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Name: Maria
City, Country: Blankenberge, Belgium/Finland
Sent: 4.27 PM - 8/27 2001

Hi Ramon! Just wanted to let me know that I haven't given up yet in trying to wake up the Finnish media.

A friend of mine has contacted a radiostation and they sounded very interested. Hopefully they get in touch with you soon so that you can get some publicity over there! Now still Sweden ...

Good luck and a lot of greetings


Name: Preston
City, Country: Hood County, Texas, USA
Sent: 4.09 PM - 8/27 2001

Greetings Ramon, in mystic Norway of Fyords (sp?) and Mountain Kings!

Just found out. I get to go to India in February. For six weeks. Maybe our ships will cross! (I will go as a vagabond with back-pack.)

All the best.


PS: Try to take that brake soon. Too much of a good thing can kill you!

Name: Melissa
City, Country: Belgium
Sent: 12.41 PM - 8/27 2001

I like how this messageboard has become this little community on the web.

But I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS "LSOM", who just posts things I just don't understand.

LSOM, can you explain your posting for people with average intelligence, because I just don't get it about the lackadaisical syndrome and the right momentum. Talk straight! We all do.

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Sent: 7.05 AM - 8/27 2001


It seems that Ramon is caught in the maelstrom of Norway amidst the temporary lackadaisical syndrome and "so - so" malaise. Though it may be a bit confusing in reading the report (not yet a book) but it is part of the atmosphere. Put that TRUST on Ramon to rectify the situation.
Ramon, a right schedule is necessary to attain the right momentum. Take care.

Name: Maria
City, Country: Svenborg, Danmark
Sent: 5.36 PM - 8/26 2001

Ramon, but why did you write the reports of Frederericia, Århus and Aalborg, when you didn't even finisch the onces from Copenhagen.

I think you must take them in the right order, thats nice for the people how reads them, it's like a book then. But now it's confucing!!!

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Sent: 3.10 PM - 8/26 2001

Maria, it is a good question.

Please know not everybody who invites me has internet and writing a report takes a lot of time and energy which makes it just impossible for me to write three reports on one day. I'll be sitting behind a computer for half the day then!
I just hope that I can find a place to stay for longer than a few days, because I think I can really use a break. To update and to take a rest, because my life is going 4x as fast as normal right now.
I hope you understand the situation.

Name: Maria
City, Country: Svendborg, Danmark
Sent: 3.04 PM - 8/26 2001

Hey Ramon,

Why are you not finisching your last reports from Copenhagen, you wrote the reporst from your days in Danmark after you where in copenhagen, but why not finicsh the Copenhagen reports first!!?

Name: myrto
City, Country: zürich, switzerland
Sent: 2.51 PM - 8/26 2001

hy ramon, this projekt is the best i've seen for a loooong time... congratulations....

let me know, when you would like to visit switzerland...or have you allready been there?...
anyway, i'll stay tuned...
and on top of it, i'm going to talk about your projekt tonight in my radioshow... so i hope it'll help you a little bit... have fun

Name: David R. Simmes
City, Country: Northridge, California USA
Sent: 10.05 PM - 8/25 2001

RAMON: My son is the tatoo artist you stayed with in Oslo. He called and let me know about your trip. My wife and I have submitted an invitation and confirmed. Would look forward to having you stay with us when you are in Los Angeles, California, if possible. Just look at this as a continuation of our family's hospitality. While in Europe, the people treated us so well that there is little that we can do to repay them for their generosity.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Sent: 6.55 PM - 8/25 2001

Ning, why doubt your English? It looks fine to me.

Name: Ning
City, Country: Tianjin, China
Sent: 3.47 PM - 8/25 2001

Ramon, welcome to China. Good luck to you.

I have a little question, Will you come to my place if my english is does not well ?

