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Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 7.32 PM - 4/30 2002

hello ramon, hope you can read this wishing message. this has been your first year around the world, and I'd like to congratulate for your resolution. your trip becomes more and more interesting, and also this messageboard increases. I think you've already hit the mark (and such a mark!), you can be proud of what you've done. in this moment I'm in a hurry and I drop these lines in advance because tomorrow I won't use the pc. also a greet to all the supporters of this board, the "old" and the new ones.

my best wishes - ciao! donatella

Name: Dave Askren
City, Country: Houston, TX USA
Sent: 2.20 PM - 4/30 2002

Ramon... Happy Koninginnedag! ;-)

Name: Michelle
City, Country: Central Coast, NSW Australia
Sent: 1.34 PM - 4/30 2002

Hoi Ramon, I've had an absolute ball following your travels on your website and must say you're an inspiraton to all have-been and wanna-be travellers alike. Would have loved to have met you when you were in Erina, but I unfortunately I let that chance go by...

I am an Aussie girl of Dutch herritage and have visited family and friends in the Netherlands on many occasions. But what I miss most about living in Oz is meeting up with other Dutch people and the typical Dutch "gezelligheid" or hospitality. I know they're around, but they're so hard to find 'cos they assimilate so well!!
I'd really like to get into contact with other cloggers whom live on or close to the Central Coast of New South Wales. I'm trying to organise a "borreltjes avond" (or "drinks night" for those non Dutch speakers) and am searching for ways to get expressions of interest from Dutchies in the area.
I have placed an ad in the classifieds of the website as a way for them to contact me. I am hoping that this message to you may be a way of reaching some of those people whom may be interested in getting in touch with other like minded people on the Central Coast. I hope you don't mind me using your website to get the message across, and naturally, if this night gets off the ground, we'd love to have a guest appearance from you! But I guess that would mean back-tracking hey!!!
In the mean time, I look forward to your next adventures.

Stay cool,


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 12.29 PM - 4/30 2002

Hi all

Without wanting to take sides, I must defend Ramon. It is quite normal for ones opinions on any matter to be based on what that person knows about that matter at the time.

Ramon has travelled more extensively than most of his loyal supporters, and through this he has met more people than most of his supporters (myself included). It is only fair that he has the right to comment on what he has seen.

Through my limited travels, I have also met some people who are a negative reflection on a particular country, city, or region (or even race, religion, etc). I have also formed conclusions on these places, cultures, etc based on what I have seen in the people that I have met.

And, I have often been proven wrong!

Perhaps the only Americans that Ramon has met have been in some way strange. Perhaps he has not met any Americans who are like Joan and Bret. Hopefully he will meet such people, including Joan and Bret specifically.

After that, the facts available to him will be more balanced, more complete, and more representative of the USA. If Ramon still speaks negatively about America, then we can criticise.

However, having met Ramon personally, I have full faith that he will be absolutely fair in whatever he says, obviously based on the information available to him at the time.

But then, this is just my opinion, and perhaps I am wrong. No-one is perfect.

Ramon, keep strong, and keep on bringing us that wonderful journalism that you have so far. May your second year in this immense project be even better than your first year. I will support you until the end!

Kind regards, and hamba kahle


Name: ant lau
City, Country: hong kong
Sent: 11.49 AM - 4/30 2002

Valerie(s. california): i noticed what Ramon said about US travellers too. but i don't think he feel ill

about americans. perhaps(just perhaps)it reflects people's resentment to domination of world affairs by
the US gov't. some wellcome it,others resent it.

Name: ant lau
City, Country: hong kong
Sent: 9.54 AM - 4/30 2002

Joan(USA): i love Ramon's travelogues. i've been

following them since he planned his project. i don't
mean to blame him or say harsh things about him.i think everyones got depressed moments now and then. Ramon seems to be able to get over his quite easily.

Name: Valerie
City, Country: Southern California
Sent: 7.03 AM - 4/30 2002

Well, your story has reached me here in Southern California! I read about you in the news paper today. Your story is such an amazing one, and I am extremely jealous I must say... I am so inspired by your courage and I commend you on your determination to get to the White House. (I honestly think that you'll make it there!)

