Modeling semantic and orthographic similarity effects on memory for individual words

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Several recent global matching memory models explain the word frequency effect (Dennis & Humphreys, in review; Estes, 1993; Hintzman, 1997; McClelland & Chappell, 1998; Murdock, 1997) for a variety of reasons. This study suggests that these memory models need a component for feature frequency to explain part of the word frequency effect. In this article, we accounted for the feature frequency effects by assuming that the features that represent words differ in their base rates and that the recognition memory performance depends on these base rates: rare features are more diagnostic in the matching of the probe to the contents of memory than common features so performance is better for words with rare features than words with common features. The first REM model assumed that the features of words comprised of primarily high or low frequent letters are represented by arbitrary features differing in their base rates. The second model employed a simple representation with which the letters of the experimental words were directly represented. Also, this model assumed that the diagnosticity of the features were directly dependent on the environmental letter frequencies.

There is one way in which the differences in feature frequency can be explained without using differences in the representation but rather differences in the amount of attention paid to words comprised of low and high frequent features. Participants might pay more attention to words with unusual features so that the encoding for the words with unusual features is better than words with common features. In this hypothesis, it still needs to be explained why participants pay more attention to words with unusual features in the first place. Second, implementing this idea in a model like REM by assuming that words with uncommon features lead to images with more features than words with common features leads to the prediction that the hit rates are affected by feature frequency but not the false alarm rates. In such a model, differences in false alarm rates can only be predicted if the participants can adjust the familiarity calculations (or an internal criterion) for probes (old or new) based on a guess as to what the encoding strength would have been were the probe stored in memory. Regardless of the plausibility of such assumptions, in order to model the experimental results based on differences in attention, a theory is needed in which feature frequency plays a central role because participants are assumed to notice differences in feature frequency and are assumed to adjust the familiarity calculations based on feature frequency.


Footnote 1. An alternative procedure is to use one criterion for all subjects such as the criterion between the first three and last three confidence ratings. With this alternative procedure all statistical results remain qualitatively the same. We choose the procedure of selecting criteria separately for each subject for two different reasons. First, this procedure correct for idiosyncratic use of the confidence scale (i.e., some participants use one end of the scale more than other participants). Second, a participant specific criterion leads to smaller standard errors in sensitivity, hits and false alarms than a universal criterion.

Footnote 2. In the Shiffrin and Steyvers (1997) REM model, there was an additional storage variable U*. This influenced the number of features that would be copied over from the probe and uncopied features were represented by the zero feature values. This variable was needed to explain study time and number of repetitions manipulations. Since this experiment did not involve these manipulations, we omitted this variable by assuming that all features of the words were stored.

Footnote 3. The experiment had 34 filler items and we choose not to model these separately and replaced them by 17 LFF and 17 HFF words.

Footnote 4. In order to compute da, five criteria were chosen (e-2,e-1,e0,e1,e2) and hits and false alarms were computed to construct a z-ROC curve.

Footnote 5. Using the original base rates for f(V) or equivalently, setting the parameter a=1 in Equation (4) had the interesting effect that the false alarm rate for LFF words was higher than for HFF words. This is because a “new” LFF probe such as VORTEX contains the letter “x” and the letter “x” occurs in several other LFF images (e.g. PREFIX). The matching “x” contributes to a large increase in the likelihood ratio.


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