Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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End of Scott's Notes week of 06/05/04:

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 5:10 A.M.:  I actually keep the hospitality bar set up in case any relatives ever visit with friends, and since that might happen also during the colder weather when they might be visiting from warmer climates, which is why I call it Red Cross Emergency Supplies, and since a couple of relatives are qualified nurses, if they showed up, they would know how to display and serve the various supplies from the Red Cross Emergency supplies hopefully without the 8 year old olives and cocktail onions, but who knows they might has a little extra kick to a martini.  I once read that when former President Bush was Ronald Reagan's Vice President, he climbed over the wall separating the Vice President's house the former house for the Chief of Navy Operations restored by former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and the then Vice President Bush offered the British ambassador next door a martini.  Of course that was during times of peace, so I would imagine that during times of war the politicians do not drink as much as they once historically did.  However, at the moment since the President of the United States of America is out of the country on an overseas trip, I would imagine the Vice President is in charge while he is away which is usually standard procedure.  There are suppose to be a great many dignitaries at the D Day ceremonies on June 6 at Normandy, France including Queen Elizabeth II, so I would imagine it would be a high protocol event.  I will now send out my weekly notes, and then I will shut down the computer, and I will go to bed shortly there after.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 4:30 A.M.:  I am microwaving a Stouffer's Lean Cuisine 13 ounce glazed chicken dinner, which I will eat shortly with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 4:15 A.M.:  I just took the two AAA Radio Shack Nickel Cadmium rechargeable batteries out of the charger, so both sets that I use for the Emerson Wireless headphones are fully charged.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 4:10 A.M.:  My mouse just stopped twice, and I had to reboot twice.  I am using the computer without the cable modem turned on to see if it is a hacker, which is highly unlikely.  I originally purchased the liquor on December 16, 1997 and set up the bar.  At Var Max Liquor pantry just west of me in Port Chester, New York on U.S. 1, I paid $36 for 1.75 liters of Dewars Scotch, $18.50 for 1.75 liters of Smirnoff Vodka, $17 for 1 liter of Canadian Club, $18 for 1 liter of Jack Daniels with two Jack Daniels glasses, 1 liter of Mount Gay Rum for $18, 1 liter of Gordon's Gin for $13, one 12 ounce bottle of Noilly Prat dry vermouth $4, 1 liter of Moet and Chandon White champagne for $24, and that is when I bought the mixers and some wine, so at the time I spent $162 on liquor and $40 for mixers, additives, and bar accessories.  I changed the mouse to channel 2 from channel 1, so maybe a hacker is trying to interfere with my note.  However, since I have three firewalls, including the Windows XP firewall, the Norton Internet Security 2004 firewall, and the Seimen's router firewall, it would seem unlikely.  The mouse software says the battery and signal are fine.  It sort of makes me wander whom could be hacking me, and it also reminds me that this time of year when kids start to get out of school, there are frequently hackers.  However, if the system if being hacked, it shows a certain level of sophistication to get through three firewalls, and it might be caused by the resources being used up opening the large Microsoft file to search my old logs.  I will turn on the cable modem shortly to post this note and see if it continues to happen.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 3:15 A.M.:  I searched my notes, and I originally purchased the bar items and liquors on December 16, 1997, so they are seven and a half years old, but I am not sure how well liquor ages in glass bottles, but they have generally been keep around 70 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit out of the sun light.  The champagne might be expensive vinegar for all I know.  Of course some of the items were purchased more recently.  However, if I had invested the same money in computers or computer parts or software 7.5 years ago, they would not be worth very much.  Of course if a bunch of pirates broke into my apartment, I would be out my investment, but pirates generally have ample supplies of rum.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 2:45 A.M.:   I just unlocked the bar, and it is all still there.  