Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 12:05 A.M.:  I chatted with another relative.  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I cut two 5/16 inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef, and I cut them into half inch wide strips, and I used them in the salad.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I use Stop and Shop Wisconsin white cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I received a gift in the mail from one relative from another relative.  It is a Ralph Lauren XXL baby blue and white 3/8 inch horizontal strip polo shirt.  It should fit me just fine.  I still have to return the two other gift shirts to T.J. Maxx in Norwalk, Connecticut when I have the time.  Since the nation is in mourning for Ronald Reagan, I am maintaining a more somber routine until after the funeral on Friday.  I attended President Reagan's inaugural in 1981, so I would imagine there will be a lot of deja vue friends showing up in Washington D.C. for his funeral.  I recall standing on Pennsylvania Avenue before the inaugural, I noticed Ed McMahon of the Tonight Show was standing next to me, and he stuck out because he was tall.  I always wander how many people I did not recognize at the event.  I had been up all night having cocktails the night before the inaugural at a student bar in Greenwich Village near where President Reagan's son lived.  I use to see a lot of students from California there.  I was given three double Vodkas on the rocks by a bar patron, but since I do not normally drink, they generated my enthusiasm for the upcoming event.   I took the train to the plane at Kennedy Airport, and I bought a $40 airline ticket on Braniff airlines to Washington D.C..  I just had my overnight bag, which contained a Brooks Brother's suit.  I was one of only two passengers on the jet, which was strange, but the other passenger looked like Prince Boni Sadhir the oil minister for Saudi Arabia.  Well, anyway I changed into my suit on the jet, and from National Airport, I took a taxi to the Hilton Hotel near Lafayette Square, and I checked my bag.  I then attended the inaugural, and it was a cold January Day.  I recall that there was some sort of commotion with some of the spectators as Ronald and Nancy Reagan passed in the limousine down Pennsylvania Avenue, and there were lots of cameras on at the event.  I will not go into the details, but it was my impression that some out going President Carter's people were creating the commotion, and since Ronald Reagan was currently president, I tried to avoid the commotion, and I eventually was knocked to the ground by a half dozen 500 pound African American men whom were not being friendly towards the President.  I was rescued by a couple of the secret service agents on the Parade detail who took me to a hospital to check me for injuries since in the process of knocking down six 500 pound people, I might have injured myself, and I eventually made it back to the Hilton Hotel.  I walked across the street to the Sheraton Hotel, and I drank a Vodka and Tonic sitting next to a United States Navy Admiral that looked like Admiral Stansfield Turner having a drink, Jimmy Carter's CIA chief.  I then returned to the Hilton next door, and I went downstairs, and I ate a Butter Scotch sundae in the ice cream parlor in the basement.  I then sat out in the Hilton Lobby, and about 7 P.M., when I had just ordered and proceeded to drink a Drambuie Scotch liquor http://www.drambuie.com/  on the rocks, I noticed there was some additional activity.  The Hilton Hotel was full of officers wearing military uniforms, and I was simply wearing my old Brooks Brother's suit, I got when I was 16 years old, which fit me at 150 pounds.  I was told the President would be arriving shortly for the reception for the Metal of Honor recipients which was the first reception President Reagan attended.  I do not know in the crowd if I saw him or not, so I guess the only time I saw President Reagan was during the inaugural parade for sure.  After the event a taxi driver at the Hilton gave me a ride to the Dutch Inn in Georgetown now the Thomas Jefferson Inn on Jefferson Street, and I spent the night there, since they had accommodations unlike the downtown hotels.  The following morning, when I went out to National Airport, some Greenwich people recognized me, and they gave me a free ride on a 727 jet with a "T" on the tail fin, and I arrived back that afternoon at Westchester Country Airport, and I took a taxi to the Greenwich train station, and I caught a train back up to where I was living in New Canaan, Connecticut.  Thus in young republican politics when I was 30 years old, it was all a great adventure during a couple of cold winter's days.  I recall paying about $65 for one night for the room at the Dutch Inn.  Well, having seen all of the enthusiastic republicans at Ronald Reagan's inaugural, I always wandered if anyone took note of the Bush's entourage, since President Bush #40 was his Vice President.  