Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 4:55 P.M.:  I was up at 3:30 P.M..  The package from www.outletpc.com was delivered at my door by UPS.  I opened it and the 5 ten foot USB cables were there and the D-Link USB Hub and 10/100 Ethernet port device were in the package.  I put the five USB cables in the box underneath my living room desk with the LAN cables.  The D-Link hub is powered, so I took an extension cord from the floor off the power strip in front of my desk, and I connected it to the upper Belkin Control panel switch for my Siemens router.  I plugged both the D-Link hub and Siemens router power transformers into the extension cord, and I placed the two transformers connected to the extension cord on the wicker rack on the wall to the right of my primary computer CPU.  The D-Link hub came with a USB cable, and I disconnected one of the four port USB hubs from the PCI USB card, and I plugged in the D-Link Hub.  I put the D-Link Hub on the coffee table to the right of my CPU case where the other USB hubs are.  I plugged into the 3 D-Link USB hub ports, my Plantronics DSP-500 headset, the USB cord to the Motorola surfboard cable modem, and the four port USB hub device.  I put the four port USB hub device on the mouse pad on the right in front of the CPU to have it readily available.  I disconnected a LAN cable from the Siemens router that went my 8 port ethernet hub on top of the back up Dell computer, and I plugged in that LAN cable from the Siemens router to the new D-Link USB hub with the 10/100 Ethernet port.  I took the LAN cables from the Siemens routers to the Dell backup computer LAN cable, and I plugged it into the 8 port ethernet hub.  I took one of the two available LAN cables from the 8 port hub, and I plugged it into the Dell backup computer LAN card.  Thus to use the Dell backup computer online, not only does the Cable modem and Siemens routers have to be turned on, but so does the 8 port Ethernet hub which one turns on from the Dell backup computer control panel.  I then started up the primary computer, and all the devices installed plug and play without any problem.  I now have three networks installed on the primary computer.  The onboard LAN, the cable modem USB connection, and D-Link Ethernet port are the three connections.  I could disable the onboard motherboard LAN, but I will leave it going for now.  I have the Windows XP firewall enabled on all three connections.  All of the other USB devices are working just fine.  Thus to turn on the computer, one still turns it on the same way, since the router switch turns on both the Siemens router and D-Link hub.  CIO  

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 7:20 A.M.:  I went outside, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 6:35 A.M.:  I tried to install the Sun Java Virtual machine a few times, but my IDE driver froze the machine a few times on PIO mode.  I finally ran Driver Update in the Device Manager on the Via Busmaster IDE controller, and it installed a different version of the file, so I guess my IDE controller is now more stable.  I also changed in the CMOS video init from PCI to AGP.  The system booted fine, and the Sun Java Virtual Machine download installed without any problems, except I had to disable the Norton Internet Security 2004 firewall for the installation to work.  UPS tracking shows that my package left UPS in Norwalk, Connecticut out for delivery at 6:15 A.M. this morning.  Frequently UPS packages come later in the day at 4 P.M., but I noticed a UPS delivery truck making a delivery here two days ago at 9 A.M..  I will now go outside for a morning break.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 5:00 A.M.:  I will now install the Java Virtual Machine for Windows XP http://java.com/en/index.jsp .  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 4:45 A.M.:  I watched some television.  The movie "Tea House of the August Moon" is on television.  My apartment in Greenwich, Connecticut is sort of my own Greenwich, Connecticut version of "Tea House of the August Moon".  UPS tracking shows that the package that I ordered from www.outletpc.com arrived at Norwalk, Connecticut at 2:15 A.M. this morning.  If one were ordering more complex computer items, I find that the site http://www.directron.com/ has a larger variety of basic computer items than does www.outletpc.com .  Of course there are so many sites to chose from on the internet, I guess one Windows shop just about forever.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 3:25 A.M.:  Earlier, before I went out for my walk this past evening, I ran Ad-aware 6.0.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 3:20 A.M.:  Yahoo! News - IBM to Build Supercomputer for U.S. Military .  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 3:10 A.M.:  New Microsoft blog site http://channel9.msdn.com/ .  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 2:35 A.M.:  I went through my email.  My package from www.outletpc.com left Stratford, Connecticut at 1:50 A.M. this morning probably for the UPS delivery depot in Norwalk, Connecticut, so probably it will be delivered today.  I guess UPS will be waking me up some time today.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 1:50 A.M.:  Dinner was delicious.  My UPS delivery from www.outletpc.com left Las Vegas, Nevada July 19, 2004 at 11:01 P.M., and it arrived in Secaucus, New Jersey July 23, at 9:15 P.M., and it departed Secaucus, New Jersey on July 24, at 1:07 A.M., and it arrived in Parsippany, New Jersey at 1:49 A.M., and it took time off yesterday and over the weekend, and it departed Parsippany, New Jersey on July 26 at 8:29 P.M., and it arrived this past evening on July 26 at Stratford, Connecticut at 10:17 P.M., so it looks like it might make delivery today, since if it makes it to Norwalk, Connecticut this morning, they will probably deliver it today.  I ordered from www.outletpc.com five USB 2.0 ten foot cables for $1.99 each http://store.yahoo.com/outletpc/c0229.html and a D-Link 3 Port USB Hub 10/100 Ethernet Adaptor Combo for $12.54 http://store.yahoo.com/outletpc/c4615.html plus $7.58 UPS ground shipping from Las Vegas, Nevada for $30.07 total.  CIO  

