National Forests in Florida Final Report

Longleaf Pine - Slash Pine / Toothache Grass - Southern Wiregrass - (Florida Dropseed) Woodland

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Longleaf Pine - Slash Pine / Toothache Grass - Southern Wiregrass - (Florida Dropseed) Woodland

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Pinus palustris - Pinus elliottii var. elliottii / Ctenium aromaticum - Aristida beyrichiana - (Sporobolus floridanus) Woodland

Database Code: CEGL004790

Formation: Saturated temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland


Element Concept

Summary: This community occupies wet flats; this includes flatwoods of the South Atlantic Coastal Plain. Stands are dominated by Pinus palustris and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. Other characteristic species include Eriocaulon decangulare, Eriocaulon compressum, Lachnocaulon anceps, Ilex glabra, Rhexia alifanus, Sarracenia minor, Lyonia mariana, Serenoa repens, and Xyris caroliniana.

Environment: See Summary

Vegetation: Stands are dominated by Pinus palustris and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. Other characteristic species include Eriocaulon decangulare, Eriocaulon compressum, Lachnocaulon anceps, Ilex glabra, Rhexia alifanus, Sarracenia minor, Lyonia mariana, Serenoa repens, and Xyris caroliniana.

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations:

  • Pinus palustris - Pinus elliottii var. elliottii / Styrax americanus / Sporobolus floridanus Woodland (CEGL004497)--of the Atlantic Coastal Plain from South Carolina and Georgia seems to have conceptual overlap?

  • Pinus elliottii var. elliottii - (Pinus serotina) / Aristida beyrichiana - Rhynchospora oligantha - Sarracenia (flava, minor, psittacina) Woodland (CEGL003673)--an even wetter type.

  • Pinus palustris - (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii) / Ctenium aromaticum - Carphephorus pseudoliatris - (Sarracenia alata) Woodland (CEGL003645)--restricted to the East Gulf Coastal Plain and ranging farther west.


  • IIB1c. Wet Longleaf Pine - Slash Pine Flatwoods (Allard 1990) B. in part

Comments: This association is related to, but less wet than, Pinus elliottii var. elliottii - (Pinus serotina) / Aristida beyrichiana - Rhynchospora oligantha - Sarracenia (flava, minor, psittacina) Woodland (CEGL003673). For related vegetation of the East Gulf Coastal Plain, see Pinus palustris - (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii) / Ctenium aromaticum - Carphephorus pseudoliatris - (Sarracenia alata) Woodland (CEGL003645).

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G1G2 (97-10-10): This saturated longleaf pine - slash pine woodland association is found only in a restricted range and under a specific set of habitat conditions. It occupies wet flats and is restricted in distribution to Florida, Georgia, and possibly South Carolina, within the range of Aristida beyrichiana. It is part of the endangered Longleaf Pine Ecosystem, which once dominated the Coastal Plain landscape of the southeastern United States, and depends on frequent, low-intensity, growing-season fires to control understory vegetation and for the reproduction of Pinus palustris. Saturated pine woodlands are susceptible to the effects of fire suppression, over-grazing, hydrologic alteration, or conversion to commercial forest plantations or agriculture. Remaining examples are highly threatened by development, conversion, and alteration of fire regimes. Most of those occurrences which have not been destroyed are severely degraded.

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution

Range: This association is restricted in distribution to Florida, Georgia, and possibly South Carolina.

States: FL GA SC?

