Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 07/15/04  Thursday 6:30 A.M.:  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside briefly.  I will now install the Basic free Real Player and the Real Games program.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/15/04  Thursday 5:20 A.M.:  I went to bed after the last message.  I chatted with a relative.  I microwaved and ate a bag of ACT II popcorn with some iced tea.  I went back to bed.  I was up at 4:45 A.M. this morning.  I put Ccleaner on the computer, and I ran it.  I checked Microsoft's web site, and "msocache" contains about 250 megs of files that Microsoft Office uses to repair itself without asking for the CD.  If one deleted them, one would have to use the CD when ever one repairs it which is one of the menu options.  I can do a C: drive cleanup with Norton Fast and Clean or CCleaner.  I can also delete the System Restore backups with Disk Cleanup on the D: drive.  Since I have enough free space, I will not worry about it.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 7:50 P.M.:  I installed the tweak for disk cleanup, so it works faster.  However, disk cleanup freezes the computer when it scans the Office 2003 setup files.  I looked at Microsoft technical support, and they say the files are located in a folder called "msocache", but when I search for that folder the system froze again.  The problem is supposedly caused by a corrupted file.  Whatever, the case at the moment, I can not figure out the solution.  I did run Norton Disk Doctor and Norton WinDoctor.  I was able to delete the old System restore backup files in a Safe Boot.  I now have 10.4 gigabytes of free space on the C: drive.  I think I would free up more space, if I could delete the Office Setup files and get Disk Cleanup working again.  I can not find the solution on the internet other than the Disk Cleanup tweak.  Well, the system is still running much better, and I am basically just tweaking the system a bit.  I did install the Microsoft wireless wheel mouse Intellipoint driver.  Well, I am tired, and I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 6:40 P.M.:  The UPS package that was scheduled to arrive today never arrived.  I guess it will be here tomorrow, but I have a 3 P.M. appointment tomorrow.  I finished installing the Microsoft Outlook 2003 programs and their updates.  I enabled the cable modem network which is 12 meg, and the onboard LAN network is up to a 100 meg.  I ate a 18.8 ounce can of Campbell's Select New England clam chowder with a couple of dozen croutons and a glass of iced tea.  It seems like it might rain soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 4:20 P.M.:  I installed Microsoft Office 2003.  I moved my car to its usual parking place.  I ate a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of iced tea.  I imported my folders that are not system folders from my backups along with my Favorites and my stored files.  I put the stored files in My Documents folder.  I configured Outlook 2003, and I imported my email addresses and I downloaded my email.  I do not think I will import my old saved emails, but I have copies of the ones that I sent in My Documents folder.  I have to let Norton Anti Spam 2004 go through its learning process again.  I have 7.7 gigabytes of free space on my C: drive, and probably will not install Microsoft Encarta 2002 and National Geographic maps, since I hardly ever used them.  I still have to install Microsoft Office OneNote 2003, Microsoft Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2003, Microsoft Home Publisher Premium 2000, the Real Player, and some smaller downloads like Ad-aware 6.0.  I disabled in the Networking the second onboard LAN modem connected to the Siemens router which goes at 12 Meg. , which I can quickly enable it I need it for printing through the Siemens printer port.  The cable modem USB connection is just as fast.  I should be receiving my package from UPS from www.outletpc.com  with my computer parts order shortly.  I reordered from http://www.smokemcheapcigarettes.com/ six cartons of Seneca Ultra Light 100s cigarettes for $11 a carton plus $1.20 a carton postage via Priority U.S. Mail, for $73.20 total.  Hopefully the $61 will be put back on my debit account soon.  I will now go outside for a break.  The computer system is running just fine.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 11:35 A.M.:  I checked the mail, and my cigarettes did not come.  I just chatted with http://www.smokemcheapcigarettes.com/ at 1-903-988-8812 , and they explained to me that my $61 order for five cartons of Seneca Ultra Light 100 cigarettes were held up, because the U.S. customs stopped two semi trucks of Seneca cigarettes at the Canadian border for inspection for a week.  They said my $61 payment has been refunded to my MasterCard Debit card, and I have to replace the order, which I will do shortly.  