Note: <888> 07/27/04  Tuesday 1:00 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  I chatted with a walker whom said he would email me his web site for buying discount merchandise on the internet.  I completed my walk.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I then went by the Food Emporium.  I bought two 128 ounce containers of Arm and Hammer sensitive skin liquid detergent for $2.49 each, and a eye round beef roast at $2.99 a pound for $10.85 for $16.15 total.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  I put the eye round roast on a roasting rack in a roasting pan, and I covered all sides with Old Bay Seasoning, garlic power, chicken and meat seasoning, ground black pepper, celery salt, Italian spices, and Texas Best Mesquite barbeque sauce.  I am cooking it in the Farberware convection over at 335 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes.  I also took 8 ounces of Carolina enriched white rice, and I rinsed it underneath hot water in a metal bowl, and then I strained it underneath hot water in a wire strainer, and I put it in the China Village microwave rice steamer, and I added 14 ounces of water, two tablespoons of olive oil, and a teaspoon of sesame oil.  I put both the inner and out lids on the China Village microwave rice steamer, and I heat it in the microwave oven for 11 minutes and then let it stand five minutes for perfect rice.  I will also steam with a cover pot and steamer tray with water underneath the steamer tray some fresh broccoli crowns for 15 minutes total time to boil the water to steam and steam the broccoli.  I will eat three 3/8th inch thick slices of the eye round of beef with the beef juices with half of the rice and the steamed broccoli along with a glass of iced tea.  I will refrigerate in a Rubbermaid container the remaining beef and in another Rubbermaid container the remaining rice.  One use to be able to buy the China Village microwave rice steamer at the Food Emporium for $15.  I am not sure whether it is still available or not.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 7:35 P.M.:  I went back to bed until 6 P.M..  I ran Norton AntiVirus 2004, and it went through most of the system before it froze, but it did not find any problems.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside briefly, and I picked up the mail.  There is no more news on UPS tracking on my package, so I guess after they are shut down for two days over the weekend, it takes them a day to catch up with the back log.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go out.  I guess I am back on a night schedule.  According to http://www.w3.weather.com/weather/local/06830 , there is suppose to some rain later on this week.  CIO     