I am very sorry to read that you have such a poor vision of the U.S. but hopefully when you arrive here the people that you stay with will show you the true American spirit.
I hope that you will make it to California, we have an insanely beautiful coastline! I would certainly love to see your take on California's beauty. My prayers will be with you for more safe travels, and good luck!!!

Name: Valerie
Sent: 6.41 AM - 4/30 2002

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 6.40 AM - 4/30 2002


I would agree with you that perhaps Ramon was a bit insensitive to the folks visiting the resort, and was unduly "stressed" that there was not a party atmosphere while he was there. Had I been him (which I am not of course) I think I would have enjoyed a night to veg out quietly on this island paradise. Quiet dinner (though unfortunately it seems the food was not so good) and quiet night in my room.

As for previous post which was removed, where someone commented on Ramon's observations of Americans on the bus, I will say that as a USA supporter of Ramon and his travels, and a long time supporter, be forwarned, he is very openly anti-"American", meaning anti-USA (not anti-North America or Anti-South America. Just anti-USA.) He clearly thinks we are all self centered and have no clue about the rest of the world. But that's, as his says "just his opinion". Sometime in his travels he will probably get to experience the USA and THEN he can make his opinions validated. Until then, he will probably be anti-America (USA). :-) But.....we still love to follow his travels.

Read his diaries, there is not one good thing about USA. It's all negative whenever the topic arises. But, there are many of us still following and supporting his project, because we know that someday he will be here. And he may even get a stay at the White House. Who knows. I hope he gets that wish personally, it would be awesome!

Regards, []


Name: ant.lau
City, Country: hong kong
Sent: 6.01 AM - 4/30 2002

i understand people love the company of those of their own age. nothing wrong with that. but it would be kind of you if you hide your disgust towards old

folks and teenage students instead of openly express
it on your web site.

Name: Brian
City, Country: ?Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.09 AM - 4/29 2002

Hi Ramon

From an exhilirating flight and kart race to a depressed stay at a strange resort. Wow! Oh well, life must have bad things, in order for us to apreciate the good things!

As for the flying, I can tell you that there is a law regarding drinking and flying. In SA, and I believe all over the world, there is a twelve hour bottle-to-throttle rule:- no booze within twelve hours of taking command of an aircraft. Since you were flying around midday, your pilot was probably clear. But hey, if he feels sick, it is better to land. He did the responsible thing.

Sala kahle


Name: Kathleen and Richard Hijnen-White
City, Country: Calgary
Sent: 3.53 AM - 4/29 2002

Hey how goes it? Your travels remind me of when I was in Australia and had the pleasure of spending 4 months in Noosa. Is Steve's backpackers still there? Richard, Dylan and I have had a great winter skiing but are now sick of the snow. Dylan has mastered the blue runs so that makes us really happy. Hope you make it up to Darwin. I worked in Kakadu National Park for 6 months and you would love it. We read your travel plans often and hope youstay safe and healthy. Would love to see you in Calgary. Kathleen

Name: Margaret
City, Country: Minneapolis area
Sent: 10.40 PM - 4/28 2002

Maybe April 25th wasn't your favorite day so far, but I just had to tell you that your best photo so far is found on that day's collection: a bright blue sunny sky plus water underneath. It's my new screen saver!

Name: Johanna
City, Country: Brisbane..Australia
Sent: 2.24 PM - 4/28 2002

Wow...what an amazing experience you are having...if you ever feel like you have had enough...I will be only too happy to take over..hehe..I saw a story on Brisbane Extra about you and your travels..its taken me a while to find the site...i am bookmarking it and look forward to reading more about your travels....wishing you a safe trip,full of memorable experiences and most importantly ...may you make many friends...i am sure you have already.

Name: Liz
City, Country: Toowoomba, Aus
Sent: 1.24 PM - 4/28 2002

G'day Ramon,

Have been reading about your experiences around my home patch - South East Queensland - great to see Aus from your eyes!
If you ever make it near Toowoomba, please feel free to stay with us!

Name: Linda Mace
City, Country: USA
Sent: 12.47 PM - 4/28 2002

Ramon, surely you must buy souvenirs??

Mind you - you are a man - so I guess that it is totally possible.
Have a great trip - hope you get to the White House.

