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Name: Henri W.
City, Country: London, Ont., Canada
Sent: 3.08 PM - 5/6 2002

To Brian from Durban SA: Thanks very much for your explanations. Very interesting. 11 official Keep on trucking Ramon.

Name: Lars Vinther Schmidt
City, Country: Copenhagen, Denmark
Sent: 11.17 AM - 5/6 2002

Hi Ramon!

Seems you're still going strong, eh? Glad to see that. Lucky you...that's an amazing collection of pictures you've got by now...wonderfull !!!
Keep cool, best wishes,

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.42 AM - 5/6 2002

Hi all

An interesting collection of postings, (Ronald MacDonald???). To Henry from Ontario, sala kahle means stay well, and hamba kahle means go well. Those are the meanings of the expressions, and also the word-for-word translations. The language is Zulu, one of the 11 official languages in SA, and the biggest home language in SA (I think).

The majority of people in SA speak Zulu, Xhosa (similar to Zulu), Afrikaans, and English. Afrikaans was formed from English, Dutch (it's main ingredient), French, German, Portuguese, and others.

I can't speak much Zulu, I know a few words. If you want, I can tell you what I onow, but not on Ramon's website. That's not the purpose.

Ramon, I hope that your new laptop is on its way, and that you have some means of retrieving at least some of your records from the hard disk.

Keep on travelling, Ramon, the laptop thing is one of those things that is sent to test us. I'm sure that you will forge ahead regardless.

Sala kahle everyone


Name: paula
City, Country: berlin, germany
Sent: 5.37 AM - 5/6 2002

I just noticed, you look like Ronald MacDonald.

Fortunately I was just in time in getting a hair cut last weekend. My current hosts Merv and Trish say I now look like Woody Harrelson with very very short hair... Hmmpfff!

Name: Henri W.
City, Country: London, Ont. Canada
Sent: 3.34 AM - 5/6 2002

Hi Joan,

I truly like your stile! What insight...what comon sense...more than anything else, my comments were mainly meant as a compliment to you. Yes, Ramon is quite a guy and utterly unique. I am looking forward to his arrival in "the great white North"...someday, and will hopefully have the oportunity to meet him and give him a tour of the awesome "Niagara Falls". Did you hear that Ramon..? By tomorrow you should have enough $ to buy a laptop. good luck. Regards to you Joan. H.W.

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 3.26 AM - 5/5 2002

Hi Henri W.

I would agree with you that Ramon has probably met some self-centered "Americans", and mouthy Americans, and has also formed opinions from TV. I have done the same. There are without a doubt obnoxious folks, but they are everywhere. (He just loves CNN - NOT! :-) )

This is fine, we all naturally form opinions based on experiences we have and based on the news media and coverage we read and see as well. We have to absorb info, filter info, and make our own opinions.

I have grown very fond of Ramon as a person and a man, and enjoy his travels and honest commentary very much. I don't always agree with his impressions of Amercians, but what a boring world if we all agreed on everything. Life is complex. Don't want this to get into a major issue/discussion though. :-) It was just an observation of my readings. He is obviously a great guy from my impression in following his trip for a year now.

I am glad he likes pizza, since I don't cook, I'll be calling Pizza Hut if he ever makes it to my house. :-) I am also a master at frozen microwave meals, hehehe. On the other hand, I make a 'mean' tuna casserole! And I do believe he likes tuna! Also, he'll need a couple of days at my place at least, for me to show him all the places I want to go.

I believe when Ramon begins his LMSFAD travels in the USA he will have all kinds of experiences. It's a big country, lots of diversity. Probably some good experiences, probably some bad. But he'll hopefully have a blast. And there are many folks anxious to see him here.

Ramon, you are getting close to being able to order that Dell laptop now - the donations are coming in. Way to go!!


Name: Henri W.
City, Country: London, Ont. Canada
Sent: 6.05 PM - 5/4 2002

To Joan from the USA: I enjoyed your post from 4/30/02. Obviously Ramon hasn't met any normal, open-minded, down-to-earth, tolerant etc. etc. "USA-American" such as yourself or his opinion of "Americans" would differ significantly. He may have met a few "mouthy" tourist from the USA on a bus or whatever..but that is, needless to say, not sufficient exposure to stereotype an entire nation. Without actually knowing Ramon, it's difficult to speculate as to what he really thinks of Americans...his comments were most likely made in jest...or funny-sarcastic....and let's not forget he is young and likely somewhat that he may not realize what he says on his site may be taken more seriously than what it was meant to be. I doubt very much that he dislikes a particular "people" for no apparent reason....I dobt that he would be doing what he is doing if he were that way inclined. Do you agree, Joan? Well, Ramon, yes? no? H.W.

