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08 Reputations

Remember a player character's reputation.


As discusses in the factions tutorial, a player character's reputation

precedes him because of the memory stored in the cFaction object.

You might also wish a faction-independent method for storing

a reputation, such as how heroic the character is, or perhaps

his wealth.

The faction-independent reptutation system works as follows:

  1. Come up with a lower-case language-independent string

    to represent the character's reputation, such as "goodfisherman" to

    indicate how high the player's reputation is based on his fishing

    skills. (Make sure that you don't have any spaces.)

  2. You will need to make a global, gReputationNameGoodFisherman with

    a language-dependent name of the reputation, like "Good fisherman".

  3. This global will be accessed by calls

    to ReputationToName(), which is used when the

    player types, "What is my reputation?"

  4. As the player character completes quests (or whatever), you can

    increase (or decrease) the reputation by

    calling ReputationSet(), passing in "goodfisherman" and

    a value from -10 (lower the reputation) to 10 (increase the reputation).

  5. To make NPCs that are impressed by a reputation, provide

    a pAILikeReputation property for the NPC.

  6. Likewise, to make all NPCs in a faction impressed by a reputation,

    set the cFaction.pAILikeReputation.

  7. You may also wish to write your

    own AILikeReputation() method for NPCs or their factions.

That's all! As a player's "goodfisherman" reputation improves, NPCs

will like (or trust) the player character more.

09 AI like and trust of characters – cAI

Talks about APIs use to get and set how much an AI likes/dislikes and trusts/mistrusts a character.

AI like and trust of characters - cAI

As players wander through an interactive fiction title, they

will encounter NPCs. In most text IF and MUDs, NPCs instantly

forget about PCs as soon as the PCs leave the room. Not so

with Circumreality. NPCs remember a variety of information about the PCs

in the cAIMemory class.

Two of the most commonly remembered pieces of information are

whether or not the NPC liked the PC, and whether or not the NPC

trusts the PC. "Like" can be used to determine how much information

the NPC will reveal to the PC. "Trust" indicates what type

of tasks the NPC will give to the PC.

Both the like and trust memories are stored as values, ranging

from -10 to 10. Here is a sample of what the values mean:

Like Trust

The NPC likes the PC a lot, and will do anything for the PC.

The NPC trusts the PC with his/her life.


The NPC would consider the PC a friend.

The NPC trusts the PC with important tasks.


The NPC thinks of the PC as a friendly acquaintance.

The NPC will give the PC minor tasks whose failure

won't signficantly hurt the NPC.





The NPC dislikes the PC.

The NPC might give the PC a task, just to see what happens,

but won't expect it to be completed.


The NPC considers the PC an enemy.

The NPC doesn't trust the PC as far as he can throw him.



The NPC thinks the PC is completely incompetent.

To find out how much a NPC likes or trusts a PC (or other NPC),

call oNPC.AILikeGet(). This will return a list

with the first element being the like value, and the second

with the trust value.

You can adjust how much a NPC likes or trusts a PC (or other

NPC) by calling oNPC.AILikeSet() whenever

the PC performs an action that gives a positive or negative

impression of the PC to the NPC. The values passed into AILikeSet()

for like/trust depend upon how significant the player's actions


AILikeSet() Like AILikeSet() Trust

PC does something for the NPC that the NPC has always desired,

but not even the NPC's best friends have done it.

For example: Giving the NPC $1,000,000.

The PC saves the NPC's life, or completes a very important



The PC does something very nice for the NPC.

The PC completes a major task for the NPC.


The PC does something nice for the NPC.

The PC completes a minor task.


The PC smiles at the PC, or some other polite formality.

The PC pays a bill, or some other small task.


The PC doesn't smile at the PC, or some other small social mistake.

The PC is late for an appointment.


The PC comes off as being unintentionally rude.

The PC misses an appointment.


The PC is intentionally rude or mean.

The PC fails to complete an important task.


The PC commits an awful offense.

The PC attacks the NPC.

AILikeSet() intricacies

AILikeSet() is not a simple function that just instantly changes

the NPC's view of the PC. It handles quite a few smaller details:

  • Calling AILikeSet() will increase or decrease the PC's

    like/trust based on the value passed in.

    It will not change

    the NPC's like/trust immediately to the new values, but

    will gradually increase/decrease the NPC's like/trust each time

    AILikeSet() is called. Therefore, for a PC to make a NPC a friend,

    the PC will need to be repeatedly nice to a NPC.

  • AILikeSet() will not adjust a NPC's like/trust higher than

    the like/trust parameter (if the parameter is a positive value),

    or lower than the like/trust parameter (if the parameter is

    negative). This means that smiling (a +1.0 like parameter) will

    only get a player so far, and smilling a thousand times will

    not make the player best friends with the NPC. To become best

    friends the PC will have to do several best-friends activities


  • Some NPCs will have their like/trust adjusted more quickly

    than others, depending upon

    their pAILikeChangable attribute. If the values

    are high, the NPC will quickly take a liking (or dislking) to

    a PC. If they're low, the NPC is slow to change its mind.

