Mwezi Tumia eneo hili kwa maneno yanayohusiana na mwezi

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Tumia eneo la maana hili kwa maneno yanayohusiana na hisia za hasira--yaani kujisikia vibaya mtu anapofanya jambo baya na kutaka kumtendea baya yule mtu.

(1) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kujisikia hasira?

be angry, feel angry, bristle, miffed, take offense, resent, be in a temper, pissed off, pissed, be worked up, be up in arms, in a huff, be disgusted, take something personally, take exception to, be put out, feel put out,

(2) Maneno gani hutaja hisia za hasira?

anger, annoyance, bitterness, dander, fury, grudge, indignation, ire, outrage, rage, rancor, resentment, temper, wrath,

(3) Maneno gani humwelezea mtu mwenye hasira?

angry, aggravated, bitter, embittered, cross, exasperated, incensed, indignant, irate, irked, irritated, mad, nettled, offended, peeved, perturbed, piqued, rancorous, resentful, riled, sore, upset, vexed, wroth,

(4) Maneno gani hutaja kuwa na hasira sana?

enraged, furious, furiously, incensed, infuriated, irate, livid, full of resentment, seething, be on the warpath, wrathful, have a tantrum, have a temper tantrum, boiling mad,

(5) Maneno gani humwelezea mtu ambaye anapata hasira kirahisi mara nyingi?

have a temper, irascible, bilious, cantankerous, choleric, cranky, grouch, hot tempered, hot headed, ill-tempered, irascible, irritable, easily offended, quick-tempered, prim, prude, sensitive, thin-skinned, touchy,

(6) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kuwa na hasira kwa muda mrefu?

boil, burn, chafe, fume, fuss, mope, seethe, simmer, smolder, stew, sulk, sullen, bear a grudge, hold a grudge against, have something against, have it in for, hold something against someone, there is no love lost between,

(7) Maneno gani hutaja pale mtu anapoanza kuwa na hasira?

get angry, get mad, lose your temper, fly off the handle, blow your top, hit the roof, go crazy, go nuts, have a fit, go berserk, erupt, get your dander up,

(8) Maneno gani hutaja tendo la kusababisha mtu kujisikia hasira?

anger (v), make someone angry, make someone mad, aggravate, antagonize, chafe, cross someone, disturb, embitter, enrage, exasperate, gall, incense, infuriate, insult (v), irk, madden, needle, nettle, offend, cause offense, peeve, perturb, pique, provoke, rankle, rile, vex, make your blood boil, make you sick, get someone going, get someone's back up, wind someone up, be like a red flag to a bull,

(9) Maneno gani hutaja jambo ambalo husababisha mtu kupatwa na hasira?

affront, aggravation, bitter pill to swallow, insult (n), offense, outrage, provocation, vexation,

(10) Maneno gani huelezea jambo ambalo husababisha mtu kupatwa na hasira?

aggravating, exasperating, galling, infuriating, insulting, irksome, maddening, objectionable, offending, offensive, vexing,

(11) Maneno gani hutaja tendo la kufanya jambo kwa namna ya hasira?

make a scene, huff, have a tantrum, throw a tantrum, outburst, shake your fist, stamp your foot, let off steam, rant, rave, scowl, pout,

(12) Maneno gani huelezea jambo ambalo limesemwa au kufanywa katika hali ya hasira?

angry, furious, stormy, heated, furor, uproar, feelings run high,

(13) Maneno gani hutaja tendo la kujitahidi kumwachisha mtu asipatwe na hasira?

conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, soothe,

(14) Maneno gani hutaja tendo la kupunguza hasira?

cool off, cool down, settle down, count to ten,

(15) Maneno gani huelezea jambo ambalo linaweza kusababisha mtu kupata hasira?

inoffensive, harmless, innocuous, Kuwa na wasiwasi

Tumia eneo la maana hili kwa maneno yanayohusiana na hali ya kuwa na wasiwasi--yaani kujisikia vibaya kwa sababu unafikiri jambo baya linaweza kutokea.

(1) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kuwa na wasiwasi?

worry (v), feel worried, be worried, feel anxious, be anxious, be afraid, feel afraid, feel scared, feel unsure, agonize over, wonder what is going to happen, uneasy, fret, brood, lose sleep, not like the look of, not like the sound of,

(2) Maneno gani hutaja hisia za wasiwasi?

worry, anxiety, concern, stress, strain, anguish, uncertainty, lack of confidence, apprehension, dismay,

(3) Maneno gani humwelezea mtu mwenye wasiwasi?

worried, anxious, anxiously, apprehensive, bothered, concerned, dismayed, disturbed, strained, troubled, uneasy, unsettled,

(4) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kuwa na wasiwasi kidogo?

feel a little worried, slightly worried, a bit anxious, not so sure

(5) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kuwa na wasiwasi sana?

anxiety attack, really worried, really scared, really wondering, despair, despairing, desperate, desperation, be worried sick, be at your wits' end, frantic, frantically,

(6) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kuwa na wasiwasi muda wote?

have a lot on your mind, be under a strain, preoccupied, stressed out,

(7) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kuwa na wasiwasi wakati hakuna jambo la kufanyisha kuwa na wasiwasi?

paranoid, paranoia,

(8) Maneno gani hutaja tendo la kumsababisha mtu awe na wasiwasi?

worry someone, alarm (v), bother, concern (v), cause someone concern, disturb, trouble (v), bother, prey on your mind, cause concern, be a cause for concern, weigh on your mind, disquiet,

(9) Maneno gani hutaja jambo ambalo husababisha mtu kuwa na wasiwasi?

worry (n), alarm (n), burden, concern (n), trouble (n), care, stresses and strains, hang-up, complex, weight,

(10) Maneno gani huelezea jambo ambalo husababisha mtu kuwa na wasiwasi?

worrying, worrisome, alarming, anxious, bothersome, disturbing, nerve-racking, stressful, tense, niggling, alarmist,

(11) Maneno gani humtaja mtu mwenye wasiwasi kila wakati?

be a worrier, worrywart, neurotic, hypochondriac,

(12) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kutokuwa na wasiwasi?

not worried, unworried, not concerned, unconcerned, unperturbed, not lose sleep over, don't care, without a care in the world, carefree, philosophical,

(13) Maneno gani hutaja hali ya kutokuwa na wasiwasi kuhusu jambo ambalo lilikuwa linakupa wasiwasi kabla?

relief, relieved, be a weight off your mind, relax,

(14) Maneno gani hutaja tendo la kumsaidia mtu kuacha kuwa na wasiwasi?

reassure, reassuring, reassurance, put your mind at rest, put someone at their ease, put someone out of their misery,

(15) Watu husemaje wanapomtaka mtu kuacha kuwa na wasiwasi?

Don't worry. There's nothing to worry about. Rest assured. Never mind.

(16) Watu husemaje wakati hawahitaji kuendelea na wasiwasi?

Thank God! Thank goodness! What a relief!

(17) Watu hufanya nini wanapokuwa katika hali ya wasiwasi?

wring your hands, bite your lip,

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