I also have a .25 liter bottle of Noilly Prat Vermouth, 25% remaining of a .750 liter bottle of Mr. Boston Peppermint Schnapps that someone left in the laundry room one morning, a small two ounce jar of cocktail onions, a small four ounce bottle of cocktail olives, two 1.5 liter bottles of Rene Junot white wine plus the other unopened one in the refrigerator, a 1.5 liter bottle of Bellejour Curvee Blanc, a .750 liter bottle of 1998 Les Jamelles Merlot, a .750 liter bottle of 1998 Domaine Chiroulet white Gascony wine, .750 liter bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Cider,  and a .750 liter bottle of Koem Sparkling grape juice at the bedroom entrance side shelf.  The latter two I bought two to three years ago.  Plus on the same side rack, I still have the 12 bottles of Kennebunkport Ship Yard Ale variety collection two years old, and refrigerated the first year, and on the Danish bar with the bar tender supplies and glassware, I also have a box of 8 packets of Bar-Tender's whisky sour mix.  I also have two quart bottles of lemon juice, two 48 ounce cans of Stop and Shop tomato juice, Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, horse radish, and about three ounces of Angostura bitters left.  I just locked up the bar again.  I also have a .750 liter bottle of Moet and Chandon champaign that I bought five years ago, when I set up the bar that has been refrigerated the first two years, left standing one year, and refrigerated the last two years.  Of course it might have been more than five years ago that I set up the bar, I can not remember precisely now, but it would probably be in my logs.  Of course the bar onions and olives might not still be good, but I have fresh onions and canned olives, and whatever the case, it is all still ready in reserve.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 2:05 A.M.:  I just searched this http://www.totse.com/en/politics/political_spew/timeline.html , and the Charter of Virginia was signed in 1606, but what I was trying to remember is a different event, possibly a volcanic event or event around a volcanic area.  In my left kitchen counter drawer, I had two metal tea balls on one chain and a single tea ball on a chain with a holder, and I put them on the rack behind the tea pots.  I unsealed the Twinings green tea, but I did not break the inner seal, and I put it between the two tea pots on the shelf directly above the kitchen sink.  I took the Lindener Spezial Hanover German beer six pack that I bought about three years ago out of the lower drawer of the refrigerator, and I put it on the lower right shelf.  I also took out about four of the ten bottles of the St. Pauli dark German beer that I bought two years ago from the same lower drawer, and I put them on the refrigerator side door.  In the lower drawer, I also had a mixture of about 16 cans of Diet Coke, Diet Sprite, A&W root beer, and seltzer cans that I removed with the remaining St. Pauli dark beer, and I put in from underneath my sofa a 12 pack of Barq's root beer, and about six Diet Cokes, and six Diet Sprites, and then I returned the other items on top of the new items.  The soda was bought about 10 months ago, as I recall.  The German beer has been refrigerated since I bought it.  I do not normally drink alcohol, except for using a little Rene Junot white wine in my cooking, but I keep it around for entertainment purposes.  I frequently joke of all the different items that I have bought over the years, the only thing that has gone up in price that I still have is the alcohol.  The alcohol contents of the bar which are securely locked up were purchased by me over time and mostly about five years ago, when a relative from down south was suppose to visit in the winter, so I used Christmas gift money that Christmas to set up a bar, which quite frankly has never been used except for a small amount of Vodka on cold nights, a little white wine for cooking, and occasionally Mount Gay Rum for tropical fruit salad flavoring, or a little bit of Jack Daniels for flavoring sautéed boneless center cut pork chops, which I decided was a little extravagant, so I have about 40% of the .750 liter bottle of Jack Daniels left, along with mostly fully stocked other basic bar items.  I also replenished the 1.5 liter bottle of Smirnoff last fall along with the remaining bottle about 50% of a 1.5 liter bottle, and I had to buy a new .750 liter bottle of Gordon's Gin about two years ago, when two house guests drank a whole bottle of Gordon Gin unknown to me, and I think I also have a 1.5 liter bottle of Mount Gay rum plus a couple of ounces remaining in another bottle.  I also have a .750 liter bottle of Canadian Club from the original purchase, and a 1.5 liter bottle of Dewar's Scotch, a .750 liter bottle of Kailua, and a bottle of Gilbey's mixer and about a dozen plastic liter bottles of Schweppes tonic water, Canada Dry Club soda, Canada Dry Ginger Ale, and Canada Dry Club Sofa, and possibly Seltzer water, plus the old seltzer bottles are full with about three year old hurricane water, and I recall about 18 .750 liter bottles of Perrier.  The plastic soda mixer bottle have collapsed inward for some reason after five years, so I do not know if they still have their carbonation or not.  I have three month old ice in the refrigerator.  