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Name: Gillian
City, Country: South Africa
Sent: 7.50 AM - 9/11 2001

Hi! I read that you might be visiting South Africa. That would be really great. I think what you are doing is so cool and I wish you luck on your journey.

Name: Faith
Sent: 4.17 AM - 9/11 2001

To be in hurry is never considered civilised. Do make the time.

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 4.12 AM - 9/11 2001

Evie just be yourself. I’ve seen tourist from all over. From Europe, Asia, United States, Australia and more. I find it very interesting the diversity of them all. Tourist visit the unknown, they see and discover new things.They explore. They are a boost to the economy. If they seem amazed over something in another country, it’s only because it’s different than what they are used to seeing. I don’t think it matters at all what they wear, how they talk, or walk, or the silly questions they may ask. They are fun people who are enjoying themselves and the world. Imagine if people (tourist) were all to behave exactly alike, dress alike, and talk alike. What a boring world it would be.You are an american and no one should change that.

Just be yourself.

Name: Evie
City, Country: Florida, USA
Sent: 3.57 AM - 9/11 2001

I understand that American tourists are maybe not the most appreciated tourists... I'd like some ideas of what I can do to be a "better tourist" and not so "typical American" the next time I travel to Europe. What do you all suggest? (I'm serious, not being snide.) Thanks.

Name: de baas
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 2.06 PM - 9/10 2001

Hi Mones,

Good to hear you're getting used to being around those stubborn Scandinavians (joke!). Damn, man I really miss those Sunday Single Nights. There isn't anybody left to get angry with! Sorry, I haven't mailed yet, too busy screwing things up. Take life as it comes or it won't go away!! Mail you soon.
p.s. dj's dil & do are back!!!

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: stuck in Trondheim, Norway
Sent: 8.14 AM - 9/10 2001


Unfortunately I don't have any more time to be resizing the amount of pictures I publish to little thumbs, so the thumbs that you see are automatically generated from the original size. I know, slow modems can't eat it, but I can also just don't place anymore photographs...

To Abby Sher,

If you have to scroll from the left to the right of my website, I suggest you download a new version of your current browser. I have only encountered that problem with people who were using a very old version of Netscape or Internet Explorer.

I am a website programmer myself, but the php-scripting is done by a friend who doesn't have that much time to work on it, just like me.

There is nothing more I can do, exept from writing and publishing and continuing my tour.

Name: Abby Sher
City, Country: Los Angeles, USA
Sent: 7.37 AM - 9/10 2001

I love what you're doing but it's very hard to read your site. I keep having to scroll across the page and sometimes I can't get far enough over to read the whole line. How about staying with a computer programmer before too long to get this problem straightened out so we can follow along. Best wishes from LA, Abby

Name: Joy
Sent: 6.33 AM - 9/10 2001

The best organised character is the one who understands most about life in which he is placed.

Name: Cowboy
City, Country: USA
Sent: 3.51 AM - 9/10 2001

You need to reduce the size of your images on your reports pages. Use Paint Shop Pro or something to make them into real thumbnails. The loading time is horrible, and I am using DSL. I downloaded one thumb and it was 66.3kb, so figure that times 10 images and you are killing people with a 56K modem. is great to reduce the size of an image.

Giddy up!!!!

Name: Alessandra Martina
City, Country: Varese,Italy
Sent: 12.33 PM - 9/9 2001

Hi! First of all let me say u really r a cool person and u had a great idea too!

I wanted to inform u that yesterday on "Corriere della Sera" (most important Italian newspaper) appeared a pic of u+a map of yr travel+an article about yr story.
Go on!

Name: Cheryl
City, Country: Minnesota, USA
Sent: 6.23 AM - 9/9 2001

I think what you are doing is fantastic. I have two friends that are selling their home and they are going to buy a sailboat and sail around the world. I am going to join them, where ever they may be in 5 years.

If you are still traveling about in 5 years, you are more than welcome to sail awhile with me. I would enjoy the company and your stories of your travels. If you happen to come to are always welcome in my home. Good travels to you!!

Name: Elisabeth
City, Country: Ålesund, Norway
Sent: 11.54 PM - 9/8 2001

Hi Ramon.