At the moment http://www.bnyonline.com/ is not working, so I can not transfer money into the account to cover the new order.  I have 13 packages of Seneca cigarettes left.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 10:55 A.M.:  I took a break, and I went outside.  I installed Microsoft Money 2002 and Microsoft Works 2002.  I will now go back outside for a break.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 9:00 A.M.:  I have the previous mentioned USB devices installed.  I connected the Plantronics DSP 500 headset and the Vibra Web Cam to the left back USB ports on the Sony monitor stand.  I connected the Visioneer 4400 scanner to the right back USB port on the Sony monitor stand.  I have all of their software installed and working just fine.  On the Visioneer PaperPort software, one has to install a printer fix that I had already and installed.  I installed the EpsonStylus Color 880 printer on the Siemens router printer port.  I could not get it to install on a USB port.  I configured Netmeeting.  I installed Net2Phone.  I installed Nero Burning 5.5 plus the update.  I installed the HP LaserJet IID and HP LaserJet 6P on the Siemens router printer port.  Thus all of my four printers are connected.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 7:30 A.M.:  I went outside briefly.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  Beside having a new install of Windows XP Professional and the SP1 and other updates on my computer, I have installed Norton Internet Security 2004 and Norton System Works 2003.  I also have installed the Minolta USB drivers and the Siemens router printer drivers.  Also I have Microsoft FrontPage 2002 installed.  I will now install the Plantronics DSP 500 USB headset, the Visioneer 4400 USB scanner, the Creative Vibra USB web cam.  I will installed the EpsonStylus Color printer on the Siemens port, so it will work off the backup computers' Siemens' ports.  I guess if I had another 10 foot USB cable, the Epson printer could also be run off the USB port box.  I will now start installing the USB devices and their software.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/14/04  Wednesday 6:05 A.M.:  I went to bed at 8 P.M., and I chatted with a friend before going to bed.  I was up at 4 A.M..  I disabled the onboard USB hubs.  I put the 2 Port USB PCI card in my computer, and the USB devices now work.  I have the four port hub connected to it, and the Sony monitor hub connected to the four port hub,  and I am getting another 4 port hub today.  I only have 3 PCI slots with the PCI video card, the Creative Sound Blaster Live MP3+ sound card, and the two port USB PCI card.  I took out the LAN card from my computer.  I connected directly from the USB hub to my Motorola Surfboard cable modem with a 10 foot USB cable that I had, and I also connected to the Siemens router my onboard LAN, so I now have two onboard connections working fine along with the USB devices, which I will start installing after breakfast.  It all seems to be working fine, and at http://reviews.cnet.com/7004-7254_7-0.html?tag=cnetfd.ld , I am currently getting 3035.7 kbps which is pretty dang good.  All of the devices installed plug and play.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/13/04  Tuesday 6:55 P.M.:  I was up at midnight on Sunday, and I tried installing Windows XP SP2 RC2, and the machine failed on installation, and I was not able to get it to boot up to restore the previous setup.  This lead to a long series of events of booting and rebooting to no avail.  I finally formatted my C: drive.  Since the CD player was not working properly on the primary computer, I exchanged it with the one on the Dell computer and visa versa.  I tried installing Windows XP on the C: drive, but it would not install.  I tried changing CMOS settings to get it to install, and after a long period of trying, I disabled most of the CMOS settings including the processor cache settings, and I was able to get XP to start installing.  Once it rebooted on setup, I increased the CMOS processor settings to normal to increase speed.  Thus XP installation took about 1.5 hours at the slower speed.  I can not figure out why it would not install with the regular settings.  I tried removing all my cards and USB devices and that did not make a difference.  I tried restoring my backups onto the C: drive, but the system would not start.  I then reinstalled XP again.  This was all quite a time consuming process.  When I woke up, I ate blueberries, strawberries, with vitamins and supplements, and orange juice.  Towards the end of my day about 6 P.M., I ate a Maria Callender chicken pot pie with a glass of iced tea, and I snacked on some corn chips.  I chatted with a relative during the day.  I went to bed at 8 P.M., and I was up at 2 A.M. on Monday morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, orange juice, and coffee.  