Thus the apartment does have entertainment facilities, but it is so crowded in the apartment with furniture, it might be awkward for a large crowd.  I think I also have three or four bottles of wine, but at the moment, the bar is securely locked up, and I do not feel like going through the effort to investigate more.  There is also glassware in the bar along with the glassware on display in the apartment.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 12:55 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I chatted with a neighbor.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue including the train station.  I sat out at various locations.  I noticed someone with an Adidas http://www.adidas.com/ sweat shirt, and I mentioned that there is a very large Adidas warehouse up on the north side of Toronto next to York University where the Scott Library is and also the Adidas warehouse is next to a Royal Canadian Air Force base http://www.airforce.forces.ca/ , which is probably a colder area of the world.  I use to wear Adidas Country sneakers for many years, until they became unavailable.  I now have lots of shoes, but mostly for exercise walking I wear Reebok walking shoes http://www.reebok.com/defaultPage.asp , but I still have Adidas, Nike www.nike.com , Prince and other types of old sneakers including U.S. Rubber or Uniroyal http://www.uniroyal.com/ canvas deck shoes.  I complete my walk.  It seems more younger people are about, so possibly they are beginning to get out of school.  I next drove down by the waterfront, and the fisherman told me the fishing was not any good.  I suppose it is still too cold for the Blues to be running, since it is cooler this spring.  I next went by the Food Emporium, and the usual night staff are there.  I used my Master Card Bank of New York debit card, and I bought four 26 ounce jars of America's Choice tomato marinara sauce for $1.69 each, a head of Foxy broccoli for $2.50, a eye round beef roast for $3.99 a pound for $12.45, and a 100 gram or 3.53 ounce tin of Twinings Loose Leaf Gunpowder Green Tea for $5.69 for $27.40 total.  I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.  I will now drink some iced tea.  It says on the Twinings tin that it was established in 1706, so they will be having their 300th anniversary in 2 years.  I read the other day about some other event that will be having their 400th anniversary in 2 years, but I can not remember now what happened in 1606, but I suppose it will come back to me.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 8:55 P.M.:  I finished my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I heard on the FM stereo 106.7 FM, which I listened to with my wireless headphones that it is suppose to rain the next two days, but this evening is clear.  I will put the computer on standby.  I will now throw out the garbage, and I will go downtown.   CIO

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 6:20 P.M.:  I am microwaving a 16 ounce Maria Callender chicken pot pie which I will eat with a glass of iced tea before doing my house cleaning.  I will vacuum first, so I will not disturb my neighbors later on while doing house cleaning.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 6:05 P.M.:  I was up at noon.  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I cleaned up, and I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  I bought for $10 with my Master Card debit card a like new and clean twin size waterproof and anti-bacterial form fitted mattress pad.  It came in packaging for a Lady Jane Churchill quilted throw.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital out patient clinic, and I had the follow up for my physical.  I need to get my blood checked for cholesterol this October, and everything else is fine, but I should try to quit smoking.  I then went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I next went by CVS, and I dropped of my prescription for Lipitor.  I next went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 8 ounce bar of Cabot's 50% less fat Vermont sharp white cheddar cheese for $1.99 and a 10 ounce bag of fresh spinach for $1.99 for $3.98 total.  I then went by the Arnold Bread outlet, and I bought two 5.5 ounce boxes of Arnold large cut garlic and herb croutons for .99 each and a Entenmann's Deluxe French cheese cake for $1.89 for $3.87 total.  I guess I am looking younger in the summer, because they did not give my 10% senior discount the last two times.  I then returned home.  I moved out the maple side table and the blue sofa out, and I stripped the day bed.  I put the new twin size mattress pad on it which fits just fine which is a heavy duty form fitted mattress pad, and it came with a smaller secondary mattress pad, which I put on top of the primary mattress pad.  They appeared to be either unused or recently washed since they were clean.  I then remade the day bed, and I put the blue sofa and maple side table back into position.  I guess if I had a guest, I could pull out the blue sofa a bit for them to use the day bed.  