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Sent: 3.37 PM - 8/25 2001

Hi Björk,

You would be the first to invite me in Iceland and I have been close to your country when I was in Northern Ireland.
If I would get enough invitations in Ireland I can certainly overthink the opportunity to go there and try to find a (air)company that would support me in promoting Iceland.
Regards, Ramon.

Name: Björk
City, Country: Reykjavík, Iceland
Sent: 3.16 PM - 8/25 2001

Hi :)
just wanted to know if you had thought about coming to Iceland.... I was thinking about inviting you but then I realised you probably wouldn´t come here anyways... it´s a bit far away from everything and you seem to be going the other direction as well...

keep up the good work

Name: Bjørnar
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 1.26 PM - 8/25 2001

Ramon has now left the building, and is off to the next host.

I wish Ramon good luck with the rest of his journey, you guys out there must just let the word spread, so the invitations increase!

PS! To Van from Guangzhou - great city, I was there in january this year, loved it :-)


Name: Van
City, Country: Guangzhou, China
Sent: 8.43 AM - 8/25 2001

China welome you!

Name: Mike
City, Country: Florida, USA
Sent: 3.05 AM - 8/25 2001

I hope you get this ok because my ISP has been known to eat email. I live in the US and I read about you in and I started reading your journal and I am hooked! I just can't stop reading!

I used to travel a lot by hitching and staying at stranger's houses so I know what it feels like. Those where some of my best memories. Enjoy your time, and live it to the max!

PS... watch out for all of the alcohol, as it will eventually start to pull you down.

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 1.30 AM - 8/25 2001

Hi Ramon
Just caught up with your latest reports as I have been away for a few days. I hope you will soon get sponsorship for a new digital camera and mobile phone as it might be impossible for you to illustrate your reports and to contact your future hosts. Good luck with that! It would appear that your hosts think that you like pasta as you seem to get it most evenings for your meal! You must have had a huge variety of pasta dishes, which was your best/worst? You don't appear to have had another Cottage Pie like I made for you when you were here Ramon!

Happy travelling, bye for now.

Keep up the

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Sent: 9.43 PM - 8/24 2001

Amount of members of the mailinglist:

who sets the standard?

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Sent: 9.38 PM - 8/24 2001

Number of invitations at this moment:

Norway: 43, but few in the north
Sweden: 4
Finland: 4
Denmark: 83
Russian Federation: 2

Would I make it to St.Petersburg or Moscow?

Name: Preston
City, Country: Hood County, Texas, USA
Sent: 9.31 PM - 8/24 2001

Wired opened some doors with its negativity! I bet you get over here. Odds are in your favor. Enjoy Scandinavia while you can. You know that Finland leads to Russia! I am writing my e-pal in St. Petersburg!

All the best.


Name: kristina
City, Country: Norway
Sent: 9.16 PM - 8/24 2001

Hi Ramon! Have you had many invitations in norway after being in Dagbladet? Any in sweden, yet?

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 7.28 PM - 8/24 2001


Looks like CNN and did a great job of getting the word out about you. Lot's of new people on the message board. Any new news about your sponsorship problems? Please keep us informed, and any thing we can do as a "whole" to help. Keep on Truckin'.

Sent: 2.00 PM - 8/24 2001


What do you call intelligent men in the USA?


Name: Backup team Netherlands
Sent: 12.30 PM - 8/24 2001


Please understand that is a reason for the website being very slow at busy times.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 12.15 PM - 8/24 2001

Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet:

"Reise-Ramon på nett"

Great pictures!

Name: Maria
City, Country: Blankenberge, Belgium/Finland
Sent: 8.23 AM - 8/24 2001

Heippa Mark from Finland! When I wrote to the messageboard the last time (18 July) there had so far been 3 invitations from Finland, one of which is from my friend Miika. Perhaps there are already more by now?

Has the Finnish media already discovered Ramon?
I have tried to contact newspapers (HS, IS) and radiostations (Radiomafia, Radio x3m etc) over there. The eveningpaper IS (Ilta-Sanomat) let me know they would report about Ramon - but I have no idea if they ever did. Please try to help Ramon getting publicity in Finland. I think it's a matter of now or never if we want him to visit our beautiful & special country.