I tried installing XP SP2 RC2 on the fresh install of XP, but it failed, and I had to reinstall XP again through the same slow process.  I then started installing my programs and devices drivers from scratch.  I was having a problem with my USB devices not being recognized.  I worked on that problem for most of the day to no avail.  I made my 4 P.M. appointment.  I ate a peanut butter sandwich with iced tea and a bowl of blueberries.  I went to bed about 5 P.M., and I was up at midnight on Tuesday morning today.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I chatted with a friend about 6:30 A.M..  I tried restoring my backup system files from my backups again, and the system would not reboot again.  I then reinstalled XP again.  I return the CMOS settings back to normal once XP is installed.  I suppose whatever the problem is, it might be caused by my two video cards, but I only installed with the AGP video card in the system, and I tried once with the PCI to no avail and the onboard AGP was not any faster.  Since my system has been relatively stable for the last 1.5 years that I have had it, I have not tinkered with the system which has a Syntax SV 266M motherboard.  Most of this Tuesday morning, I tinkered with the USB port problem.  The Microsoft and Via USB 1.0 and 2.0 drivers install without any problem, and they are indicated as working in the devices.  However, when I plug in a device it recognizes an unrecognized device, and not the proper device that I am installing.  This includes all my USB devices.  For lunch today, I had my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm with all of the regular ingredients.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Land-O-Lakes pepper jack cheese.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I have been taking regular breaks including going outside.  I have set up some of the programs on the computer, and it is all working fine, but I still have quite a bit of work to do installing and configuring programs and devices.  I have just about exhausted all the options on the USB device problem.  I think it is a software problem not a hardware problem.  I could remove my sound card, and try my USB port card which I have in another backup computer, which I might do tomorrow, but since my onboard USB devices are shown as working properly, I am not sure what the problem is.  I have installed the USB device drivers and the Microsoft updates.  I will be able to restore my favorites and data and record files eventually.  I am quite exhausted, so I will shut down the computer shortly.  I will then eat a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of iced tea, and I will go to bed soon.  I do not have my Office Suite 2003 Outlook program installed, so I have not been able to look at my email since Saturday.  Well, the system is running much better with the clean install, but I do not think I will be trying to install XP SP2 RC2 or the final version, since I will not want to go through this all again.  Hopefully, I will figure out the USB port problem, and I have checked all of the CMOS possibilities.  I should get the package via UPS from www.outletpc.com tomorrow with the LAN cables, DVD/CD player, and USB port box.  I can not track it with the tracking email.  Also my order from  http://www.smokemcheapcigarettes.com/ had not arrived I guess because of last week's holiday.  Well, good night.  CIO   

Note: <888> 07/10/04  Saturday 3:20 P.M.:  After a long time after the last message, I was only able to get the computer with XP SP2 RC2 to boot once more.  I decided to uninstall it, which I just did, and the computer is back to the way it was before I installed it.  I had an earlier beta of XP SP2 RC1 working just fine on the computer before.  Possibly when I ran RegSupreme over a week ago which started causing me problems, it might have changed settings so XP SP2 RC2 does not work properly.  I have the CMOS set back again to boot PCI also.  Well it was basically 12 hours of wasted time, but it was a learning experience.  I could try doing a fresh install of XP with the upgrade feature, and that might make XP SP2 RC2 install and work properly, but that will have to wait until some time in the future, or I will just wait until the final release comes out.  Possibly the AGP and PCI video cards with the two monitor system is causing the problem.  I just microwaved a Stouffer's Lean Cuisine 9 ounce chicken Carbonara dinner, which I ate with a glass of iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.   CIO

