when I encountered alligators.  I do not recall seeing alligators in the Tennessee River, it was mostly tad poles and minnows.  However, in the cub scouts we were taught the local nature, so I would keep a keen eye out for rattle snakes, water moccasins, and copper head snakes which were prevalent in the local area.  Since we would be venturing into marsh land areas, one would have to be careful.  Since the cattle when we walked through the pasture would occasionally chase me, I found the bull whip handy in case any of them tried to bother me.  I recall on the Wolverine picnic grounds, they had a coca cola vending machine which we were always trying to figure out how to get free cokes out of.  Also in the fall since we were in the Tennessee flyway which is a large bird migration path in the country on different days there would be different flocks of birds, and on some days there would be what seemed to be millions of starlings, and other days the skies would be covered with Canadian Geese.  We also would see lots of wood peckers, king fishers, cardinals, and many other migratory birds.  Since there were a lot of hunters in the area, other areas were set off for game bird hunting, and once my father broke his leg while goose hunting in climbing a barbed wire fence.  He had a compound fracture, and it took him about six months to recover, when he was able to resume water skiing on the Tennessee River, which he enjoyed doing.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/04  Sunday 5:25 A.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/04  Sunday 4:25 A.M.:  I found my Sony AM/FM walkman which had fallen down on the floor behind the Queen Anne chair when I was rearranging some video tapes that it sat on.  It needed new AA alkaline batteries which I put in it.  The radio part worked just fine, but while I was pressing different buttons to try to set a preset, the radio part froze up on 1060 KHz, and it no longer responds to pressing the buttons.  However, the tape feature works just fine.  I put it on the wire rack with my other radios by the apartment entrance door.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/16/04  Sunday 3:30 A.M.:  When we moved up north from Pensacola, Florida in 1956 to Decatur, Alabama, when my father was transferred to the Chemstrand Acrilan plant, where he eventually became plant manager, we would make regular trips down to Pensacola, Florida on the company DC3 plane sometimes accompanied by lots of Japanese business associates whom worked for Mitsubishi textiles in Japan which Chemstrand had business relationships with.  I think my father traveled also frequently in that time to the United Kingdom, since during that time, the British made textile looms and needles and other textile manufacturing equipment.  I recall back around 1957, my father visited Mexico, and he gave me a Mexican bull whip when he returned which I was quite expert at using as a youngster.  I would frequently sit out in the driveway in the afternoon practicing using the Bull Whip.  Alas after we moved to Greenwich, Connecticut it finally wore out and broke.  I recall back in 1965, when we were suppose to be transferred to 1765 Paso Del La Reforma in Mexico City, Mexico where my father was to run a Monsanto manufacturing facility, my father visited Mexico a number of times on that business deal, but it fell through when the Mexican government wanted to own 50% of the operation.  I recall when he returned from one trip, he gave me a Mexican guitar, which I never learned how to play.  Since that was about the time, I was graduating from Greenwich Country Day, a great many of my classmates thought that I had moved to Mexico City, when indeed, all we did was sell our house in Greenwich, and we moved to New Canaan, Connecticut where the mayor of Mexico City also owned a house.  The current president of Mexico is named Fox, and it is rather curious that our neighbors across the street from our last house in Greenwich, Connecticut on Cornelia Drive were also named Fox, and the widow that lived in the house with her son had worked for Time magazine.  I recall we sold the house on Cornelia Drive around 1976 for not very much money by today's standard.  Thus as a long term Connecticut resident, I have enjoyed seeing other groups of people whom are affiliated with the various corporate activities as they relate to this area.  However, I do not speak or write Spanish, so I do not know frequently what they are up to or talking about.  Supposedly 12 families own most of the country of Mexico, and former Connecticut Governor Lowell Weicker is related to one of those families.  When I use to stay at Fred's apartment in Manhattan from 1973 to 1975 http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/fred.htm , he use to get duty free liquor from the New York City Mexican consulate which he served at parties.  Since Fred also spoke Spanish, and since he had lived with the Saltonstall family when they were Nixon's ambassador to Spain, and since he had been in Key West, Florida before I met him in October 1976, he obviously had other Spanish connections.  Also since our mutual friend Jim Eldert from Syracuse, New York also spoke Spanish, the two of them seemed to know about what was going on as far as the Spanish, when I was left communicating in English my native language.  Thus having been to Spain, I know it is an Old World country, and since Prince Felipe of Spain http://theinternetforum.co.uk/rf/felipe1.php  is getting married on May 22, 2004 http://www.royalty.nu/Europe/Spain/ , more than likely most of the same guests that were at Prince Frederick of Denmark's wedding will also be sticking around Europe for the Spanish royal wedding.  Thus the first lesson that one learns in travel and tourism, is that when one group takes off traveling abroad, frequently another group comes back our way.   CIO 

