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Name: Shanon Graham
City, Country: Texas, USA
Sent: 12.52 AM - 6/11 2002

I hope you don't become a victim of Mark's propaganda about not being able to travel "freely" in the US. He did you a disservice. I've lived and traveled around the world and America is far from a "controlled Fear Factory". Come and see for yourself!

Name: Sara and Anna
City, Country: Maastricht, The Netherlands
Sent: 6.45 PM - 6/10 2002

Hey Ramon,

This has to be the best idea ever!!! Brilliant! So cool that you got so far by people´s "charity"... We want to be like you, can we stay with you for a day (or more)??
Greetz from Maastricht

You are welcome to stay at my place, you just have to wait until I get back home.

Name: Bob
City, Country: Indiana, USA
Sent: 5.27 PM - 6/10 2002

Mark, the American ex-patriate, apparently, has an axe

to grind. Even though certain highways and areas have
laws against hitch-hiking, when I was a college student, many years ago, I hitch-hiked from Florida to New York (over 1,000 miles). It is possible, today, if you do not stick your thumb out in front of the police. Also, I am 56 years old, and I have never heard of anyone being arrested for not owning a dollar bill.

Name: Bas Dekker
City, Country: Haarlem, Holland
Sent: 2.25 PM - 6/10 2002

Hi Ramon! I enjoy your reports every single time, and the pics make it very easy to travel along with you. I don't know if you ever think of this, but: you're not as alone as it may seem....! But I was wondering, if you will be able to live in 1 place (Holland probably) after all this, because you're such a metropolitan. How do you see this?

And secondly; isn't it sometimes tough to stay happy to people you have to stay with for a few days (when you're really tired after a long, hot journey)? Because I can imagine this... Alright, lots of luck mate! And keep it up, I'm still very amazed by your clever idea of travelling and finding sponsors.....

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.23 AM - 6/10 2002

Hi Ramon

Yep, Margaret said it well. You can carry money and not spend it. They have a loop-hole in the law, and you can use it. In any case, if the likes of Margaret are keen to invite you over (and Bret and Joan too, I hope!), then they should allow you to go.

You are marketing the countries you visit through their citizens' hospitality and friendliness. That can only be good for tourism in any country.

So, go for it. Obviously don't be naughty (Ramon? Naughty? No way, it's impossible...), and try to get some TV coverage before you go. That way, your presence and intentions will be known by the time you get there. Oh, and try to go to Alaska. (Hint to Alaskans --> invite Ramon!) That should be very interesting. A tad cold, perhaps, but interesting too. Imagine flying from village to village.

Hamba kahle


Name: Margaret
City, Country: Minneapolis area
Sent: 5.10 AM - 6/10 2002

Interesting conversation you had with ex-pat Mark. Ex-pats tend to be negative, I found when I spent significant periods of time in Mexico and Japan. But remember the book I recommend to you, WALK ACROSS AMERICA? It's from the '70s but I would recommend that you take a look at it or other stories about all kinds of people who have walked, biked, canoed, etc., cross-country here. It may be illegal to hitchhike in the traditional way in a lot of places, but that doesn't stop you from going to university campuses and posting notices on ride boards . . . or getting radio talk show gigs to get the word out so as to get brigades of people who will give you rides for the asking . . . or hanging out at farmer's markets asking people how to get to point B without paying. People will probably give you bus passes, etc., once they learn who you are and what you're up to. About traveling without a budget, just get a credit card somehow and carry it in your pocket along with your $25. Doesn't mean you have to use it -- but you can show anyone who asks that you have the means to get yourself out of trouble if need be. They may want to be sure you won't sleep under a bridge or something. The point is: don't be so negative, Mark! Ramon specializes in finding goodness and finding his way around carefully. He's already famous because of his AP article back in April, so even if he gets in trouble, he must have plenty of people who would come and vouch for him. I do wonder how you would get a visa to get in the country without money! But your ingenuity should pay off. About post-9/11 "fear," some have it, some don't. Choose who you hang with as carefully as always. Consider yourself an ambassador of peace and trust, as your website seems to indicate that you are. I'll bet you'll meet some really special people once you get here, but certainly, things will be different that you may have expected and you might have to put a lot more thought into some aspects of what you're doing than in other European countries. I will say, though, that Australia sounds like shangri-la in more ways than one, especially in the areas of trust and hospitality! Look for the good and find it here as everywhere else! That's your job after all.