Note: <888> 07/10/04  Saturday 11:45 A.M.:  The computer rebooted a second time without any problems.  Maybe the problem was the "reboot" from the VIA program in the startup group that one sees when one runs "msconfig".  I ran Norton Win Doctor.  I reconnected the USB devices.  I have the CMOS set to boot AGP instead of PCI.  Thus the Sony FD Trinitron 21 inch monitor is the #1 monitor in the front center position, and the CompUSA 19 inch monitor is to the left with all of the icons on it, and I use the Sony for web browsing.  The mouse still moves through the monitors from left to right and back.  CIO  

Note: <888> 07/10/04  Saturday 11:10 A.M.:  After the last message, I installed Windows XP SP2 RC2.  It installed without any problems, but the computer would not reboot properly.  Over the next 7 hours, I tried CMOS settings, unplugging monitors, and disconnecting USB devices.  I got it to boot properly in safe mode once, and once regularly.  I currently have it booted again for the third time, and at the moment it is running fine, but I probably tried booting it hundreds of times to get to this point.  The system once it boots properly runs just fine and is much more responsive.  However, at the moment I have the option of uninstalling XP SP2 RC2 or trying to reboot again to see if it now boots properly, which it did not do before.  I was able to get it to boot this time by not having the cable modem turned on while it booted.  Also the Windows XP SP2 RC2 firewall does not work with the Norton Internet Security 2004 firewall installed.  I removed two "reboot" items from my startup menu in MSCONFIG, which might have cause the startup problems.  They were put in there, when I reinstalled the VIA AGP, IDE, and USB drivers off my Syntax motherboard CD.  Well, I guess after I post this message, I can live dangerously and try to reboot.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/10/04  Saturday 3:15 A.M.:  Of course Illinois begins with an "I", so maybe some cheap person from Illinois is in charge, and he only bought the encyclopedia that began with "I" to find out more about Illinois.  I went out after the last message, and I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue.  I sat out at various locations.  I chatted with a maintenance man working on the street sign outside of 3 Pickwick Plaza that says 3 Pickwick Plaza in bronze relief letters.  His truck was from South Windsor, Connecticut, and I have a friend who works for the state of New York for the New York State Racing Authority, and the only question he ever asked me about Connecticut is how to get to South Windsor, Connecticut, and since Connecticut is suppose to have more horses per capita than any state in the United States, I guess there are still equestrian types and horses in Connecticut.  I thought I heard a horse whinny when I went outside this evening which would be unusual for this area.  After I finished my walk, I sat out downtown for a while.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I then went by the Food Emporium.  Their weekly sales begin at midnight on Saturday morning, so although the sale items are not yet marked in the aisles, they are still on sale.  I bought a 48 ounce container of Quaker old fashioned oatmeal for $3.99 and a pint of Haagen-Dazs http://www.haagendazs.com/ coffee yogurt ice cream for $1.99 and a pint of Haagen-Dazs raspberry sorbet ice cream for $1.99 for $7.97 total.  I then returned home.  When one has ice cream that is very hard from the freezer, one can put a cup of water in the microwave oven in a microwave proof container and heat it on beverage heat, and then one can place the metal ice cream scoop or large metal spoon in the heated water to make it easier to get out of the container.  I ate two scoops of Ben and Jerry's butter pecan ice cream finishing off the container.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/10/04  Saturday 12:25 A.M.:  I put away the laundry.  I ate a peanut butter sandwich with iced tea.  On my current viewpoint of the world situation as I have said many times before, it is like the governments and the media are stuck on the I countries like Iraq, Italy, Iran, Israel, Ireland, Indonesia, Iceland, IBM, Internet, and so forth.  If one looks at an encyclopedia there are plenty of other countries that start with other letters.  I have about a 1960 edition of the World Book Encyclopedias that I bought at the Merry Go Round Mews thrift shop a number of years ago for $20 that seems to have more real information than I see on the internet.  Also I have a set of the American Encyclopedias from around 1970 underneath the French reproduction sitting chair at my apartment entrance that I bought from the Greenwich Library for .50 a book, and they happen to be missing the "I" volume, so maybe our so called experts are only have that "I" volume for reference.  So much for chit chat, I will now shut down the computer, and I will go downtown.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/09/04  Friday 11:35 P.M.:  VOANews.com  Powerful October Blast from Sun Scorches Solar System  .  CIO

