Mobile Application Developer (Classroom) Career path description

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Unit 2. JavaScript programming for web applications

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes


This unit covers some of the essential features of JavaScript. JavaScript is an important programming language for building the next generation of interactive web applications, including mobile web applications. In this unit, you learn how to use JavaScript to manipulate the document object model elements of an HTML page.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Describe JavaScript primitives and objects

  • Explain how variables are declared and used in JavaScript

  • Describe JavaScript control structures

  • Describe functions in JavaScript

  • Describe the document object model (DOM) hierarchy

  • Describe the window and document objects

  • Identify the DOM objects that are commonly used in JavaScript applications for working with HTML documents

Exercise 1. Working with JavaScript in HTML documents

Duration: 45 minutes


In this exercise, you work with the WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse V8.5 Beta environment to develop HTML documents and JavaScript functions.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

  • Create HTML web pages

  • Use style statements in HTML documents

  • Connect scripts to documents

  • Write JavaScript functions

  • Create interactive alert and confirm window objects

  • Use JavaScript to modify the document object model (DOM)

Unit 3. HTML5 features

Duration: 45 minutes


This unit covers the new structural and form features of HTML5.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • List new elements in HTML5

  • Describe HTML5 structural elements: section, article, header, footer, figure, figcaption

  • Describe the attributes of the HTML5 input element: tel, email, datetime, number, range, color

Exercise 2. Working with HTML5 features

Duration: 45 minutes


In this exercise, you explore some of the features available in HTML5.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

  • Create a web page and insert a simple HTML5 form layout

  • Add new markup elements

  • Use input types that include attributes such as email to perform client-side validation

  • Test the application

Unit 4. Course summary

Duration: 5 minutes


This unit provides a summary of the course, a description of the class evaluation process, and information for future study.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Explain how the course met its learning objectives

  • Submit an evaluation of the class

  • Identify other WebSphere Education courses that are related to this course

  • Access the WebSphere Education website

  • Locate appropriate resources for further study

Course III – Developing Mobile Web Applications with Dojo

Duration: 4.7 hours

Course introduction

Duration: 15 minutes

Unit 1. Introduction to Ajax and JavaScript frameworks

Duration: 30 minutes


This unit describes what Ajax is, and lists the requirements for developing web applications with the Ajax programming model. It shows you the Ajax application model architecture, describes JavaScript frameworks, and explains how JavaScript frameworks fit into the Ajax application model architecture. Finally, the unit describes some of the benefits of using the Dojo framework for web application development.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Describe what Ajax is

Describe the Ajax programming model

Describe the Ajax application model architecture

Describe JavaScript frameworks

Describe how JavaScript frameworks fit into the Ajax application model architecture

List some Ajax JavaScript frameworks

Describe the benefits of using the Dojo JavaScript framework

Unit 2. Getting started with the Dojo toolkit

Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes


This unit describes the core Dojo, Dijit, and Dojox libraries, and how to use Dojo to access DOM nodes. It also describes Dojo mobile form controls, how the Dojo parser generates mobile widgets from decorated Dojo elements, and how Dojo is used in the Eclipse environment.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Describe the Dojo base and core libraries

Describe how Dojo is used to access DOM objects

Describe the widgets and themes in the Dijit library

Describe the benefits of using the Dojo mobile libraries

Describe Dojo mobile form control widgets

Describe the markup of Dojo mobile form control widgets

Describe the source template for a Dojo mobile page

Describe how the Dojo parser generates widgets from decorated HTML

Describe the environment that is used for Dojo Mobile Web development

Exercise 1. Developing an HTML5 Mobile Web page that uses Dojo mobile form controls

Duration: 45 minutes


In this exercise, you work with the Eclipse Indigo SR1 for Java EE Developers V4.2.1 and IBM WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools V8.5.1 environment. You use this software to develop a web page that uses Dojo mobile form controls.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

Create a project and import the Dojo libraries

Develop a Mobile Web page to display form input controls that use dojox/mobile widgets

Run the page on the web preview server of Eclipse

Unit 3. Developing Mobile Web applications with Dojo

Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes


This unit introduces the Mobile Web application features of the Dojo Toolkit V1.8. You learn how to code mobile views, headings, lists, and tab bars with Dojo, and how to move between views. You also learn how to declaratively develop mobile pages by adding mobile features to web pages.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Describe the characteristics of mobile applications

Describe what Dojo mobile is

Describe the mobile themes that are available in Dojo

List the Dojo mobile widgets added in Dojo 1.8

Describe the mobile views

Describe the Dojo mobile headings

Describe Dojo mobile lists

Describe Dojo mobile tab bars

Explain how to move between views

Describe the various transitions between views

Exercise 2. Creating a mobile user interface for the index page of a web application

Duration: 45 minutes


In this exercise, you transform the index page of a traditional web application into a Mobile Web application. You use mobile device themes, views, and widgets to change the application for display on mobile devices, such as an Android phone.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

Develop a mobile device user interface with themes

Build views that are accessed from the index.html page

Move between mobile views

Run the page on the web preview server of Eclipse.