However, the day bed might be going up to a relative's house in Kennebunkport, Maine this summer.  The sheets on the day bed have been used once since they were cleaned by one guest whom I do not think has fleas.  I put $15 more on my Mac Gray laundry card, so I now have $21.15 on it.  I made out a check and put it in an envelope to pay my Verizon telephone bill.  I drank some iced tea.  I will now do my house cleaning and watering the plants.   I will put the mattress pad packaging on the shelf in the bedroom closet.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 2:30 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will eat a bowl of taco chips with some iced tea.  I will then go to bed soon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 2:15 A.M.:  Of course in World War II, Spain was neutral, so the Canary Islands were neutral too.  I once heard that Allied Coast Observers use to sneak on to the Canary Islands and live in caves, so they could observe passing enemy ships along the Canary Island coast line.  However, I have not read any detailed accounts of such events.  I added this link to the bottom of my notes www.geocities.com/mikelscott/qe2qm2.jpg .  CIO

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 1:35 A.M.:  I always wandered if anyone reading my web log as ever kicked back and enjoyed Lanzarote http://www.lanzarote.com/ after all the years I have talked about it since I visited there in February 1972.  It seems to have gotten built up a bit.  Raquel Welch made the movie "A Million Year B.C." there, and there use to be a picture of Raquel Welch in the bar "Fat Tuesdays" in New Canaan, Connecticut, so there is a local connection in this area to Lanzarote.  Whatever, the case I have never actually met anyone else whom has been there.  However, one can listen to the sound of Lanzarote at http://www.powerfmradio.com/listen.htm .  I guess one could go there and fast to lose weight and disco for exercise, and maybe one might come back a little bit healthier.  However, if anything went wrong, one is way out there in the middle of the Atlantic wandering whom else might be there.  Originally after the first week of visiting Lanzarote in February 1972, I met Rhone Dietrin.  He was very amusing, and besides speaking Norwegian and Spanish, he also spoke English in case one liked chatting in English instead of broken French with the Spanish.  CIO  

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 1:00 A.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/04/04  Friday 12:30 A.M.:  I have Windows XP SP2 build 2142 installed on the Dell backup computer with the two updates.  I am half way done going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 11:45 P.M.:  Feel like going native Current Vacancies Montserrat Volcano Seismologist , alas I am not qualified.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 11:35 P.M.:   The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: Paul Allen's rocket set to launch June 21 .  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 11:25 P.M.:  I downloaded Windows XP SP2 build 2142, and I copied it to a CD.  I uninstalled Windows XP SP2 RC1 on the Dell backup computer with the other SP2 updates.  I am now installing Windows XP SP2 2142 on the Dell backup computer.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 9:15 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop Wisconsin extra sharp white cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.   I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.   I put the clean mattress pad, clean linens, and clean bed spread on the bed in the bedroom, and it is all made up and back together again.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 8:00 P.M.:  I have 55 minutes to go the dry cycle for the orange bed spread and mattress cover.  I am drying each one in a separate machine.  Earlier when I did the laundry, I also washed and dried the door mat that I put over the woven rattan door mat.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 7:45 P.M.:  I have a 3:45 P.M. follow up on my physical tomorrow, which I have to get to at 3 P.M. for check up and pre physical follow up work.  I guess I will do my house cleaning after that.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 7:35 P.M.:  I put away the laundry.  I chatted with a neighbor in the laundry room whose telephone modem does not work on his Compaq computer for AOL.  The neighbor dropped the Cablevision Cable Modem.  He told me with basic cable television service for $12 a month, he gets 97 channels, which is about what I get for $52 a month.  He said it costs cablevision too much money to provide less channels.  Maybe, I should think about changing my Optimum Online television package to the basic service, since I hardly ever watch it anyway.  I opened up my freshly made bed in the bedroom, and I took off the mattress pad and the orange bed spread, and I am now washing each in a separate machine, and I have 15 minutes to go on the wash cycle.  They both can be dried in the dryer.  