Name: Malcolm Hill
City, Country: Mission Beach, Australia
Sent: 2.45 PM - 6/9 2002

Ramon. Thanks for staying with us.

I hope you get the chance to come back to stay another night with us so I can take you fishing again as the old outboard motor is on and running fine now, also the fishing has been very good with us catching some nice Barramundi.

Name: julie
City, Country: Perth Australia
Sent: 2.08 AM - 6/9 2002

Ramon,best of luck and good wishes foryour travels. YOu must be learning heaps how us Aussies live!!

Has anyone invited you to PErth in Western Australia yet?
Take care

Name: niamh
City, Country: Ireland
Sent: 11.16 AM - 6/7 2002

Hi Ramon, it's such a small world i was just looking at your website and as it turns out i was on Magnetic Island at the same time, for the full moon party isnt that strange, i was staying at Maggies on the beach front, they wouldn't let us go to the beach party at cocunuts unless you were staying there, i am now in Sydney and heading for Bangkok on Sunday pity we didn't meet up you could have bought me a pint or 10.....

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.21 AM - 6/7 2002

Hi Ramon

Your idea has taken off, it seems. You are an inspiration to others all over the world. Like Donatella, for instance.

Donatella, I love your idea. That is brilliant, really it is. The only snag is that I respect Ramon, and copying his idea would be too simple. I'd need a new idea. Although, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

Sala kahle


Name: donatella
City, Country: milano, italy
Sent: 1.20 PM - 6/6 2002

hello brian, why not to create a "let-me-fly-for-a-night" to get the united kingdom? ;)

ciao, donatella

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.00 AM - 6/6 2002

Hi Sylvia

Good to see you again. It's ben a while. I do like your suggestion about Raine's party. The only problem is that you can drive there in a few hours, it's an overnight flight for me. Anyone got a spare ticket...?


Sala kahle


Name: Sylvia (ex host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 8.15 PM - 6/5 2002

Hi there Raine

If Ramon can't make it to your party could the rest of us please come and represent Ramon???????

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.03 AM - 6/4 2002

Hi Dawn and Malcolm (host from a few days ago)

Please don't feel too bad that Ramon doesn't like pumpkin, it's all my fault. I served it to him when he was at my old place last year, and we jointly discovered that there is something that Ramon does not eat. Cooked pumpkin!

So, it's really my fault. I'm sure your cooking is great. Actually, I love roast pumpkin ;-)

And Dawn, even if Ramon does not eat everything, he truly does appreciate your efforts. He is a very grateful person.

Ramon, you keep on travelling, dude, and go carefully on those rolling shoes.

Sala kahle


Name: dbk Tom
City, Country: NZ
Sent: 10.33 PM - 6/3 2002

it's the old plug and pray storie Ramon.

good luck with it

Name: Jo Ann
City, Country: The Woodlands, Texas
Sent: 2.17 PM - 6/3 2002

I too read the article about you in The Houston Chronicle, how exciting your life must be now. Thanks to the internet, things like what you are doing are possible. Make Texas a "must see" on your journeys!

Name: Cal Earley
City, Country: Houston,Tx.USA
Sent: 10.44 PM - 6/2 2002

I read your article in the Houston Chronicle today, and was very interested in the the info provided. Hope all is going well with you, and good luck on your adventure. This type of travel has always interested me,as I would like to have done the same many years ago, as I am now 62 years old. GOOD LUCK FROM TEXAS

Name: Raine Thurston
City, Country: U.K
Sent: 9.45 PM - 6/2 2002

Hey Ramon

You stayed with Evan & Myself in Battersea, London. We have moved since and were just letting you know. I have requested the pleasure of your company again. Address supplied in the invites bit. The other thing is we are having a party. You are invited to that too but alas....I think you will not make it. It is going to be a monster too. The last one we had there were naked people in the pool!!! Me included. I was very drunk.....fortunately, so was everyone else. Anyway...if you can get here it is on 22nd June. We have about 200 invited so far. We live right in the middle of the woods so the scope for a massive party is huge. The bouncy castle, trampoline and bucking bronco ride is already booked. The pool will be at a great 300 degrees and the party will be pumping. We hope you can make it.