Name: Henri W.
City, Country: London, Ont. Canada
Sent: 5.44 PM - 5/4 2002

Brian from Durban , South Africa I have a question for you: What does "Hamba Kahle" and "Sala Kahle" mean...and in what language? (Africaans perhaps?). By the way I enjoy reading your posts. You appear to be one of Ramon's biggest fans and are on a "virtual trip" alongside with him. Good luck to you. H.W.

Name: Parvin
City, Country: Berlin,Germany
Sent: 2.16 PM - 5/4 2002

Hi Ramon,

I read about your history in a magazine called "stern", keep on moving, you live the dream of many peoples.Good luck Parvin

Name: Chris
City, Country: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Sent: 8.43 AM - 5/4 2002

Hoi Ramon,

I heard about your travels before, but right now I'm digging through your site and I'm stunned. Still going strong after 1 year. Neat! It's really beautiful and both brave what you're doing, respect. I visited different people in Denmark and Sweden who I met on the internet a few years ago during my holidays, but this goes a huge step further. Have fun during your travels and good luck.


Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 1.57 AM - 5/4 2002

Hi Ramon,

Sorry to hear about the demise of the laptop. What an unfortunate thing. Too bad travelers insurance did not cover this. Oh well. I have sent you a donation. Get a Dell Dude! :-)


Name: Geoff
City, Country: Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
Sent: 7.16 PM - 5/3 2002


Sorry about the laptop. I sent a donation to you via PayPay. Hope you get enough $$$$$$$$$$$

Keep up your trek.

Name: Lupe
City, Country: Rosario, Argentina
Sent: 7.12 PM - 5/3 2002

Sorry Ramon, but I cannot help you with your lap-top, you see, things here in Argentina are a bit complicated and our money has been kept form us in the banks..Did you know anything about this??? We are waiting for you anyway... Beautiful things to see here, eh!!!

Name: Gabriel
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 9.56 AM - 5/3 2002

It will be interested to see if the Board of Supporters helps Ramon out with a small donation for a new laptop too. Haven't seen their names yet on the front page, hehe.

Name: Sylvia (past host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 11.58 PM - 5/2 2002

Hi Ramon


In a couple of weeks time it will have been ten months since you stayed here with us! Where has the time gone?

I have been away and have missed my daily dose of your fascinating website! I will now begin to catch up on what I have been missing and hope that everything is going well for you.

Lots of love to you Ramon, to your Mum and Dad and the lovely Irena, Keep Safe!!

Lots of love

Sylvia and Family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Name: Birgit
City, Country: Champaign, Illinois, USA
Sent: 7.55 PM - 5/2 2002

Sorry to hear that you don't much care for the people in the US. I just moved here from Germany in 1997, and I sometimes get upset the same way you do about the USA, their self-centered attitude, and their opinions of the rest of the world. I have listened to conversations like you have on that tour bus, and I do agree that the US needs to learn more about the rest of the world.

I understand where you are coming from, but I am doing my best here to make all my new friends, neighbors, and relatives understand that there is a beautiful world out there that they need to know about. You are lucky enough to get to see some wonderful places, and meet great people personally.
I work at a very large University here in Champaign, and if you would ever get to meet the people here, you would (hopefully) revise your opinion about the US, and actually realize what a wonderful place this is, with so many great and friendly people.
Good luck, I did submit an invitation, and I hope I will get to meet you sometime in the future.

Name: Bob
City, Country: Naples, FL USA
Sent: 6.28 PM - 5/2 2002

So glad to hear Great Keppel Island is still offering camping. I camped there back in 1981. What a fantastic time!! I will never forget those beautiful sunsets. The sun setting behind those coastal mountains, warm water lapping at my feet and cold beer in hand.

