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Name: Angela Oliphant
City, Country: Brisbane
Sent: 1.09 AM - 3/11 2002

Hey there Ramon, we are looking forward to you making your trip up to sunny Brisbane, there are great places to see including the Croc Hunter.... Be sure to stop in for a drink or to...

Cheers (mate) Angie :)

Name: Sylvia (past host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 6.57 PM - 3/9 2002

Hi Ramon
It is great to be able to check out your daily reports and brilliant pictures once again as we follow your journey down under! Have lots of fun.

Sylvia and Family xx

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 3.14 AM - 3/9 2002

Gosh Ramon, welcome back. It was great reading your recent posts and seeing the photos you take again. Once again, I am hooked and will be checking daily, to travel with you. :-) We've missed you, but understand the much needed break you took. When I travel for just a few weeks at a time I am anxious to get home. I can only imagine how hard this is for you at times, as well as being exciting and enjoyable and educational.

Take care, and best of luck in Australia. It was wonderful that you had the opportunity to experience Hong Kong if only for an afternoon. Loved the photos! Even the ones on the plane! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks again for all you do. You are remarkable!


Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 2.16 AM - 3/9 2002

Hi Ramon,

Great to see you are off on your travels again. Best of luck.

I have a question about the message board sorting. I can't remember how it was before, I have not checked since you went on vacation. It seems it would be easier if the messages were in chronological order, versus most recent first. It makes one have to read from bottom to top, scrolling up instead of the "natural" scrolling down, reading down.

Just a thought, it seems the most recent should be at the bottom of the lists, and on the last page. :-) It's hard reading backwards. Is there an option to sort chronological versus reverse chronological?

Thanks, and Have fun, good luck,


Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.04 PM - 3/8 2002

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Ramons Back!

Looking forward to all the reports.

Ramon, I still think it would be cool if you had Gerben write a report every now and then. Call it something like "Meanwhile, back at the ranch" by Gerben. Just a thought. Good to see you back. Happy Trails.

Name: Sue
City, Country: California
Sent: 9.19 PM - 3/8 2002

"Off and running"!!! It feels wonderful to be "traveling" again--thanks to Let Me Stay For A Day! I have even more admiration for you now, because you took the time to renew your friendships, and to strengthen your love ties with Irena! A real man listens to his heart and learns how to balance his life with love, friendships, and adventure! Please take as many "vacations" as you need and we'll follow you to the ends of the earth! Many hearts travel with you!

Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, Netherlands
Sent: 12.28 PM - 3/8 2002

Great reports and pictures, like always!

Did Telstra become a sponsor allready? :-)
I was wondering; since there are a lot of Dutch people or people with Dutch blood Down Under, did you get invitations by them?

Cheers and happy travels.

Name: me
Sent: 12.00 PM - 3/8 2002

Hope you meet the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin!

He was in the States a few days ago.

Haha, guess who is back in Australia this week... Contacts are being made!

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 12.15 AM - 3/8 2002

sorry, I forgot: just for curiosity, how did you feel being "on the road" again after some months?

best wishes, donatella

It feels strange. Suddenly I walked unexpectedly in Hong Kong City and even more suddenly for my body conditions I was in Sydney. And with the media hunting me the first week here, it feels I haven't really started yet...

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 12.10 AM - 3/8 2002

hello ramon, I haven't been lookin' at your website for such a long last now I'm not that busy at university so I've taken a glance at the latest messageboard. so now it's up to australia? I wish you a good stay there and.. be careful: don't forget the laptop nor the mobile phone..

ciao, donatella

Name: Inez
City, Country: Leiden, the Netherlands
Sent: 1.37 PM - 3/7 2002

Hi Ramon

I can't wait to read and see your reports about your ozzie adventure! And I hope you didn't cause my lovely friend the shock of her life showing up at her doorstep armed by camera's! But knowing her she coped perfectly with that.
Strange thing eh, that internet is so expensive in Oz? I mean, it's not exactly a third world country???
You should go to the hospital library, it's for free there.