Hope youre having a great time. Love Raine....Pea.

Name: Sharlini
City, Country: KT, Malaysia
Sent: 2.58 PM - 6/2 2002

Hey Ramon,

I wish I could lay claim to sending you those skate shoes, darn. Anyway, it actually fits? What size are you? Whoever decided to send you those shoes was brilliant! Or a total fool if it ever breaks. Be very gentle with it, will you? No skating on rough, rocky surfaces.

Take care and keep safe, Ramon.


Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 10.55 AM - 6/2 2002

It's great that companies are coming around to sponsor you. I'm sure they are seeing that a small donation can add great profits to their products. I hope through the coming weeks you put those skate shoes through a thorough workout and give us your honest opinion. They aren't cheap, that's for sure. If you haven't heard it from your mom YET! You be careful with those skates young man! hahaha Keep on truckin'

Sala kahle


Name: Brianna and friends
City, Country: Cairns, Australia
Sent: 9.08 AM - 6/2 2002

Hey dude,

Cairns is not boring. Everyone had just gone back to work and school after lunch when you arrived. You'll see when you return. It's a great place. How are your skating shoes? If you grow out of them Bryony has first choice okay? Bye.

Name: dbk Tom
City, Country: NZ
Sent: 6.28 AM - 6/2 2002

Great shoes Ramon

Name: Roland
City, Country: Germany; Sindelfingen
Sent: 10.40 AM - 6/1 2002

Hallo Ramon, greetings from Germany. We hope you have always a god trip.

If you want to visite us, it is no problem. We live in south germany, near the blackforest and not far from austria and swizzerland.
Have a good time!

Name: amélie poulain
City, Country: Paris
Sent: 9.04 AM - 6/1 2002

Hi ramon!!! i think ,what you are doing is great! i dream about you every night. i would like a man like you... you're the best of the world for me. i would like travelling all over the world too. my dream would be to see you. i hope ,you will come back in france in order to see you. france is a very nice country ,believe me... france is waiting you anymore. you're our hero!for ramon hip hip hip...HOURA!!!

Name: Anne
City, Country: Cairns, Australia
Sent: 9.09 PM - 5/31 2002

Hope you got back to Townsville safely. The whole family really enjoyed your visit. Hope you enjoyed the BBQ. See you on your return.

Name: moi
City, Country: france
Sent: 10.16 AM - 5/31 2002

I like you Ramon

Name: Paul Perkins
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 10.04 AM - 5/31 2002

You are one smart tim tam

Name: Edwina
City, Country: Germany
Sent: 8.54 PM - 5/30 2002

Great Idea what you do...

i want to travel round the world with a friend of mine, but we don´t have any good idea how to finance it so far... got any extra idea you just couldn´t realise cause you had so much else to do so far?
Well, good luck for the rest of your trip!

Name: Rosemary Robertson
City, Country: Tallong Park Australia
Sent: 1.06 PM - 5/29 2002

I guess some people may call you all sorts of names.....I CALL YOU A GENIUS. I hope you are enjoying your travels and meeting lots of interesting people.If I were you I would stay up north where the weather is great, my temp here is 0-12 but still beautiful.We have lots of wombats & other wildlife as its country, and we live on 3 acres. Good luck with the rest of your travels Ramon, if you would ever like to brace the cold, feel free to 'stay for a day'. Regards Rosemary Robertson....See ya Mate !!!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.27 AM - 5/28 2002

Hi Ramon

You lucky bugger! Getting on a jetski! Hey, I've wanted to do that for years, and still have not managed. Oh well, can't do everything hey!

Ramon, it's a pity that you could not stay a few days at your hosts in South Africa like you are doing now. There is so much that you missed here. I'm sure your hosts would have shown you other things, I certainly would have.

Oh well, I guess you'll just have to come back here! During or after your project, it's your choice, but please come back here. You are welcome at my new place when you are in Durbs.

At least from my side, the suggestions that I made of things to do are still open for you.

Hamba kahle


Name: Lene
City, Country: Hasselt, Belgium
Sent: 7.53 PM - 5/27 2002

Hi neighbour from the north ;)! First I want to compliment you for this great site!!