Name: Marieke
City, Country: Den Haag
Sent: 5.33 PM - 5/2 2002

Yeah Man, congratulations. After a year, my jealousy has sort of eased and now I can say I am enjoying your stories.

KIDDING!! I am still jealous:o)

Sorry that you are celebrating your 1-year aniversary with a broken laptop:o(

Name: Gerben
Sent: 1.54 PM - 5/2 2002

Congrats Mones, One year. Who would have thought? We miss you! We're gonna have a few beers on your expense, if you don't mind...

p.s. on account of the backuppers: thanx for the pat Bret

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Sent: 9.32 AM - 5/2 2002


It has always been a CULTURE for celebration upon completing a year. I look at it differently, its not how far or fast you go but following the path conveying that positive message is a priority. Anyway, all the very best in your undertakings. Nothing is good, beautiful or truthful than FREEDOM.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 7.05 AM - 5/2 2002

I'm back! I forgot to say something.

Ramon, who cares if they call you a freeloader? Way back in England a few centuries ago, a famous man once wrote "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet." That was William Shakespeare, in Romeo and Juliet (Act II, Scene 2, lines 43 and 44, the "balcony scene", to be precise).

They can call you what they like, we know who you are, and we know that you are to be admired. It takes great courage to do this, and you are a role model to us all.

Hamba kahle


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.57 AM - 5/2 2002

Hi all

Here I am! Yep, they've all said it Ramon, but I'll say it anyway. Well done, dude! You have achieved a huge amount in one year, and you can be incredibly proud of this. We salute you! My appologies for not getting on yesterday, circumstances just did not allow...

Sorry to hear about your laptop. Hey, all those PC guys and dolls out there in Queensland, come on, offer to repair Ramon's laptop, and protect his reports. You'll get free coverage on this incredible website! Ramon, how about trying to get a CD writer, and then backing up each week's reports and posting the CD's home. Come on, postal authorities, you can sponsor that!

Just a thought, use it, don't use it.

Munk, you can have another beer for me as well, pleeeeeze! Thanks man!

sala kahle


Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 10.33 PM - 5/1 2002

Thanks for sticking it out for the year and teaching us all about the world we live in. I think MJ summed it all up how I feel. Thanks MJ! And to Joan who put the icing on the cake. Here's to you Joan[]. Now where is that Brian character. It's just not complete without him. Oh! and Munk? could you go back out and drink another one for Ramon for me? I work at nights so it's kind of hard to get out. haha

Let's not forget the BACKUP Crew! Give yourself a generous pat on the back. (Joan we need a symbol for that one)

To as many years as you want to take this Ramon. CHEERS! Take care as always. Happy Trails.

Sala kahle


Name: Daria
City, Country: Pisa Italy
Sent: 9.04 PM - 5/1 2002

Hi Ramon
I would be into your eyes to see all the place you have been.. I envy you very much !Good luck for every thing !

bye Daria

Name: Renee
City, Country: Germany
Sent: 9.49 AM - 5/1 2002

hi Ramon,

took me exactly a year to find out about your project. Just finished reading an artice about you in the german magazine Stern, on May 1st 2002, mayday in europe.
couldnt wait to log on to your website and been reading it now for the last hour or so, very fascinating.
From now on i will include the site in my daily reading.
good luck for your further travels!!!

Name: Munk
Sent: 9.11 AM - 5/1 2002

Happy one year anniversary, Ramon. We drank one for you yesterdaynight/this morning. And totally missed the last train back home.

Name: Peter Deveraux
City, Country: Hervey Bay, Australia
Sent: 8.28 AM - 5/1 2002

Hi Ramon, today I placed all three of your reports about Hervey Bay in a time capsule that will be opened in about 25 years. Let's hope "You Are Wronge" Resort has fallen into the ocean by then...LOL... Sorry about the flat tire... Keep smiling... Peter

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 7.05 AM - 5/1 2002


I want to also congratulate you on the one year anniversary of your project, travels, adventures, etc. It's been a great experience for me and thousands of other readers all around the world. Very addictive and very educational. I am bummed when I don't receive an email update that there is a new report online, hahaha.

I think you have incredible energy and patience and stamina to do what you do, being a "stranger in a strange land", being a guest at your hosts/hostesses homes, and then staying up late to write reports, not only for your site, but to answer emails, and write reports for your local newspapers. Indeed, a very hard job. And your pictures, always fabulous, are so great, especially since you accompany all with explanations.