Unit 4. Ajax calls to services with Dojo

Duration: 45 minutes


This unit describes how to make Ajax requests in Dojo.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Describe the Web 2.0 architecture

Describe how to use Dojo events

Describe the general-purpose event handler dojo/on

Describe how to use Dojo query

Describe how to call Ajax server functions from Dojo

Describe the dojo/request feature

Describe JSON data

Describe the process for handling asynchronous requests with callbacks

Exercise 3. Developing a Dojo mobile page that gets server-side data with the dojo/request API

Duration: 45 minutes


In this exercise, you create a web page that retrieves information by using a dojo/request asynchronous call to a server-side web application. You write the dojo/request function that makes a Dojo Ajax call and updates the web page with the weather data returned from the call.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

Create a Dojo mobile page for weather by city

Add views for the list of cities and the current weather response

Add the code to make an Ajax call to retrieve data

Use a callback function to return the data and format it on the page

Run the page on the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile server in Eclipse

Unit 5. Course summary

Duration: 15 minutes


This unit summarizes the course, explains the class evaluation process, and provides information for future study.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Explain how the course met its learning objectives

Submit an evaluation of the class

Identify other WebSphere Education courses that are related to this topic

Access the WebSphere Education website

Locate appropriate resources for further study

Course IV – Developing Mobile Web Applications with jQuery Mobile

Duration: 5.5 hours

Course introduction

Duration: 15 minutes

Unit 1. jQuery Mobile overview

Duration: 1 hour


In this unit, you learn about the jQuery Mobile framework: a touch-optimized framework that is designed for mobile phones and tablets. The unit explains the structure and programming model of a jQuery Mobile web application. You learn about the user interface elements and themes from the jQuery Mobile framework, and you examine the lab environment that is used for jQuery web application development.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Describe the features of jQuery Mobile

Identify jQuery Mobile user interface elements

Describe how to create mobile list views

Describe how to create mobile form elements

Describe how to create mobile navigation bars

Describe how to create mobile dialogs

Explain the navigation between views

Describe the data attributes that are used in mobile pages

Describe the jQuery Mobile themes

Describe the environment that is used for jQuery web development in the exercises

Exercise 1. Developing an HTML5 mobile web page that uses jQuery mobile form controls

Duration: 1 hour


In this exercise, you work with the Eclipse Indigo for Java Developers environment to develop a web page that uses jQuery mobile form controls.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

Create a project and link to the jQuery Mobile libraries and CSS files

Develop a mobile web page that displays form input controls that use jQuery Mobile widgets

Unit 2. Getting started with jQuery scripting

Duration: 1 hour


This unit describes the JavaScript programming model in jQuery and jQuery Mobile. You learn how to manipulate the web page by using the jQuery document ready function and the mobile pageinit event. You also examine how to change Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) styles programmatically. Lastly, you examine Ajax functions and mobile events in jQuery Mobile.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Describe what you can do with jQuery

Describe what you need to get started with jQuery scripting

Describe the jQuery global $-function

Describe how to use jQuery with DOM objects

Describe how to use jQuery and CSS to change the style elements on a page

List the jQuery selectors

List the jQuery events

List the jQuery Ajax functions

Describe jQuery Mobile events

Exercise 2. Creating a mobile user interface for the index page of a web application

Duration: 1 hour


In this exercise, you transform the index page of a traditional web application into a mobile web application. You apply mobile device themes, views, and widgets to change the application for display on mobile devices.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

Develop a mobile device user interface with jQuery themes

Build views that are accessed from the index.html page

Move between mobile views

Run the page on the web preview server of Eclipse

Exercise 3. Developing a jQuery Mobile page that updates its information from a web service

Duration: 1 hour


In this exercise, you create a web page that uses a web service call to retrieve information. You also write a JavaScript function that makes a jQuery Ajax call and updates the web page with the data returned from the call.

Learning objectives

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

Create a jQuery mobile page for weather by city

Add elements to the page and use jQuery to apply CSS styles to these elements

Add the code to make an Ajax call to retrieve data

Use a callback function to return the data and format it on the page

Run the page on the web preview server of Eclipse

Unit 3. Course summary

Duration: 15 minutes


This unit provides a summary of the course, a description of the class evaluation process, and information for future study.

Learning objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

Explain how the course met its learning objectives

Submit an evaluation of the class

Identify other WebSphere Education courses that are related to this course

Access the WebSphere Education website

Locate appropriate resources for further study

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