Nasa expendable launch vehicle payload safety requirements: requirements table

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Smoking Areas


5.5.1. The payload project shall observe and use applicable industry standards for smoking areas. No smoking signs shall be posted as directed by the local safety authority or Fire Department.


Selection of designated smoking areas, their ash receptacles, and ventilation systems is subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department. No smoking and smoking areas in the complex should be clearly designated by lines painted on the concrete or asphalt surfaces and appropriately marked by signs.


5.5.2. Designated Non-Smoking Areas. Smoking is prohibited at all times and flame-producing devices shall be prohibited within the following areas:

C Within 100 feet of any propellant storage tank.

C On gantries or service towers.

C Within 100 feet of the test stand while propellants are being transferred or during the time propellants are aboard the launch vehicle and/or payload.

C In the vicinity of the launch vehicle and/or payload during and after ordnance installation.

C In missile impact areas where radioactive contamination, ordnance, or fuels are present.

C In any area displaying NO SMOKING signs.

C In all propellant operating and storage areas except in specifically designated smoking areas.


Operating Restrictions Due to Adverse Weather


5.6.1. General. Local adverse weather requirements for NASA, NASA contractors, Air Force Range Safety, and other facilities where payload project operations take place shall be adhered to and specified in the OSP. The payload project shall comply with OSP. Adverse weather conditions include but are not limited to lightning and thunderstorms, hurricanes, and high wind conditions.


5.6.2. ER Lightning Hazard Watches and Hazard Warnings

I Operations that will be allowed during lightning watches and warnings shall be coordinated, reviewed, and approved by 45 SW/SEA and documented in the specific OSP.

C Phase I Lightning Watch. For the five nautical miles lightning watch (Forecast for lightning within five nautical miles of centroid of a specific lightning alert area, [Space Launch Complex (SLC) and/or facility], expected within some time, usually 30 minutes), the following actions shall be taken:

I SCAPE operations, propellant tanking and detanking, hoisting hazardous materials or 1.1 to 1.4 class ordnance, and other hazardous operations that take 30 minutes or longer to secure shall not be started.

C If an operation is in progress, personnel shall begin safing the system so as to have the area secured and evacuated, if required, before the forecasted five nautical miles lightning warning start time.

C Phase II Lightning Warning. For the lightning warning, lightning is imminent or occurring within the five nautical mile boundary of a centroid of a specific lightning alert area (SLC and/or facility), the following actions shall be taken:

C All operations shall cease unless they are performed remotely and have been approved by either Range Safety or are authorized in the specific OSP.

C If the Phase I lightning watch has not been previously announced or the five nautical mile lightning warning start time is earlier than forecast, the operation shall be terminated at the safest step and the area secured and evacuated in accordance with the specific OSP.

C Due to the differences between launch vehicle configurations and SLCs, evacuation requirements shall be specified in each specific OSP. In general, the complex shall be cleared before the 5 nautical mile lightning warning start time whenever a launch vehicle with payload, propellants, solid rocket motors, or Class 1.1 to 1.4 ordnance is present or EEDs are electrically connected.

I Additional information regarding lightning hazard watches and warnings may be found in the 45 SW OPLAN 15-1, Weather Operations Plan.


5.6.3. WR Lightning/Thunderstorm Watches and Warnings. The 30th Weather Squadron issues two messages related to lightning/thunderstorms: A watch and a warning.

I A Lightning/Thunderstorm Watch is a forecast issued when the potential for lightning/thunderstorms is expected to occur within ten nautical miles of any location on VAFB. The desired lead time for this watch is two hours. The watch is forecast for a period of time (valid time) that lightning/ thunderstorms are expected to be within ten nautical miles.

I A Lightning/Thunderstorm Warning is issued when lightning is observed within 10 nautical miles of VAFB.

I Meteorological and weather warning notification procedures are provided in 30 SWI 15-101, Weather Support.

I Upon issuance of the Lightning/Thunderstorm Watch, all operations involving propellant or ordnance activities shall be completed before the start of the Lightning/Thunderstorm Watch “valid time.” All propellant or ordnance activities not completed before the watch “valid time,” may continue if the facility has a certified lightning protection system and the organization’s commander grants approval to continue. All other non-propellant or non-ordnance activities may continue in the facility during the Lightning/Thunderstorm Watch.

C Upon issuance of the Lightning/Thunderstorm Warning, a space launch complex, explosive/missile processing facility, launch facility, storage facility, or any other hazardous operating location that has a certified lightning protection system does not require evacuation; and all non-propellant or non-ordnance activities may continue in the facility during the Lightning/Thunderstorm Warning.

Exception: If either of the following conditions apply, all personnel shall evacuate to at least the public transportation route (PTR) distance regardless of the lightning protection system: Condition 1: There is exposed solid propellant. Condition 2: There is an explosive initiation device that cannot be placed in a safe configuration.


The intent of and is to allow all non-ordnance and non-propellant activities to continue in facilities with certified lightning protection systems during a Lightning/ Thunderstorm Watch or Warning. A ”certified” lightning protection system is inspected and maintained in accordance with AFI 32-1605 or National Fire Protection Association Standard 780. These are the minimum lightning protection requirements imposed by 30 SW Safety. Payload projects may be more conservative at their own discretion.

I Upon issuance of the Lightning/Thunderstorm Warning, any operation involving propellant or ordnance activities in a space launch complex, explosive/missile processing facility, launch facility, storage facility, or any other hazardous operating location that does not have a certified lightning protection system shall evacuate to at least the PTR distance.

C If a Lightning/Thunderstorm Watch or Warning has not been previously issued or the Lightning/Thunderstorm Watch or Warning “valid time” is earlier than forecast, the propellant or ordnance activities shall be terminated at the safest point and the area secured.

C Lightning/Thunderstorm Watch and Warning notifications and payload project action requirements for propellant or ordnance activities apply to both day-to-day and day-of-launch operations.

I Range Users working an approved operation involving propellant or ordnance activities during a Lightning/ Thunderstorm Watch can call 30 WS (x6-8022) to get an update of the status of the watch. To ensure the consistent and accurate relay of information, payload projects should designate a single point of contact to make these calls, preferably the individual in charge of the operation.


Examples of approved activities are installation of electrical cables, mechanical components, flight hardware, stud standoff, and wing installation. Examples of unapproved activities are handling of rocket motors or launch vehicles by lifting, mating, or roll transfer; fuel transfer and pressurization; and ordnance installation and connection.


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