What a great concept! Thanx for sharing your incredibly interesting travels with the rest of us. I see that your heading my should really drop by Ålesund; such a beautiful city.
After living in London for almost three years, I've come to defend my home country a great deal to the British. But don't we all defend what's ours?? So the Cowboy from America is simply doing what's natural to him. HOWEVER, after living away from home, I've also been lucky enough to get an "outside perspective" of my country and see more clearly things that are not so good at all, and that there IS a world outside "my univers" that can teach us a thing or two. It's all about being open-minded as well as self-critical. I think we could all do with that some times.

Anyway Ramon, I hope us Norwegian treat you well (we're known to be a bit "sceptical" and "reserved") and that you'll continue to share your experiences with us all. It's really interesting to see what you have to say about Norway and its people. Good luck to you!


Name: Maja Pagel
City, Country: Solroed Strand, Denmark
Sent: 11.26 PM - 9/8 2001

I heard about you on danish radio, and I got curios. How mutch courage dos it take too travel around the world like you do? I can't have you staying for a day right now. I'm a woman with 2 teenages, and I think courage is the main thing in life. Maybe because I lack it myself. I'm 43 ears old and still it takes all my courage just to raise 2 children and handle there teen-problems every day. I doo wich, I could transfere some of you courage to them, because I do think it's important. Without courage You've got nothing, because You wouldn't dare do the things you wish to doo. Keep the spirit up and god luck from a mother in Denmark

Name: Elisabetta
City, Country: Milano Italy
Sent: 10.06 PM - 9/8 2001

Congratulations the best way to meet people!!!!

bye have a nice trip

Name: maria
City, Country: milano Italy
Sent: 10.04 PM - 9/8 2001

Your idea is marvellous.My best compliments.


Name: Francesco Zambianchi
City, Country: Lugo, ITALY
Sent: 4.23 PM - 9/8 2001

Dear Ramon, I'm a 15-years-old boy. I rode about your adventure on the newspaper. I think you are a boss!! I'd like to travel with you, I'd like to know different cultures and people too... My town isn't interesting, it's in the north-east of Italy, in the near of Bologna. If you want to come here I'll be very happy. Thanks!! Francesc

Name: Sergio
City, Country: Munich
Sent: 1.35 PM - 9/8 2001

they talk about you !

see below:

Enjoy !


Name: Silvia Batello
City, Country: Milan, Italy
Sent: 1.35 PM - 9/8 2001

I am 12 years old and Monday I will made a small

lecture in my school about your adventure.
Bye-bye Silvia

Name: Enrique Samanez
City, Country: Lima Peru
Sent: 9.46 AM - 9/8 2001

Go on Ramon! I will do the same next year. You just receive my invitation and it is not necesary to be for just one day, till you feel you have to keep on going

Your friend Enrique

Name: shally
City, Country: Beijing, China
Sent: 7.26 AM - 9/8 2001

Hi. Ramon,I am very glad to meet you in this special way. How is the great project going there? Good luck!

Name: ike.king
City, Country: chengdu,china
Sent: 5.10 AM - 9/8 2001

hey,Roman:what's going on?please give us some news to let us konw you r still alive.

Name: Martin
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 12.55 AM - 9/8 2001

"We would like you to travel with us from Bergen to Trondheim (2 nights)"

Sorry, i gues your cruising right now! :-)
Have fun!

Name: Martin
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 12.44 AM - 9/8 2001

What's up Ramon? It's getting pretty quite around here..

Are you ok?

Name: Cowboy
City, Country: USA
Sent: 7.38 PM - 9/7 2001

Just cross your fingers because I might give you a call if I want to come and visit you.

Yeah right!!!

Name: Grace26
City, Country: San Jose,USA
Sent: 6.17 PM - 9/7 2001

Hi~I heard about you today.I want to become your girl friend.You are so lovely!:)

Sent: 1.45 PM - 9/7 2001

"Life is not about the journey you make, it's about the roads you travel" - Buddha

Name: juut
City, Country: Grunn, The Netherlands
Sent: 9.04 AM - 9/7 2001

Hey Big Star!