I know it will be some time before you get to the States, and once here, it could take a year or more to travel around. I look forward to it, and trust you will get to big cities, little cities, remote places, the "heartlands" (center of the country), farms, rich places, poor places, diverse places, etc. etc. It will be fun to read your reports, and probably educational for all - US citizens as well as the rest of your readers. I know from reading all your reports and following your travels this whole time that you are a very honest man, and I do appreciate that very much.

I think your committment to this project is excellent, and I am glad you are still going! Again, congratulations on 1 year anniversary of "freeloading"! Hehehe! You're doing a great ambassador job.

Best reagrds to you and all,

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver, Colorado USA
Sent: 3.09 AM - 5/1 2002

Congratulations on your one year, RS!!!

I first read about you in last year and have been following ever since. Following your travels has been extremely pleasureable. I have learned more from you about the world than I ever could have in a book, or from the news (aside from traveling myself). In the process, I've learned about myself as well. I hope others have had this same experience. I respect how you have always maintained your sense of self and how you have not changed your opinions to those that might be easier for others to hear. Thank you for making your journey public and thanks for everything else.

Name: Dixie Amerongen
City, Country: London, Ontario, Canada
Sent: 1.57 AM - 5/1 2002

Dag Ramon

I heard about your adventures from a co-worker today and then read the article about you in our local paper. What a fantastic adventure. I have travelled to Europe 4 times but that is nothing compared to your travels. The last time I was in Nederlands, I met someone who was travelling around the world but he had money coming from home to support him. To depend on other people like you're doing has to involve a lot of trust on your part and I'm sure you're learning that there are a lot of good people in the world despite some of the stupid things that have been happening in the world. If you're ever in Ontario, Canada, would love to meet you for a boreltje. My co-worker has already invited you to stay with him so I won't extend an invitation but would still love to meet you.

Stay safe


Name: Sandra & Alex
City, Country: Tannum Sands, Australia
Sent: 1.30 AM - 5/1 2002

Hi Ramon,

hope the party at Great Keppel was all you wanted it to be, would have loved to be there.
It was our pleasure to host you and you are a great ambassador for your generation and your country,
All the best Sandra & Alex

Name: J&J Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 11.50 PM - 4/30 2002

Hi Ramon,

Congratulations with this first(?) year. We are very proud that you made it sofar. Thanks to all hosts, visiters and sponsors. In fact you made this site a succes and made the dream of Ramon came true.
Be carefull and xxx
Dad and Mum

Name: Wendy Jervis and Colin Reynolds
City, Country: Sheffield
Sent: 11.35 PM - 4/30 2002

Congratulations on your first year Ramon, we both wish you continued success. How time has flown since you stayed a couple of nights with us!


Name: Jeanine
City, Country: Grahamstown, South Africa
Sent: 10.44 PM - 4/30 2002

Hi Ramon,

Congratulations on a great achievement, not only for you personally but by uniting so many people from all over the world who share in your experiences through your website.
I think that all your hosts would agree that you have touched each and everyone's heart in a special way. Brian, Sylvia and Peter you agree not?
Keep up the good work and we are looking forward in sharing the next year with you!
Take care and well done :-)

Name: Acadia
City, Country: USA
Sent: 10.09 PM - 4/30 2002

I do believe that Ramon has been to the US. If my memory serves me he did not have good things to say about where he was staying then, somewhere in the west? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Ramon's opinions do not differ that much from many eurpoeans I have been fortunate enough to know. He lets his bias show. Any why not? This is his site after all. I do have to say that I think we, as a people, are very self-centered, but not quite the brainless dolts portrayed in his log.

Ramon may come to the US, then maybe not. We shall see what opportunities arise. If and when he does will his opinion of the citizens here change? Who knows? Hopefully it will become a bit more broad, at the very least.

Name: Guy Leger
City, Country: St-Anicet (Montreal) Québec
Sent: 7.43 PM - 4/30 2002

Hi Ramon, it's always a pleasure to surf on your website. Thank you very much to let us travel with you! You are an example for all young people. Hope to see you in Montreal. French Canadian are so welcoming, friendly! When will you be in Quebec?

let the good time roll...

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