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Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg City, Country

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Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Sandnes, Norway
Sent: 9.36 AM - 8/30 2001

To Christine in Virginia Beach, USA, thank you for your great compliments!

Name: Udno Likajam
City, Country: Quezon City, Philippines
Sent: 8.03 AM - 8/30 2001

(Host's feet-stunk, house-awful, they made me eat crap)

'Words are CHAMELEONS, they reflect the colour of their environment.'
Take care and see you at the end of the journey.

Name: Christine
City, Country: Virginia Beach, USA
Sent: 4.03 AM - 8/30 2001

I was surprised to read that Sirri (from the Oslo visit) posted here about Ramon. I thought he sounded very gentlemanly that evening towards Sirri- he even took a hit in the nose when that guy was bothering her and her friends!

I think this is one of the best travel sites I've ever seen. It details perfectly what the cities are like, what there is to do on a normal day, not what you'd find in a tour guide. Great job Ramon! Just try not to get into any more bar brawls, ok?

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 1.45 AM - 8/30 2001

I don't tolerate impoliteness. Otherwise, I think Ramon is a great guy and I enjoy his travels very much. I have been reading them since Day 1.

Good night Martin. I'll have that drink some other day. Thanks

Name: Martin van Tuijl
City, Country: Roden, Holland
Sent: 1.31 AM - 8/30 2001

Sorry for the screw-up below. F#cking messageboards..,

Name: Martin van Tuijl
City, Country: Roden, Holland
Sent: 1.29 AM - 8/30 2001

It’s amazing how messages posted on message boards can be misinterpreted...

This will stay a big problem because a lot of people on 'the net' writes English as good as you do. No offence! Hope you understand what i mean...

Want to go out for a drink sometime? ;-)


It’s amazing how messages posted on message boards can be misinterpreted...

This will stay a big problem because a lot of people on 'the net' writes English as good as you do. No offence! Hope you understand what i mean...

Want to go out for a drink sometime? ;-)


..don't write English as good as you do..

(see what i mean?) :-)

Name: Martin van Tuijl
City, Country: Roden, Holland
Sent: 1.25 AM - 8/30 2001

It’s amazing how messages posted on message boards can be misinterpreted...

This will stay a big problem because a lot of people on 'the net' writes English as good as you do. No offence! Hope you understand what i mean...

Want to go out for a drink sometime? ;-)


Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 1.15 AM - 8/30 2001

It’s amazing how messages posted on message boards can be misinterpreted.

My point is not entirely about Ramon’s drinking patterns. What I can’t understand is that why put in a negative sentence about a particular host in such a long report about his stay at one place? He can refuse a drink all he wants, but why does he have to write a suggestive sentence implying that his host is over bugging him to drink. Yes we can read the good and the bad about his travels, but it is a bit improper to criticize a host personally. He might say it rained all day, I got socked in the face by this guy etc. and that’s okay. But would it sound nice if he were to say. My host’s feet stunk, their house is awful, they made me eat crap, (all their faults)? If I stayed in his home one day, would he like to read on Internet that I said: “Ramon just kept on nagging me to eat more when I already told him no a hundred times, what a hard headed guy”
Does that sound nice? It has nothing to do with travels. It’s a personal insult.
And I don’t care what anyone thinks. It’s impolite!
And yes, let’s change the subject. I like Jay Leno more than Letterman

Name: Martin van Tuijl
City, Country: Roden, Holland
Sent: 1.04 AM - 8/30 2001

Forgot something:

Maybe for the second or third time; please don't forget that Ramon is trying to translate his feelings from Dutch into English. I've been there, and i know how hard that is sometimes.. (just check my spelling and you know what i mean)


Name: Martin van Tuijl
City, Country: Roden, Holland
Sent: 12.42 AM - 8/30 2001

I don’t think he should mention the negative part of it on his reports, as it will offend some of his guests...

If there is one great thing about Ramon, it should be the fact that he reports about his feelings. Positive AND negative. He is sharing a VERY special time in his life with 'us'. Maybe it's a Dutch thing, i am not sure, but it's very easy to play 'mister nice guy'. The way Ramon reports about his feelings has my greatest respect.
Don't stop sharing your feelings with us Ramon! It's what makes you special, believe me. 99% of your past hosts will agree with me.