Whatever, the case my road to Washington D.C. on that trip had started on a summer vacation in Kennebunkport, Maine with family, and we all saw George Bush #40 playing tennis and later on at a town reception on the Village Green, when he had gotten the Vice President nomination.  After that I made two trips to California in support of the Reagan Bush ticket with a side trip to Hawaii.  Thus the political process can involve a lot of travel and dealing with lots of people including a great many like minded individuals.  I noticed on that Inaugural Day in January 1981, there were not that many cold weather people in the crowd, but coming from Connecticut I was use to the cold, and I do not recall even wearing a winter coat, which at the time I did not own one.  I recall in the apartment in New Canaan, Connecticut also about only food was a bowl of Jelly Beans, so at the beginning of the Reagan era, life was very lean, and it was full of lean and hungry people.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 9:55 P.M.:  I was up at 2:30 P.M..  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I cleaned up, and I went out.  I went to my 4 P.M. appointment.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  I used the ATM machine on Greenwich Avenue at Putnam Trust Bank of New York at their Greenwich Avenue branch.  During my walk, I stopped by the 70% off rack at the Greenwich Hardware store at the front of the store.  The have a bin in the 70% rack full of electronic items.  I bought a tan Gemini 25 foot modular coil telephone cord for $1.80 and a GC Electronics 6 foot Video cable for $1.50 plus .20 tax for $3.50 total.  I completed my walk.  I used the bathroom at the senior and arts center.  They have done some more landscaping around the Senior and Arts center including laying Belgium block curb stones, which look more like finished field stone.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I next went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time.  I then went by Val's Liquor at the Stop and Shop shopping plaza, and I bought a 10 ounce bottle of Angostura bitters for $8.79 plus .53 tax for $9.32 total.  I then went to the Stop and Shop, and I bought a bottle of Gumout concentrated fuel system cleaner for $3.99 plus .24 tax for $4.23 total.  I then went by Exxon, and I put the Gumout fuel system cleaner in my Hyundai, and I filled up the tank with .40 of regular unleaded gasoline at $2.359 a gallon for about 30 miles per gallon usage.  One is suppose to use the Gumout fuel system cleaner every 3,000 miles.  I then returned home.  No one retrieved the old Packard Bell computer and 15 inch monitor that I put out by the dumpster that a neighbor had thrown out, and the same neighbor finally threw it in the dumpster.  Realistically companies like IBM I was told shred four semi truck loads of computers every week up at the salvage yard in New Haven, Connecticut, and there is a company in Chicago that recycles 300 million old computers every years, so there is not much of a market for used computers that are more than 3 to 5 years old, since maintaining them can be more hassle and expense than they are worth.  I put the 25 foot tan coil telephone cord on the AT&T phone on the Danish bar, so it now has a longer cord.  I put the 6 foot video cable from the Proscan television in the bedroom to the Sylvania VCR, so the VCR now has enough cable to be centered on the top of the television, and there should be a better signal.  I put the 2 foot cable that I took off of it on the bottom of the hallway sweater closet.  I chatted with a relative.  I was told that a friend of hers named Armstrong whom is an expert in ancient scripts will be appearing on the Discovery Channel in a presentation on the Pillars of Herculaneum.  I then started up the primary computer, and the right Iiyama 19 inch monitor did not start.  When this happens, which it has not done so in a long time, one has to shut down the computer and turn off the Iiyama monitor, and disconnect the monitor cord at the monitor, and then turn it on, so it comes back on and then reconnect the monitor video cable and then restart with both monitors turned on.  Then with my current setup having it as the secondary monitor on boot up, it should start properly, which it did.  The Iiyama monitor has signal select, so it has to get the right signal to start up, which I explained in my notes, when I bought it used for $30 at the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop back around February 2004.  Well, the system is running just fine.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 9:15 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will get up at 1:30 P.M. to get ready for my 4 P.M. appointment.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 9:10 A.M.:  I could not sleep, so I did a little straightening up.  