Hi Linda, I have no money, so how can I buy souvenirs? Secondly, if I should buy souvenirs as I travel around the world, I would need an extra house whenever I get back? So I rather keep them where they are. Third: I am not a tourist...

Name: Tan
City, Country: Dallas
Sent: 4.18 AM - 4/28 2002

Hi Ramon,

FYI, your Project reached Dallas, I just read about it on the Dallas Morning News. I read your Barcelona reports, it's a great city to fall in love.

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 3.26 AM - 4/28 2002

Hi All,

Ramon, I just spent my entire Saturday afternoon reading the last 5 reports, from April 19 to April 24th. Absolutely fabulous reporting and pictures. Again I commend you on your travels and sharing this fantastic idea and journey with the world. I have learned so much about places I have never known about, and probably won't visit in my lifetime. But your personal travels really bring a special touch to learning about the places, versus just reading about them in a book. And your hosts and the places you stay are really interesting. It's wonderful they agree to share their personal life with you as well.

Again, thank you, thanks to your support team, and all your supporters. Also, thanks for the hyperlinks you include in your daily reports.

Safe and happy travels, perhaps we'll meet if/when you get to the USA.

Name: Henri Wettstein
City, Country: London, Ontario, Canada
Sent: 6.01 PM - 4/27 2002

Hello Ramon,

What you are doing is absolutely brilliant....I left Switzerland over 30 years ago to travel the world and ended up in Canada. As you stated somewhere on your Website...travelling is the best education anyone could get..I agree. Is Canada in your plans anytime soon? If so when? I would love to have you stay at my house... and hear about your adventures in person.

Sent: 2.13 PM - 4/27 2002

Hi RAMON, What a busy t ime you are having,do hope you will get invites from the beautiful KIMBERLEY REGION OF AUSTRALIA, perhapes someone up Darwin way could arrange it, come on Darwin see what you can do.

Name: Julie
City, Country: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 4.53 PM - 4/26 2002

What a fantastic experience you must be having, and what an original idea! I hope your travels are filled with fun, friendship and laughter. Onya maaaaaate :)

Name: carlos
City, Country: brisbane, australia
Sent: 3.43 PM - 4/26 2002

You are a legend Ramon. Hope you travel for a long time.

Name: Peter Devereaux
City, Country: Hervey Bay, Australia
Sent: 11.48 AM - 4/26 2002

If you are a first time visitor to Ramon's site, let me help you... He has just this evening left for Bundaberg on his way north to Cairns. He is a faaaabulous house guest, a wonderful racenteur (storyteller), great company, clean, loves dogs, and very easy to entertain and keep amused.... I would recommend you to invite him to stay over at your place... He is welcome to stay here again if he comes back this way and I look forward to reading his daily reports for a few years yet... Good bye and thanks Ramon... Peter

Name: Linda en Elsje
City, Country: Nijmegen, Holland
Sent: 9.07 AM - 4/26 2002

We just want to tell you that we thinks it´s

fantastic how your project developed and we are
a bit jealous, sitting at our office desk, knowing
you are travelling the world, the things you see,
the people you meet... enjoy and very best wishes !!

Name: Sharlini
City, Country: K.T, Malaysia
Sent: 8.48 AM - 4/26 2002

Hi Ramon!

Have you heard kookaburras since you've been in Australia? Hmmm, reminds me of that song we used to sing in school:

"Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,

Merry, merry king of the Bush is he,
Laugh, kookaburra laugh,
Kookaburra, gay you life must be!"

Safe travels, Ramon!


Name: Linda Bos
City, Country: Ouderkerk aan den IJssel
Sent: 8.13 PM - 4/25 2002

Hi Ramon,

I didn't visit your site for a while and heard that you where in Australia and I would just like to say have a great time there and al the best.

greetings from the niece of your old neighbour tante adri

Name: Simon Troy
City, Country: Adelaide, South Australia
Sent: 11.46 AM - 4/25 2002

Hey Ramon! We saw you on TV the other night with the croc hunter. I was wondering why didn't you get in there for a wrestle? Also, how long before you get to South Australia? We have sent an invite to you, and we hope you can visit us. Enjoy your time in Qld! S.T.W.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.00 AM - 4/24 2002

Hi Ramon

Yep, they're all quite right, that croc day was incredible! The man's a legend. (You have competition!)