Take care!

I will drink a 'blonde rakker' on you! ;-)

Name: Chan
City, Country: Hong Kong
Sent: 12.37 AM - 8/30 2001

Hi everyone,

I think the Letterman idea is good; but if Ramon thinks he is overrun with journalists already, wait till he gets to the US! They can't seem to get enough of people like him there.
Interesting to read the messages every day - I liked the bit about the clean railway stations in Norway, with the recycling bins will find the same thing in Japan, I thought it was great. I have just come back from a holiday in England where there were no bins anywhere in the stations, at first I was disgusted until I realized it was for security reasons (ie they're afraid of bombs). A bit sad isn't it?
I have tried to email before, but the hotmail was not delivered. Do you need any more hosts in Hong Kong?
All the best..

Sent: 11.13 PM - 8/29 2001

Direct address is:

Email David Letterman

Name: Me
City, Country: Colorado
Sent: 7.39 PM - 8/29 2001

hey John and all...

went to Letterman website, under "Show Info" you can Email them a message...if they get bombarded...

Name: John J Davison
City, Country: Philadelphia PA
Sent: 7.32 PM - 8/29 2001

I think he would have a better time on Letterman. Let try to get letterman to notice him...

Name: Siri Holmsen
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 7.21 PM - 8/29 2001

I really did not mean to start such a large discussion when I wrote here to Ramon. Weather he drinks or not is not my point _at all_! For my personal sake I want to underline that all I wanted was to let Ramon how I felt when I read his report. I thought I could use this media as a place to give him feedback. My main point is that I thought he was _impolite_ in general and didn't seem to appreciate what his hosts did for him.

Name: Me
City, Country: Colorado
Sent: 7.16 PM - 8/29 2001

Well, we've taken up lots of space on the message board with this-not that it isn't important. You can't please all the people all the time. If you go through life without pissing people off sometime-then you are a saint. Anyone want a different subject??? Hmm...I like Letterman better than Leno, I wish he would be invited to BOTH! :) Anyone?? Anyone??

Name: Michael
City, Country: UK
Sent: 7.11 PM - 8/29 2001

"You have accepted drinks from other hosts without complaining" ???

Am I the only one who thinks negative about this sentence. I somebody does not want anything, WHY would it be impolite to refuse it? If I would travel 4 hours a day, like Ramon does, in hot summer sons, I don't think I would be thinking about drinking a lot of alchohol.

Still, nice how this page learns us about other people!

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 7.04 PM - 8/29 2001

Correction for message below,

"You have accepted drinks from other hosts". I wrote "guest". I meant to write "Hosts". Sorry.

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 6.59 PM - 8/29 2001

I have read all of Ramon’s reports. I notice that at times, he enjoys drinking, and he’ll even get drunk. Then at other times, he doesn’t want to drink, and gets impatient when the person insists. My understanding of this is that it depends on whom he’s with and how he feels at the moment. I’m not sure. But either way, I don’t think he should mention the negative part of it on his reports, as it will offend some of his guests. You’re either a drinker or not. When you speak negatively about how a person insisted that you have a drink. It may make the person feel that you dislike drinking with them. They take it personally. You have accepted drinks from other guests without complaining.

That’s just my thoughts. Don’t have to bombard me with rocks now.

Name: billy
City, Country: japan
Sent: 6.13 PM - 8/29 2001

guess ya right ramon,

but those people will alwys be here - may have no further live

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Kristiansand, Norway
Sent: 6.11 PM - 8/29 2001

Sorry Guro from Hedemark.

Sorry for writing my own opinion.
Sorry for writing my own opinion on the internet.
Sorry for sharing my own opinion with you.

I don't mean to hurt you by sharing my opinion.

I think I should just stop writing my own opinions if I hurt people with it. I guess the internet is not that free as people are constantly judging other people on WHAT they write. Just look at this page here.

Ramon (you are welcome to complain about this writing too, but please know it comes straight from my heart!)