I threw out three old quart cans of plum tomatoes and crushed tomatoes, a bottle of Log Cabin pancake syrup, partially used bottles of Heinz red and white vinegar, and a partially used bottle of French's Dijon mustard.  I also took the Arm and Hammer baking soda in the freezer and the refrigerator, and I poured some it down the kitchen drain, the bathroom sink drain, and the bath tub drain.  I put in new boxes of Arm and Hammer baking sofa in the freezer and the refrigerator.  I put the single cup white Salton coffee maker on the lower side left of the bedroom closet.  I put the 12 inch Griswold frying pan with glass lid on the top shelf of the lower center kitchen cabinet.  I put the coffee filters from the left kitchen shelf on the lower shelf of the left top cabinet.  I moved the three thermoses to the right of the Farberware oven on top of the refrigerator.  I threw out the accumulated pharmacy plastic pill bottles and Altoid tins.  I threw out three old computer cards from the right bottom bedroom desk drawer.  I also disconnected the Packard Bell monitor and CPU, and I kept the power cables and mouse and keyboard, and I put the CPU and monitor with the card on top of a small refrigerator to the left side of the dumpster.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 6:20 A.M.:  I ate a large bowl of corn chips and a piece of cheese cake with some iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.   I have a 4 P.M. appointment today.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 5:45 A.M.:  I went through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 5:10 A.M.:  I worked on the old Packard Bell computer.  I opened up the case, and it was quite dusty, so I used my miniature vacuum cleaner to clean it out as well as I could.  I removed the cards and the case fan in the cleaning process.  I also took out the Intel Pentium 70 processor, and I put in a spare Intel Pentium 133 processor that I had.  The CMOS still recognizes a Pentium 70 Processor, but the one I put in seems to work a bit faster.  The system only has 24 megs of memory.  For the LAN card, I installed Micronics Windows 95 drivers.  I was able to get it to on line.  I tried the installing Internet Explorer 4.0, but its download site no longer works.  I tried the Opera browser, but it would not work properly, and I tried another browser that would not install.  I finally downloaded Netscape 3.0, and it works just fine on the old Packard Bell computer, so technically it is online.  There is a U.S. Robotics modem driver that I need to install.  The old Packard Bell computer with Windows 95 shows basically the state of the art of the industry about nine years ago, thus it is more of a museum piece, but it does work.  I cleaned the case, and I set it up on the right side of the Maple side table with the 15 inch monitor.  I had two powered cords for it, and a Microsoft PS/2 mouse, and a PS/2 keyboard that I took off one of the HP backup computers.  I have it shut down for now.  However, I could work in the future on configuring it with older programs, however it is so slow compared to my other five backup computers, I do not think I will want to be keeping it.  I am not sure what the purpose is of working on it, if I am just going to dump it or give it to another thrift shop other than the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  However, it does work for web browsing, and it would do word processing, but there are so many more much more powerful computers easily obtained in the surplus used market in this area.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 1:05 A.M.:  I disconnected the Dell backup computer, and I opened up the computer on the maple side table which is a good working area.  I put in the Sterling PCI V90 modem that I had taken out of the primary computer, when I installed the second video card.  I closed up the case and reconnected it.  Windows recognized it plug and play, so there is now an internal modem in the Dell backup computer.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/07/04  Monday 12:05 A.M.:  For dinner, I had three 1/4 to 3/8 inch thick slices of cold beef eye round roast with Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, steamed fresh broccoli with a little bit of olive oil, reheated rice left over from yesterday, and a glass of iced tea.  I used the steamed hot water to clean my tooth brushes.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/06/04  Sunday 11:20 P.M.:  I ate a two bowls of corn chips with iced tea before going to bed this morning.   I was up at 4 P.M..  I chatted with a relative.  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I showered and cleaned up.  I had a message on my answering machine when I got out of the shower.  I went downtown, and I went by CVS, and I picked up a prescription for a $1.50 cost.