Note: <888> 05/16/04  Sunday 2:50 A.M.:  I get Jeb Bush's email from Florida every week Governor Jeb Bush's - In The News , and this week it says it costs the state of Florida $17,286 for the State of Florida to keep each prisoner in jail for a year, so they are looking for cheaper social alternatives.  I use to tell people that back in 1976 when I was down in Florida that it costs more to keep people in jail than to send them to college.  One has to realize that when I lived in Florida from 1954 - 1956, we were probably middle to upper middle class, since my father was the assistant plant manager for the Chemstrand Nylon plant in Pensacola, Florida, which at the time if I am not mistaken was one of the larger employers in the state of Florida.  They employed a lot of women, while their husbands were away in the U.S. Navy.  When I went down to Florida in September 1976 on my own trying to blend end to find out what Florida was really like off the beaten tourist track, I discovered it still is a southern state with many rural poor people just making ends meet.  Thus once one gets away from the tourist beach strips on the sun coast, a prosperous person might be like a Texan wearing a straw cowboy hat driving a pickup truck, since more than likely the people whom own the land in Florida which is also a ranching and agricultural state would tend to be country folk and would have some economic prosperity.  However, since I already knew how to pick oranges, I was not inclined to go into the business, since according to the New Yorker magazine last July 2003, immigrants in Florida are paid $40 a day for picking eight tons of oranges, and most of that money is spent in the migrant labor camps for subsistence needs.   Thus although we get cheap fresh orange juice up here in Greenwich, Connecticut, it is off the sweat of the backs of poor illegal immigrants whom live in virtual slavery in the migrant camps.  They usually go back home after a year or two, and it is a group of people whom the tourists in Florida rarely see.  Since a classmate at the Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut use to boast that his father was the head attorney for the Florida Citrus growers association, I suppose they have a separate pecking order down in Florida, and locally since the company headquarters are nearby for PepsiCo http://www.pepsico.com/ which owns Tropicana orange juice along with other items we consume for breakfast such as  Quaker Oats, there is a bit of local influence in terms of the orange groves down in Florida, however it is my personal point of view that the Gators still control the swamps, and we are all just temporary visitors.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/04  Sunday 2:30 A.M.:  I received a message in Dutch about this Dutch web design ezine http://www.smallzine.nl/ , since I am half Dutch but I do not read or speak Dutch, I can not make hide nor hair of it.  However, knowing the Dutch are cleaver in Art and Design, if one knows Dutch, I am sure it is an interesting Ezine.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/04  Sunday 2:15 A.M.:  I woke up from a clap of thunder about 1:45 A.M..  I watched some television.  I ate a piece of apple pie with iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 9:55 P.M.:  I just got a tired spell, which I tend to do with my low blood pressure just before it rains.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will take a nap.  It will probably rain while, I am resting.  There is rain in the forecast from now through tomorrow.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 9:30 P.M.:  I made up a fresh batch of homemade hummus www.geocities.com/mikelscott/hummus.htm .  I used a 6.5 ounce dry weight of California black olives along with all of the other regular ingredients.  I then made my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop white cheddar cheese.  I had the salad with iced tea.   I threw out the garbage.  Thunder storms are supposedly coming into this area.  There is a lot of lightning, but it is not producing thunder yet, so it is a ways off.  If the thunder storms come closer and yield more lightning, I will shut down the computer.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 8:00 P.M.:  For accurate weather information down by the waterfront in Greenwich, Ct, try Indian Harbor Yacht Club, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 U.S.A. Real-Time Weather .  Of course this time of year, there might be sailors on the waterfront whom do not have the internet on their pleasure crafts.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 7:45 P.M.:  Of course I happen to know a little bit about steam locomotives powered by coal, since my paternal grandfather operated one for 50 years on the Illinois Central railroad for 20 years as a fireman and 30 years as a locomotive engineer.  