Course I – Mobile Application Development with IBM Worklight Foundation
Duration: 21.8 hours
Course introduction
Duration: 20 minutes
Unit 1. Introduction to IBM Worklight Foundation V6.2
Duration: 1 hour
This unit introduces IBM Worklight Foundation V6.2 by describing its component architecture and its development and management capabilities.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Describe the differences between the IBM Worklight product packages
Explain the IBM Worklight component architecture
Describe the development and management capabilities of IBM Worklight
Unit 2. Overview of Worklight Studio
Duration: 1 hour
This unit shows you how to install Worklight Studio and how to set up an Android or iOS development environment. It also describes the Worklight base development framework and provides an overview of the Worklight Studio tools that facilitate mobile development.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Install Worklight Studio as an Eclipse plug-in
Set up an Android, iOS, or Windows Phone development environment
Describe the Worklight Studio mobile development tools
Describe the steps that are involved in creating, building, and testing an application in Worklight Studio
Exercise 1. Installing IBM Worklight Studio and developing an application
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
In this exercise, you install IBM Worklight V6 Developer Edition, configure an Android or iOS development environment in Worklight Studio, and develop a simple mobile application that they can run on an Android or iOS platform.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Install IBM Worklight Studio Developer Edition
Configure an Android or iOS development environment
Develop a simple “Hello Worklight” mobile application
Test the application in the browser and on an Android or iOS virtual device
Unit 3. Developing and testing the user interface
Duration: 50 minutes
In this unit, you learn about tools for developing and testing the user interface of an application.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Build a user interface by using the Rich Page Editor
Create an application through mobile patterns
Create skins
Test the user interface with instant preview and the Mobile Browser Simulator
Unit 4. IBM Worklight client-side development: Core APIs
Duration: 1 hour
This unit provides a detailed look at key client-side mobile development APIs provided by Worklight. It covers APIs that enable cross-platform portability, device type customization, and application globalization.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Identify essential Worklight client-side APIs, including APIs that enable cross-platform portability, device type customization, and application globalization
Work with several debugging tools
Build a multi-page application
Explore the syntax of the JavaScript functions supporting the APIs
Exercise 2. Client-side core APIs
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
In this exercise, you explore the Worklight client-side functions that support the use of common controls, multiple pages and fragments, and other features.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Use Worklight common controls
Work with multiple pages
Create an application that can work offline
Globalize Strings
Unit 5. IBM Worklight client-side development: Local storage APIs
Duration: 1 hour
This unit provides a detailed look into the encrypted cache and JSONStore local storage APIs provided by Worklight.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Identify the Worklight client-side APIs that support storing data locally on a device in an encrypted cache or a JSON data store
Explore the syntax of the JavaScript functions supporting the APIs
Exercise 3. Exploring local storage APIs
Duration: 1 hour and 10 minutes
In this exercise, you explore the Worklight client-side functions that enable the storage of data locally on a device.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Use an encrypted cache in a mobile application
Use the JSONStore in a mobile application
Unit 6. Working with UI frameworks
Duration: 20 minutes
This unit shows how to integrate the jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Dojo Mobile UI frameworks in a Worklight mobile application.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Include the jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, or Dojo Mobile UI frameworks in a Worklight mobile application
Unit 7. Apache Cordova
Duration: 40 minutes
This unit explains the capabilities of the Apache Cordova framework and describes the APIs that support them. It also shows you how to create a Cordova plug-in, and provides an example of a WebViewOverlay plug-in that can be used to integrate server generated pages in an application.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Use the Apache Cordova framework to access native device functions
Develop an Apache Cordova plug-in
Develop a WebViewOverlay plug-in to integrate server generated pages in an application
Exercise 4. Using Apache Cordova to access native device functions
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
In this exercise, you develop an application that uses the Apache Cordova framework to access native device functions, and the Dojo Mobile framework to implement its user interface. You also learn how to use the Rich Page Editor to construct the user interface in a visual manner.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Use the Apache Cordova API to access the device’s native Contacts application and display native alerts