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  I chatted with one local, and he had boxed the winning ticket with two of the three winners in the Belmont yesterday including Birdsong, so on a $2 ticket he got $84.  I stopped by CVS during my walk.  I then finished my walk, and I drove down by the waterfront.  I then went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $7.50 of regular unleaded gasoline at $2.359 a gallon for about 25 miles per gallon usage.  I used my Master Card Bank of New York Debit card to pay for the transaction, but when I pressed Debit it would not work, but the attendant tried it and pressed credit, and it went through.  However, when I returned home, the $7.50 debit does not show up on the account, but there is a $1 debit today.  I wander what the problem is.  I will have to see how it looks tomorrow after transactions are posted.  I drank some iced tea.  I took the U.S. Robotics Sportster Voice 56 Fax External modem off the Dell backup computer, and I put it on the right top side of my right monitor on the primary computer and plugged it into the serial port.  It installed itself plug and play, and is available for use, should the cable modem not work.  I then disconnected the serial cable from the serial port, and I plugged in the X10 remote control mouse, and I installed the driver for it, and it works just fine.  I left the X10 remote control mouse plugged into the serial port for now.  I have the base unit on top of the monitor turned off with the little switch on its right side.  I left the X10 remote control mouse on the top of the right monitor to the left of the base unit.  One can use the mouse remote control when viewing content on the television monitor.  This all took a bit more time to figure out than I have indicated, still the system is just running fine.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/06/04  Sunday 7:15 A.M.:  I have Windows 95 installed on the Packard Bell computer, but I still have to configure it a bit to get it online.  I watched French President Jacque Chirac and Queen Elizabeth II at D-Day ceremonies and the news of Ronald Reagan passing away.  I guess we will all have a bit of time to remember him in better times.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/06/04  Sunday 5:45 A.M.:  I have been watching the D-Day ceremonies on television including President Bush's speech.  I downloaded from www.seagate.com a low level format program, and I did a quick low level format of the Packard Bell computer Connor C: drive.  I then ran Fdisk, and I did not enable large hard disks, but it recognized the full 1.2 gigabyte hard drive.  I then formatted the C: drive.  Instead of booting the A: drive with the Windows ME boot disk, I booted it with the Windows 98 Boot disk.  When I started to install Windows 95, it prompted me there was still a disk caching utility running, but when I prompted it to install anyway, it seems to have continued installing normally, so I am 60% done with the Windows 95 installation.  One has to remember in the old days, the older computers were a little bit more complex, so remembering some of the procedures for dealing with installation problems helps with the older computers.  Possibly the disk caching that the Windows ME boot disk installs interfered with the normal Windows 95 installation.

Note: <888> 06/06/04  Sunday 1:55 A.M.:  I was unable to get Windows 98 to installed on the Packard Bell computer.  I went outside briefly.  I am now trying to install Windows 95 on it.  On both Windows 95 and Windows 98 as I first run setup, I get an error message that I have a compressed disk utility installed.  I have run Fdisk and removed and installed the partition, and I have formatted the C: drive.  I can ignore the error, but I have a feeling that might be the problem.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/06/04  Sunday 12:20 A.M.:  Happy D-Day.  I put the ice tea in the refrigerator.  The Packard Bell computer is 55% through installing Windows 98, and I will put Windows 98 Second Edition on it.  I can not put Windows ME on it, since Windows ME needs 32 megs of memory.  It also does not have USB ports, but in its day, it did the job.  If I have any problems, I will put Windows 95 on it, which was on it when I was given it.  I finished going through my email.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 11:35 P.M.:  I made a $5 contribution to the Ronald Reagan Foundation http://www.reaganfoundation.org/member_contribute/ with my Master Card Bank of New York Debit card.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 11:20 P.M.:  I ate a piece of cheese cake with some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 11:00 P.M.:  I restarted the installation on the Packard Bell computer, and it has 40 minutes to go.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 10:40 P.M.:  The old Packard Bell computer seems to be in the process of a long rebooting process in which it configures itself, but the bottom line is still moving, so it has not frozen up.  