If I am not mistaken the Pullman cars had steam heat and the freight trains which had a caboose at the end of the train used a coal stove, since they would not have heated the freight cars with steam.  Thus I call the Hartwick Radio Company stove a caboose stove which they would have used anywhere where coal was plentiful.  The Hartwick Radio Company was located in Tennessee, so they must have coal down there besides all the cheap electricity from the Tennessee Valley Authority http://www.tva.gov/ hydroelectric dams,  however at the moment Henry Ford is not transferring me to Muscle Shoals, Alabama, so I can take advantage of cheaper electricity.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 7:25 P.M.:  I noticed at Home Deport in Port Chester, New York last night that they have 10,000 BTU  115 volt Maytag www.maytag.com air conditioners for about $239, 15,000 BTU 115 volt Maytag air conditioners for $359, and a 25,000 BTU Maytag air conditioner with 220 volts for around $500.  I can not recall the exact prices, but those are close.  I also noticed they have a pickup truck that they rent there.  Of course for the best air conditioning units that money can buy besides central air conditioning Friedrich air conditioning units http://www.friedrich.com/ are generally considered the best.  A friend http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/fred.htm  whose apartment in Manhattan I use to use during the winters of 1973 to 1975 which were cold during the oil embargo kept his Friedrich air conditioner going all winter during those winters, so I generally assumed he was a cold weather person.  He also knew Carol Maytag.  When I first moved here over 15 years ago, I bought a coal stove for $50 at a tag sale on Mayfair lane here in Greenwich, where my friend's partner lived.  The coal stove was in near like new condition besides the broken fire grate since somebody had tried to burn wood in it.  It was basically an old railroad caboose stove.  It was manufactured by the Hartwick Radio company which was since acquired by Maytag.  The president of Maytag bought the coal stove from a friend of mine in exchange for three Maytag refrigerators, three washers, and three dryers.  It is suppose to be in the president of Maytag's office.  My friend gave me a $100 for it, which I used to buy my Phillips 5 disk CD player.  All of the pieces of the fire grate were there, so a person with a foundry would have been able to cast a new one.  I thought since we have so much coal in this country that they could actually reproduce the old Hartwick Radio company coal stove.  I suppose in the days of Eleanor Roosevelt traveling around the country by rail and visiting coal mines, she probably warmed herself in the Pullman car near a similar coal stove.  Thus any of us could consider ourselves the Maytag repair man.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 6:55 P.M.:  The night light in the bathroom that always stays on burned out, so I had extra Christmas tree type bulbs, so I put a red bulb in the night light, which casts a red light.  I also have a night light in the kitchen that goes on and off in the dark, and I keep the Sylvania long life tubular bulb on all the time in the book light on top of the center hallway bookcase.  It is still 84 degrees Fahrenheit outside, so I am staying inside by the air conditioner.  I have told several people this week that if one does not want to feel the summer heat when it arrives, one can keep chilled tomato juice in the refrigerator and in a 6 to 8 ounce glass of chilled tomato juice one can add about 1/8th of a teaspoon of India hot curry, and the curry helps one not to feel the heat.  Of course it is the nature of my apartment which some refer to as the Lincoln sitting room because of the picture of Abraham Lincoln that in Illinois it tends to be colder most of the time.  Generally in Illinois there is 10 months of winter and only about two months of summer, so once it warms up in Illinois people start to feel the heat more intensely.  I recall one summer in Illinois after I graduated from Lake Forest College www.lfc.edu in 1972 when I returned from Greece, a group of friends and myself went up to the thousand islands north of Sault St. Marie, and each family had a private cabin on a separate island, and we were attending a wedding where the church was on a separate island, and I was suppose to be the photographer.  At the last minute, I was told not to take pictures because Howard Hughes was attending the wedding, so I kept a keen eye on the guests to try to figure out which person was Howard Hughes.  I recall seeing quite a few tall people since Midwestern people tend to be taller, and possibly one of the guests was indeed Howard Hughes, since he was 6 foot 4 inches tall.  Alas I was not in very good shape for taking pictures, since the island cabin we were staying in had an earthen ware crock of about five gallons inserted in a water cooler type stand containing Corby's whisky which friends tell me stands for Canadian boot leg whisky.  Although we were there in July 1972, when it was about 50 degrees Fahrenheit in the day time and would go down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit at night, I suppose in the winter when it goes down to minus 80 degrees below zero Fahrenheit they might need the Canadian whisky.  However, the cabins we used were not winterized, so I doubt if they were used in the winter except by bears.  