You're still doing great, though I am still waiting for you to come over and visit beautiful Groningen and have a nice cold beer with me, or just share a bottle of white wine, and some cheese and stuff. I know what you like... Unfortunately I cannot offer you any cigs as I quit smoking for weeks. But except for that, I'll make you feel at home... However, you don't seem very interested to travel through the Neth. again and yes you are right: who would come overhere if you can be in that lovely Norway and so on!!

ALL the best,



Name: Love
Sent: 8.31 AM - 9/7 2001

Yes, I do agreed with you Karen. Indeed, interNEt and Ramon definItely make life more interesting.

Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 8.15 AM - 9/7 2001

In response to what Bret from the USA mentioned yesterday, I would like to say that I think people have the right to response to Ramons reports. He has the right to write his point of view on certain issues and other people can give their opinion on that. This is the way we learn from eachother (andisn't the interent a perfect way of doing that?)!

For Ramon, keep up the good work, love the website and find your opinions very interesting. I don't always agree with certain things, but hey, I don't have to as life is mostly about learning new things and listening to different opinions.
You definetely make my days in the office more exciting!

Name: Samuel Fernandez
City, Country: Curitiba, Brazil
Sent: 7.54 AM - 9/7 2001

You are indeed ubiquitously fantastic!

Name: Udno Likajam
City, Country: Manila, Philippines
Sent: 7.40 AM - 9/7 2001

Little miracle happens everyday, Ramon.

Name: Gurt
City, Country: Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands
Sent: 6.08 AM - 9/7 2001

I've just been reading your problems of crossing the ocean. Perhaps an idea is, to try to reach Spain, from there on to the Canaries. Here you might be able to meet a seatraveller crossing the ocean.

Normally (wheather conditions) the time to cross is November..........

Name: acadia
City, Country: maine, usa
Sent: 5.52 AM - 9/7 2001

Another note from an American.

Many, many more people do not recycle than do. Many American adults cannot name all 50 states, and some cannot name the current president. Loads of Americans know more about other countries than their own. It is a shame, this is a wonderful place we live in. And a marvelous planet we live on. I'm glad Ramon decided to share his view of it with the rest of us.

Acadia :o)

Name: Gurt
City, Country: Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands
Sent: 5.50 AM - 9/7 2001

Hi Ramon,

I listen to the Dutch radio each morning around 5.30.
Please come in more!

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.02 PM - 9/6 2001


I couldn't agree with you more! Ramon's adventure is the best learning exprience around. It's the only site I constantly visit.


Did you actually take offense to what Ramon said? Shame, shame. Ramon has the perspective of looking from the outside in. So what he said is true by his perspective. Please don't take offense by what he says, but learn more about yourself and the world from a different view than your own.
As for recycling? We don't do enough!!!!

Name: Preston
City, Country: Hood County, Texas, USA
Sent: 10.53 PM - 9/6 2001

Most Americans ARE blissfully ignorant of world geography. A survey found recently that some 40 percent of us confuse Australia and Austria. One girl I met thought Paris was a country! Our president is now enrolled in Geography 101. During the campaign, a reporter stumped him by asking him who our ambassedor was to an African country he had never heard of!!! (Growing up in Texas, the world becomes "here, and everywhere else." If you are from anywhere else in the US, you are a Yankee.) Don't worry, we are happy in our ignorance. (We cant spell our own language, too.)

I am learning so much, thanks to Ramon. Thank you for sharing. The internet is making us one. And we had better get used to it.

Name: Sandi
City, Country: Canada
Sent: 4.54 PM - 9/6 2001

Hey, Cowboy!

I couldn't resist mentioning that Americans often assume that Canadians (your neighbors to the north) live in igloos! Maybe education systems around the world can be improved to learn more about other countries. In that regard, Ramon is doing us all a service by providing first-hand information -- so pay attention - we could learn something!

Ramon: love "travelling" with you! You are teaching us all about the great world out there by sharing your experiences - it's like being there. Keep up the good work!

Name: Cowboy
City, Country: USA
Sent: 3.37 PM - 9/6 2001

Just to let people know that when foreigners from Holland visit the United States they ask, "where are all the cowboys and Indians". Don't people from

Holland know anything about the United States at all.

A closing note: We DO recycle our trash.