I will just let it do its thing.  I am making up a fresh batch of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icetea.htm .  I am still using the five green tea bags in the recipe, until I use them up, and then I will use the Twinings loose leaf green tea.  Instead of steeping the tea in the Revere pot that I boil the water in, I am using a Rubbermaid Cake holder which has a large plastic lid to put the water in and steep the tea, with the cake container base for the cover.   Thus hopefully the tea will have less of a metallic taste.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 9:40 P.M.:  I took the beef eye round roast that I bought last night at the Food Emporium for $3.99 a pound that weighs a little bit over three pounds, and I seasoned it on all sides with Old Bay Seasoning, garlic powder, chicken and meat seasoning, ground black pepper, celery salt, Italian seasoning, Basil, Oregano, and Texas Best Mesquite barbeque sauce, and I am cooking it on the roasting rack in the roasting pan in the Farberware convection oven at 335 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes.  I am also making up a batch of rice in the China Village rice steamer.  I rinsed a cup of Carolina rice in hot water in a metal bowl, and I then strained it in a wire strainer underneath hot water, and I put the rice in the China Village rice steamer with 14 ounces of water along with two tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of sesame oil, and I put the inner and outer tops on it, and I will microwave it in the General Electric microwave oven for 11 minutes, and let it stand for five minutes.  I will eat three 1/4 inch thick slices of the beef with the juices along with half of the rice and steamed fresh broccoli along with iced tea.  I will put a little bit of olive oil on the broccoli.  I will refrigerate the remaining beef in a Rubbermaid container along with the rice in another Rubbermaid container.  It should all be done in about 7 minutes.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 8:30 P.M.:  Since the older Packard Bell computer is a slower Pentium 90 processor probably with only 24 megs of memory and a 4X CD player, the installation is slower about 25% complete, but it seems to installing just fine.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 8:15 P.M.:  I retrieved the 15 inch monitor from the dumpster, and I will check it later to see if it works.  It is missing its stand.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 7:55 P.M.:  A relative called, and I watched the Belmont Stakes http://www.nyra.com/belmont/Birdstone won SI.com - More Sports - Birdstone nips Smarty Jones at Belmont - Saturday June 5, 2004 7:19PM , and I had told several people to bet on it in the Kentucky Derby.  The owner Marylou Whitney is a friend of a friend of mine that works around horses for www.nyra.com and Nick Zito is one of the best trainers.  Birdstone paid $74 to win $14 to place and $8.60 to show http://newdata.drf.com/results/05/rBEL05.html?rn=695331 , so it must have been a good day at the races for some of Marylou's friends.  I chatted with my relative again.  I am installing Windows 98 Second Edition on the older Packard Bell Pentium 90 computer.  It seems to be installing and running just fine.  I will then configure it with some other programs.  I have historically called this "Computer Dumpster Therapy".  I do not know whether I will keep, it or pass it on to another thrift shop that takes lesser merchandise than the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  I did not take the 15 inch monitor that came with it out of the dumpster, but I suppose I could, but I have no place to put it anyway, and I do not feel like climbing in the dumpster, but maybe later I will think about it.  I guess I could use a broom to pull it over the edge of the dumpster and salvage it, but more than likely no one would want it anyway.  There are suppose to be showers through out the evening, so I will not be going out.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/05/04  Saturday 6:15 P.M.:  We are truly saddened to hear about Ronald Reagan passing away today https://www.ronaldreaganmemorial.com/ .  I chatted with a friend before going to bed this morning.  I ate two bowls of corn chips.  I chatted with a friend before going to bed this morning.  I was up at 4 P.M. this afternoon.  My shipment of 7 cartons of Seneca Ultra Light 100s cigarettes arrived from http://www.smokemcheapcigarettes.com/ .  I ate a bowl of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  One of my neighbors was throwing out an older Packard Bell Pentium 90 computer with 24  of memory and 1.2 gigabyte hard drive.  I have it set up to reconfigure.  It seems to work just fine, but it would be a bit slow compared to the newer systems.  CIO

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