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Documentation – Basic fantasy Library

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Documentation – Basic fantasy Library

Provides for basic fantasy RPG genre, such as one with Elves and Dwarves.

This is a library that includes basic fantasy RPG genre elements, including various races, languages, etc. You can use it to base your world off of, or merely as an example.

The fantary library requires the Basic RPG library (and also Basic IF library) to work. You should set the Basic Fantasy library to a higher priority than the Basic RPG library.

01 Books, letters, and signs – cBook and friends

How to easily create books.

Books, letters, and signs - cBook and friends

Circumreality includes a cBook object that makes it easy to create your

own books. To create a book:

  1. Create an object as normal.

  2. Sub-class it off of cBook.

  3. Set pNLPNounName and pNLPParseName if

    you wan't to use a more creative name for your object than

    just "book".

  4. Set pBookCover to the title of the book.

  5. Set pBookPages to the text (and/or graphics) to

    be displayed on each page.

  6. Set pBookLanguage to the language that the book

    is written in. This defaults to "common".

That's it.

Advanced features

You may also wish to set the following properties:

  • pBookAutoFirstPage causes the book to automatically

    flip back to the first page after awhile. Use this for public

    books so players find them at the start page.

  • pBookBindingDepth, pBookBindingRotate, pBookBindingWidth,

    pBookLayoutCover, pBookLayoutPageLeft, pBookLayoutPageOffset,

    and pBookLayoutPageRight should

    be changed if you change the size or shape of

    pBookVisualClosed, pBookVisualOpen,

    and/or pBookVisualPage.

  • pBookCanTear controls whether a book can be

    torn up or not.

  • pBookFont and pBookFontCover change the

    font used by the book.

  • pBookFontFaceUnknownLanguage is used to use an

    unreadable font (such as "Symbol") when a player character doesn't

    understand the language that the book is in.

  • pBookNoCover and pBookNoCoverViewSingly turn

    the book into a series of pages.

  • pBookPageLayoutNumberingLeft and

    pBookPageLayoutNumberingRight control where the page numbers go.

  • pBookPageLayoutText controls where the text goes on the page.

  • pBookPageOpenTo affects the page that the book is opened to.

    This must always be an even number.

  • pBookPagesCutScenes is a list of cut scenes resources for

    each page, causing the "reading" of the book to play a cut scene.

  • pBookVisualClosed, pBookVisualOpen, and pBookVisualPage let

    your change the color, size, and shape of the book.

You may wish to write your own methods:

  • BookPage() just returns a page from pBookPages by default.

    You probably won't have to override this, but you might think of a reason.

  • BookPageEncode() makes it easy to automatically "encode"

    a page so that the players have to decipher it. (Aka: a puzzle)

  • BookPageLayout() can be overridden to control the

    layout of a specific page.

  • BookPageLayoutNumbering() affects where and how the

    page numbering appears.

  • BookPageNextPrevious() is called when the player flips

    to the next/previous page. If you wanted to booby-trap your book,

    you could have it explore when the right page is flipped to.

  • BookPageRead() is called when a player asks to read

    the page. By default this reads a cutscene from pBookPagesCutScenes.

  • BookPages() returns the number of pages in the book.

  • BookPageTouch() is called if a player touches a page

    in the book.

  • BookVisualGetNoText() returns the visual of the book

    without any text super-imposed on it.

Books are containers

Books are containers, and based off of cContainer. They can't hold

very much in them though, just other pieces of paper.

If an object (piece of paper) is placed in the book, and the

page is flipped (using BookPageNextPrevious()), then the

object will be hidden by setting its pHidden to TRUE. The

object will also have its pSearchBookPage set to the page

where the object was placed.

When a player flips back to that page, the object will be

unhidden, and the player will be notified of the object.

SearchInsideThis() is overridden for books so that a "Search the book"

command won't find anything. Instead, players will have to flip

through individual pages and see if anything falls out.

Letters and bits of paper

You can create letters and bits of paper by:

  1. Create an object based on cPaperSheets if you wish

    it to be displayed like a book with sheets on the left

    and right, but with no cover,

    or cPaperSheet to display a single sheet at a time.

  2. Fill in properties as per cBook, except don't

    worry about the cover.

Signing books (and letters) in cBook

You can allow players (or NPCs) to sign books and letters by:

  1. Set pBookSignaturesMax to the maximum number of signatures

    allowed in the book. This defaults to 0.

You might also wish to modify the following:

  • You might wish to set pBookSignaturesPerPage and pBookSignaturesLastPage to

    control how many signatures are on a page.

  • pBookSignatures can be pre-loaded with signatures.

  • You may wish to set pCanManipulateWhenHeldByOther to TRUE

    so that PCs (or NPCs) can see, manipulate, and sign the book even if its

    held by another PC (or NPC). This setting is particularly useful for petitions

    where a PC can merely show it to another PC and not have to give it.

  • pBookSignaturesNPCs, pBookSignaturesPCs, and pBookSignaturesClass affect

    whether players and/or NPCs are allowed to sign the book.

  • pBookDefaultAIShowLike and pBookDefaultAIShowLikeByClass control

    how much a NPC must like the PC before they're willing to sign.

  • pBookDefaultAIShowIfSignLike and pBookDefaultAIShowIfNotSignLike control

    how much the NPC's opinion of the PC is changed by being asked to sign.

  • pBookDefaultAIShowIfSignSpeak and pBookDefaultAIShowIfNotSignSpeak are

    spoken before the NPC signs, or if the NPC decides not to sign.

  • To produce special reactions, write your

    own DefaultAIShow() and DefaultAIOffer() methods.


You can create signs by:

  1. Create an object based on cSign.

  2. Set pBookPages to a list with only one

    item (aka: page), the writing on your sign.

  3. Fill in other properties as per cBook, except don't

    worry about the cover.

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