I also flipped the mattress over, and I rotated it top to bottom, which one should do every six months.  CNN.com - Princess Diana's mother dies at 68 - Jun 3, 2004 .  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 6:30 P.M.:  I opened up the celery salt which is a bit tricky.  I also opened up the pepper corns, and I filled the pepper mill on the dining room table.  Since pepper along with other spices such as cloves and cinnamon were one of the original products of the Dutch East Indies company known as "VOC", I think it is important to keep whole pepper corns around.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 6:15 P.M.:  I was up at noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.   Starting in late June, they are going to open at 8 A.M. Monday through Saturday and close at 5 P.M. on weekdays and 1 P.M. on Wednesday and 4 P.M. on Saturday, so they will have longer hours.  I then made my 3 P.M. appointment.  I next went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought four half gallons of Tropicana Premium orange juice with calcium for $2 each, four 16 ounce Maria Callender frozen chicken pot pies for $2.50 each, a 14.5 ounce Maria Callender chicken tenders dinner and a 14.5 ounce Maria Callender white turkey breast meat dinner each for $2.50 each, a McCormick's 4.25 ounce jar of whole peppercorns for $3.69, a 4 ounce jar of Stop and Shop celery salt $1.69, a 48 ounce container of Quaker Old Fashioned Quaker Oats for $3.99, two four packs of six ounce cans of Star-Kist solid white tuna fish for $4.99 each and a third four pack for $1.50, a 26 ounce jar of Barilla Puttanesca green and black olive tomato sauce for $2.50, two quart jars of Stop and Shop strawberry preserves for $2.99 each, a 16 ounce container of Stop and Shop grated parmesan cheese for $4.99, two 28 ounce cans of Goya chick peas for $1.09 each, four eight ounce bars of Cabot's http://www.cabotcheese.com/index.php  50% less fat Vermont sharp white cheddar cheese for $1.99 each, three 6.5 ounce dry cans of Stop and Shop medium California olives for .99 each, Rosenberg Danish blue cheese at $7.99 a pound for $2.96, a 20 ounce bag of Tostitos Super Size restaurant style tortilla chips for $2.99 for $76.38 total.  I then returned home, and I had my grocery cart in the back of the car that I brought down with me when I went out, and I used it to bring up my groceries.  I then put away my groceries.  I next started two loads of laundry, and I have 35 minutes on the dry cycle.  I put clean linens on the bed in the bedroom.  I drank some iced tea.  The Stop and Shop does not carry loose leaf green tea, but just green tea in bags.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 3:40 A.M.:  I did some regular computer work.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I have a 3 P.M. appointment today.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 2:50 A.M.:  I submitted the Windows Media 10 beta bug report to Microsoft using the Microsoft Beta Client available for download from Microsoft.  With Windows Media Player 9.0, I was able to Search for Media Files without it crashing by unselecting the two advanced search options, and I did a New Files and all Existing Files in Library search.  It worked just fine that way.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 1:40 A.M.:  When I installed the Windows Media Player 10.0 beta, I discovered that my "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.Windows" folder had disappeared although the content of the folder still appeared on the desktop including my desktop icons and favorites.  I ran System Restore to before I installed the Windows Media Player 10.0 beta, and the folder returned.  I then installed it again, and it caused the same problem again.  Although the folder is invisible its contents still exist, and they are not moved to another folder as far as I can tell.  Thus it would be a major problem with the beta.  I then ran system restore again to before I installed the Windows Media Player 10.0 beta.  After rebooting, I did a system restore backup, and then I ran disk cleanup on the C: drive.  The system seems to be back to normal.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/03/04  Thursday 12:55 A.M.:  I installed Net2Phone 2.1 www.netphone.com .  I installed the Windows Media Player 10.0 beta, but it still crashes when I search for media files like Windows Media Player 9.0 did.  I will fiddle with it some more.  The corporate types are still trying to make money by moving people around MSNBC - Where's the best place to live in America? .  Since a lot of the corporate types tend to drink alcohol, they tend to consider the best places to live are those where the local constables will not be too tough on them for drinking alcohol or if they get into other trouble.  They think Los Alamos, New Mexico is the best place to live, but that might be as far as the dry clear sunny weather, but unfortunately the rattle snakes like the same weather too.  So much for experts.  CIO

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