And I think it's amazing that a high-tech country as Finland wouldn't be interested in Ramon's unique internet project.

Ramon, have a super time in Norway! I hope you will make it across the Baltic Sea.
Blankenberge, Belgium

Name: Mark
City, Country: Espoo, Finland
Sent: 7.52 AM - 8/24 2001

Interesting, nobody from Finland has sent you an invitation :) I read about you on WiredNews 'bout half an hour ago. They were telling you have trouble crossing the big ocean. I have a wild idea for you. Look at the world from another viewpoint ;)

Name: John J. Davison
City, Country: Philadelphia PA 19103
Sent: 1.11 AM - 8/24 2001

Philly and I would love to host you dude.. Hope to see you here. Good Luck Man....

Name: Mark
City, Country: California, USA
Sent: 12.19 AM - 8/24 2001

I literally just heard about your adventure for the first time two hours ago. I should be working right now but I can stop reading your reports from the field. Fascinating! It's truly the adventure of a lifetime.

Name: Marie-Ann Collins
City, Country: Dallas, Texas, USA
Sent: 12.09 AM - 8/24 2001

My father told about you at dinner tonight, he had seen a report about your project on Headline News.

I had to see it right away, because it sounded so UNBELIEVABLE. I would never have guessed that something like this would be possible on the world we live in!

Your project is an inspiration for a lot of people and gives us all faith in human kind. I think we here in Dallas, will invite you over, but I saw we are not the only ones. But come visit my high school one time when you are around!

With lots of love,

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver, Colorado
Sent: 11.26 PM - 8/23 2001

Hi, got here from Wired News. Great concept. Gotta come to Denver-Colorado is awesome!

Name: Phil Fortier & Kari Busch
City, Country: Detroit, Michigan USA
Sent: 9.05 PM - 8/23 2001

Hello Ramon:

I just submitted an invitation to you to stay with my friend and I....I travel alot fact I was just in Am'dam, Brussel and Roma...You have a great idea..I wish I had the courage to do it - I am afraid of all the lunatics out there..Be safe! There are many good people in thw world - we all just need to find them...
peace from deeeeetroit aka mooooottter city aka technotown aka mo'town

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 8.28 PM - 8/23 2001

I was just interviewed LIVE on CNN Headline News a few minutes ago, causing a storm of visitors to my website. That's why things can become a little slow around here.

Now going out to the pub with my current host Bjørnar Thomassen. As night is falling in here, I will be writing my latest Oslo-reports tonight!

Thanks for visiting! Don't forget the mailinglist!

Name: Michael Dennis
City, Country: St. George, Canada
Sent: 5.57 PM - 8/23 2001

Hey man just ran across this website recently! I love it! If you need a place to crash and some help with some travel in Canada let me know. I would love to help you out any way that I can

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Sent: 5.09 PM - 8/23 2001

Josh, my provider rejects certain freemails, like hotmail and stuff like that. Try if you are using hotmail.

Name: josh zelman
City, Country: atlanta, ga
Sent: 5.00 PM - 8/23 2001

Calling from a news outlet in the united states and would like to talk with you today. what is your email or how can i contact you? For some reason, I can't send a message by e-mail to you.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Oslo, Norway at this moment
Sent: 4.51 PM - 8/23 2001

Hi Mette,

The pictures of Aalborg day 2 do work at my location here. Probably it is very busy at my website right now, just had another explosion of media attention on today, causing a lot of visitors.

All those people coming from WELCOME! Just do you say on this messageboard.


Name: Mette
City, Country: Denmark
Sent: 4.39 PM - 8/23 2001

Hi Ramon

Sorry for not driving you to Vrå - but my parrents planded to come to my place instead of me driving to meet them... Sow I had to stay home and wait for them to come..

