4. Drafting Cabinet Documents 4.1 Memorandum to Cabinet (MC) MCs are submitted by Ministers when they are seeking a Cabinet decision on their proposals. The MC template to be used for most Cabinet proposals is in Annex A of this Guide. The abbreviated Ministerial Recommendations (MR) template that can be used for proposals relating to some Private Members Business and Government responses to parliamentary committee reports is in Annex B. Specific guidance on the information requirements and MC structure for particular cases such as legislative proposals is provided below MCs should be written with the intended audience in mind—the Ministers who will discuss, make recommendations on and decide on the proposals set out in the MC. MCs need to be comprehensive so that Ministers have all the information they require to consider the matter in question. However, MCs should also be concise and straightforward. There are general rules of thumb for drafting a good MC - Use everyday language - Avoid long complicated sentences and paragraphs - Avoid technical terms, jargon or acronyms that would be unfamiliar to abroad audience - Be concise and stick to the key points - Build the narrative and arguments step by step and - Rework every sentence until each word counts. Drafters must also meet the information requirements for MCs, prepare English and French versions, and follow the formatting guidelines, asset out in Annex C