Unfortunately public internet is mostly outdated and locked up - as anywhere I think. A library mostly offers internet only, no word-processing or floppy-disk drive possibillity... I am just waiting for an answer from Australian's biggest internet company

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.09 AM - 3/7 2002

Hi Gerben

That wine you mentioned, I'll swop. I'll take the French wine, and I'll give you a good bottle of SA wine. What say U?

To all of Ramon's supporters and fans, I hope to see you all back on the messageboard again.


Brian, you know that only you, my friends and me visit this messageboard, haha!

Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, The Netherlands
Sent: 8.15 PM - 3/6 2002

No reports and pictures yet, i gues he's busy with the media like television, radio, newspapers :-) Maybe a little jetlag? :-)

Anyhow, i'll be watching this site the coming months and i'll wish you the best of luck!

Cheers mate!

Hi Martin!It took me quite a while to get from Amsterdam to Australia and I arrived Wednesday morning with an enormous jetlag. Indeed, the television (Channel 9) was following me the first days and now I am going for a good days rest.
The reports are written and the photos ready, but one fun thing: Australians know NO FREE INTERNET PROVIDERS. They have to pay for their account, pay per minute and even for the ammount of space they up- or download!
Strange country, but I am sure I'll get my stuff online soon. . .

Name: Janske
City, Country: Bergeijk, Netherlands
Sent: 6.38 PM - 3/6 2002

So he's gone... Some people thought it would never happen others will miss him... Fact is that a remarkable person has left and I don't have any doubts that he'll return... We'll follow him on his tour through Australia,wish the Australians a lot of fun (and strength ;) !!) and meet again, sometime, somewhere!

Name: Gerben
City, Country: Netherlands, Zwolle
Sent: 10.27 AM - 3/6 2002

And he's going, going, gone...

He almost forgot his passport. I'll bet you for a good bottle of wine that he'll loose his laptop and mobile somewhere along the way!

Hey Gerben, that bet: is that between you and me or between you and everybody who reads this website? It will cost you quite some bottles of good French wine, my friend ;-)

Name: Fabian
City, Country: Pembroke, Malta
Sent: 1.03 AM - 3/6 2002

Hello Ramon

I just read about your adventure in a magazine and decided to visit your site. It seems imoresive that you have managed to achieve so much in such a short time and at no expense at all. Hope you'll include Malta in your trip.

Name: Juan Carlos
City, Country: Margarita Island, Venezuela
Sent: 8.57 PM - 3/4 2002

I liked your website, Ramon... i think your website can help to me and other persons for to go to other countries. Continue your fantastic advertures...

Juan Carlos from a venezuelan paradise... Margarita Island

Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 3.36 PM - 3/4 2002

Can't wait to check your site again every day for updates on your adventures!

Good luck!!!!

Name: Brian
City, Country: South Africa
Sent: 6.14 AM - 3/4 2002

Bon voyage, Ramon.

I wish you all the best, and may you always remember Irena. Munk, I'm proud that you chose wine from my small part of this huge world. It is indeed the best.

Now the messageboard will be filled with contributions from all your web friends again.

Do what you do best, Ramon, we are all behind you.

hamba kahle


Name: Susan
City, Country: Seattle, WA
Sent: 10.00 PM - 3/3 2002

You are an amazing inspirational person. I am looking forward to your Aussie adventures. Great that you have found Irena to share this experience with.

Take care and have fun down under!

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 8.06 PM - 3/3 2002

It's the evening before the take off of Ramon's second leg of the trip that seems to have gained him a certain Internet fame. Irena's, who you may remember from the Barcelona Christmas report, is on her way to the army barracks in Breda again after she said goodbye to Ramon, who gavce her a boomerang as a symbol he would be back. Gerben is on his way over here from his parents in Nijmegen, where he and Mirjam have had a pleasant and peaceful day. Yes, they indeed fell in love (at last!). We'll have a very nice and probably South African wine tonight and bid him farewell for the next few months. Undoubtedly we'll meet again, proably in a city in Southern Europe again. We'll miss him. And we all wish you take care of him down under! He deserves it...