But anyway it was nice meeting you..:-)

Bye the way - the last pictures on "Aalborg day 2" will not open, and I would so much like to see them - Is there anything you can do about it..?? Then I would be very greatfull to you..

Hope you are having a good time in Norway.


Name: John
City, Country: Lund/ Sweden
Sent: 2.41 PM - 8/23 2001

Hi there Ramon!

I just invited you to stay at mine and my girlfriends place in Lund sweden. Would be fun i you'd come by, but I'm sorry to say, we do not have internet at home. But that is perhaps not a problem since there seems to be very few invitations from sweden, so if theres are no other places else to stay I mght do ;)

Se you soon!

Name: steve rooney
City, Country: girvan sw scotland
Sent: 12.49 PM - 8/23 2001

great site i will watch with interest

i hoped u liked scotland
did you meet any midges :-)

Name: Steven
City, Country: Brussels, Belgium
Sent: 11.41 AM - 8/23 2001

Hey Ramon, your on again, this will be a step up again! Keep it up! Greetz, Steven.,1284,46155,00.html

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 10.51 PM - 8/22 2001

Just added more pictures on August 17th report and published all pictures with the already published August 18th report (Aalborg, Denmark).

Latest reports of my 14 hours boattrip to Norway and my first stays in Oslo will be published tomorrow.



Name: Rafello
City, Country: Florence, Italia!!!
Sent: 10.43 PM - 8/22 2001

Hey Ramon, those ladies here were after that guy Lars in Copenhagen. Now it's our turn. please let me know if Mette from Aalborg is single again!

Name: Sonja
City, Country: Deutschland/Germany
Sent: 10.41 PM - 8/22 2001

I just love your pictures. I would really miss them if you would love your camera from your sponsor as stated below in this messageboard. Is there no other sponsor interested in helping you out!?

Great going you do, guy!

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 9.11 PM - 8/22 2001

To answer Anke's question two postings below here:

"I thought you would only stay with people who have internet at home?"
That's true, but some people invite me at their work and when I come I can't update the website at their home. I can make a big problem of that or just enjoy the time and be thankful that they opened their door to me.

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle, Ground Zero
Sent: 4.14 PM - 8/22 2001

Hi Ramon!

Arend and Gerben just walked in to say hi to you! All going on the intro. I'll mail you when the whole freaking lot ends up in Zwolle again exhausted as hell...


Name: anke
City, Country: netherlands
Sent: 1.25 PM - 8/22 2001

I thought you would only stay with people who have internet at home?

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 1.15 PM - 8/22 2001

Hello you all! Here a quick posting from Oslo!

Lise & Mischa, I totally fail in exercising everyday, but I try to keep up. I don`t think I will get fat, cause walking in big city makes me sweat a lot and the energy comes from the food in my belly.

I hope to finish the Copenhagen reports soon, but this week I`ve been staying with people who have no computer/internet or floppy disk drive (mostly IMac), so you have to bare with me for a while.

Hopefully I can do some major updates on coming Thursday, as my host for that day will let me work on his computer at his office all afternoon.

With regards and until Thursday!


Name: Lise & Mischa
City, Country: Copenhagen, Denmark
Sent: 12.59 PM - 8/22 2001

Jan van der Wiel,

If we are right Ramon is doing his excercises (we learnt him) after dinner, so he don't get too fat.

p.s When are you finishing the reports from Copenhagen?

Name: Jan van der Wiel
City, Country: Aalsmeer, Holland
Sent: 7.37 AM - 8/22 2001


Aren't you growing very much (in weight) because of all the special food people make for you every day?

Nice to follow your story every day!

Good Luck

Name: Tørmas
City, Country: Bergen, Norway
Sent: 5.03 PM - 8/21 2001

Just heard you on P4 here in Norway! Just invited you to stay at my place. You sound like a great guy and I am curious to all your stories!

Regardes, Tørmas.

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