Crosswalk to State Classifications: Not yet cross-referenced to state classifications

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C, 56:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Br:CCC

Federal Lands: DOD (Fort Stewart); USFS (Apalachicola)

Element Sources

References: Allard 1990

Longleaf Savannas and Flatwoods

Longleaf Pine - Pond Pine / Little Gallberry - Shining Fetterbush - (Saw Palmetto) Woodland

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Pinus palustris - Pinus serotina / Ilex glabra - Lyonia lucida - (Serenoa repens) Woodland

Database Code: CEGL004791

Formation: Saturated temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland


Element Concept

Summary: This saturated longleaf pine - pond pine woodland community occurs in the South Atlantic Coastal Plain of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, and the East Gulf Coastal Plain in Florida. Stands are dominated by Pinus palustris and Pinus serotina. In central Florida, Pinus elliottii can be codominant with Pinus serotina. Serenoa repens is also important in central Florida. The shrub layer is characterized by the presence or partial dominance of Ilex glabra and Lyonia lucida. Other characteristic species are Morella cerifera (= Myrica cerifera), Morella caroliniensis (= Myrica heterophylla), Persea palustris, Magnolia virginiana, Ilex coriacea, Serenoa repens (in southern portions), and Gordonia lasianthus. This community occurs in organic soils on interstream flats.

Environment: This saturated longleaf pine - pond pine woodland community occurs in organic soils on interstream flats.

Vegetation: Stands are dominated by Pinus palustris and Pinus serotina. In central Florida, Pinus elliottii can be codominant with Pinus serotina. Serenoa repens is also important in central Florida. The shrub layer is characterized by the presence or partial dominance of Ilex glabra and Lyonia lucida. Other characteristic species are Morella cerifera (= Myrica cerifera), Morella caroliniensis (= Myrica heterophylla), Persea palustris, Magnolia virginiana, Ilex coriacea, Serenoa repens (in southern portions), and Gordonia lasianthus. Smilax laurifolia is a common vine. Two plots from central Florida (Ocala National Forest) were dominated by sparse Pinus elliottii with Pinus serotina on sites which may have had Pinus palustris in the past. The dominant shrubs were Serenoa repens, Ilex glabra, and Lyonia lucida. Other important shrubs were Quercus pumila, Quercus minima, Befaria racemosa, and Vaccinium myrsinites. Additional shrubs were Lyonia fruticosa, Gaylussacia dumosa, Morella cerifera, Hypericum brachyphyllum, Kalmia hirsuta, Asimina pygmea, and Persea palustris. The herbaceous component was generally patchy to sparse and included Aristida beyrichiana, Aristida spiciformis, Pityopsis graminifolia, Pterocaulon pycnostachyum, Sabatia brevifolia, Galactia elliottii, Lachnocaulon anceps, Xyris caroliniana, Polygala nana, Bulbostylis ciliatifolia, Andropogon spp., and Scleria sp.

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations: No information

Synonymy: No information

Comments: None

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G3G4 (97-10-10): This saturated longleaf pine - pond pine woodland association is restricted both in range and in the substrate on which it occurs. It is limited to organic soils on interstream flats in the Atlantic Coastal Plain from South Carolina to Florida. It is part of the endangered Longleaf Pine Ecosystem, which once dominated the Coastal Plain landscape of the southeastern United States, and depends on frequent to infrequent, variable-intensity, growing-season fires to control understory vegetation and for the reproduction of Pinus palustris and Pinus serotina. Saturated pine woodlands are susceptible to the effects of fire suppression, over-grazing, hydrologic alteration, or conversion to commercial forest plantations or agriculture. Remaining examples are highly threatened by development, conversion, and alteration of fire regimes. Most of those occurrences which have not been destroyed are severely degraded. The codominance of Pinus elliottii may be a result of logging of Pinus palustris and altered fire regimes.

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution

Range: This association ranges from South Carolina to Florida.

States: FL GA SC

Crosswalk to State Classifications:

  • FL: Wet Flatwoods, in part; Baygall, in part (FL 1992)

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C, 55:C, 56:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Bf:CCC, 232Ca:CCC, 232Cb:CCC, 232Dc:CCC

Federal Lands: USFS (Apalachicola, Ocala, Osceola)

Element Sources

References: FNAI 1992a, FNAI 1992b, NatureServe Ecology - Southeast U.S. unpubl. data

Longleaf Savannas and Flatwoods

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