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver, USA
Sent: 10.13 AM - 3/3 2002

Hi!! Good luck in Oz, I think you will love the people and be close to FIJI!!!!!


Name: Sharlini
City, Country: Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Sent: 9.54 AM - 3/1 2002

Hi Ramon,

This is my third posting attempt. For some strange reason, while typing out my post using Opera, the message board disappears and I go back to your main page. Anyway, I'm back with IE. Great that you're off to Australia in a few days! I guess this means that I don't have to wait years before you reach this part of the world. =) Have a safe, comfortable trip (don't forget to take long walks on the plane to avoid DVT) and hope to hear about your adventures again!

Donatella, here's a belated 'buon compleanno!' to you. You share your birthday with my brother. =)

Oh, and does anybody know how long you have to roast cocoa seeds to make chocolate? Thanks!


p/s: I noticed IE trying to go back to your main page too....hit the Stop button at the right time. Perhaps that's why there hasn't been many posters in the past few days?

Hi Sharlini, thanks for your writing. The guestbook will stay an external service to my website, say I can't always depend on a great service unless I pay for it ;-)
But I noticed that everything works, of course things can be different any time. But that's life all about...

Name: Sylvia (past host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 10.17 PM - 2/26 2002

Hi Ramon
Just to wish you all the best for your trip down under. I am looking forward to checking out your daily reports once more. Love to you and Irena.

Lots of love
Sylvia and Family xxx

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 8.23 PM - 2/26 2002

Looking forward to your down under journey. Happy Trails.

Name: Arnoud
City, Country: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sent: 6.44 PM - 2/26 2002

Have a very nice and safe trip, Ramon! I'll be watching you ;-)

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.31 AM - 2/25 2002

Hi Donatella

Just a short note to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day, and everything happens as you want it to happen.


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.29 AM - 2/25 2002

Hi Ramon

I am looking forward to seeing your reports from 04 March to see what transpires with you in Oz. It should be interesting.

Watching with eager antici......PAtion.

Hamba kahle


Name: Rita
City, Country: Den Haag- Nederland
Sent: 4.23 PM - 2/22 2002

Dear Ramon-Fantastic that you and Irena are lovers I hope you will be together for ever ! Do not let her go , so keep in touch with her when you are on the move .

I wish you both lot's of luck !

Name: Simon Darling
City, Country: London, United Kingdom
Sent: 3.10 PM - 2/22 2002

Ramon, i hope you realise you are a revolution and inspiration for millions of your generation.

i LOVE the concept of reaching out to the world and letting it come back with generosity.

You write wonderfully empathetically. You will inspire many many with a book when you're ready.

Name: Petra Sabjan
City, Country: Velika Gorica, Croatia
Sent: 1.26 PM - 2/22 2002

I just wanted to wish you a safe trip to Australia.

Enjoy yourself and have a great time.
And take care, off course.

Name: donatella
City, Country: milano, italy
Sent: 8.03 PM - 2/21 2002

hello ramon! it's great to read that you got reloaded and you' re starting a new adventure. in a certain way, you're starting it on the 25th, the day of my birthday.. it's senseless, but I wish it could bring you further luck, if possible! now I go back to my book ("diritto penitenziario".. it sounds like "the law in italian jails"..). enjoy your days at home before leaving!! I'm looking forward to read some news about your "odissea".

my best wishes,
ciao, donatella

Name: Connie
City, Country: USA
Sent: 2.52 AM - 2/20 2002

So happy to hear you will be traveling again. Australia is an excellent choice. Wonderful country and people. I'm sure you will had loads of hosts. Looking forward to your reports and pictures. Wishing you all the best and be safe. Peace.

Name: Coralie
City, Country: England
Sent: 8.46 PM - 2/14 2002

Hi Ramon
wowow Australia !! my Dave lived in Perth before he met me all those many moons ago .....I really look forward to seeing where you are going .....what great memoirs for your book/film!

take we have a new grandson now ...named Bradley ......3 weeks old !

