National Sexual Reproductive Policy 2014 2014 National Sexual Reproductive Policy

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NSRPolicy 2016
17-02 Bougainville Health Administration Act 2017

June 2014

National Department of Health15
Ensure a regular coordination (with proper monitoring and evaluation mechanisms)
is established with other Ministries, Professional Organizations, development partners fora consistent implementation of the SRH policy Ensure that all development partners providing SRH services report the collected data to the National Health Information System.
3.4 Resource, staffing and service implications
Issues related to number and to the quality of the human resources for health which are weakening the implementation of the SRH policy have been highlighted in chapter 3. Financial implication of the SRH policy implementation is captured in the NHP 2011-2020 and in the Ministerial Task Force 2009 Report discussion on budget. The human resources component will be further developed in the HR Policy and development plan which is to be submitted to the next SMC meeting. The proper implementation of the SRH policy is related as well to the allocation of the Health functional grant in particular for activities related to MCH outreach, facility operation and medical supply. It has to be underlined that any decrease in fund allocation will have implication in staffing and SRH service provision. Considering the importance of having the SRH strategic plan 2013-2020 costed the exercise has been finalized along with the finalization of the SRH policy by the NDoH Family Health Branch.
6 Chapter Two Policy Context and Directions
Chapter Three Policies and Strategies
Vision 2050, 2009
Policies and Standards
; Health Sector Partnership Policy National Medcine Policy 2014

National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Department of Health
National Department of Health

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