Name: Guro
City, Country: Gaupen, hedemark
Sent: 4.09 PM - 8/29 2001

Hello. I think you shall know a bit more about the background for the royal vedding without knowing anything about the background! You say that they don't show any feelings. you see: In Norway, everything Mette-Marit does is wrong to soeone. If she had showen too much feelings, she would probebly have been to mush "a girl from the people" and that that wasn't the right way of acting in a royal wedding! It makes me really sorry to read what you wrote about the wedding.It hurts. Hope you understand.

Name: Siri Holmsen
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 3.59 PM - 8/29 2001

Hi again Ramon!

First I thank you for responding to my message so quickly, and also thank you for removing the picture I asked you to.
I do not want to start a big argument here. I just wanted to let you know what kind of feeling and impression I, as your host, had after you left. I am intitled to an oppinion, am I not?
As a reply to your comment, Ramon: The reason why I told you what I thought about your stay _after_ you left, was simply that I didn't have the chance to read it earlier since you worked on the page till I took you to your next host.
I once again want to wish you a nice trip! I hope I have made you think twice about how your hosts might feel it, and maybe you could turn the whole situation around, and think about how you would have wanted people to behave in your home? Just a suggestion.. =)
Thank you once again for your time.
Siri Holmsen

Name: Michael
City, Country: UK
Sent: 3.45 PM - 8/29 2001

It seems that most complaints Ramon gets are about the alcohol he refuses, just like the big riot he created when he was in Ireland on June 30.

""Do you want vodka then, instead of beer?"
No thank you and it was getting hard to me to stay friendly in me saying No all the time (no offence: Sirri understood it since then)."

Sirri, haven't you seen the last line between the ()? He is not talking to you but explaining everything to the rest of us. I think you are the self-centered person here!

Name: Melissa
City, Country: Brugge, Belgium
Sent: 3.35 PM - 8/29 2001

Good going Ramon!

Tell everybody how it was and leave the sugar coating. We all know people open doors for you to show their hospitality, but they shouldn't be so offended as Siri below - as you know Ramon will write about it!

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Kristiansand, Norway
Sent: 3.30 PM - 8/29 2001

It is expectable during this project that not everybody is as positive about my staying with them. Siri, maybe I did get to deep into the drinking-part with you; but also see it as a statement to other people.

That what I wrote is what happened, and of course I know you all meant it the positive way.

If you see me as a self-centered person and arrogant, than that is your opinion, I did not behave anything different from other people's visits, that is for sure.

What I did notice is that everything happening was turning around me, while I am just the guest. I don't want to sound un-thankful (because I appreciated the whole stay with you), but I do this project to experience the people in different countries and to taste a bit of the culture; not to be a celebrity that visits your house.

To bad you had to say your thing AFTER I left, you could have tould about it as I was sitting on your couch. That just tells a little bit about you.

The picture of your house has been removed on your wish.

Name: Siri Holmsen
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 3.18 PM - 8/29 2001

Hello Ramon!

I hope you are enjoying your trip! I just wanted to ask you if you could do me one favour, please? Could you please remove the picture you took from outside my house? I think there are too much personal information on your report from your stay here as it is, so please drop that picture. Ok?
I also want to tell you I was really diseapointed when I read your raport from your staying here. And I really can not understand how you can turn something that was ment so well, into something negative. (I am talking about the drinking-part saturday) I also want to add that I think you seemed to be a very self-centered person, and that you didn't seem to appreciate things you got. I think you should show people who open their homes to you a little more gratitude and not be as arrogant as you showed us you were.
I hope you will think about what I have written here, so that other hosts to come will not get the same feeling when they are nice enough to let you stay in their homes... =)
Siri Holmsen

Name: anke
City, Country: netherlands
Sent: 2.32 PM - 8/29 2001

To *** the person who doesn't dare to tell us his/her name: Maybe you must also think about the fact that criticism is not always meant in a negative way. If you don't want to support Ramon, don't but stop this nonsense about he having to say thank you, I am sure he does that every time he stays at someones house. Also, have you read all the positive stories from the people he stayed with? They were all very pleased with Ramons'behavior so you should shut up or start supporting ramon because that's where this website is for!