Use the Dojo Mobile toolkit to display various user interface elements such as views and buttons
Use the Rich Page Editor to visually construct an application’s user interface
Unit 8. Integration adapters
Duration: 1 hour
This unit describes the types of integration adapters that Worklight supports and how to use them to access back-end resources.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Describe the various types of adapters
Describe how the adapter works
Create an SQL adapter
Create an HTTP adapter
Use HTTP adapters with SOAP services
Create a Cast Iron adapter
Create a JMS adapter
Invoke Java code from an adapter
Exercise 5. Developing an integration adapter
Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes
In this exercise, you develop an HTTP adapter to retrieve an RSS feed, and a SQL adapter to retrieve account transactions from a back-end database.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Develop an HTTP adapter and invoke it from a client application
Develop a SQL adapter and test it in Worklight Studio
Unit 9. Native and web page integration
Duration: 20 minutes
This unit describes the Worklight APIs that support the combination of both native and web pages inside a mobile application.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Combine native and web pages in a mobile application
Exercise 6. Combining native and web pages
Duration: 1 hour
In this exercise, you learn how to integrate web and native pages in the same mobile application.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Combine a native page and a web page in a mobile application
Exchange data between a native page and a web page
Unit 10. Using Worklight native APIs
Duration: 30 minutes
This unit describes the Worklight APIs that enable a native Android or iOS client application to invoke an adapter procedure that runs on Worklight Server.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Create a Worklight Native API application
Configure the native application
Invoke an adapter procedure
Manage a procedure response
Unit 11. Security
Duration: 1 hour
This unit describes the authentication techniques that Worklight provides to secure a mobile application, and the server-side APIs that support them.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Describe the authentication approaches that Worklight supports
Use server-side APIs to secure a mobile application
Exercise 7. Securing an application
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
In this exercise, you learn how to secure a mobile application by using an adapter authenticator.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Secure an application by using an adapter authenticator
Unit 12. Location services
Duration: 30 minutes
This unit shows how to use location services to collect geolocational and WiFi data, and feed the location data and triggers to business processes.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Describe the architecture of location services
Implement acquisition policies
Add triggers to an application that uses location services
Add events to an application that uses location services
Create and test a hybrid application that uses location services
Unit 13. Notification mechanisms
Duration: 30 minutes
This unit shows how to use the push notification mechanism to send messages from a server to a mobile device.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Describe push notification architecture
Use the push notification API
Describe SMS notification architecture
Use the SMS notification API
Unit 14. Deploying an application from development to production
Duration: 45 minutes
This unit shows how to migrate a Worklight application from development to production.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Prepare an application for deployment
Deploy an application to a remote server
Use the Ant utility with Worklight
Install IBM Worklight Server in a WebSphere Application Server and DB2 environment
Migrate applications from a development to a production environment
Exercise 8. Deploying an application
Duration: 45 minutes
In this exercise, you move an application from the development environment to a production server.
Learning objectives
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
Deploy an application from the embedded Worklight Studio server to an external Worklight server that is running on a WebSphere Application Server
Test the application on an external browser
Simulate the use of a device that calls the remote server
Unit 15. Team development and Application Center
Duration: 45 minutes
In this unit, you learn how to use the shell component and other features of IBM Worklight that facilitate sharing of application components during development.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Develop a shell component
Develop and share UI patterns
Describe Application Center Architecture
Manage and share mobile applications within a development team
Unit 16. Course summary
Duration: 10 minutes
This unit summarizes the course and provides information for future study.
Learning objectives
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
Explain how the course met its learning objectives
Access the IBM Training website
Identify other IBM Training courses that are related to this topic
Locate appropriate resources for further study
IBM Official Badges and Associated Job Roles
IBM Official Badges
Mobile Application Developer: Explorer I Mastery Award
Associated Job Roles
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Mobile Application Administrator
Cloud Application Developer
Business Process Developer
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