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 4:35 P.M.:  I was up at 3:30 P.M..  Nothing has changed on UPS tracking, and there is no sign of UPS.  I called my 4 P.M. appointment and chatted briefly, and I rescheduled the appointment.  I changed two light bulbs that burned out.  I might either rest some more or eat breakfast.  I will now try running Norton AntiVirus 2004 again.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 10:00 A.M.:  I tried to run Norton AntiVirus 2004, but it froze on my mail folder.  I will try it later on when I have the time.  I ran Norton Disk Doctor on the C: and the D: drives.  I just cancelled my 4 P.M. appointment, so I can get some sleep.  No news from UPS tracking, but the package is scheduled for delivery today.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  As far as I can tell, the computer is running just fine.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 9:05 A.M.:  I rebooted after the last message.  I had a problem with the network keeping the computer from rebooting, so I did a System Restore back to this past Saturday, and the system is booting just fine and running just fine.  I will now shut down the computer and rest for a while.  No news from UPS tracking today so far.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 6:55 A.M.:  I went outside, and I chatted with a couple of neighbors.  I will now shut down the computer.  UPS tracking last shows my package from www.outletpc.com was in New Jersey on July 24, and there is no new activity yet, so I do not know whether it will arrive today or not.  I will go to bed soon, and I will be up around 1 P.M. for my 4 P.M. appointment.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 5:50 A.M.:  I unplugged my two USB hubs from the back of the computer when I was shut down, and I enabled the onboard motherboard USB devices in the CMOS, and I rebooted, and I reinstalled the drivers for the onboard motherboard USB devices.  Although the device manager says they work including the two front USB 2.0 ports, they only recognize USB devices plugged into them as unrecognized USB devices that do not work.  I can only think that since the onboard motherboard USB devices were disabled when I installed Windows XP Professional that possibly some key file or files were not installed because they were disabled.  I enabled them after installing Windows XP Professional to find out they did not work last week, which is why I took out the LAN card and installed the two port USB PCI card which does recognized my USB devices right away without any problem.  I next shut down the computer and disabled the onboard motherboard USB devices in the CMOS, and I plugged in the two USB hubs to the two USB PCI card.  When I rebooted the system would not boot because of the network, so I turned off the cable modem and rebooted, and the computer booted properly.  I then turned on the cable modem, and the network reinstalled itself, and then I rebooted without any problem.  In my current configuration using the onboard motherboard LAN and the USB cable connected to the cable modem, I can not seem to repair the network without rebooting, which is not really any problem, since the network never really needs to be repaired.  When I receive the USB hub with LAN connection that I ordered from www.outletpc.com , I will replace one of my hubs on the computer with the USB hub and LAN connection and setup a third network connection from the Siemens router to the USB hub and LAN connection that I will have plugged into the USB PCI card.  I could use the spare hub on my Dell backup computer, or I could plug it into one of the primary computer hubs, but I do not need that much USB hub space at the moment.  The computer seems to be running just fine as it is configured.  However, when the network repaired itself, I noticed something interesting when one views the Network Devices in the Device Manager and selects to show hidden devices, there are another 11 network device drivers running on the system besides the onboard LAN and Cable modem connection, so only some tech person would know what all those hidden network devices are doing.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 1:30 A.M.:  For those people with Potomac fever NYTimes.com 2004 Election Guide .  CIO