However, a great many prominent Chicago, Illinois families had cabins in the thousand islands which are the group of islands that lie between Lake Superior and Lake Michigan.  I recall we arrived on Canadian Dominion Day, so we could not buy liquor, and the next day was Sunday, so we could not buy liquor, and the following day was the Fourth of July, so we could not buy liquor, so we were left to drinking the Corby's whisky.  Up in the Berkshire Mountains, they have the local Tanglewood music event in the summer and nearby  Greenwich at Caramoor in Katonah, New York, they have a similar summer music event, and on the north shore of Chicago, they have the Ravenswood music event in the summer.  Locally here in Greenwich, Connecticut, we also have music events in Roger Sherman Baldwin park down by the waterfront in the summer.  One of my roommates in college knew the head of the Chicago Chamber Music ensemble.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 6:25 P.M.:  I had a telephone call from Microsoft on Thursday about a TS2 Connect with Microsoft conference on Tuesday May 18, 2004 from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. at the Trumbull Marriott Merritt Parkway, 180 Hawley Lane, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611 Connect with Microsoft or call 1-877-359-5901 .  There are certain restrictions such as one has to be employed as a technology provider, and those attending with be receiving a DVD disk with conference information, and a certificate.  The last TS2 conference I attended in February 2004, the certificate was good for Microsoft software including Microsoft Office 2003.  I guess Microsoft qualifies me as an attendee, since they keep inviting me, and also a relative is a stockholder in Microsoft.  I will not be attending the event, however since I attended the same event in February 2004.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 6:05 P.M.:  Well, there is no news on my three UPS www.ups.com shipments, so I guess all three shipments are still scheduled for delivery on Monday.  I guess I will be staying in on Monday until they arrive, and I will then install the parts and accessories.  Usually UPS arrives in the afternoon on weekdays.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 6:00 P.M.:  I chatted with a friend.  The small mahogany shelf that I took down from the wall behind the apartment entrance door to the right, I put on top of the left hallway bookcase.  I hung the hat rack above the inside door way of the bedroom door which does not close because of the large mirror that I have hung on the door making the entrance appear wider.  I hung six of my baseball style hats on the hat rack.  One has to be taller to reach them.  I took the oval picture of Abraham Lincoln from above the bookcase in the kitchen entrance, and I hung it to the left of the right parsons lamp above the day bed.  I moved the oil painting of white flowers in guilt frame by Lisa Polemus from there, and I hung it to the right of the left sconce above the day bed to the left of the large mirror.  I took the 15 inch by 30 inch mahogany mirror with curved top from the left side wall at the bathroom entrance, and I hung it above the cupboard blue bookcase on the left wall of the kitchen entrance.  I took the 24 inch by 30 inch mirror from the floor by the bedroom door, and I hung it on the left side wall at the bathroom entrance.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 4:45 P.M.:  I did not fall asleep until 8 P.M. this morning.  I finished off the bag of Snyder's white corn chips.  I woke up at 3 P.M., and I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside briefly, and it is currently 84 degrees Fahrenheit weather.com - Local Weather Page Greenwich, CT. 06830 .  Since it is warm outside, I will stay by the air conditioner which I have set at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is about 74 degrees Fahrenheit in the apartment presently.  I will now print out the tide charts for Greenwich, Connecticut for the next six months http://www.maineharbors.com/ct/tidectw.htm .  I will put one copy on the back seat of my Hyundai, and I will give another copy to a neighbor.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 4:20 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 4:10 A.M.:  I tried sending the email to the one AOL user without different URLs, but it kept bouncing back from AOL, I just sent it without any URLs, so hopefully it will go through.  I am not sure what the offending URL was.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 3:00 A.M.:  One of my emails was bounced back by AOL because supposedly one of my URLs in the text of the message has generated a high volume of complaints.  I wander which URL it was.  This evening when I installed the wire racks, I moved the flight bags which use to hang on the hat rack on the wall by the apartment door to the left living room closet floor on top of the shoes.  I have a vintage Gucci flight bag, a Air Canada flight bag, a vintage KLM flight bag, and a vintage Pan Am flight bag.  I microwaved a 10.5 ounce Stouffer's chicken pot pie, which I will eat in a few minutes with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 05/15/04:

Note: <888> 05/15/04  Saturday 2:00 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  A discothèque party was just getting over at Richard's and the Blue Cafe was busy, however they had Railroad Avenue blocked off for repairing a water main break.  After my walk, I drove down by the waterfront.  I then returned home.  I move the quart cans of old tomato juice that I use for removing skunk odor should the need arrive.  I put them on the lower side of the rack behind the apartment door.  I move the three rechargeable seltzer bottles from the Danish bar, and I put them on the bedroom wire rack, with the various coffee cups and coffee cup tree I had on the Danish bar.  I also put the Queen Elizabeth II whisky jug, the cut glass water bottle, and the empty Dom Perigon bottle on the wire rack in the bedroom.  I also put the seltzer bottle CO2 cartridges on the wire rack in the bedroom.  I also took the 12 bottles from the variety pack of Kennebunkport, Maine shipyard ale, and I moved them on the wire rack in the bedroom.  They are about two years old, and they were refrigerated for the first year, and for the last year, they have been resting underneath the French sitting chair at the apartment entrance.  Thus the bedroom wire rack is filled up, except for a space where the light switch is.  I left the two brass hooks on the same wall as the wire rack, since they are attached by toggle bolts, and I did not feel like loosing the toggles.  Also when I parked downtown this evening, my odometer turned to 40,000 miles on my 1999 Hyundai Accent two door hatchback.  Since I bought it with 31,800 miles around September 1, 2002, I have driven around 8,200 miles in 21 month, or about 390 miles average driving a month, which includes two round trips to Kennebunkport, Maine last summer.  I also moved some small items off the dining room table, and I reorganized the bookcase pantry shelf at the kitchen entrance.  It now has a bit more room, and there are no boxes, cans, or bags on the kitchen floor.  I left the two big white 16 ounce coffee cups with saucees in the bookcase.  Thus there is a cleared off area on the Danish bar too, and I put one of the flashlights back on it for easy retrieving.   I have a several year old bottle of Keoem sparkling Concorde grape juice on the wire rack in the bedroom.  I also have two packages of three .75 liter bottles of Perrier 2000 underneath the French sitting chair and four packages of three .75 liter packs of Perrier 2000 in between the two levels of the Danish bar and three single .75 liter bottles of Perrier on the wire rack in the bedroom and three chilled .75 liter bottles in the refrigerator for a grand total of 24 .75 liter bottles of Perrier in the apartment.  They are all from the Perrier 2000 vintage, but only 18 are still in their three bottle Perrier 2000 packaging.  Of course since Perrier www.perrier.com is over a billion year old bubbling spring water, it never really goes out of date.  According to UPS tracking www.ups.com the 7 pound package left Secaucus, New Jersey at 12:04 A.M. this morning, the laser cartridge departed Shrewsbury, Mass. this past evening at 11:13 P.M., and the 1.3 pound package is still in Chelmsford, Mass..  I will now send out my weekly notes. 

Note: <888> 05/14/04  Friday 10:40 P.M.:  I went out after the last message, and I drove over to Home Depot in Port Chester, New York.  I bought two Closetmaid Eight-Tier Wire Racks 72" high by 18 7/8" wide X 5" deep ClosetMaid - LAUNDRY 8 Tier Wire Rack for $28.78 each plus $4.32 tax for $61.88 total.  I used my debit card to purchase them at the self check out counter, since there was a line at the cash register.  I was able to fit both of them in through the rear of the car, since they fit inside of each other.  I returned home.  Each unit came with six screws, six wall anchors, and six clamps.  I raised the wooden electric clock to the right of my apartment entrance to as high as it would go.  I removed the hat rack and the small mahogany shelf.  I removed the other items against the wall between the kitchen entrance and the apartment door.  I then cleaned the floor area.  I then put the clamps on the wire rack, and I marked the drill holes with a small drill hole.  I then drill 1/4 inch holes, and I installed the six wall anchors, and I then secured the unit with the six screws to wall.  The bearing weight of the unit is resting on the floor.  I put my flash lights, lanterns, one quart and one cup Danish coffee presses, transistor and emergency radios, spare flash light and lantern batteries, the set of Japanese tea cups, the hand grind coffee grinder on the wire rack, along with my Fire Sentry fireproof case at the bottom.  There is thus more room in the blue bookcase at the kitchen entrance.  I then installed the other wire rack the same way on the right side of the bedroom entrance way.  I took down the heavy mirror from that wall, and I put it on the floor beneath the mirror on the open bedroom door.  I moved the NASA shuttle picture to the back of the bathroom door, and I took the Audubon Louisiana Heron print from the bathroom door, and I hung it above the wire rack.  I have not put anything in that wire rack yet.  All three wire racks are quite secure, since they are resting on the floor secured to their respective walls.  I will now eat a piece of apple pie with iced tea.  I will put the computer on standby, and I will go out.  It is suppose to rain around 1 A.M..  CIO   

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