  • If the NPC belongs to any factions (which is probable),

    then AILikeSet() will subtly affect all NPCs in

    the same faction. Word gets around, and being likable

    or trustworthy

    to a few villagers in town will gradually improve a PC's like/trust

    to all viallager.

  • If the PC belongs to any factions (which is probable),

    then AILikeSet() will subtly affect the NPC's reaction

    to other members of the faction. If a PC is a member

    of the "XYZ Guild" and makes a good impression on the NPC,

    the other members of the XYZ Guild will get a better

    response. This works the opposite way too; making a bad

    impression reflects on the entire guild.

  • Likewise, any factions that the NPC belongs to will form

    an opinion about any factions that the PC belongs to. If

    a NPC from XYZ Guild upsets a NPC in Hermansville, then

    all NPCs in Hermansville will have (mildly) negative reactions

    to all members of the XYZ Guild.

  • NPCs (and factions) gradually forget about offenses and favors

    that a PC (or faction) does. The speed of this forgetfullness

    (or forgiveness) is controlled by pAILikeForget.

AILikeGet() intricacies

AILikeGet() also has some intricate behavior that you should

be aware of, especially when the NPC first meets the PC:

  • Some NPCs are more likely to "follow the crowd" while others

    are more independent thinkers. This personality trait manifests

    itself when a NPC has met several PCs from a faction (XYZ Guild),

    and then starts liking/trusting (or disliking/mistrusting) all

    members of the guild based on the few meetings. If the

    NPC's pAILikeIndividual is high, the NPC will

    assume each PC is different and won't stereotype the PCs

    in XYZ Guild based on other members of XYZ Guild. If pAILikeIndividual

    is low, the NPC assumes that all members of XYZ Guild are

    more or less the same as far as likability and trustworthiness goes.

  • If the NPC has never met the PC, the like/trust values

    default to pAILikeDefault. Some NPCs are naturally

    friendly while others may naturally be untrustworthy.

  • The NPC can also form an opinion based upon what the

    PC is carrying,

    using pAILikeEquip and pAILikeEquipValue. Some AI's

    might like/trust wealthy characters, ones with weapons, or

    ones wearing red shoes.

  • If the NPC is in the same faction as the PC, such as

    them bothing coming from the same village,

    then pAILikeFaction affects how much the

    NPC's like/trust is affected by common factions.

  • pAILikeGender lets a NPC be more/less

    friendly/trusting with members of the same/opposite gender.

  • pAILikeRace will cause a NPC to like/dislike

    and trust/mistrust PCs from other races. Elves might dislike

    orcs, and mistrust dwarves.

  • pAILikeRoom causes the NPC to like/trust the

    PC more if the NPC is in a specific room, and feels more

    comfortable there.

  • pAILikeSkills can be used to make NPCs like/trust

    charismatic PCs, strong PCs, or PCs with degrees in

    quantum mechanics.

  • If the NPC's factions list, pFactions, includes

    "anti-factions", then the more the PC is liked by the anti-faction,

    the more the PC will be disliked by the NPC.

Emotes based on like/trust

When a PC says or does something that causes a NPC's perception

of the PC to change, AILikeSet() is called. One of the parameters

allows the NPC to emote based on how much the like/trust changed.

For example: If the PC says something nice and improves their "like"

score with the NPC, the NPC could emote a brief smile, while a

small social mistake might cause a decrease in "like" and make

the NPC purse its lips slightly.

To do this, AILikeSet() calls AILikeEmoteChanged() with

modified versions of the like/trust parameter. The default method

includes a variety of short smiles, lip pursing, and flashes

of anger. You may wish to replace this functionality for some NPCs...

One NPC could clear his throat to indicate displeasure. Another

could mutter something under his breath.

A NPC's like/trust is also shown when the NPC sees a PC

enter the room. This calls AILikeEmoteFirstMeet().

If a PC is universally disliked within the town he will get

glares as he walked through the streets.

Similarly, if the NPC walks into a room with other PCs, the NPC will

find the most liked/trusted (or least liked/trusted) PC in

the room and call AILikeEmoteFirstMeet() to


AILikeEmoteFirstMeet() is also called when a conversation between

a NPC and a PC is started. The AI's reactions will be more

severe than if the AI is just passing the PC on the street.

As with AILikeEmoteChanged(), you may wish

to override AILikeEmoteFirstMeet() as appropriate

for the NPC.

Personality traits

You may have noticed, but I just mentioned about ten properties

that are "personality traits", such as how quickly the AI forgets

and forgives, whether it likes men more than woman, etc.

More are yet to come.

You can set the properties for NPCs to fine-tune their

personality. However, if you do not specify the

personality properties, random and reasonable values

will be generated when the NPC is created.

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