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 12:55 A.M.:  I went through my email.  My UPS package is still down in New Jersey, so I do not know if it will be delivered today or not.  I have a 4 P.M. appointment today.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/26/04  Monday 12:40 A.M.:  I ate the last third of a 10 ounce can of smoked almonds with some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 11:55 P.M.:  What got me to thinking about Florence, Italy was I noticed this evening during my evening stroll, that a newspaper is being delivered in a plastic bag that advertises Carapelli olive oil http://www.carapelli.com/ which I did not buy last time when I bought the three liters of Bertolli http://www.bertolli.com  extra virgin olive oil for about $23, since the Carapelli olive oil at the Stop and Shop was only available in regular olive oil and not extra virgin olive oil.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 11:50 P.M.:  Of course this major event in Florence, Italy http://www.32igc.org/home.htm happens August 20-28, 2004, and it might explain from the world's leading experts what is happening in the world of Geophysics or Geology or what the kids call Rock Hounds are interested in.  I lived in Florence, Italy during the winter of 1972, when I minored in Renaissance Art at the University of Grenoble, France extension in Florence, Italy.  I greatly enjoyed Florence, Italy, but it is as cold as New York in the winter, and it is equally warm in the summer.  I stayed at the Pension Adria on the fifth floor of a building on the southwest corner of the Santa Trinita bridge overlooking the Arno River.  Luciano whom manages the Pensione Adria is the youngest of 13 brothers in the hotel business in Europe, and his oldest brother use to manage the Savoy Hotel in London, so they are quite an expert family in hospitality.  I paid about $40 a week for an inside room without a view for less noise from the street traffic, and that included continental breakfast and five course dinners without wine included in the cost.  Of course back then the Frescobaldi wine was not too expensive in Florence, Italy since it is native to the Tuscan region of Italy.  The native food of Florence, Italy is Etruscan cooking with if basically thin slices of meats sautéed in olive oil, butter, garlic, lemon juice, herbs and spices and white wine, and it is very tasty.  They eat a large meal about 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. and then they have siesta.  In the evening from about 7 P.M. to midnight, they also have another less filling dinner type of meal.  Florence, Italy is very cosmopolitan with lots of specialty shops with fine Italian leathers and woolen goods, and during the winter the general public are very well dressed even by European standards.  Of course the little town up on the mountain on the north side overlooking Florence, Italy called Fiesole has some breathtaking views overlooking the city, and it would be cooler with cleaner air.  There is bus service to Fiesole.  Since the Medici were and probably still are one of the primary moving forces in that region of Italy, they have a comfortable house near the Pension Adria, and the Medici house called the Medici Palace has a nice walled garden around it.  On the hill behind the Medici Palace, there is the Piazza Michelangelo, and the small villas there are suppose to be on the most expensive real estate in Europe.  Need I say more, if one can afford the trip, a visit to Florence, Italy is well worth the time and experience.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 11:25 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Norwegian Jarlsberg cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 10:00 P.M.:  I woked up during the early morning, and I ate two Quaker low fat corn cakes.  I was up at 2 P.M., and I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until 5:30 P.M..  I chatted with a friend and a relative.  I went out, and I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought two 12 ounce cans of Lysol disinfectant crisp linen scent for $2.49 each and a 1 liter bottle of CVS yellow mouthwash  for $1.99 plus .48 tax for $8.45 total.  I ran into another walker, and I walked back down Greenwich Avenue.  I then walked the other walker up to the top of Greenwich Avenue where his car was parked.  I then returned back down Greenwich Avenue, and I use the bathroom at Starbucks.  I then drove down by the waterfront, and I chatted with one of the regular fishermen.  I was told by another friend that fishes Long Island sound in a boat up in Norwalk, Connecticut, they are catching blue fish, stripped bass, and snappers.  I am not sure whether they are red snappers, which I think one catches down south, but I don't think one catches them here.  I then sat out briefly at the Greenwich Library.  I just now returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 2:45 A.M.:  Well, there is not much going on, and it is suppose to rain much of this coming week.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 2:30 A.M.:  Well, if Krakatau erupted with major force again, I guess there would be cold winters up north, and we would want to email our friends in Brazil or rough it in Key West, Florida at the http://www.casamarinakeywest.com/ .  Of course, Key West is now more expensive than Greenwich, Connecticut, so unlike 1976 when one could live in abandoned buildings like the Casa Marina, in Key West, now I think it is close to $400 a day.  Of course there are lots of other places down south, and the general ambience of Key West www.liveduvalstreet.com generally does not cater to the Puritan sensibilities of people from up north, so if they have Big Bucks, they can try to afford one of the mega mansions in Palm Beach, Florida that can cost close to $50 million bucks, of course there are many poorer areas down south, where the weather is equally enjoyable without the plush comforts of the Gold Coast of Florida.  I suppose though, New Yorkers still tend to flock together in various locations.  I personally feel if there were ever another winter like the Winter of 1882 when Krakatau last had its last major eruption, some location like Tobago would be enjoyable, but as one gets older, ones needs to be aware that one should also live near major medical facilities.  Thus although the grass always seems greener on the other side of the warmer world, those of us whom are use to the colder temperatures of the winters up north will probably tough it out here.  I suppose some tropical residents have to worry about www.geocities.com/mikelscott/weather.htm during the upcoming tropical storm season.  I have theory that volcanic activity is increased by solar flare activity from the sun, so maybe it also has an effect on tropical weather.  However, generally when it is cooler, particularly if the ocean water is cooler, there is not as much tropical storm activity.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 1:35 A.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 12:55 A.M.: Krakatau active http://www.vsi.esdm.go.id/news/index.htm and http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/volcano.cfm?vnum=0602-00=

KRAKATAU Indonesia 6.10°S, 105.43°E; summit elev. 813 m

In July there was an increase in the number of gas-and-steam emissions from the crater of Anak Krakatau. In addition, the number of volcanic earthquakes increased from 1-4 per day before 5 July, to ~57 per day, then dropped to 2-17 earthquakes per day by mid-July. The Alert Level at Krakatau was raised from 1 to 2 (on a scale of 1-4). Visits to the crater were prohibited.