Note: <888> 07/09/04  Friday 11:25 P.M.:  I showered and cleaned up.  I have 15 minutes to go on the dry cycle of the laundry.  Along with the pottery bowl with the homemade candle on the pine table at the left side of the bathroom entrance, I put a rose ceramic candle holder made by the Old Harbor Candle company from Hyannisport, Massachusetts.  I have a candle in it too.  I have so many different items around the apartment from all my ventures into the thrifts shops over the years that the best thrift shop is my own apartment.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/09/04  Friday 10:55 P.M.:  I have 45 minutes to go on the dry cycle.  I drank a glass of orange juice with vitamins and supplements.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/09/04  Friday 10:40 P.M.:  I removed the tops of ten medium large strawberries, and I quartered them lengthwise, and I rinsed them in a wire strainer underneath cold water, and I also rinsed 1/3 of a pint of blue berries, and I mixed them together, and I ate them with iced tea.  I chatted with a relative.  I started two loads of laundry, and I have three minutes to go on the wash cycle.  I put clean linens on the bed in the bedroom.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/09/04  Friday 8:50 P.M.:  I just woke up.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/09/04  Friday 1:00 P.M.:  I went out after the last message, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I then drove over to Tod's Point in Old Greenwich, and I took the 2.5 mile walk around Tod's Point, and I sat out for a while at the southwest picnic area.  I then went by Staples, and they do not have the clearance section anymore.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, and with my debit card, I bought a four gallon stainless steel cauldron or pot with lid for $12 and a 17.5 inch square pine pedestal table with drawer and spindle legs for $10 for $22 total.  I then returned home.  I put the stainless steel cauldron or pot on top of the Farberware convection oven on top of the refrigerator.  I used lemon oil, and I polished the pine table.  I put it just to the left as one enters the bathroom.  Once the lemon oil dries, I will put a ceramic dish with handmade candle on it and maybe some other items.  I cleaned out all the empty spray bottles and other plastic bottles from underneath the kitchen sink, and I organized the remaining items underneath the kitchen sink.  I threw out the plastic spray bottles.  I vacuumed the apartment.  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Land-O-Lakes Monterey Jack cheese.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I will now take a nap, and I will shut down the computer.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/09/04  Friday 6:35 A.M.:  I was up at 4 A.M., and I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I did my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I will vacuum later, when I will not disturb my neighbors.  While doing house cleaning, I did a C: drive to D: drive backup in seven parts of the computer.  I then ran RegClean.  The order from www.outletpc.com with the DVD/CD drive, 10 fourteen foot LAN cables, and 6 twenty five foot LAN cables, and the USB 4 port device with arrive next Wednesday July 14 according to UPS www.ups.com tracking.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  CIO 

Note: <888> 07/08/04  Thursday 6:45 P.M.:  I went through my email.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/08/04  Thursday 5:50 P.M.:  I changed a setting to enable Ultra DMS for the secondary IDE channel in the hardware settings, so at the moment the 58X CD player seems to work.  I uninstalled the Minolta QMS 1250W laser printer and rebooted, and it installed plug and play.  One has to have it plugged into the lower front USB 2.0 port not the upper USB 2.0 port which has the USB port box plugged into it.  I am microwaving a Maria Callender 12 ounce boneless breast of turkey dinner, which I will eat soon with  a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/08/04  Thursday 5:10 P.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I made my 3 P.M. appointment.  I went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  I chatted with a regular customer there.  I then sat out briefly downtown.  I saw the Tibetan monks at the Senior and Arts center enjoying the weather.  I then went by the Arnold bread outlet, and I bought two 5.5 ounces boxes of Arnold Zesty Italian larger cut croutons for .99 and a loaf of Arnold oatmeal low carb bread for .99 for $2.97 total.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 07/08/04  Thursday 2:05 P.M.:  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, and coffee.  I ran Norton Antivirus 2004 while having breakfast.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out for my 3 P.M. appointment.  CIO 

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