Further, I just want to say that you make MY dream come true! I've been dreaming for years to pack my backpack and to leave to meet the world :)! Unfortunally I don't have the guts to leave because I'm only 19, a girl and very broke! And I'm afraid that it's impossible to realise without all the sponsors and help you get!

I just hope I will put enough courage out of your trip so I can try to catch up with you one day..

Keep up the good work! I'm sure it's all worth it!

Groetjes Lene

Name: Cronan
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 1.01 PM - 5/24 2002

Are Australians the most Hospitable people in the world???

Following your travels from Day One, I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the level of generosity and friendliness that you have been shown by everyone that you have met in Australia. More so than any country that you have visited and especially my own country that used to be known for the friendliness of its welcome, but of late has become a country of self interested, selfish and greedy people.
I have travelled a little over the years but was unsure of undertaking a trip to Australia, not any more, if your experiences are anything to go by I will start planning my trip immediately.
God on ya Oz!! Keep it up.

Name: Julie
City, Country: Berlin, Germany
Sent: 11.11 AM - 5/24 2002

Hi Ramon! You lucky guy are on Magnetic! I have been there last year as well after I was voted off a German game adaption like "Survivor". Magnetic is a really chilling place - enjoy it! Have you been to the "open air" cinema yet? *smile* If you ever return to Europe, you are heartly welcome here in Berlin! :-) Kindest Regards


Name: Carol
City, Country: Co. Down, N. Ireland
Sent: 10.24 AM - 5/24 2002

Hi Again Ramon,

I'm just gobsmacked at the beautiful homes of Julie, Norm and Val in Townsville and Magnetic Island. Sitting here in my home office looking out at the 5th successive day of rain in what's supposed to be a Irish Summer I'm seriously thinking of holidaying in that part of the world next year. You should be sponsored by the Australian tourist Board Ramon, you are doing a very good job of selling the place. Your recent hosts seem to be really nice and what a wonderful lifestyle they appear to have.
Once again, if anyone in that neck of the woods ever fancies a house swap in Ireland, you can see where we live by going to the daily reports for 10/11 July 2001.
Enjoy what looks like paradise Ramon.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.32 AM - 5/24 2002

Hi Ramon

Hey man, I am so sorry to hear about your break-up with Irena. You two seemed so close. But I think that you are right, about long distance relationships. They don't always work, but hey, you gotta try.

I know it's a cliche, but remember this. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they are yours forever. If they don't, then they were never yours to start with.

I am hoping that this is true, because Belgium is far away from here...

But Ramon, on the brighter side, I really do like your daily quote at the top of your home page. Those are really clever. I don't know where you get them from, but I'm sure journalists have things like that stored away, just waiting to be taken out and put to good use. If you are up to offers, I can send you one or two that you can evaluate.

Keep well, and remember, life is what you make of it.

All inspiring quotes are welcome! Just send them in and I might add them to the front page!

Name: Shawn
City, Country: Toronto, Canada
Sent: 7.46 PM - 5/23 2002

Sorry to hear about the break-up with Irena, but it sounds like it's for the best. Keep your spirits up and your heart open!

Name: Carol Fitzpatrick
City, Country: co. Down, N. Ireland
Sent: 10.00 AM - 5/23 2002

Hi Ramon,

You may remember staying with us last July in Northern Ireland. I've been dipping in and out of your website ever since. Never having been Down Under, I must say I'm really impressed with How Australia is presented. Townsville looks like a lovely place and Darren and his wife seem like a cool couple. Perhaps your hosts should form a club as we are probably all fairly like minded trusting individuals and set up a house swapping network. Anyone fancy Ireland?

Well, Carol, you might try your luck at the
HospitalityClub or at Travelhoo

Name: Carlos García
City, Country: Puerto Montt, Chile
Sent: 3.56 AM - 5/21 2002

Dear Ramón:

I always wanted to do what you are doing now.
Have a nice stay everywhere you go. We, people on the Web will be your shadow., and many of these shadows will have a friendly arm to help you. I also have one for you in this so far Southamerica.

Name: Jef
City, Country: Hasselt, Belgium
Sent: 9.16 PM - 5/20 2002

Great "job" Ramon! I wish I had the guts some 30 years ago (I'm 51 now)!

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