Microsoft Visio 74 A dotted line report helps in identifying individual team members who report to multiple people.
To add a dotted line, drag the Dotted-line Report shape from the Shapes pane onto the canvas. You will see that there are two endpoints to the dotted line. Drag one of the endpoints to the first shape and the other endpoint to another shape to create a dotted line that indicates the team member reports to more than one position.
40. Visio ─ Creating Report Indicators Microsoft Visio
75 Although you can create individual shapes by dragging the
desired shapes from the Shapes pane, Visio facilitates creating multiple shapes atone go. All shapes added together will be automatically connected and aligned.
Creating a Three-Position SmartShape To create
a three-position SmartShape, drag the Three Positions shape onto any of the higher manager shapes.
This creates three shapes directly below the higher shape. You will notice that the shapes can spillover onto the next page. This can be rectified by clicking the Re-Layout
button in the Layouts section of the Org Chart tab.
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