National Forests in Florida Final Report

Longleaf Pine / Running Oak / Southern Wiregrass Woodland

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Longleaf Pine / Running Oak / Southern Wiregrass Woodland

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Pinus palustris / Quercus pumila / Aristida beyrichiana Woodland

Database Code: CEGL007749

Formation: Rounded-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland


Element Concept

Summary: This association is an upland longleaf pine community occurring in the East Gulf Coastal Plain on well-drained sandy soils with clay layers in the B horizon. The canopy is dominated by Pinus palustris. The subcanopy consists of an occasional Quercus falcata. Shrubs include Quercus pumila (dominant at 25-35% cover), Quercus falcata, Castanea pumila, Vaccinium myrsinites, Ilex glabra, Morella cerifera (= Myrica cerifera), Gaylussacia dumosa (= var. dumosa), Vaccinium tenellum, Vaccinium stamineum, Toxicodendron pubescens, and Rhus copallinum. Herbs include Aristida beyrichiana, Schizachyrium tenerum, Pteridium aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum, Tephrosia virginiana, Sorghastrum secundum, Andropogon spp., Dyschoriste oblongifolia, Angelica dentata, Sericocarpus tortifolius (= Aster tortifolius), Symphyotrichum concolor (= Aster concolor), Symphyotrichum adnatum (= Aster adnatus), Helianthus radula, Pityopsis graminifolia, Mimosa microphylla (= Mimosa quadrivalvis var. angustata), Baptisia lanceolata, Stylosanthes biflora, Rhynchosia reniformis, and Scleria ciliata.

Environment: See Summary

Vegetation: See Summary

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations: No information

Synonymy: No information

Comments: Described from Colquitt and Worth counties, Georgia (A. McGee pers. comm.).

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G2G3 (98-12-14): This type is described from Colquitt and Worth counties, Georgia. Like most longleaf pine communities, this type is seriously imperiled because of past and present conversion to other land uses, and exclusion of fire, a critical natural process for maintenance of this community.

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution


States: FL? GA

Crosswalk to State Classifications: Not yet cross-referenced to state classifications

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Bh:CCC

Federal Lands: USFS (Apalachicola?)

Element Sources

References: McGee pers. comm.

Longleaf Savannas and Flatwoods

(Longleaf Pine, Slash Pine) / (Sand Live Oak) / Saw Palmetto / Southern Wiregrass Woodland

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Pinus (palustris, elliottii var. elliottii) / (Quercus geminata) / Serenoa repens / Aristida beyrichiana Woodland

Database Code: CEGL007714

Formation: Rounded-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland


Element Concept

Summary: This is a common type of 'scrubby flatwoods' of the Florida Panhandle. Beneath an open canopy of Pinus palustris (and/or possibly Pinus elliottii) is a shrubby understory typically dominated by some combination of Quercus geminata and/or Quercus myrtifolia. Serenoa repens is also a typical component. Other shrubs which may be present include Licania michauxii, Quercus pumila, Ilex glabra, Ilex coriacea, Quercus minima, Gaylussacia dumosa (= var. dumosa), Kalmia hirsuta, Lyonia lucida, Polygonella polygama, and Lyonia ferruginea. Near-coastal Panhandle Florida examples may contain Conradina canescens. Krameria lanceolata is also present. Aristida beyrichiana is common; other herbs may include Aristida spiciformis, Seymeria cassioides, and Carphephorus odoratissimus. This vegetation typically occupies a transition between scrub and mesic flatwoods, and may contain species characteristic of either one of these.

Environment: See Summary

Vegetation: The open canopy is dominated by Pinus palustris, possibly with or replaced by Pinus elliottii. Beneath this is a shrubby understory typically dominated by some combination of Quercus geminata and/or Quercus myrtifolia. Serenoa repens is also a typical component. Other shrubs which may be present include Licania michauxii, Quercus pumila, Ilex glabra, Ilex coriacea, Quercus minima, Gaylussacia dumosa (= var. dumosa), Kalmia hirsuta, Lyonia lucida, Polygonella polygama, and Lyonia ferruginea. Near-coastal Panhandle Florida examples may contain Conradina canescens. Krameria lanceolata is also present. Aristida beyrichiana is common; other herbs may include Aristida spiciformis, Seymeria cassioides, and Carphephorus odoratissimus.

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations:

  • Pinus clausa / Quercus myrtifolia - Quercus geminata Woodland (CEGL003556)


  • Longleaf Pine-Sand Live Oak-Scrub Sage Plant Association (Kindell et al. 1997)

Comments: The lower strata of this association bear some similarity to Pinus clausa / Quercus myrtifolia - Quercus geminata Woodland (CEGL003556), but it is more mesic and is dominated by Pinus palustris rather than Pinus clausa. A possible variant of this type has Pinus elliottii at least codominant in the open canopy, and Lyonia ferruginea codominant in the shrub layer along with Ilex glabra, Ilex coriacea, and/or Serenoa repens (Slash Pine - Rusty Lyonia Plant Association of Kindell et al. 1997). More information is needed to determine if this represents a distinct association.

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G3? (98-12-14): Like most longleaf pine communities, this type is seriously imperiled because of past and present conversion to other land uses, and exclusion of fire, a critical natural process for maintenance of this community. This type has been less altered than more fertile longleaf pine types.

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution

Range: This association is found in the East Gulf Coastal Plain and adjacent South Atlantic Coastal Plain of Florida.

States: FL

Crosswalk to State Classifications:

  • FL: Scrubby Flatwoods, in part (FL 1992)

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C, 56:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Dc:CCC

Federal Lands: DOD (Eglin); USFS (Osceola); USFWS (Bon Secour)

Element Sources

References: FNAI 1992a, FNAI 1992b, Kindell et al. 1997

Longleaf Savannas and Flatwoods

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