Name: Annemarie
City, Country: zwolle, The Netherlands
Sent: 11.54 AM - 2/14 2002

Hey ramon

Finally going to OZ!! Great to hear that, I'll be leaving to go too but not until the second of august. I'll send you some more places to stay at in south australia though!
Hope to talk to you before you leave!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.41 AM - 2/14 2002

Hi Ramon

It's really great to hear that you are going to move again. Excellent news indeed. I hope the Oz folk are going to be as hospitable as the South Africans were. And, when they try to get you to support them in rugby, cricket, or anything else, please remember that SA is the only country to support. And the Stormers is the Super 12 team! :-)

Keep strong, Ramon, and don't let the likes of Deidre in Ireland get to you. People that talk like that are possibly jealous that they didn't think of the idea before you did.

You are laerning about life in a way that most of us have no clue about. We just plod along, and you are making the most of it.

Keep strong, and always remember Irena, she seems to be your soulmate. I truly hope that your romance lives long, you deserve a lady like Irena.

To quote John Lennon (I hope I get this right!), "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.". So long you actually do something, and don't just plan to do it, you are living. I wonder if Deidre understands this...

Keep strong, Ramon, and your loyal fans will keep supporting you.

Hamba kahle


Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 7.21 PM - 2/12 2002

Hi RS, glad you're still going to continue, but whatever you decide, it'll be the right choice. It's your life, your project and you're the one who decides if it continues or not. TV shows can go off the air, but you always have the memories and fantastic reruns. PS, yes, the site looks great!

Name: abass diop
City, Country: Dakar
Sent: 2.19 PM - 2/12 2002

I hold you in high esteem and I appreciate the way you move on.I suggest you to keep on organizing your projects and I hope your desires to be realized.Everything will be all right just be courageous!

Name: Michel
City, Country: Quebec
Sent: 8.04 PM - 2/11 2002

A small note. Your idea is equivalent to the Pet Rock, several years ago. Someone made millions selling rocks. Gloriously simple and highly effective, Brilliant. Congratulations.

Name: Acadia
City, Country: maine, USA
Sent: 1.45 AM - 2/11 2002

Wow, Deirdre, pretty harsh.

Who said Ramon gave up his journey? All indications thus far have pointed toward a restart of his travelling fairly soon. I'm sure the whole thing did not quite go as Ramon and his team thought it would and they are spending time rethinking some aspects of the project. (a bit of speculation there) If his log kept you interested, then how could it have possibly been a waste of time?

If for any reason Ramon does not go back on the road, then I still thank him for sharing his wonderful experiences on the web site.

History continues: I just don't seem to be able to go along with the Irish... HAHA!

But, thanks, Acadia, you are writing the right thing. Maybe Deidre is also one of those who complain at the TV-stations when her much loved TV-show is off-air for a season. She'll be telling all those TV-producers to GROW UP, because it isn't fair.

And, fortunately I still have a life next to traveling around through this website. And I just don't feel like writing about it that much - at the moment.

But things are progressing. My backup team and me are working on different plans so I can hit the road again. But this time a bit better.

Professional surfers may notice some changes in the website lately (everything is in PHP) and there will be some more to come.

Become a member of the mailinglist to stay up to date with the latest information, because I feel there is a mailing coming up very soon...

Name: Deirdre
City, Country: Ireland
Sent: 12.48 PM - 2/10 2002

RamonYou lasted 8 months, had an easy ride satying in hotels and such. Now you give up so easily, call yourself a backpacker. I am so sorry i followed your trip , it has wasted so much of my time and energy. You said you were going to travel for 4 years. Wake up and smell the coffee, get a job like the rest of us and GROW UP!!

Name: Andy White
City, Country: Bournemouth, England
Sent: 8.22 PM - 2/8 2002

Missing reading of your adventures. But remember that in life many things catch the eye and few things catch the heart. Follow your heart and if Irena fills your heart with joy then make the time for her as it will be worth it! Looking forward to reading more of your reports soon!

Take care,

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