Name: *****
City, Country: Norway
Sent: 2.12 PM - 8/29 2001

Stop complaining!! And I agree. When people give you something they don't expect a big "I owe you" for the rest of my life, but a simple thank you. These people are giving you things for free and opening their homes for you. Ok, if you think it's dirty when you arrive to someones home, help them to clean up or take the dishes, as a thank you for the food and shelter.

And is it really true that it was this other guy who was rude saturday night? I think that your story smells to much of: I'm a prince on a white horse comming to the rescue.
Where are you manners??

Name: meimei
City, Country: Taipei, Taiwan
Sent: 3.59 AM - 8/29 2001

Hi, Ramon,

I knew your name and interesting trip from our local newspaper. Hope you would like to visit us to Taiwan, a small beautiful island from the east of China Sea, in the future. Good luck and take care!

Name: Jeff
City, Country: USA
Sent: 11.53 PM - 8/28 2001

Hey Ramon, come down to Iraq with us, we'll be leaving Amman October 18 or there abouts. I'll post details soon.

Name: Ivannia B.
City, Country: Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Sent: 11.46 PM - 8/28 2001

Hi Ramon!

My English is not so good, but I just wanted to say to you GOOD LUCK!!!
What you do is so interesting, take care of yourself OK

Name: berta
City, Country: aachen, brd
Sent: 9.34 PM - 8/28 2001

your sites are loading to slowly, i was interestet, but i lost my patience...sorry

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Sent: 10.35 AM - 8/28 2001

To Melissa of Belgium,

Firstly, my apology if I have stirred and messed up the messageboard. I guessed a guest who seems to be complaining brings great service to the host. And I figured it must have been terrible situation to experience life going at 4x faster than normal.
Please do forget those multiple messages, do call it a day and enjoy.

Name: E. C. Goeiemiddag
City, Country: OSS, The Netherlands
Sent: 6.03 AM - 8/28 2001

Hi Ramdolf the rednose-deer,

Take care of your face, or you might not complete the year. There are some countries with low life-expectancies. And they don't give much for a human life. So think first. I hope you 'll 've many children.

E. C. Goeiemiddag

Name: Evelyn Summers
City, Country: Houston,Tx USA
Sent: 2.54 AM - 8/28 2001

Roman Good luck

on your jounary around the world.Ienjoyed all your information you wrote .looking for more later.

Name: Steve Flynn
City, Country: Franklin, N.J. USA
Sent: 12.32 AM - 8/28 2001

Just learned of your great adventure. Will be following. Wish you the best when you get to US. Hope you make it to Sussex County and near by PA. Beautiful country. Can't put you up but will help any way I can if you get to this area.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 10.50 PM - 8/27 2001

To Melissa from Belgium,

Welcome to Ramons message board. As for "LSOM"? Who knows? We just let him "be himself" and call it a day. Just enjoy the variety of life that is offered on this board. Take Care.

Name: Sverre Bjostad Graff
City, Country: Trondheim, Norway
Sent: 9.36 PM - 8/27 2001

Supernatural happenings can be explored in the valley of Hessdalen, South Trondelag. This is the place where you can find one of the few UFO observation sites in the world. For decades, strange lights have been seen in the sky almost every night. Scientists still don't know what causes these lights, but visiting Hessdalen, you'll get a good chance to visit these strange light-phenomenons yourself.

Name: Eivind Skåre
City, Country: Drammen, Norway
Sent: 5.55 PM - 8/27 2001

Hi there!

As I came home from work today I saw you at the train station here in Drammen. I was walking just behind you and reading the banner on your back-pack. So when I came home I went online to check out what this was all about. I guess you already have a place to stay for the night - but if not you are welcome to come and spend a night on my sofa. I will post my addy on your list, just in case. Greetings from Eivind 28

Name: Laurent Comeau
City, Country: Montreal, Canada
Sent: 5.51 PM - 8/27 2001

Everyone is talking about you here. Radio-Canada, our national TV has mentionned a few things about you. I have already invited you to stay here, but I haven't a clue when that will be. At this rythmn, you will not be here until late fall. You are very welcomed to stay here: I will take you around the city and offer food and rest.

I hope this is still fun for you.

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