Thanks mate!

Name: Cynta
City, Country: Adelaide - Australia
Sent: 4.15 AM - 4/24 2002

Hi Ramon,

I just recently heard of you on the Aussie's quite unique what you are doing, I was just wondering where you get the money for the airfares?

Cynta, this website gets so many visitors every day, that companies love to help me out with a little sponsoring. As you can see, Tunafish and are responsible for the flight tickets to Australia lately.

Name: Martina
City, Country: Berlin - Germany
Sent: 11.49 PM - 4/23 2002

Hey Ramon!

I just heard the best thing ever! Is it true that you ask voluntary fees from the media who interviews you and you forward the money to a school in South Africa??? If so. Man! "Crikey!"

Martina, you got that one right. It doesn't always work, but some media do. Like the German magazine STERN, they offered a 200 EURO fee for an interview and that money goes straight to the elementary school in Mpande, South Africa (see the reports about Mpande). It's just a little thing I can do and I know the money will be well spend.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.00 PM - 4/23 2002

Ramon, that Steve Irwin report was awesome! Steve is great! I've heard him on morning radio here, and he is exactly the same as on tv. I hope his success runs long, because it couldn't happen to a better person.

As for your success Ramon, we don't want you to shoot up too quickly. Being a celebrity opens allot of doors, but it tends to mess with ones personality. Just remember who your dear friends are and always stay in touch. Of course this sounds ridiculous, until that celebrity train starts gaining momentum. Stay the course Ramon, and things will fall into place.

Donatella, glad to hear you safe. Always good to hear from you, as it's always good to hear from the "Board of Supporters" :-) [] (thanks Joan for that one) Take care all

Sala kahle


Name: Paul Perkins
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 6.17 PM - 4/23 2002

I got lost in thought it was unfamiliar territory, lucky for me I found your site. Because I am back on track --- brilliant concept congratulations on your innovative, inspiring, ingenuity.

Name: Paul Perkins
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 6.17 PM - 4/23 2002

I got lost in thought it was unfamiliar territory, lucky for me I found your site. Because I am back on track --- brilliant concept congratulations on your innovative, inspiring, ingenuity.

Name: Emma Williamson
City, Country: Geraldton, Australia
Sent: 2.27 PM - 4/23 2002

only just recently have i heard about your travels, and i think its just amazing. all i have ever wanted to do its travel, and im sure just like yours did my time will come. as i'm only 16 travelling isnt exactally easy to do. some day i dream of reaching the far corners of the earth, especailly morroco. I'm simply at a lost for words as to what to say, other that i think what your doing is amazing and some day i hope to follow in your footsteps

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 12.28 PM - 4/23 2002

hello brian, I'm safe and sound! you're right.. lately the ladies we've all been "absconding". of course, I kept on visiting this site almost everyday and reading the messageboard, but I didn't write a line just because..I hadn't anything to write about.. :)

what happened here (in milan) last thursday was really dreadful, of course because the first thought came to new york-sept 11th. but this hasn't anything to do with that, it's "only" an accident (not clear yet whether malicious - that's what I personally think - or not). the PIRELLI building is near the main train station, and I live more than 2 km far from there. here, we've only heard a big noise, as if it were a thud (you don't think to a bomb on first thought) or something like that. but they soon realised that the plane was relly little and the pilot wasn't a terrorist at all.. and, in a certain way, this is a solace. last saturday I went there for the first time to see the "disaster".. you stay there without saying a word because it's strange to think how the place has changed in less than 2 minutes.. fortunately, the offices weren't crowded ("only" 2 victims) and the damage ain't so wide.
as it's said, let's try and have positive thoughts!
thanks for the message!
ciao, donatella

Name: Mark
City, Country: St Clair, Australia
Sent: 12.03 PM - 4/23 2002

Love the idea!! I should do this one day. Let me say, I will be back! Ver' interesting life you have, so 1 day I might have to come and see u in person!!!

Name: Jonathan Tu
City, Country: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: 10.11 AM - 4/23 2002

I saw you on A current Affair this evening in the interview with the croc hunter !~!

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