National Sexual Reproductive Policy 2014 2014 National Sexual Reproductive Policy

National Sexual Reproductive Policy

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NSRPolicy 2016
17-02 Bougainville Health Administration Act 2017
National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Department of Health
National Department of Health

June 2014

National Department of Health5
2.4 Principles
The following principles serve as the foundation on which the SRH policy and its programs will be developed and implemented
Human Rights, where all the clients are respected, protected and have right to be healthy.
Equitable access, where every client regardless of social status, cultural background, tribal ethnicity as well as geographical setting and urban or rural livelihood is given the same quality of care.
Community Participation, where men, women and other community members are involved in planning and implementation of the SRH care activities.
Holistic and Integrated approach, where every client is receiving comprehensive care combining provisions of services for female in the continuum of care from pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birth/delivery, and postpartum period, for male along all their sexual lifespan.
Evidence based services, where every client receiving health interventions that are proved to be effective, documented, and nationally and internationally recognized.
Good Governance, where implementations of SRH care programs and activities comply with relevant government processes and legislations.
Transparency, where information on SRH programs and activities are openly shared amongst all relevant stakeholders and partners.
Accountability, where SRH activities are monitored and relevant stakeholders are liable for their implementation results.
Leadership and ownership, where the State takes responsibility for the overall coordination and implementation of SRH care program.
Sustainability, where programs and interventions, after initial support from development partners and other stakeholders, can be successfully continued and maintained with available resources and capacity available in the country.

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