Name: Michael Offe
City, Country: South Australia
Sent: 3.12 PM - 9/6 2001

Hi Ramon,

How are things going? Have you been able to keep you camera and phone? I haven't been on your site for a few days. Just catching up.
Don't worry about critical comments about your writing style... if you see something worth improving on do so, but otherwise I think it is fine, not many other people are providing the worlds population with a 'virtual reality' world-wide holiday! :-)
I am enjoying it.

By the way I am listening to the Dutch Family programme on our ethnic radio station 5 EBI FM, here in Adelaide South Australia, it's 11:40pm. No I'm not Dutch but I enjoy the music.

Best wishes,
Michael Offe,
South Australia.

Name: Askewhead
City, Country: Qingdao,China
Sent: 12.45 PM - 9/6 2001

I admire your courage to travel the world alone.If you need my help,I'll try my best.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Bergen, Norway
Sent: 2.14 PM - 9/5 2001

Hi Coralie,

I don't really have to keep myself that warm, it is 15 degrees Celcius up here and with a Mexican gulf stream it doesn't really get that cold on the westcoast of Norway. But in case it gets cold, I already have a winterjacket and thermic clothing with me so it won't take any extra weight. Thanks for coming by!

Name: Coralie
City, Country: England
Sent: 12.16 PM - 9/5 2001

Hi Ramon
just thought I'd have a quick see how things are going. Hope you manage to keep warm , as it's getting colder now, and how will you manage to carry extra loads i.e.the weight? I'm pleased your mum liked all the emails on her birthday. I dont think you will ever come to end of this travelling ...just remember to keep a back up of your files ...and warmest wishes .


Name: kristl
City, Country: zwijndrecht,nederland
Sent: 7.42 AM - 9/5 2001

Thank you for your reports. I'm looking forward to it every day. I've a famely to look after, so I couldn't travel. So it is very nice to travel with you like this, reading and looking the photos.

Name: Randi Fagervik
City, Country: Mo i Rana, Norway
Sent: 4.26 PM - 9/4 2001

Hello Ramon. I just have invited you to Mo i Rana. You can`t leave Norway whitout been in Nord-Norway. If you whish to go to Sweden, we live only 40 km from Sweden, and we can take you to Hemavan or Tärnaby.

Hope we see you in Mo i Rana.

Name: Songtao Ju
City, Country: China
Sent: 3.19 PM - 9/4 2001

Hi,i am vary happy when i read so many people supply you .i have no time to go to internet,so i am expected

to know where are you now?Can you mail me?

Name: Preston
City, Country: Hood County, Texas, USA
Sent: 3.04 PM - 9/4 2001

Beautiful shots of the fjord crossings. The water and clouds. Monet would love it. Fortune cookie say: "Ignore silly stupid un-iformed opionions. Be yourself, Ramon. Let the chips fall where they may. Its your trip and your journal." Thanks for sharing so grandly!!!!!

September is back. It is raining & cool in North Texas. What is the world coming to? I love the way you are plowing right through the middle of it, the world in all its mystery and glory!!!! (China looks especially fertile, from all the messages. The sleeping giant has awakened? The kids are up, at least!!!!
Now lets see. The silk road? Samarkhan? Odessa? Beiping?)

Will try to get on a chat next time.

Name: Liuli
City, Country: Taiwan
Sent: 1.01 PM - 9/4 2001

it's the first time i leave a message here.

very fresh to me!!
i've filled your form weeks ago,i don't know if you remember or not.
about your trip stories,it's really amazing.
so..hope you can have great time in Bergen!!^_^
Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 12.49 PM - 9/4 2001

It'd be a very boring travelogue of Ramon just wrote up the nice stuff, now wouldn't it? It seems to me that the most sensitive people have proved to be those who haven't either hosted him, met him or even read all of his reports.

He stayed at my place when he first came to Ireland, and was absolutely great fun to hang out with for a night. Sure, I wouldn't agree with everything he wrote (I am actually a fabulous cook), but it's his report and his right to describe his travels as he experiences it.
Call him up when he's factually wrong by all means. Otherwise, call off the dogs.
To all the uptight people - you don't have to invite Ramon to your place, so don't bother getting all sensitive about the people who are prepared to host him.

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