Background. The renowned Krakatau volcano lies in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. Collapse of the ancestral Krakatau edifice, perhaps in 416 AD, resulted in a 7-km-wide caldera. Remnants of this volcano formed Verlaten and Lang Islands; subsequently Rakata, Danan, and Perbuwatan volcanoes were formed, coalescing to create the pre-1883 Krakatau Island. Caldera collapse during the catastrophic 1883 eruption destroyed Danan and Perbuwatan volcanoes, and left only a remnant of Rakata volcano. The post-collapse cone of Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau), constructed within the 1883 caldera at a point between the former cones of Danan and Perbuwatan, has been the site of frequent eruptions since 1927.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/25/04  Sunday 12:20 A.M.:  I went through half of my email.  I ate 2/3 of the 10 ounce can of smoked almonds with some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/24/04  Saturday 11:15 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Norwegian Jarlsberg cheese.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/24/04  Saturday 9:50 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $4 of regular unleaded gasoline at $2.279 a gallon for about 28 miles per gallon usage.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  During my walk, I stopped by CVS, and I bought two 32 ounce spray bottles of CVS cleaner with bleach at one for $2.29 and the second one for a penny, and a 10 ounce can of Smoked Almonds for $2.49 for $4.93 total.  I then completed my walk.  I next drove down by the waterfront.  I then returned home.  I had a message from a friend on my answering machine.  I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/24/04  Saturday 6:35 P.M.:  I have my the IDE cables and the Master Slave settings set properly on my drives.  Maybe my system does not really support HDMA, although it does work, except it freezes on large file transfers.  I just now chatted with a relative.  I will hold off on reading my email.  I will now eat a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of iced tea.  I will then clean up, and I will go out.  CIO  

Note: <888> 07/24/04  Saturday 6:05 P.M.:  This page has information about configuring one's drives and IDE cables http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=94 .  At the moment, I have the first C: drive and the second D: drive as IDE1 master and slave, and I have the DVD/CD and the CD/RW as IDE2 master and slave.  Although I have long round IDE cables, I do not think they would stretch far enough to support each hard drive on a separate IDE cable and still connect to the CD drives in my present computer case configuration.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/24/04  Saturday 6:00 P.M.:  I installed a different VIA IDE driver  http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=340  , but when I rebooted it activated XP product activation, but I did not reactivate right away.  When I tried HDMA with the VIA IDE Miniport driver, it still  would freeze, so I returned to the other VIA IDE driver, which I set in PIO mode, and the computer system runs fine again.  I then tried to reactivate Windows XP online, but it would not go through since I had activated it three times in trying to reinstall it last week.  I finally activated it over the telephone with an activation ID number that I entered.  Thus XP is now activated again.  I was given a Microsoft Technical support number 1-800-939-5700 in India, and I chatted with them.  They told me that since I had bought Windows XP separately from CompUSA about a year and a half ago, and since I have never used technical support, that I am entitled to two major incidents of free technical support along with unlimited installation and uninstallation technical support.  Since at the moment, my computer system is running just fine, I will not use the free Microsoft technical support that came with Windows XP Professional.  I also do not intend to install Windows XP SP2 final release, since I do not want to go through the problems of reinstallation that I have been through the last three weeks should Windows XP SP2 crash the system where I can not recover it.  I will now continue going through my email.  I noticed some people from India around recently, so maybe Microsoft is here watching us.  Possibly the APM not working in Power Settings is caused by the fact that I am using a generic Opti PCI USB port card, which on another type system causes APM not to work.  Still since my onboard USB ports do not work properly, I will continue to use the Opti PCI 2 port USB card with the USB devices attached to it.  Last week when I reinstalled Windows XP Professional Upgrade on the system with a Syntax SV266 M motherboard, I had to install it on a formatted C: drive, and for the first stage of installation file copying, I had to have all the PCI cards and other devices including USB removed and the CMOS settings disabled including disabling the CPU CMOS caches, and it installed, and then on reboot, I enabled the CPU cache to speed up the process.  After installation, I installed the cards and devices, and the system worked just fine.  However, one time after XP installed without the Cards and Devices installed and with the CMOS settings disabled except the CPU cache, I tried to install XP SP2 RC2, and the system crashed.  Thus I am hesitant about trying to install the final release XP SP2 when available.  I also have tried disabling the CMOS HDMA IDE settings to PIO, but that did not work either.  There is no reference to the problem on the internet.  About the only option is to detach my second IDE drive during XP installation.  Also the same problem exists for the basic Windows XP Professional upgrade refresh option, and on reboot without the cards and USB and other devices installed and with the CMOS settings disabled except for the CPU cache, the upgrade procedure did not work.  Only a fresh install worked with that procedure.  Still at the moment, the computer is running just fine along with all of its USB devices, and I will now continue going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/24/04  Saturday 3:30 P.M.:  I was awake at 1:30 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside briefly, and I picked up the mail.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now start going through my email.  CIO

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